Friend Codes:
Switch: 8092-2611-5630
I have a 3ds code but idk what it is
Name changes: GmaxStonjourner-- GmaxWaluigi--Maximum Length--Baron Von Thomason III--McRibFarewellTour--MonkeyBusiness
Next name change is igivebadsuggestions
First team all-state XC
Current 5K PR: 15:53// 1500 4:15 // Mile 4:31 //
1,000 Points reached on 12/26/20
2,000 Points reached on 4/1/21
3,000 Points reached on 7/17/21. Halfway to expert!
4,000 points reached on 8/18/21
5,000 points reached on 10/8/21 Thanks people for upvoting me!
6,000 points and Expert reached on 11/17/21! Thank you so much guys!
7,000 points reached 1/12/22
8,000 points reached 7/27/22
Front Page of Users: 8/7/22
Top 50 users!: 11/16/22
9,000 points reached: 11/27/22
EDITOR reached 4/7/23
10,000 point club reached 4/19/23
11,000 points reached 6/24/23
12,000 points reached 9/11/23
13,000 points reached 3/3/24
14,000 points reached 7/5/24
About me:
I've played Pokemon Diamond, HG, B2, X, OR, SMUSUM, LGP, SwSh, SP, LA.
Expertise in questions: Shiny Pokemon and anything that has an objective answer
If you're not competing, why did you get up this morning?
Success isn't the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.
Technically almost none of the information on this website has practical applications.
commented May 11, 2021 by sumwun
does a packet of seeds I got for $1.19 in 2012 at fleet farm count?
commented 10 hours ago by cranpper
It's funny how so many people know so much about Pokemon
If I had a dollar for every time I didn't know what was going on I'd wonder how I got so much money
I got mentioned in an Austin John Plays video That's my question!