Pokémon name origins

Etymology is the study of the origins of words. For example, the etymology of Pokémon is the phrase Pocket Monsters. While some Pokémon names are quite obvious, many have obscure backgrounds. They range from simple animal connections to complex scienctific terms and mythological creatures.

Below is a complete list of the Pokémon names origins we have researched. The list was contributed to by several of our members. If you spot any errors or missing origins, you can let us know in this forum thread.

# Name Origin Meaning
Bulbasaur 0001 Bulbasaur bulb a type of plant
-saur Greek suffix meaning ‘lizard’
Ivysaur 0002 Ivysaur ivy a plant
-saur Greek suffix meaning ‘lizard’
Venusaur 0003 Venusaur venus from Venus Flytrap, a meat-eating plant
-saur Greek suffix meaning ‘lizard’
Charmander 0004 Charmander char to burn or singe
salamander lizard-like amphibian (also a mythical fire-dwelling creature)
Charmeleon 0005 Charmeleon char to burn or singe
chameleon a species of lizard
Charizard 0006 Charizard char to burn or singe
lizard a reptile
Squirtle 0007 Squirtle squirt to shoot water
turtle water-based reptile
Wartortle 0008 Wartortle war epic battle
tortoise large reptile with a protective shell
turtle water-based reptile
Blastoise 0009 Blastoise blast an explosion
tortoise large reptile with a protective shell
Caterpie 0010 Caterpie caterpillar a species of insect
Metapod 0011 Metapod metamorphosis a transformation
pod a cocoon
Butterfree 0012 Butterfree butterfly a species of flying insect
free without limit, now it’s able to fly
Weedle 0013 Weedle worm long, thin invertebrate creature
needle sharp implement
Kakuna 0014 Kakuna cocoon a pupal casing made by some insects
Beedrill 0015 Beedrill bee a species of flying insect
drill pointed tool
Pidgey 0016 Pidgey pigeon a species of bird
Pidgeotto 0017 Pidgeotto pigeon a species of bird
Pidgeot 0018 Pidgeot pigeon a species of bird
Rattata 0019 Rattata rat a rodent mammal
rat-a-tat-tat repeated fast knocking sound
Raticate 0020 Raticate rat a rodent mammal
eradicate to exterminate
Spearow 0021 Spearow spear pointed weapon
sparrow a species of bird
Fearow 0022 Fearow fear to be scared of
sparrow a species of bird
Ekans 0023 Ekans snake a species of reptile; ‘ekans’ spelled backwards is ‘snake’
Arbok 0024 Arbok cobra a species of snake; ‘arbok’ spelled backwards is ‘kobra’
Pikachu 0025 Pikachu pikapika Japanese for a ‘sparkle’ sound
chu Japanese for a ‘squeak’ sound
Raichu 0026 Raichu rai Japanese for ‘thunder’
chu Japanese for ‘squeak’
Sandshrew 0027 Sandshrew sand fine rock debris
shrew a rodent
Sandslash 0028 Sandslash sand fine rock debris
slash to swipe
Nidoran♀ 0029 Nidoran♀ nidoru Japanese for ‘needle’
rhino large African mammal
female symbol
Nidorina 0030 Nidorina nidoru Japanese for ‘needle’
rhino large African mammal
-a female suffix
Nidoqueen 0031 Nidoqueen nidoru Japanese for ‘needle’
queen female royalty
Nidoran♂ 0032 Nidoran♂ nidoru Japanese for ‘needle’
rhino large African mammal
male symbol
Nidorino 0033 Nidorino nidoru Japanese for ‘needle’
rhino large African mammal
-o male suffix
Nidoking 0034 Nidoking nidoru Japanese for ‘needle’
king male royalty
Clefairy 0035 Clefairy clef musical symbol
fairy imp, sprite
Clefable 0036 Clefable clef musical symbol
fable story, fairytale
Vulpix 0037 Vulpix vulpine of or relating to foxes
six its number of tails
Ninetales 0038 Ninetales nine its number of tails
tales corruption of ‘tails’
Jigglypuff 0039 Jigglypuff jiggle to shake
puff inflated, cloud-shaped
Wigglytuff 0040 Wigglytuff wiggle to shake
tough hard, durable
Zubat 0041 Zubat zubatto Japanese for a sound of something being hit
bat cave-dwelling flying mammal
Golbat 0042 Golbat gollop to eat or drink quickly
bat cave-dwelling flying mammal
Oddish 0043 Oddish Odd Strange or weird
radish vegetable
Gloom 0044 Gloom gloom depression
bloom blossoming
Vileplume 0045 Vileplume vile nasty
plume cluster of showy flowers/petals
Paras 0046 Paras parasite insect/bacterium that feeds off another animal
Parasect 0047 Parasect parasite insect/bacterium that feeds off another animal
insect a bug
Venonat 0048 Venonat venom poison
gnat a species of insect
Venomoth 0049 Venomoth venom poison
moth a species of insect
Diglett 0050 Diglett dig remove/excavate earth
-lett suffix meaning ‘small’
Dugtrio 0051 Dugtrio dug removed/excavated earth
trio group of three things
Meowth 0052 Meowth meow the sound a cat makes
Persian 0053 Persian persian a long-haired breed of cat
Psyduck 0054 Psyduck psychic supernatural
duck a species of bird
Golduck 0055 Golduck gold a color (oddly this applies to Psyduck more)
duck a species of bird
Mankey 0056 Mankey monkey a species of primate
manky inferior, worthless
Primeape 0057 Primeape prime superior
primate set of mammals including monkeys, apes, etc
ape a species of primate
Growlithe 0058 Growlithe growl gruff noise made by dogs
lithe gracefully slender
Arcanine 0059 Arcanine arcane ancient, mysterious
canine of or relating to dogs
Poliwag 0060 Poliwag polliwog a tadpole; baby frog/toad
wag tail movement
Poliwhirl 0061 Poliwhirl polliwog a tadpole; baby frog/toad
whirl circular pattern
Poliwrath 0062 Poliwrath polliwog a tadpole; baby frog/toad
wrath anger
Abra 0063 Abra abracadabra magical word, sometimes used with ‘alakazam’
Kadabra 0064 Kadabra abracadabra magical word, sometimes used with ‘alakazam’
Alakazam 0065 Alakazam alakazam magical word, sometimes used with ‘abracadabra’
Machop 0066 Machop macho strong, muscular
chop A karate chop
Machoke 0067 Machoke macho strong, muscular
choke To strangle
Machamp 0068 Machamp macho strong, muscular
champ A winner
Bellsprout 0069 Bellsprout bell ringing device (shape)
sprout grow, bloom
Weepinbell 0070 Weepinbell weeping sad, drooping
bell ringing device (shape)
Victreebel 0071 Victreebel victory a win achieved over someone
tree large plant with a trunk
bell ringing device (shape)
Tentacool 0072 Tentacool tentacle the ‘limb’ of a sea creature
cool low temperature, or impressive
Tentacruel 0073 Tentacruel tentacle the ‘limb’ of a sea creature
cruel mean
Geodude 0074 Geodude geo- of or relating to the Earth
dude person (usually male)
Graveler 0075 Graveler gravel small rocks/pebbles
Golem 0076 Golem golem stone figure from Jewish folklore
Ponyta 0077 Ponyta pony a small horse
ponytail a hairstyle that resembles a pony’s tail
Rapidash 0078 Rapidash rapid fast
ash remains of a fire
dash move quickly
Slowpoke 0079 Slowpoke slow not fast
slowpoke nickname for a slow person
Slowbro 0080 Slowbro slow not fast
bro friend, pal
Magnemite 0081 Magnemite magnet attracting object
mite small thing
Magneton 0082 Magneton magnet attracting object
ton large weight
Farfetch'd 0083 Farfetch'd far-fetched improbable, unlikely
Doduo 0084 Doduo dodo extinct bird
duo group of two
Dodrio 0085 Dodrio dodo extinct bird
trio group of three
Seel 0086 Seel seal aquatic mammal
Dewgong 0087 Dewgong dugong aquatic mammal
dew moisture often found on grass or plants
Grimer 0088 Grimer grime dirt
Muk 0089 Muk muck dirt
Shellder 0090 Shellder shell hard cover
shelter to protect
Cloyster 0091 Cloyster clam marine creature
oyster marine creature
cloister to confine or seclude oneself
Gastly 0092 Gastly gas air-like fluid substance
ghastly horrifying
Haunter 0093 Haunter haunter a person who scares others
Gengar 0094 Gengar doppelgänger a person’s exact double or ‘shadow’
Onix 0095 Onix onyx a type of rock
Drowzee 0096 Drowzee drowsy tired, sleepy
zee the letter ‘z’, often used to denote sleep
Hypno 0097 Hypno hypnosis a trance or sleep
Krabby 0098 Krabby crab marine creature
crabby irritable, bad-tempered
Kingler 0099 Kingler king a species of crab; royalty
fiddler a species of crab
Voltorb 0100 Voltorb volt unit of electricity
orb spherical object
Electrode 0101 Electrode electrode electrical conductor
explode to self-destruct
Exeggcute 0102 Exeggcute egg oval object in which animals develop
execute to exterminate
Exeggutor 0103 Exeggutor egg oval object in which animals develop
executor an exterminator
Cubone 0104 Cubone cub baby animal
bone structure making up a skeleton
Marowak 0105 Marowak marrow material inside bone
whack to hit
Hitmonlee 0106 Hitmonlee hit to strike
mon monster
lee from Bruce Lee, martial arts actor
Hitmonchan 0107 Hitmonchan hit to strike
mon monster
chan from Jackie Chan, martial arts actor
Lickitung 0108 Lickitung lick touch with the tongue
tongue muscle in mouth
Koffing 0109 Koffing coughing expulsion of air from the lungs
Weezing 0110 Weezing wheezing breathing with difficulty
Rhyhorn 0111 Rhyhorn rhino large African mammal
horn the spike on a rhino’s head
Rhydon 0112 Rhydon rhino large African mammal
don of great size/importance; lord or master
Chansey 0113 Chansey chance probability
Tangela 0114 Tangela tangle twisted mesh of strands (e.g. vines)
Kangaskhan 0115 Kangaskhan kangaroo Australian mammal
Genghis Khan Mongolian leader
Horsea 0116 Horsea seahorse marine creature
horsie cutesy slang for ‘horse’
Seadra 0117 Seadra sea large body of water
dragon mythical fire-breathing creature
Goldeen 0118 Goldeen goldfish a species of fish
queen royalty
Seaking 0119 Seaking sea large body of water
king royalty
Staryu 0120 Staryu starfish marine creature
you opposite of me (from Starmie)
Starmie 0121 Starmie starfish marine creature
me opposite of you (from Staryu)
Mr. Mime 0122 Mr. Mime Mr. male title of respect
mime artist a silent performer
Scyther 0123 Scyther scythe sword-like implement
Jynx 0124 Jynx jinx curse or bad luck
Electabuzz 0125 Electabuzz electricity energy from electric currents
buzz low humming sound, as in electricity
Magmar 0126 Magmar magma the melted rock in a volcano
mar damage, spoil
Pinsir 0127 Pinsir pincer crab’s claw
sir noble title
Tauros 0128 Tauros Taurus mythical Greek bull & star sign
Magikarp 0129 Magikarp magic illusions
carp a species of fish
Gyarados 0130 Gyarados gyre thrash and turn about
Lapras 0131 Lapras Loch Ness lake where the mythical ‘Loch Ness Monster’ (on which Lapras is based) supposedly resides
Ditto 0132 Ditto ditto a duplicate or copy
Eevee 0133 Eevee E-V short for ‘evolution’
Vaporeon 0134 Vaporeon vapor water mist
eon long period of time (implying evolution)
Jolteon 0135 Jolteon jolt a sudden movement or burst of electricity
eon long period of time (implying evolution)
Flareon 0136 Flareon flare burst of fire
eon long period of time (implying evolution)
Porygon 0137 Porygon polygon a many sided figure
Omanyte 0138 Omanyte ammonite shell fossil
-ite suffix meaning ‘closely related’
Omastar 0139 Omastar ammonite shell fossil
star pointed shape
Kabuto 0140 Kabuto kabuto type of helmet used by ancient Japanese warriors
Kabutops 0141 Kabutops kabuto type of helmet used by ancient Japanese warriors
top above
Aerodactyl 0142 Aerodactyl aero- flying prefix
pterodactyl prehistoric flying reptile
Snorlax 0143 Snorlax snore sound made during sleeping
lax lazy
Articuno 0144 Articuno arctic icy region around the North Pole
uno Spanish for one
Zapdos 0145 Zapdos zap relating to the sound of striking electricity
dos Spanish for two
Moltres 0146 Moltres molten liquified by heating
tres Spanish for three
Dratini 0147 Dratini dragon mythical fire-breathing creature
tiny small
Dragonair 0148 Dragonair dragon mythical fire-breathing creature
air relating to its majesty
Dragonite 0149 Dragonite dragon mythical fire-breathing creature
knight noble cavalier
Mewtwo 0150 Mewtwo mew cat sound
two the second iteration of Mew
Mew 0151 Mew mew cat sound
Chikorita 0152 Chikorita chicory flowering plant
-ita Spanish suffix meaning ‘small’
Bayleef 0153 Bayleef bay a type of tree
leaf plant foliage
Meganium 0154 Meganium mega large, huge
geranium a type of plant
Cyndaquil 0155 Cyndaquil cinder glowing ashes
quill sharp feather/needle
Quilava 0156 Quilava quill sharp feather/needle
lava magma that flows out of a volcano
Typhlosion 0157 Typhlosion typhoon tropical cyclone
explosion eruption, blast
Totodile 0158 Totodile tot a small child
crocodile a species of reptile
Croconaw 0159 Croconaw crocodile a species of reptile
gnaw to chew on
Feraligatr 0160 Feraligatr feral menacing, ferocious
alligator a species of reptile
Sentret 0161 Sentret sentry a guard
ferret a rodent mammal
Furret 0162 Furret fur soft hair coating
ferret a mammal in the weasel family
Hoothoot 0163 Hoothoot hoot a sound that owls make
Noctowl 0164 Noctowl nocturnal active at night
owl a species of bird
Ledyba 0165 Ledyba ladybird a species of insect (aka ladybug)
Ledian 0166 Ledian ladybird a species of insect (aka ladybug)
Spinarak 0167 Spinarak spinneret spider silk secreter
arachnid a spider
Ariados 0168 Ariados arachnid a spider
dos Spanish word for two
Crobat 0169 Crobat cross intersecting lines
bat cave-dwelling flying mammal
Chinchou 0170 Chinchou chochin Japanese for ‘lantern’
Lanturn 0171 Lanturn lantern a candle/light in a case
urn vase, container (Lanturn swallows prey whole)
Pichu 0172 Pichu pika a small mouse-like mammal
chu Japanese for ‘squeak’
Cleffa 0173 Cleffa clef musical symbol
Igglybuff 0174 Igglybuff jiggly/wiggly from later evolutions Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff
buff to shine
Togepi 0175 Togepi togi spike
pi to chirp
Togetic 0176 Togetic togi spike
tic chick
Natu 0177 Natu Atu the first man, in Samoan mythology
Xatu 0178 Xatu X exotic
Atu the first man, in Samoan mythology
Mareep 0179 Mareep Mary the girl in the poem ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’
sheep a species of mammal
Flaaffy 0180 Flaaffy fluffy soft, cute
baa sheep noise
Ampharos 0181 Ampharos ampere unit of electrical current
pharos Greek for lighthouse
pharaoh Ancient Egyptian ruler (which Ampharos is designed after)
Bellossom 0182 Bellossom bell ringing device (shape)
blossom plant flowers
Marill 0183 Marill marine of or relating to the sea
rill brook, small river
Azumarill 0184 Azumarill azul blue
marine of or relating to the sea
rill brook, small river
Sudowoodo 0185 Sudowoodo pseudo- prefix meaning ‘false’ (Sudowoodo is based on petrified wood)
wood matter that trees are made of
Politoed 0186 Politoed poliwog tadpole
toe appendage on the foot
toad a species of amphibian
Hoppip 0187 Hoppip hop jump on one leg
pip seed
Skiploom 0188 Skiploom skip walking with steps and hops
bloom blossoming
Jumpluff 0189 Jumpluff jump as in hop-skip-jump
fluff light downy material
Aipom 0190 Aipom ape a species of primate
palm referring to hand
pom-pom cheerleading decoration
Sunkern 0191 Sunkern sunflower flower with yellow petals that looks like the Sun
kernel inner part of a seed/stone
sunken settled into the ground
Sunflora 0192 Sunflora sunflower flower with yellow petals that looks like the Sun
flora relating to plants
Yanma 0193 Yanma yanma Japanese for ‘large dragonfly’
Wooper 0194 Wooper Wooper Looper Japanese name for a pet salamander/axolotl
Quagsire 0195 Quagsire quagmire swamp, quicksand
sire master, lord
Espeon 0196 Espeon ESP Extra Sensory Perception: psychic power
eon long period of time (implying evolution)
Umbreon 0197 Umbreon umbra darkest part of a shadow
eon long period of time (implying evolution)
Murkrow 0198 Murkrow murky dark, gloomy
crow a species of bird
murder a group of crows
Slowking 0199 Slowking slow not fast
king royalty
Misdreavus 0200 Misdreavus mischievous naughty
dream mental images seen during sleep
reave rob, steal
Unown 0201 Unown unknown not known ;)
Wobbuffet 0202 Wobbuffet wobble rocking motion
buffet strike repeatedly (relating to Wobbuffet’s punching bag shape)
Girafarig 0203 Girafarig giraffe long-necked African mammal
[palindrome] Girafarig reads the same backwards as forwards, reflecting its symmetric design
Pineco 0204 Pineco pine cone seed of a pine tree
Forretress 0205 Forretress fortress defensive structure, e.g. a castle
turret castle/fortress tower, often holding weapons
Dunsparce 0206 Dunsparce dun a dull greyish-brown color
sparse rare
Gligar 0207 Gligar glide fly smoothly
gargoyle grotesque carved ornament
Steelix 0208 Steelix steel a metal alloy
onyx a type of rock; Onix is Steelix’s prevolution
Snubbull 0209 Snubbull snub feeling of disdain; flattened nose
bulldog gruff breed of dog
Granbull 0210 Granbull grand large or impressive
bulldog gruff breed of dog
Qwilfish 0211 Qwilfish quill sharp feather used for writing with ink
fish marine creature
Scizor 0212 Scizor scissor(s) cutting implements
Shuckle 0213 Shuckle shuck hard shell of nuts or oysters
turtle water-based reptile
Heracross 0214 Heracross Hercules species of beetle, named after the Greek/Roman god (aka Heracles)
cross intersecting lines
Sneasel 0215 Sneasel sneaky crafty, deceitful
weasel small mammal with a long body
Teddiursa 0216 Teddiursa teddy stuffed toy
ursa Latin for ‘bear’
Ursaring 0217 Ursaring ursa Latin for ‘bear’
ring circle, target; refers to its design
Slugma 0218 Slugma slug snail-like terrestrial gastropod
magma the melted rock in a volcano
Magcargo 0219 Magcargo magma the melted rock in a volcano
escargot French for ‘snail’
Swinub 0220 Swinub swine of or relating to pigs
nub lump/knob (referring to its nose)
Piloswine 0221 Piloswine pilose covered with hair
swine of or relating to pigs
Corsola 0222 Corsola coral hard skeleton secreted by certain marine creatures
solar of or relating to the Sun
Remoraid 0223 Remoraid remora fish that affixes itself to other marine creatures
raid sudden attack
Octillery 0224 Octillery octopus marine creature with eight tentacles
artillery weapons
Delibird 0225 Delibird deliver transport an item to the recipient
Adélie a species of penguin
bird winged animal
Mantine 0226 Mantine manta ray marine creature
tine sharp point or fork
Skarmory 0227 Skarmory sky the air, where birds fly
armory storage unit for weapons
Houndour 0228 Houndour hound type of dog
dour sullen, gloomy
Houndoom 0229 Houndoom hound type of dog
doom adverse fate
Kingdra 0230 Kingdra king royalty
dragon mythical fire-breathing creature
Phanpy 0231 Phanpy elephant large mammal with a trunk
pygmy a small creature
Donphan 0232 Donphan don of great size/importance; lord or master
elephant large mammal with a trunk
Porygon2 0233 Porygon2 polygon a many sided figure
two as in ‘Version 2’
Stantler 0234 Stantler stag male deer
antler a deer’s ‘horns’
Smeargle 0235 Smeargle smear smudge (e.g. ink, paint)
beagle a breed of dog
Tyrogue 0236 Tyrogue tyro beginner, novice
rogue a mischievous person
Hitmontop 0237 Hitmontop hit to strike
mon monster
top spinning top on which it’s based
Smoochum 0238 Smoochum smooch to kiss
smooch ‘em smooch them
Elekid 0239 Elekid electricity energy from electric currents
kid a child
Magby 0240 Magby magma the melted rock in a volcano
baby newborn child
Miltank 0241 Miltank milk white liquid from cows
tank large storage unit or heavily amored vehicle
Blissey 0242 Blissey bliss happiness (required for evolution from Chansey)
Raikou 0243 Raikou rai Japanese for ‘thunder’
kotei Japanese for ‘emperor’
Entei 0244 Entei enten Japanese for ‘blazing heat’
kotei Japanese for ‘emperor’
Suicune 0245 Suicune sui Japanese for ‘water’
kun Japanese for ‘monarch’
Larvitar 0246 Larvitar larva young feeding stage of an insect
tar from Latin ‘tardus’ meaning slow
Pupitar 0247 Pupitar pupae immobile cocoon stage of an insect
tar from Latin ‘tardus’ meaning slow
Tyranitar 0248 Tyranitar tyrannosaur a large bipedal dinosaur
tar from Latin ‘tardus’ meaning slow
Lugia 0249 Lugia luego Latin for ‘lie dormant’
Ho-oh 0250 Ho-oh Hōō Chinese phoenix
Celebi 0251 Celebi celestial heavenly
being one’s existence
Treecko 0252 Treecko tree large plant with a trunk
gecko tropical lizard
Grovyle 0253 Grovyle grove small wood or forest
reptile cold-blooded creature with scaly skin
Sceptile 0254 Sceptile sceptre wand used by royalty
reptile cold-blooded creature with scaly skin
Torchic 0255 Torchic torch a piece of wood alight
chick baby bird/chicken
Combusken 0256 Combusken combustion state where something bursts into flames
chicken a species of bird
Blaziken 0257 Blaziken blaze a bright fire
chicken a species of bird
Mudkip 0258 Mudkip mudskipper amphibious fish
Marshtomp 0259 Marshtomp marsh boggy area
stomp step on with force
Swampert 0260 Swampert swamp boggy area
expert possessing special skill or knowledge
Poochyena 0261 Poochyena pooch slang for ‘dog’
hyena dog-like African mammal
Mightyena 0262 Mightyena mighty powerful
hyena dog-like African mammal
Zigzagoon 0263 Zigzagoon zigzag line that sharply weaves back and forth
raccoon a small nocturnal carnivore
Linoone 0264 Linoone line continuous straight
raccoon a small nocturnal carnivore
Wurmple 0265 Wurmple worm long, thin invertebrate creature
apple a fruit, often eaten by worms
Silcoon 0266 Silcoon silk material produced by some insects
cocoon a pupal casing made by some insects
Beautifly 0267 Beautifly beautiful pleasing to the eye
butterfly a species of flying insect
Cascoon 0268 Cascoon cask hard container
cocoon a pupal casing made by some insects
Dustox 0269 Dustox dust fine, dry particles
toxic poisonous
Lotad 0270 Lotad lotus a type of flower
lily pad large, floating leaf of a water lily
Lombre 0271 Lombre lotus a type of flower
sombrero wide-brimmed Mexican hat
Ludicolo 0272 Ludicolo ludic playful in an aimless way
colocynth tropical plant similar to watermelon
Seedot 0273 Seedot seed premature ungrown plant
tot a small child
Nuzleaf 0274 Nuzleaf nuzzle to burrow with the nose
leaf plant foliage
Shiftry 0275 Shiftry shifty deceptive, evasive
tree large plant with a trunk
Taillow 0276 Taillow tail hindmost part of an animal
swallow a species of bird
Swellow 0277 Swellow swell expand
swallow a species of bird
Wingull 0278 Wingull wing forelimb of a bird that enables flight
gull a species of bird
Pelipper 0279 Pelipper pelican a large seabird
flipper referring to its wings
Ralts 0280 Ralts astral (anagram) relating to the stars
waltz a type of dance
Kirlia 0281 Kirlia kirlian a type of photography concerned with psychic aura
Gardevoir 0282 Gardevoir garde French for ‘guard’
voir French for ‘see’
Surskit 0283 Surskit surface outside or top of an object, e.g. a lake
skitter to skim along a surface (esp. water)
Masquerain 0284 Masquerain masquerade costume/disguise or a facade
rain precipitation
Shroomish 0285 Shroomish shroom short for ‘mushroom’, a fungus
-ish suffix meaning ‘like’ or ‘partly’
Breloom 0286 Breloom umbrella a dome shape, referring to Breloom’s head
mushroom a fungus
Slakoth 0287 Slakoth slack slow or lazy; full name sounds like ‘slack off’
sloth a mammal commonly known for being slow
Vigoroth 0288 Vigoroth vigor energy, strength
sloth a mammal commonly known for being slow
Slaking 0289 Slaking slack slow or lazy; full name sounds like ‘slacking’
king royalty
Nincada 0290 Nincada ninja stealthy martial art
cicada a species of insect
Ninjask 0291 Ninjask ninja stealthy martial art
mask costume, disguise
Shedinja 0292 Shedinja shed to remove a shell or skin
ninja stealthy martial art
Whismur 0293 Whismur whisper speak very quietly
murmur mumble quietly
Loudred 0294 Loudred loud (of sound) high in volume
dread fear
Exploud 0295 Exploud explode blow up, erupt
loud (of sound) high in volume
Makuhita 0296 Makuhita makushita a division of sumo wrestling
Hariyama 0297 Hariyama hariyama a division of sumo wrestling
Azurill 0298 Azurill azure a blue color
rill small brook or river
Nosepass 0299 Nosepass nose facial feature
compass instrument that determines direction
Skitty 0300 Skitty skitty absent-minded
kitty a young cat
Delcatty 0301 Delcatty delicate fragile, dainty
catty referring to cats
Sableye 0302 Sableye sable a mammal in the weasel family
eye the organ of sight
Mawile 0303 Mawile maw the jaw of a voracious mammal
wile deceitful cunning, trickery
Aron 0304 Aron armor tough protective shell or clothing
iron heavy/tough metal
Lairon 0305 Lairon lairy aggressive (British slang)
iron heavy/tough metal
Aggron 0306 Aggron aggressive always fighting
iron heavy/tough metal
Meditite 0307 Meditite meditate to engage in thought or contemplation
-ite suffix meaning ‘closely related’
Medicham 0308 Medicham meditate to engage in thought or contemplation
champion winner over all others
Electrike 0309 Electrike electricity energy from electric currents
strike to hit (incl. with lightning)
Manectric 0310 Manectric mane long hair around the neck of animals
electricity energy from electric currents
Plusle 0311 Plusle plus a positive charge
Minun 0312 Minun minus a negative charge
Volbeat 0313 Volbeat volt unit of electricity
beat rhythym
Illumise 0314 Illumise illuminate bring light to
Roselia 0315 Roselia rose a type of flower
buddleia a type of flower
Gulpin 0316 Gulpin gulping noise of swallowing
Swalot 0317 Swalot swallow to eat
a lot many
Carvanha 0318 Carvanha carnivore meat-eating creature
piranha a species of fish, occasionally carnivorous
Sharpedo 0319 Sharpedo shark large, voracious fish
torpedo weapon used underwater
Wailmer 0320 Wailmer whale large aquatic mammal
mere not more, small
Wailord 0321 Wailord whale large aquatic mammal
lord master, sire
Numel 0322 Numel numb lacking in feeling
camel hump-backed mammal commonly found in desert areas
Camerupt 0323 Camerupt camel hump-backed mammal commonly found in desert areas
erupt explode, eject molten lava from a volcano
Torkoal 0324 Torkoal tortoise large reptile with a protective shell
coal black substance used as fuel
Spoink 0325 Spoink spring a coil that enables a bouncing action
oink the noise a pig makes
Grumpig 0326 Grumpig grumpy unhappy, grouchy
pig farmyard animal
Spinda 0327 Spinda spin rotate around
panda large mammal native to China
Trapinch 0328 Trapinch trap device used to capture creatures
pinch squeeze, compress
Vibrava 0329 Vibrava vibrate shake rapidly
larva young feeding stage of an insect
Flygon 0330 Flygon dragonfly a species of flying insect
Cacnea 0331 Cacnea cactus a desert plant
-ea Latin suffix
Cacturne 0332 Cacturne cactus a desert plant
nocturnal relating to the night
Swablu 0333 Swablu swab a piece of cotton (referring to Swablu’s wings)
blue a color
Altaria 0334 Altaria alto high-pitched vocal sound
aria an air or melody
Zangoose 0335 Zangoose san Japanese for ‘cut down’
mongoose weasel-like mammal
Seviper 0336 Seviper sever cut or separate
viper a species of snake
Lunatone 0337 Lunatone luna Latin for ‘moon’
stone small rock
Solrock 0338 Solrock solar of or relating to the Sun
rock stone, boulder
Barboach 0339 Barboach barb a small spike
loach a species of fish
Whiscash 0340 Whiscash whisker hair growing from the mouth
catfish a species of fish
Corphish 0341 Corphish crawfish a lobster-like crustacean
fish marine creature
Crawdaunt 0342 Crawdaunt crawfish a lobster-like crustacean
daunt overcome with fear
Baltoy 0343 Baltoy balance state of equilibrium
toy plaything
Claydol 0344 Claydol clay hard substance used for crockery and decorations
doll plaything
dreidel Jewish spinning top
Lileep 0345 Lileep lily a type of plant
creeper plant or root that grows underground
Cradily 0346 Cradily cradle to hold gently or protectively
lily a type of plant
Anorith 0347 Anorith anomalocaris an ancient fossilised shrimp
-lith suffix referring to rock
Armaldo 0348 Armaldo armor tough protective shell or clothing
armadilo mammal with a tough shell
Feebas 0349 Feebas feeble weak
bass a species of fish
Milotic 0350 Milotic Venus de Milo sculpture known for its beauty
exotic foreign or unusual; beautiful
Castform 0351 Castform forecast to predict, esp. weather
form state or shape (referring to Castform’s ability)
Kecleon 0352 Kecleon kakureru from its Japanese name meaning ‘to hide’
chameleon lizard known for its ability to adapt to its surroundings
Shuppet 0353 Shuppet shadow dark area created by blocking out light
puppet referring to ‘shadow puppet’, casting shadow shapes with one’s hands
Banette 0354 Banette bane something that ruins or spoils
marionette a type of puppet manipulated by strings
Duskull 0355 Duskull dusk the partial darkness between day and night
skull the bony framework of the head
Dusclops 0356 Dusclops dusk the partial darkness between day and night
cyclops a monster with one eye
Tropius 0357 Tropius tropical of or relating to the rainforest
-saurus Greek suffix meaning ‘lizard’
Chimecho 0358 Chimecho chime to ring out (e.g. a bell)
echo (of sound) to reverberate
Absol 0359 Absol absolution freeing oneself from guilt
Wynaut 0360 Wynaut why not how its name is pronounced
Snorunt 0361 Snorunt snow frozen precipitation
runt the smallest of a litter of animals
Glalie 0362 Glalie glacier large mass of ice
goalie a goalkeeper; Glalie’s design is based on an ice hockey goalie
Spheal 0363 Spheal sphere ball shape
seal marine creature
Sealeo 0364 Sealeo seal marine creature
leo Latin for ‘lion’
Walrein 0365 Walrein walrus marine creature
reign to rule over others, like royalty
Clamperl 0366 Clamperl clam hard-shelled marine creature
pearl gem found in clams/oysters
clamp to grip or shut tightly
Huntail 0367 Huntail hunt chase or forage for food
tail hindmost part of an animal
Gorebyss 0368 Gorebyss gore to pierce with a horn or tusk
abyss deep gulf or crag
Relicanth 0369 Relicanth relic very old object; antique
coelacanths ancient fossilised fish
Luvdisc 0370 Luvdisc love profound affection
disc circular shape
Bagon 0371 Bagon baby newborn child
dragon mythical fire-breathing creature
Shelgon 0372 Shelgon shell hard cover
dragon mythical fire-breathing creature
Salamence 0373 Salamence salamander lizard-like amphibian
menace brutal, violent
Beldum 0374 Beldum dumbbell small training weight
Metang 0375 Metang metal solid material
tang sound of metal being struck
Metagross 0376 Metagross metal solid material
gross great, large
Regirock 0377 Regirock regi (Latin) of or relating to royalty
rock stone, boulder
Regice 0378 Regice regi (Latin) of or relating to royalty
ice frozen water
Registeel 0379 Registeel regi (Latin) of or relating to royalty
steel a metal alloy
Latias 0380 Latias lateo to lie hidden
-as female suffix
Latios 0381 Latios lateo to lie hidden
-os male suffix
Kyogre 0382 Kyogre kai-oh Japanese for ‘sea king’
ogre large monster from folklore
Groudon 0383 Groudon ground the earth
don of great size/importance; lord or master
Rayquaza 0384 Rayquaza ray beam of light
quasar distant star
Jirachi 0385 Jirachi sachi Japanese for ‘wish’
Deoxys 0386 Deoxys deoxyribonucleic acid the full technical name for DNA, the core genetic material for all living things
Turtwig 0387 Turtwig turtle water-based reptile
twig a small tree branch
Grotle 0388 Grotle grove a small wood or forest
turtle water-based reptile
Torterra 0389 Torterra tortoise large reptile with a protective shell
terra Latin for ‘earth’
Chimchar 0390 Chimchar chimp a species of primate
char to burn or singe
Monferno 0391 Monferno monkey a species of primate
inferno a raging fire
Infernape 0392 Infernape inferno a raging fire
ape a species of primate
Piplup 0393 Piplup pip to hatch from an egg
plup dripping water sound
Prinplup 0394 Prinplup prince heir to a throne of an emperor or king
plup dripping water sound
Empoleon 0395 Empoleon emperor ruler; a species of penguin
Napoleon French naval leader
Starly 0396 Starly starling a species of bird
Staravia 0397 Staravia starling a species of bird
avian relating to birds
Staraptor 0398 Staraptor starling a species of bird
raptor a voracious bird
Bidoof 0399 Bidoof biber German for ‘beaver’, a rodent
tooth hard object in the mouth for biting/chewing food
Bibarel 0400 Bibarel biber German for ‘beaver’, a rodent
barrel wooden container often holding water or liquid
Kricketot 0401 Kricketot cricket a species of insect
tot a small child
Kricketune 0402 Kricketune cricket a species of insect
tune music
Shinx 0403 Shinx shine to glow brightly
lynx wildcat
Luxio 0404 Luxio lux unit of brightness
leo Latin for ‘lion’
Luxray 0405 Luxray lux unit of brightness
x-ray electromagnetic radiation that can ‘see through’ certain objects
Budew 0406 Budew bud closed flower
dew moisture often found on grass or plants
Roserade 0407 Roserade rose a type of flower
masquerade costume/disguise or a facade
Cranidos 0408 Cranidos cranium brain or head, referring to Cranidos’ thick skull
-dos common dinosaur suffix
Rampardos 0409 Rampardos rampart defensive wall
-dos common dinosaur suffix
Shieldon 0410 Shieldon shield protective armor
-don common dinosaur suffix, from the Greek for ‘tooth’
Bastiodon 0411 Bastiodon bastion a structure protruding from a fortification
-don common dinosaur suffix, from the Greek for ‘tooth’
Burmy 0412 Burmy bagworm a species of moth
wormy worm-like
Wormadam 0413 Wormadam bagworm a species of moth
madam referring to a female
Mothim 0414 Mothim moth a species of insect
him referring to a male
Combee 0415 Combee honeycomb hexagonal structure storing honey in a beehive
bee a species of flying insect
Vespiquen 0416 Vespiquen vespine of or relating to wasps
queen female royalty
Pachirisu 0417 Pachirisu pachipachi Japanese for ‘electric crackling’
risu Japanese for ‘squirrel’
Buizel 0418 Buizel buoy floating marker in the sea (usually orange)
weasel small mammal with a long body
Floatzel 0419 Floatzel float to rest on a surface of liquid
weasel small mammal with a long body
Cherubi 0420 Cherubi cherry a small fruit that grows on trees
cherubim sweet, innocent child
Cherrim 0421 Cherrim cherry a small fruit that grows on trees
cherubim sweet, innocent child
Shellos 0422 Shellos shell hard cover
lost missing (it has no shell)
Gastrodon 0423 Gastrodon gastropod set of creatures including snails, whelks and slugs
don of great size/importance; lord or master
Ambipom 0424 Ambipom ambi- prefix meaning ‘both’
palm referring to hand
pom-pom cheerleading decoration
Drifloon 0425 Drifloon drift to float through the air
balloon object that contains helium and floats
Drifblim 0426 Drifblim drift to float through the air
blimp a floating air ship
Buneary 0427 Buneary bunny slang for rabbit, a small mammal with long ears
ear body part that senses sound
Lopunny 0428 Lopunny lop-eared type of rabbit whose ears droop down
bunny slang for rabbit, a small mammal with long ears
Mismagius 0429 Mismagius mischief annoying or disruptive actions
magus magic-wielding characters in fantasy & fiction
Honchkrow 0430 Honchkrow honcho leader, boss
crow a species of bird
Glameow 0431 Glameow glamour expensive good looks
meow the sound a cat makes
Purugly 0432 Purugly purr sound a cat makes when content
ugly unpleasant looking
Chingling 0433 Chingling chime to ring out (e.g. a bell)
jingling the sound of a bell ringing
Stunky 0434 Stunky skunk rodent known for emitting a foul smell
stinky unpleasant smelling
Skuntank 0435 Skuntank skunk rodent known for emitting a foul smell
tank an armored vehicle
Bronzor 0436 Bronzor bronze a type of metal
mirror reflective piece of glass
Bronzong 0437 Bronzong bronze a type of metal
dong the deep chime of a bell
Bonsly 0438 Bonsly bonsai a miniature tree
sly clever or tricky
Mime Jr. 0439 Mime Jr. mime artist a silent performer
junior younger
Happiny 0440 Happiny happy joyful
tiny small
Chatot 0441 Chatot chat to talk
tot a small child
Spiritomb 0442 Spiritomb spirit a ghost
tomb a burial chamber
Gible 0443 Gible gargoyle grotesque carved ornament
nibble make small bites
Gabite 0444 Gabite gargoyle grotesque carved ornament
bite cut or wound with the teeth
Garchomp 0445 Garchomp gargoyle grotesque carved ornament
chomp bite down heavily
Munchlax 0446 Munchlax munch to eat
relax chill out, slacken
Riolu 0447 Riolu orichalcum an ancient, mythical metal (‘Riolu’ is the Japanese syllables switched around)
Lucario 0448 Lucario orichalcum an ancient, mythical metal (‘Lucario’ is the Japanese syllables reversed)
Hippopotas 0449 Hippopotas hippopotamus large African mammal
Hippowdon 0450 Hippowdon hippopotamus large African mammal
powder fine grains e.g. sand
-don common dinosaur suffix, from the Greek for ‘tooth’
Skorupi 0451 Skorupi scorpion creature with pincers and a stinger in its tail
Drapion 0452 Drapion dragon mythical fire-breathing creature
scorpion creature with pincers and a stinger in its tail
Croagunk 0453 Croagunk croak the sound a frog makes
gunk slimy or oily matter
Toxicroak 0454 Toxicroak toxic poisonous
croak the sound a frog makes
Carnivine 0455 Carnivine carnivore meat-eating creature
vine long strands of a plant
Finneon 0456 Finneon fin wing-like appendage on fish or other sea creatures
neon inert gas that glows brightly
Lumineon 0457 Lumineon luminous shining brightly
neon inert gas that glows brightly
Mantyke 0458 Mantyke manta ray marine creature
tyke a small child
Snover 0459 Snover snow frozen precipitation
cover conceal
Abomasnow 0460 Abomasnow abominable snowman mythological arctic creature; yeti
snow frozen precipitation
Weavile 0461 Weavile weasel small mammal with a long body
vile unpleasant, wretched
Magnezone 0462 Magnezone magnetic zone alternative name for a magnetic field, the region near a magnet
Lickilicky 0463 Lickilicky lick touch with the tongue
Rhyperior 0464 Rhyperior rhino large African mammal
superior dominant
Tangrowth 0465 Tangrowth tangle twisted mesh of strands (e.g. vines)
growth expansion, enlargement
Electivire 0466 Electivire electricity energy from electric currents
wire thin strand of metal used to conduct electricity
Magmortar 0467 Magmortar magma the melted rock in a volcano
mortar a type of cannon
Togekiss 0468 Togekiss toge Japanese for ‘spike’
kiss display of affection
Yanmega 0469 Yanmega yanma Japanese for ‘large dragonfly’
Meganeura an extinct species of insect
Leafeon 0470 Leafeon leaf plant foliage
eon long period of time (implying evolution)
Glaceon 0471 Glaceon glacier large mass of ice
eon long period of time (implying evolution)
Gliscor 0472 Gliscor glide to float with wings
scorpion creature with pincers and a stinger in its tail
Mamoswine 0473 Mamoswine mammoth a prehistoric woolly mammal
swine of or relating to pigs
Porygon-Z 0474 Porygon-Z polygon a many sided figure
z 3rd axis in coordinates
Gallade 0475 Gallade gallant brave, chivalrous
blade the flat cutting part of a knife, sword, etc.
Probopass 0476 Probopass proboscis relating to the nose
compass instrument that determines direction
Dusknoir 0477 Dusknoir dusk the partial darkness between day and night
noir French for ‘black’
Froslass 0478 Froslass frost frozen moisture
lass a young female
Rotom 0479 Rotom motor Rotom is ‘motor’ backwards
Uxie 0480 Uxie you personal pronoun
pixie a small, often mischievous fairy
Mesprit 0481 Mesprit me personal pronoun
sprite a small, often mischievous fairy
Azelf 0482 Azelf us personal pronoun
elf a small, often mischievous fairy
Dialga 0483 Dialga diamond precious stone; game of which Dialga is the mascot
dragon mythical fire-breathing creature
Palkia 0484 Palkia pearl precious stone; game of which Palkia is the mascot
kai Japanese for ‘ocean’
Heatran 0485 Heatran heat to increase in temperature
transfer to move from one place to another, esp. heat through metal
Regigigas 0486 Regigigas regi (Latin) of or relating to royalty
gigas giant
Giratina 0487 Giratina girasol a red opal
platina an alloy of platinum, the game of which it is the mascot
Cresselia 0488 Cresselia crescent a phase of the moon
Selene Greek goddess of the moon
Phione 0489 Phione fairy imp, sprite
clione sea angels
Manaphy 0490 Manaphy mana mythological energy used for magic
fairy imp, sprite
Darkrai 0491 Darkrai dark absence of light
kurai Japanese for ‘dark’
Shaymin 0492 Shaymin shaman intermediary between the natural and supernatural worlds
Arceus 0493 Arceus archaic ancient
deus Latin for ‘god’
Victini 0494 Victini victory a successful act
teeny small
Snivy 0495 Snivy snake a species of reptile
ivy a type of plant
Servine 0496 Servine serpent a snake
vine long strands of a plant
Serperior 0497 Serperior serpent a snake
superior better than
Tepig 0498 Tepig tepid lukewarm
pig farmyard animal
Pignite 0499 Pignite pig farmyard animal
ignite to bring flame to
Emboar 0500 Emboar ember a flame
boar a species of pig
Oshawott 0501 Oshawott ocean huge body of water
water compound needed for life
otter aquatic weasel-like mammal
Dewott 0502 Dewott dew moisture often found on grass or plants
otter aquatic weasel-like mammal
Samurott 0503 Samurott samurai a japanese warrior
otter aquatic weasel-like mammal
Patrat 0504 Patrat patrol to watch over an area
packrat American rodent
Watchog 0505 Watchog watchdog protective guard dog
groundhog North American rodent
Lillipup 0506 Lillipup Lilliput fictional island inhabited by small people
pup puppy, baby dog
Herdier 0507 Herdier herd to drive animals (e.g. sheep) into a group
terrier a breed of dog
Stoutland 0508 Stoutland stout bold, brave
land referring to terriers, who get their name from ‘terra’
Purrloin 0509 Purrloin purr sound a cat makes when content
purloin to steal
Liepard 0510 Liepard lie an untruth
leopard large, spotted feline
Pansage 0511 Pansage chimpanzee a species of primate
sage a herb (referring to cooking and its Grass type)
Simisage 0512 Simisage simian of or relating to primates
sage a herb (referring to cooking and its Grass type)
Pansear 0513 Pansear chimpanzee a species of primate
sear to heat/fry (referring to cooking and its Fire type)
Simisear 0514 Simisear simian of or relating to primates
sear to heat/fry (referring to cooking and its Fire type)
Panpour 0515 Panpour chimpanzee a species of primate
pour to drop or flow liquid (referring to cooking and its Water type)
Simipour 0516 Simipour simian of or relating to primates
pour to drop or flow liquid (referring to cooking and its Water type)
Munna 0517 Munna muso Japanese for ‘dream’
luna Latin for ‘moon’
Musharna 0518 Musharna muso Japanese for ‘dream’
mushamusha Japanese for an ‘eating’ sound
luna Latin for ‘moon’
Pidove 0519 Pidove pigeon a species of bird
dove a species of bird
Tranquill 0520 Tranquill tranquil quiet, peaceful
quill feather used for writing with ink
Unfezant 0521 Unfezant unfazed not put off, undaunted
pheasant a species of bird
Blitzle 0522 Blitzle blitz a swift attack; German for ‘lightning’
little small
Zebstrika 0523 Zebstrika zebra a horse-like African mammal
strike to hit something (incl. with lightning)
Roggenrola 0524 Roggenrola rock ‘n’ roller relating to rock ‘n’ roll, a type of popular music
Boldore 0525 Boldore boulder large rock
ore a mineral in its natural state
Gigalith 0526 Gigalith giga- huge, giant
-lith suffix referring to rock
Woobat 0527 Woobat woo to seduce
bat cave-dwelling flying mammal
Swoobat 0528 Swoobat swoon to be seduced
bat cave-dwelling flying mammal
Drilbur 0529 Drilbur drill device for making holes
burrow dig underground
Excadrill 0530 Excadrill excavate make a hole or pit
drill device for making holes
Audino 0531 Audino audio sound
'I dunno' Audino is a pun on said phrase
Timburr 0532 Timburr timber wood
Gurdurr 0533 Gurdurr girder a large steel beam
Conkeldurr 0534 Conkeldurr concrete stone-like material
elder older or senior person
Tympole 0535 Tympole tympani a type of drum
tadpole a baby frog/toad
Palpitoad 0536 Palpitoad palpitation rapid pulsation
toad a species of amphibian
Seismitoad 0537 Seismitoad seismic of or relating to earthquakes
toad a species of amphibian
Throh 0538 Throh throw to toss
Sawk 0539 Sawk sock to punch
Sewaddle 0540 Sewaddle sew to join by stitches
swaddle to bind with strips of cloth
Swadloon 0541 Swadloon swaddle to bind with strips of cloth
cocoon a pupal casing made by some insects
Leavanny 0542 Leavanny leaves plant foliage
nanny carer of children
Venipede 0543 Venipede venom poison
centipede insect with many legs
Whirlipede 0544 Whirlipede whirl spiral
centipede insect with many legs
Scolipede 0545 Scolipede scolopendra genus of creatures containing centipedes
centipede insect with many legs
Cottonee 0546 Cottonee cottony soft like cotton, a natural material
Whimsicott 0547 Whimsicott whimsy playful humor
cotton a natural material
Petilil 0548 Petilil petal colored foliage of a flower
lily a type of plant
Lilligant 0549 Lilligant lily a type of plant
elegant graceful, luxurious
Basculin 0550 Basculin bass a species of fish
masculine tough, bold
Sandile 0551 Sandile sand fine rock debris
crocodile a species of reptile
Krokorok 0552 Krokorok crocodile a species of reptile
rock stone, boulder
Krookodile 0553 Krookodile crook criminal, thief
crocodile a species of reptile
Darumaka 0554 Darumaka daruma daruma doll, a traditional Japanese doll
makka Japanese for ‘red/crimson’
Darmanitan 0555 Darmanitan daruma daruma doll, a traditional Japanese doll
orangutan a species of ape
Maractus 0556 Maractus maracas rhythm instrument
cactus a desert plant
Dwebble 0557 Dwebble dwell live, reside
pebble small stone
Crustle 0558 Crustle crust solid layer of the Earth
castle large fortress
Scraggy 0559 Scraggy scraggy thin, scrawny
Scrafty 0560 Scrafty scraggy thin, scrawny
crafty sly, sneaky
Sigilyph 0561 Sigilyph sigil a seal or signet
glyph a symbol
Yamask 0562 Yamask yami Japanese for ‘darkness’
mask face covering
Cofagrigus 0563 Cofagrigus coffin casket for the deceased
sarcophagus large coffin carved from stone
egregious outstandingly bad; shocking
Tirtouga 0564 Tirtouga tortuga spanish for turtle
Carracosta 0565 Carracosta carapace a hard protective covering
costa latin for coast
Archen 0566 Archen archaeopteryx a reptile-like fossil bird
Archeops 0567 Archeops archaeopteryx a reptile-like fossil bird
Trubbish 0568 Trubbish trash waste, garbage
rubbish waste, garbage
Garbodor 0569 Garbodor garbage waste, trash
odor a bad smell
Zorua 0570 Zorua zorro Spanish for ‘fox’
Zoroark 0571 Zoroark zorro Spanish for ‘fox’
dark absence of light
Minccino 0572 Minccino mink a weasel-like mammal
chino tough, twilled cotton
Cinccino 0573 Cinccino chinchilla a small South American rodent
chino tough, twilled cotton
Gothita 0574 Gothita gothic gloomy, dark
lolita precocious young woman
Gothorita 0575 Gothorita gothic gloomy, dark
señorita Spanish for ‘Miss’, referring to a woman
Gothitelle 0576 Gothitelle gothic gloomy, dark
mademoiselle French for ‘Miss’, referring to a woman
Solosis 0577 Solosis solo single; one
mitosis cell division
Duosion 0578 Duosion duo double; two
fusion come together
Reuniclus 0579 Reuniclus reunite come together
nucleus core of a biological cell
Ducklett 0580 Ducklett duck a species of bird
-lett suffix meaning ‘small’
Swanna 0581 Swanna swan a species of bird
Vanillite 0582 Vanillite vanilla standard ice cream flavor
delight great pleasure (often in relation to food)
Vanillish 0583 Vanillish vanilla standard ice cream flavor
delish slang for ‘delicious’
Vanilluxe 0584 Vanilluxe vanilla standard ice cream flavor
deluxe high quality
Deerling 0585 Deerling deer a species of mammal with antlers
-ling suffix meaning ‘small’
Sawsbuck 0586 Sawsbuck S.A.W.S. initials for the four seasons: Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
buck male deer
Emolga 0587 Emolga momonga Japanese scientific name of the ‘dwarf flying squirrel’
Karrablast 0588 Karrablast scarab a species of beetle
blast an explosion
Escavalier 0589 Escavalier escargot French for ‘snail’
cavalier knight; mounted soldier
Foongus 0590 Foongus fungus cell-based plants
Amoonguss 0591 Amoonguss among us from the phrase ‘a fungus among us’
Frillish 0592 Frillish frill a trimming, e.g. lace
jellyfish marine creature
Jellicent 0593 Jellicent jellyfish marine creature
magnificent beautiful, extravagant
Alomomola 0594 Alomomola mola mola a species of fish
Joltik 0595 Joltik jolt a sudden movement or burst of electricity
tick a mite-like parasite
Galvantula 0596 Galvantula galvanize stimulate by an electric current
tarantula a large, hairy spider
Ferroseed 0597 Ferroseed ferrous of or containing iron
seed premature ungrown plant
Ferrothorn 0598 Ferrothorn ferrous of or containing iron
thorn sharp spine on a plant
Klink 0599 Klink clink sound of metal clashing
Klang 0600 Klang clang sound of metal clashing
Klinklang 0601 Klinklang clink sound of metal clashing
clang sound of metal clashing
Tynamo 0602 Tynamo tyke a small child
dynamo electric generator
Eelektrik 0603 Eelektrik eel snake-like marine creature
electric of or relating to electricity
Eelektross 0604 Eelektross eel snake-like marine creature
electric of or relating to electricity
gross great, large
Elgyem 0605 Elgyem L.G.M. initials for ‘Little Green Man’ i.e. an alien
Beheeyem 0606 Beheeyem B.E.M. initials for ‘Bug Eyed Monster’, i.e. an alien
Litwick 0607 Litwick lit on fire or producing light
wick candle ‘fuel’
Lampent 0608 Lampent lamp device producing light, usually via a flame
lambent softly flickering flame
Chandelure 0609 Chandelure chandelier large, decorative light fixture
lure attract or entice, often for evil means
Axew 0610 Axew axe tool with a wide metal blade
askew out of line, off-center
Fraxure 0611 Fraxure fracture to break or crack
axe tool with a wide metal blade
Haxorus 0612 Haxorus hack to chop repeatedly
axe tool with a wide metal blade
-saurus common dinosaur suffix
Cubchoo 0613 Cubchoo cub a young bear
atchoo the sound of sneezing
Beartic 0614 Beartic bear large, powerful mammal
arctic icy region around the North Pole
Cryogonal 0615 Cryogonal cryogenic of or relating to very low temperatures
polygonal multi-sided shape
Shelmet 0616 Shelmet shell hard cover
helmet hard covering of the head
Accelgor 0617 Accelgor accelerate to increase in speed
escargot French for ‘snail’
Stunfisk 0618 Stunfisk stun to immobilize temporarily
fish marine creature
disk flat circular shape
Mienfoo 0619 Mienfoo mien dignified manner
kung fu Chinese martial art
Mienshao 0620 Mienshao mien dignified manner
shaolin Chinese martial art
Druddigon 0621 Druddigon dragon mythical fire-breathing creature
ruddy reddish color
Golett 0622 Golett golem stone figure from jewish folklore
-lett suffix meaning ‘small’
Golurk 0623 Golurk golem stone figure from jewish folklore
lurk to lie or wait in concealment
Pawniard 0624 Pawniard pawn the least important chess piece
poniard a dagger
Bisharp 0625 Bisharp bishop a chess piece
sharp pointed
Bouffalant 0626 Bouffalant bouffant hair style
buffalo a large ox
Rufflet 0627 Rufflet ruffle to shake feathers
-let suffix meaning ‘small’
Braviary 0628 Braviary brave courageous
aviary a place where birds are kept
Vullaby 0629 Vullaby vulture a species of bird
lullaby a song used to lull people to sleep
Mandibuzz 0630 Mandibuzz mandible jaw bone
buzzard a species of bird
Heatmor 0631 Heatmor heat more to increase in temperature
Durant 0632 Durant durable hard to break, does not wear easily
ant a species of small insect
Deino 0633 Deino ein german for ‘one’
dino slang for ‘dinosaur’
Zweilous 0634 Zweilous zwei german for ‘two’
jealous envious (Zweilous’ heads fight with each other)
Hydreigon 0635 Hydreigon drei german for ‘three’
hydra mythical multi-headed creature
dragon mythical fire-breathing creature
Larvesta 0636 Larvesta larva young feeding stage of an insect
Vesta Roman goddess of the hearth
Volcarona 0637 Volcarona volcano mountain that erupts lava
corona outline of the Sun
Cobalion 0638 Cobalion cobalt blueish-grey metal
lion large ferocious cat
Terrakion 0639 Terrakion terracotta orange clay-based material
lion large ferocious cat
Virizion 0640 Virizion viridian blueish-green color
lion large ferocious cat
Tornadus 0641 Tornadus tornado a whirlwind of destructive force
-us common cloud suffix; possession of a given quality
Thundurus 0642 Thundurus thunder loud noise produced by a lightning strike
-us common cloud suffix; possession of a given quality
Reshiram 0643 Reshiram re used as a softer sound than ‘ze’ to indicate a weaker character
shiro Japanese for ‘white’
Zekrom 0644 Zekrom ze used as a harder sound than ‘re’ to indicate a stronger character
kuro Japanese for ‘black’
Landorus 0645 Landorus land area of ground
-us common cloud suffix; possession of a given quality
Kyurem 0646 Kyurem kyuurei Japanese for ‘rapid cooling’
Keldeo 0647 Keldeo kelpie a supernatural water horse from Celtic folklore
rodeo a public exhibition of cowboy skills
Meloetta 0648 Meloetta melody a song
pirouette a ballet move
Genesect 0649 Genesect genetic of or relating to DNA
insect a bug
Chespin 0650 Chespin chestnut edible nut in a spiky shell
pin sharp needle
Quilladin 0651 Quilladin quill sharp feather/needle
paladin heroic, chivalrous knight
Chesnaught 0652 Chesnaught chestnut edible nut in a spiky shell
juggernaught large, destructive force
Fennekin 0653 Fennekin fennec species of fox
kin friendship, affinity
Braixen 0654 Braixen braise to simmer over heat
vixen a female fox
Delphox 0655 Delphox Delphic oracle the most important oracle in Greek mythology
fox vulpine mammal
Froakie 0656 Froakie frog a species of amphibian
croaky husky, squawking noise made by frogs
Frogadier 0657 Frogadier frog a species of amphibian
brigadier an army rank
Greninja 0658 Greninja grenouille French for ‘frog’
ninja stealthy martial art
Bunnelby 0659 Bunnelby bunny slang for rabbit, a small mammal with long ears
tunnel to burrow underground
Diggersby 0660 Diggersby digger one who excavates earth
bunny slang for rabbit, a small mammal with long ears
Fletchling 0661 Fletchling fletch a feather, as used on a dart/arrow
fledgling a young bird learning to fly
Fletchinder 0662 Fletchinder fletch a feather, as used on a dart/arrow
cinder glowing ashes
Talonflame 0663 Talonflame talon a bird’s claw (especially birds of prey)
flame fire
Scatterbug 0664 Scatterbug scatter throw or distribute across a large area
bug insect; suffix meaning ‘enthusiast’
Spewpa 0665 Spewpa spew vomit
pupa immobile cocoon stage of an insect
Vivillon 0666 Vivillon vivify bring to life, animate
papillon French for ‘butterfly’
Litleo 0667 Litleo lit alight, on fire
leo Latin for ‘lion’
Pyroar 0668 Pyroar pyre a bonfire
roar deep cry of a lion/tiger
Flabébé 0669 Flabébé flabra Latin for ‘breeze’ or ‘wind’
bébé French for ‘baby’
Floette 0670 Floette florette one of a cluster of small flowers
Florges 0671 Florges flower the blossom of a plant
gorgeous beautiful
Skiddo 0672 Skiddo skid to slide
kiddo slang for a child; ‘kid’ is a baby goat
Gogoat 0673 Gogoat gogo full of energy
goat horned mammal
Pancham 0674 Pancham panda large black & white mammal
champion fighter who has defeated all opponents
Pangoro 0675 Pangoro panda large black & white mammal
gorogoro Japanese term for a rumbling sound
Furfrou 0676 Furfrou fur soft hair coating
frou-frou (French) a showy/frilly dress
Espurr 0677 Espurr ESP Extra Sensory Perception: psychic power
purr sound a cat makes when content
Meowstic 0678 Meowstic meow the sound a cat makes
mystic of or relating to the occult or psychics
Honedge 0679 Honedge hone sharpen, refine
edge thin, sharp side of a blade
Doublade 0680 Doublade double two
blade the flat cutting part of a sword, etc.
Aegislash 0681 Aegislash aegis shield in Greek mythology
slash to swipe
Spritzee 0682 Spritzee spritz to spray or squirt
Aromatisse 0683 Aromatisse aromatic fragrant, sweet-scented
-isse French suffix for feminine nouns
Swirlix 0684 Swirlix swirl to move in a spiral shape
licks to eat with the tongue
Slurpuff 0685 Slurpuff slurp drink with loud sucking noises
puff small blast (of powder etc.)
Inkay 0686 Inkay ink dark fluid ejected by squid
okay agreement, acceptance
Malamar 0687 Malamar malice evil, spite
calamar Spanish for ‘squid’
Binacle 0688 Binacle bi- prefix meaning ‘two’
barnacle marine crustacean, typically attached to ship bottoms
Barbaracle 0689 Barbaracle barbaric uncivilized, brutish
barnacle marine crustacean, typically attached to ship bottoms
Skrelp 0690 Skrelp screen disguise, cover
kelp seaweed
Dragalge 0691 Dragalge dragon mythical fire-breathing creature
algae aquatic plant family that includes seaweed
Clauncher 0692 Clauncher claw pincer, talon
launch throw, project
Clawitzer 0693 Clawitzer claw pincer, talon
howitzer a type of cannon
Helioptile 0694 Helioptile helios Greek for ‘sun’
reptile cold-blooded creature with scaly skin
Heliolisk 0695 Heliolisk helios Greek for ‘sun’
basilisk a species of lizard
Tyrunt 0696 Tyrunt tyrannosaur a large bipedal dinosaur
runt the smallest of a litter of animals
Tyrantrum 0697 Tyrantrum tyrannosaur a large bipedal dinosaur
tantrum a display of rage or frustration
Amaura 0698 Amaura Amargasaurus a small sauropod dinosaur
aurora a luminous atmospheric phenomenon occurring in the arctic/antarctic
Aurorus 0699 Aurorus Amargasaurus a small sauropod dinosaur
aurora a luminous atmospheric phenomenon occurring in the arctic/antarctic
Sylveon 0700 Sylveon sylph an invisible spirit of the air; a fairy
eon long period of time (implying evolution)
Hawlucha 0701 Hawlucha hawk bird of prey
luchador Mexican wrestler
Dedenne 0702 Dedenne denki Japanese for ‘electricity’
antennae aerial that receives television/radio waves
Carbink 0703 Carbink carbon core element of diamond and other minerals
clink sound of gemstones clashing
Goomy 0704 Goomy goo sticky substance
slimy covered in goo
Sliggoo 0705 Sliggoo slime sticky substance
goo sticky substance
Goodra 0706 Goodra goo sticky substance
dragon mythical fire-breathing creature
Klefki 0707 Klefki clef French for ‘key’
key piece of metal for opening locks
Phantump 0708 Phantump phantom a ghost
stump remainder of a tree after being cut down
Trevenant 0709 Trevenant tree large plant with a trunk
revenant one who has returned from the dead
Pumpkaboo 0710 Pumpkaboo pumpkin large orange fruit, often used at Halloween
peek-a-boo childish game involving hiding and suddenly reappearing
Gourgeist 0711 Gourgeist gourd family to which pumpkins belong
poltergeist a ghost
Bergmite 0712 Bergmite iceberg large floating mass of ice
stalagmite column of ice rising from the floor of a cave
Avalugg 0713 Avalugg avalanche a landslide of snow
vugg small cavity in rock or ice
Noibat 0714 Noibat noise loud sounds
bat cave-dwelling flying mammal
Noivern 0715 Noivern noise loud sounds
wyvern mythical dragon-like creature
Xerneas 0716 Xerneas X letter; game in which Xerneas appears
Cernunnos Celtic god based on a deer (itself from the Latin ‘cervus’)
Yveltal 0717 Yveltal Y letter; game in which Yveltal appears
wyvern mythical dragon-like creature
quetzal colorful, long-tailed bird
Zygarde 0718 Zygarde Z letter representing third coordinate axis
garde French for ‘guard’ or ’protect’
Diancie 0719 Diancie diamond precious stone
ishi Japanese for ‘rock’
Hoopa 0720 Hoopa hoop a circular band
Volcanion 0721 Volcanion volcano mountain that erupts lava
lion large ferocious cat
Rowlet 0722 Rowlet arrow thin weapon shot from a bow
owlet a young owl
Dartrix 0723 Dartrix dart a small arrow
strix a genus of owls
Decidueye 0724 Decidueye deciduous tree/shrub that sheds its leaves
eye organ of sight; close observation
Litten 0725 Litten lit alight (with fire)
kitten a young cat
Torracat 0726 Torracat torrid very hot and dry
cat domesticated feline
Incineroar 0727 Incineroar incinerate set alight
roar deep cry of a lion/tiger
Popplio 0728 Popplio pop burst (a bubble or balloon)
sea lion aquatic mammal
Brionne 0729 Brionne brio vivaciousness, enthusiasm
sissonne common ballet step
Primarina 0730 Primarina prima donna leading female singer
ballerina dancer
Pikipek 0731 Pikipek picus Latin for ‘woodpecker’
peck strike with a beak
Trumbeak 0732 Trumbeak trumpet brass instrument
beak a bird’s bill
Toucannon 0733 Toucannon toucan brightly colored bird with a large beak
cannon large mounted gun
Yungoos 0734 Yungoos young baby animal
mongoose weasel-like mammal
Gumshoos 0735 Gumshoos gumshoe slang for ‘detective’
mongoose weasel-like mammal
Grubbin 0736 Grubbin grub insect larva
grubbing digging
Charjabug 0737 Charjabug charge store electrical energy
bug insect
Vikavolt 0738 Vikavolt vice grip with two jaws
volt unit of electricity
Crabrawler 0739 Crabrawler crab marine creature
brawler fighter
Crabominable 0740 Crabominable crab marine creature
abominable snowman mythological arctic creature; yeti
Oricorio 0741 Oricorio oriole brightly-colored bird
choreography dance composition
oratorio extended musical composition
Cutiefly 0742 Cutiefly cutie-pie darling, sweetheart
fly a species of insect
Ribombee 0743 Ribombee ribbon fancy/colorful strip of material
Bombyliidae Scientific name of the ‘bee fly’
bee a species of flying insect
Rockruff 0744 Rockruff rock stone, boulder
ruff dog’s bark
Lycanroc 0745 Lycanroc lycanthrope a werewolf
rock stone, boulder
Wishiwashi 0746 Wishiwashi wishy-washy weak; watery
Mareanie 0747 Mareanie marine of or relating to the sea
meanie small-minded, nasty
Toxapex 0748 Toxapex toxic poisonous
apex tip, point
Mudbray 0749 Mudbray mud dirt
bray donkey noise
Mudsdale 0750 Mudsdale mud dirt
Clydesdale a large, heavy breed of horse
Dewpider 0751 Dewpider dew moisture
spider eight-legged creature
Araquanid 0752 Araquanid arachnid a spider
aqua relating to water
Fomantis 0753 Fomantis faux false, artificial
mantis a species of insect
Lurantis 0754 Lurantis lure attract, entice
mantis a species of insect
Morelull 0755 Morelull morel a type of mushroom
lull soothe, put to sleep
Shiinotic 0756 Shiinotic shiitake a type of mushroom
shine glow brightly
hypnotic inducing sleep
Salandit 0757 Salandit salamander lizard-like amphibian (also a mythical fire-dwelling creature)
bandit robber, outlaw
Salazzle 0758 Salazzle salamander lizard-like amphibian (also a mythical fire-dwelling creature)
dazzle impress, attract
Stufful 0759 Stufful stuff fill with material
little small
Bewear 0760 Bewear bear large, powerful mammal
wear have on as clothing
beware warning
Bounsweet 0761 Bounsweet bounce jump, spring
sweet sugary taste
Steenee 0762 Steenee mangosteen tropical tree with sweet fruit
teen youngster
Tsareena 0763 Tsareena tsarina Russian empress
queen female royalty
Comfey 0764 Comfey comfy cosy, pleasant
lei Hawaiian flower wreath
Oranguru 0765 Oranguru orangutan a species of ape
guru spiritual leader; expert
Passimian 0766 Passimian pass transfer an object
simian of or relating to primates
Wimpod 0767 Wimpod wimp coward, weakling
isopod marine invertebrate with an exoskeleton
Golisopod 0768 Golisopod goliath a giant
isopod marine invertebrate with an exoskeleton
Sandygast 0769 Sandygast sandy covered in sand
gast to frighten or scare
Palossand 0770 Palossand palace large stately building
sand fine rock debris
Pyukumuku 0771 Pyukumuku puke vomit
sea cucumber marine creature
Type: Null 0772 Type: Null type kind, group
null nothing, nonexistent
Silvally 0773 Silvally silver precious metal
ally friend
Minior 0774 Minior mini small
meteor space rock
Komala 0775 Komala coma state of sleep or unconsciousness
koala small marsupial
Turtonator 0776 Turtonator turtle water-based reptile
detonator device causing an explosion
Togedemaru 0777 Togedemaru toge Japanese for ‘thorn’
maru Japanese for ‘round’
Mimikyu 0778 Mimikyu mimic imitate
you as in ‘mimic you’
Bruxish 0779 Bruxish brux to grind one’s teeth
fish marine creature
Drampa 0780 Drampa dragon mythical fire-breathing creature
grampa elderly relative
Dhelmise 0781 Dhelmise demise death, termination
helm a ship’s wheel
Jangmo-o 0782 Jangmo-o jangle to rustle metallic objects
mo'o Hawaiian for ‘dragon’
Hakamo-o 0783 Hakamo-o haka loud Maori war dance
mo'o Hawaiian for ‘dragon’
Kommo-o 0784 Kommo-o commotion loud noises
mo'o Hawaiian for ‘dragon’
Tapu Koko 0785 Tapu Koko tapu Hawaiian for ‘holy’
kokō Hawaiian for rooster’s cry
Tapu Lele 0786 Tapu Lele tapu Hawaiian for ‘holy’
pulelehua Hawaiian for ‘butterfly’
Tapu Bulu 0787 Tapu Bulu tapu Hawaiian for ‘holy’
bulu Hawaiian for ‘bull’
Tapu Fini 0788 Tapu Fini tapu Hawaiian for ‘holy’
fin wing-like appendage on fish or other sea creatures
Cosmog 0789 Cosmog cosmos the universe
fog mist
Cosmoem 0790 Cosmoem cosmos the universe
embryo fetus
Solgaleo 0791 Solgaleo solar of or relating to the Sun
leo Latin for ‘lion’
Lunala 0792 Lunala luna Latin for ‘moon’
ala a winglike structure
Nihilego 0793 Nihilego nihilism anarchy, desctructiveness
ego the self
Buzzwole 0794 Buzzwole buzz low humming sound
swole muscular
Pheromosa 0795 Pheromosa pheromone attractive chemical secreted by animals
-osa Latin female suffix
Xurkitree 0796 Xurkitree circuitry electrical wiring
tree large plant with a trunk
Celesteela 0797 Celesteela celestial of or relating to space or heaven
steel a metal alloy
Kartana 0798 Kartana katana Japanese samurai sword
Guzzlord 0799 Guzzlord guzzle eat, devour
lord master, royalty
Necrozma 0800 Necrozma nekros Greek for ‘dead’
prisma Greek for ‘prism’
Magearna 0801 Magearna machine apparatus with connecting parts
gear cog used in machines
Marshadow 0802 Marshadow martial art fighting, self-defense
shadow dark area created by blocking out light
Poipole 0803 Poipole poison toxic substance
pole long stick/point
Naganadel 0804 Naganadel naga mythological cobra
nadel German for ‘needle’
Stakataka 0805 Stakataka stack pile up objects neatly
Blacephalon 0806 Blacephalon blast an explosion
cephalo- of or relating to the head
Zeraora 0807 Zeraora zero nil, nothing
tora Japanese for ‘tiger’
Meltan 0808 Meltan melt become liquefied
tan suffix meaning ‘small’
Melmetal 0809 Melmetal melt become liquefied
metal solid material
Grookey 0810 Grookey groove rhythm
monkey a species of primate
Thwackey 0811 Thwackey thwack strike, often with a stick
monkey a species of primate
Rillaboom 0812 Rillaboom gorilla a large species of primate
boom a loud sound or explosion
Scorbunny 0813 Scorbunny scorch to burn harshly
bunny slang for rabbit, a small mammal with long ears
Raboot 0814 Raboot rabbit a small mammal with long ears
boot to kick something
Cinderace 0815 Cinderace cinder glowing ashes
ace expert
Sobble 0816 Sobble sob to cry
bubble liquid sphere
Drizzile 0817 Drizzile drizzle light rain
reptile cold-blooded creature with scaly skin
Inteleon 0818 Inteleon intelligent smart, knowledgeable
chameleon a species of lizard
Skwovet 0819 Skwovet squirrel rodent with a bushy tail
covet desire to possess (something belonging to someone else)
Greedent 0820 Greedent greed desire for much more
rodent type of small gnawing mammal
Rookidee 0821 Rookidee rookie new, untrained
chickidee species of bird
Corvisquire 0822 Corvisquire corvine of or relating to crows
squire young nobleman
Corviknight 0823 Corviknight corvine of or relating to crows
knight noble cavalier
Blipbug 0824 Blipbug blip beeping sound
bug insect
Dottler 0825 Dottler dot circular mark
Doppler effect change in pitch caused by movement
Orbeetle 0826 Orbeetle orb a spherical object
beetle insect
Nickit 0827 Nickit nick slang for ‘steal’
kit a baby fox
Thievul 0828 Thievul thieve to steal
vulpine of or relating to foxes
Gossifleur 0829 Gossifleur gossypium Latin name for the cotton plant
fleur French for ‘flower’
Eldegoss 0830 Eldegoss elder older or senior person
gossypium Latin name for the cotton plant
Wooloo 0831 Wooloo wool a sheep’s hair
Dubwool 0832 Dubwool double twice
wool a sheep’s hair
Chewtle 0833 Chewtle chew to bite or nibble
turtle water-based reptile
Drednaw 0834 Drednaw dreadnought a battleship
gnaw to bite or chew
Yamper 0835 Yamper yap high-pitched bark
scamper run around playfully
Boltund 0836 Boltund bolt a discharge of lightning
hound type of dog
Rolycoly 0837 Rolycoly roly-poly round, plump
coal black substance used as fuel
Carkol 0838 Carkol cart open vehicle used in mining
coal black substance used as fuel
Coalossal 0839 Coalossal coal black substance used as fuel
colossal huge, enormous
Applin 0840 Applin apple red/green fruit
Flapple 0841 Flapple flap to move wings up and down
apple red/green fruit
Appletun 0842 Appletun apple red/green fruit
tun large cask for brewing
Silicobra 0843 Silicobra silicon chemical element; component of sand
cobra a species of snake
Sandaconda 0844 Sandaconda sand fine rock debris
anaconda a large species of snake
Cramorant 0845 Cramorant cram fill something by force
cormorant a large seabird
Arrokuda 0846 Arrokuda arrow thin weapon
barracuda large predatory fish
Barraskewda 0847 Barraskewda barracuda large predatory fish
skewer to impale
Toxel 0848 Toxel toxic poisonous
electricity energy from electric currents
Toxtricity 0849 Toxtricity toxic poisonous
electricity energy from electric currents
Sizzlipede 0850 Sizzlipede sizzle frying sound
centipede insect with many legs
Centiskorch 0851 Centiskorch centipede insect with many legs
scorch burn a surface or the ground
Clobbopus 0852 Clobbopus clobber hit, strike
octopus marine creature with eight tentacles
Grapploct 0853 Grapploct grapple fight without weapons
octopus marine creature with eight tentacles
Sinistea 0854 Sinistea sinister evil, ominous
tea hot drink
Polteageist 0855 Polteageist poltergeist a ghost
tea hot drink
Hatenna 0856 Hatenna hat head covering
antenna appendage on a head
Hattrem 0857 Hattrem hat head covering
tremble involuntary shaking
Hatterene 0858 Hatterene hat head covering
serene calm, peaceful
Impidimp 0859 Impidimp imp mischievous sprite from folklore
rinky-dink poor quality; deceptive
Morgrem 0860 Morgrem morgue place where dead bodies are kept
gremlin mischievous creature from folklore
Grimmsnarl 0861 Grimmsnarl grim unpleasant, ugly
snarl growl with bared teeth
Obstagoon 0862 Obstagoon obstacle something that blocks or hinders progress
raccoon a small nocturnal carnivore
Perrserker 0863 Perrserker purr sound a cat makes when content
berserker ancient Norse warrior
Cursola 0864 Cursola curse supernatural power causing harm
solar of or relating to the Sun
Sirfetch'd 0865 Sirfetch'd sir noble title
far-fetched improbable, unlikely
Mr. Rime 0866 Mr. Rime Mr. male title of respect
rime frost
rhyme words ending in the same sound
Runerigus 0867 Runerigus rune ancient writings carved into stone
egregious outlandishly bad
Milcery 0868 Milcery milk white liquid from cows
sorcery magic
Alcremie 0869 Alcremie alchemy medieval chemistry
creamy soft and smooth
Falinks 0870 Falinks phalanx group of troops/officers in formation
links connected items
Pincurchin 0871 Pincurchin pin cushion a soft pad holding pins
sea urchin spiky sea creature
Snom 0872 Snom snow frozen precipitation
moth a species of insect
Frosmoth 0873 Frosmoth frost frozen dew
moth a species of insect
Stonjourner 0874 Stonjourner stone a rock
sojourner a traveller
Eiscue 0875 Eiscue ice cube frozen water
Indeedee 0876 Indeedee indeed expression of agreement or emphasis
Morpeko 0877 Morpeko morumotto Japanese for ‘guinea pig’
harapeko Japanese for ‘hungry’
Cufant 0878 Cufant Cu chemical symbol for copper
elephant large mammal with a trunk
Copperajah 0879 Copperajah copper reddish-brown metal
rajah an Indian prince
Dracozolt 0880 Dracozolt draco Latin for ‘dragon’
volt unit of electricity
Arctozolt 0881 Arctozolt arctic icy region around the North Pole
volt unit of electricity
Dracovish 0882 Dracovish draco Latin for ‘dragon’
fish marine creature
Arctovish 0883 Arctovish arctic icy region around the North Pole
fish marine creature
Duraludon 0884 Duraludon duralumin aluminium alloy
-don common dinosaur suffix, from the Greek for ‘tooth’
Dreepy 0885 Dreepy dragon mythical fire-breathing creature
creepy unpleasant, uneasy
Drakloak 0886 Drakloak dragon mythical fire-breathing creature
cloak hide, disguise
Dragapult 0887 Dragapult dragon mythical fire-breathing creature
catapult device for throwing missiles
Zacian 0888 Zacian cyan greenish-blue color
Zamazenta 0889 Zamazenta magenta purplish-red color
Eternatus 0890 Eternatus aeternatus Latin for ‘eternalized’, lasting forever
Kubfu 0891 Kubfu cub a young bear
kung fu Chinese martial art
Urshifu 0892 Urshifu ursa Latin for ‘bear’
shifu master; a skilled person
Zarude 0893 Zarude saru Japanese for ‘monkey’
rude impolite, offensive
Regieleki 0894 Regieleki regi (Latin) of or relating to royalty
ereki Japanese for ‘electric’
Regidrago 0895 Regidrago regi (Latin) of or relating to royalty
drago dragon
Glastrier 0896 Glastrier glacier large mass of ice
destrier war horse
Spectrier 0897 Spectrier spectre a ghost
destrier war horse
Calyrex 0898 Calyrex calyx the sepals (bud) of a flower
rex Latin for ‘king’
Wyrdeer 0899 Wyrdeer wyrd fate, destiny
deer a species of mammal with antlers
Kleavor 0900 Kleavor cleaver heavy knife with a large square blade
Ursaluna 0901 Ursaluna ursa Latin for ‘bear’
luna Latin for ‘moon’
Basculegion 0902 Basculegion bass a species of fish
masculin tough, bold
legion great in number; an army
Sneasler 0903 Sneasler sneaky crafty, deceitful
weaseler one who weasels out of something
Overqwil 0904 Overqwil overkill excessive force or action
quill sharp feather used for writing with ink
Enamorus 0905 Enamorus enamor to fill with love
-us common cloud suffix; possession of a given quality
Sprigatito 0906 Sprigatito sprig small stem of a plant
gatito Spanish for ‘kitten’
Floragato 0907 Floragato flora relating to plants
gato Spanish for ‘cat’
Meowscarada 0908 Meowscarada meow the sound a cat makes
mascarada Spanish for ‘masqerade’, to disguise oneself
Fuecoco 0909 Fuecoco fuego Spanish for ‘fire’
cocodrilo Spanish for ‘crocodile’
Crocalor 0910 Crocalor crocodile reptile with long jaws
calor Spanish for ‘heat’
Skeledirge 0911 Skeledirge skeleton a creature’s bone structure
dirge a lament for the dead; mournful song
Quaxly 0912 Quaxly quack sound made by a duck
Quaxwell 0913 Quaxwell quack sound made by a duck
Quaquaval 0914 Quaquaval quack sound made by a duck
carnival travelling funfair or circus
Lechonk 0915 Lechonk lechon Spanish for ‘suckling pig’
chonk slang for fat or chunky
Oinkologne 0916 Oinkologne oink the noise a pig makes
cologne fragrance, perfume
Tarountula 0917 Tarountula tarantula a large, hairy spider
round circular or spherical
Spidops 0918 Spidops spider eight-legged creature
ops operations, particularly of a military kind
Nymble 0919 Nymble nymph an immature form of an insect
nimble agile, quick in movement
Lokix 0920 Lokix locust large tropical grasshopper
kicks strikes with the foot
Pawmi 0921 Pawmi paw animal’s foot
me referring to oneself (as in ‘paw me’)
Pawmo 0922 Pawmo paw animal’s foot
marmot large burrowing rodent
Pawmot 0923 Pawmot paw animal’s foot
marmot large burrowing rodent
Tandemaus 0924 Tandemaus tandem a group of two working together
maus German for ‘mouse’, a small rodent
Maushold 0925 Maushold maus German for ‘mouse’, a small rodent
household a family or occupants of a dwelling
Fidough 0926 Fidough fido generic name for a pet dog
dough flour and water mixture used in baking
Dachsbun 0927 Dachsbun dachshund a breed of dog
bun a bread roll or cake
Smoliv 0928 Smoliv smol slang for ‘small’
olive small bitter fruit
Dolliv 0929 Dolliv doll dress up smartly/attractively
olive small bitter fruit
Arboliva 0930 Arboliva arboretum tree place
olive small bitter fruit
Squawkabilly 0931 Squawkabilly squawk the loud screech a bird makes
rockabilly genre of rock music
Nacli 0932 Nacli NaCl chemical formula for salt (sodium chloride)
Naclstack 0933 Naclstack NaCl chemical formula for salt (sodium chloride)
stack place things on top of one another
Garganacl 0934 Garganacl gargantuan huge, giant
NaCl chemical formula for salt (sodium chloride)
Charcadet 0935 Charcadet char to burn or singe
cadet a trainee in the police or armed forces
Armarouge 0936 Armarouge armadura Spanish for ‘armor’
rouge French for ‘red’
Ceruledge 0937 Ceruledge cerulean a shade of blue
edge the sharpened side of a blade
Tadbulb 0938 Tadbulb tadpole a baby frog/toad
bulb an electric light
Bellibolt 0939 Bellibolt belly the stomach/abdomen
bolt a flash of lightning
Wattrel 0940 Wattrel watt unit of electrical power
petrel a type of seabird
Kilowattrel 0941 Kilowattrel kilowatt large unit of electrical power
petrel a type of seabird
Maschiff 0942 Maschiff mastiff a breed of dog
mischief misbehaviour
Mabosstiff 0943 Mabosstiff mastiff a breed of dog
boss leader, chief
Shroodle 0944 Shroodle shrew a small mouse-like rodent
doodle a rough drawing or sketch
Grafaiai 0945 Grafaiai graffiti unauthorized art, usually spray-painted
aye-aye a lemur-like species of primate
Bramblin 0946 Bramblin bramble prickly weeds
rambling walking, hiking
Brambleghast 0947 Brambleghast bramble prickly weeds
aghast shocked, horrified
Toedscool 0948 Toedscool toe appendage on the foot
cool low temperature, or impressive
toadstool a type of mushroom
Toedscruel 0949 Toedscruel toe appendage on the foot
cruel mean
toadstool a type of mushroom
Klawf 0950 Klawf claw a crab’s pincer
cliff a steep rock face
Capsakid 0951 Capsakid capsicum tropical plant with spicy peppers
kid a child
Scovillain 0952 Scovillain Scoville scale measurement of the spiciness of chili peppers
villain an evil character
Rellor 0953 Rellor roller move by turning on an axis; ‘rellor’ spelled backwards is ’roller’
Rabsca 0954 Rabsca scarab a type of dung beetle; ‘rabsca’ with the syllables switched is ’scarab’
Flittle 0955 Flittle flit move swiftly and lightly
little small
Espathra 0956 Espathra ESP Extra Sensory Perception: psychic power
telepathic mind-reading
Cleopatra Ancient Egyptian queen
Tinkatink 0957 Tinkatink tinker casually modify or repair, especially a mechanical object
Tinkatuff 0958 Tinkatuff tinker casually modify or repair, especially a mechanical object
tough hard, durable
Tinkaton 0959 Tinkaton tinker casually modify or repair, especially a mechanical object
ton large weight
Wiglett 0960 Wiglett wiggle move quickly from side to side
-lett suffix meaning ‘small’
Wugtrio 0961 Wugtrio wiggle move quickly from side to side
trio group of three things
Dugtrio similar Pokémon with three heads
Bombirdier 0962 Bombirdier bombardier military rank, responsible for dropping bombs
bird winged animal
Finizen 0963 Finizen fin wing-like appendage on fish or other sea creatures
citizen resident or member of a society
Palafin 0964 Palafin paladin a knight renowned for heroism and chivalry
fin wing-like appendage on fish or other sea creatures
Varoom 0965 Varoom vroom the sound a car makes
Revavroom 0966 Revavroom rev increase speed of an engine
vroom the sound a car makes
Cyclizar 0967 Cyclizar cycle vehicle with wheels
lizard a reptile
Orthworm 0968 Orthworm ore a mineral in its natural state
earthworm long, thin invertebrate creature
Glimmet 0969 Glimmet glimmer shine, gleam
comet space rock
Glimmora 0970 Glimmora glimmer shine, gleam
flora relating to plants
Greavard 0971 Greavard greaves animal fat used to make candles
graveyard cemetery, burial ground
Houndstone 0972 Houndstone hound type of dog
gravestone rock with inscription in a graveyard
Flamigo 0973 Flamigo flamingo a tall pink wading bird
amigo Spanish for ‘friend’ or ’buddy’
Cetoddle 0974 Cetoddle cetacean order of mammals that includes whales
toddle walk like a baby
Cetitan 0975 Cetitan cetacean order of mammals that includes whales
titan thing of great size or strength
Veluza 0976 Veluza veloz Spanish for ‘fast’
merluza Spanish for ‘hake’, a type of fish
Dondozo 0977 Dondozo don of great size/importance; lord or master
dozo Japanese for ‘please go ahead’
Tatsugiri 0978 Tatsugiri tatsu Japanese for ‘stand’ or ’rise up’
giri Japanese for ‘duty’
nigiri a type of sushi
Annihilape 0979 Annihilape annihilate destroy, obliterate
ape a species of primate
Clodsire 0980 Clodsire clod a lump of earth
sire master, lord
Farigiraf 0981 Farigiraf giraffe long-necked African mammal
Girafarig a pun on its pre-evolution, keeping the palindrome
Dudunsparce 0982 Dudunsparce Dunsparce repetition referring to its multiple segments
Kingambit 0983 Kingambit king royalty
King's Gambit a chess move
Great Tusk 0984 Great Tusk great large, huge
tusk large pointed tooth
Scream Tail 0985 Scream Tail scream shout loudly
tail hindmost part of an animal
Brute Bonnet 0986 Brute Bonnet brute savage, beast
bonnet wide sun hat
Flutter Mane 0987 Flutter Mane flutter flap one’s wings
mane long hair around the neck of animals
Slither Wing 0988 Slither Wing slither move or wriggle like a snake
wing forelimb of a bird that enables flight
Sandy Shocks 0989 Sandy Shocks sandy covered in fine rock debris
shocks sudden discharges of electricity
Iron Treads 0990 Iron Treads iron heavy/tough metal
treads raised bumps on tyres/wheels
Iron Bundle 0991 Iron Bundle iron heavy/tough metal
bundle a package or gift
Iron Hands 0992 Iron Hands iron heavy/tough metal
hands the ends of the arms
Iron Jugulis 0993 Iron Jugulis iron heavy/tough metal
jugular the neck or throat
Iron Moth 0994 Iron Moth iron heavy/tough metal
moth a species of insect
Iron Thorns 0995 Iron Thorns iron heavy/tough metal
thorns sharp spine on a plant
Frigibax 0996 Frigibax frigid very cold
back the rear
axe tool with a wide metal blade
Arctibax 0997 Arctibax arctic icy region around the North Pole
back the rear
axe tool with a wide metal blade
Baxcalibur 0998 Baxcalibur back the rear
axe tool with a wide metal blade
Excalibur the legendary sword of King Arthur
Gimmighoul 0999 Gimmighoul gimme a strong desire to gain money
ghoul a ghost
Gholdengo 1000 Gholdengo ghoul a ghost
gold precious metal
golden goose a continuing source of wealth
Wo-Chien 1001 Wo-Chien wo Chinese for ‘snail’
jian Chinese for ‘bamboo slip’
Chien-Pao 1002 Chien-Pao jian Chinese for ‘sword’
bao Chinese for ‘leopard’
Ting-Lu 1003 Ting-Lu ding ancient Chinese cauldron
lu Chinese for ‘deer’
Chi-Yu 1004 Chi-Yu chi Chinese for ‘ablaze’
jinyu Chinese for ‘goldfish’
Roaring Moon 1005 Roaring Moon roaring deep cry of a lion/tiger
moon celestial object
Iron Valiant 1006 Iron Valiant iron heavy/tough metal
valiant full of courage
Koraidon 1007 Koraidon korai Japanese for ‘ancient’
-don common dinosaur suffix, from the Greek for ‘tooth’
Miraidon 1008 Miraidon mirai Japanese for ‘future’
-don common dinosaur suffix, from the Greek for ‘tooth’