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If I'm understanding this correctly, your asking what egg moves can only be obtained by Breeding with a Smeargle who sketched said move?

2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

(Note: I'll be counting both SM and USUM together. Let me know if you want only SM in the list)

A quick check on bulbapedia pages to see what pages use the mini Smeargle sprite from gen 6-7, combined with my own experience gives us this list:

-First Impression Farfetch'd
-Psychic Fangs Girafarig
-Spotlight Spinda
-Meteor Mash Riolu
-Sacred Sword Oshawott
-Tearful Look Partat
-Psychic Fangs Lillipup
-Tearful Look Dedenne
-Aromatic Mist Popplio
-Twineedle Togedemaru

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Intuitive way to find the answer. Thanks!

I didn't even know Spotlight was a move
0 votes

So this question is a little vauge.
But I know a method on how to teach any move for Smeargle in Generation 7 (I use it myself)
When a Smeargle uses Sketch, It will learn ANY type of move, whether that be exclusive to a certain Pokemon or not. I haven't tested out if you can use a Z-Crystal for that exclusive move it learned though, but probably not.

So basically, you must find a wild Smeargle, and make it call for an ally. I think what would be best is to use an Adrenaline Orb and use false swipe or some other move. However, you must use the Pokemon you want the Smeargle to learn and you want to keep it. So, anyways, when the Smeargle calls for a new Smeargle, you are going to want to use the move you want the other Smeargle to learn on the first Smeargle. That same turn, the ally Smeargle will probably use sketch and copy the move you used on the other original Smeargle. And there you have it, the Smeargle learned it.

Sorry If this doesn't answer the question. I thought it might help.

The question doesn’t ask how to get these egg moves onto a Smeargle, it asks what egg moves can be Sketched onto a Smeargle.
For example, Oshawott can know sacred sword as an egg move. However, nothing else has it as an egg move, and the Pokemon that learn it by level up are all genderless. So Oshawott can know sacred sword ONLY by breeding with Smeargle. The question is asking for a list of these kinds of moves.