Pokémon Natures

Pokémon natures are another key feature of the games, introduced in Generation 3 (Ruby/Sapphire), which can increase certain stats. Each Pokémon has one nature, randomly selected from a total of 25.

Pokémon Natures

Rather than just being a superficial personality, Natures actually affect the growth of a Pokémon. Each nature increases one of its stats by 10% and decreases one by 10% (by the time it reaches level 100). Five natures increase and decrease the same stat and therefore have no effect.

In most cases it is preferable to have a nature that decreases either Attack or Special Attack for Pokémon whose strengths are the opposite type of attack. Espeon, for example, favours Special moves, so it's best to use a nature that decreases its Attack since it won't be used.


A Pokémon's nature also determines the berries it likes and dislikes. Each type of berry is linked to one stat:

  • Attack - Spicy
  • Defense - Sour
  • Speed - Sweet
  • Sp. Attack - Dry
  • Sp. Defense - Bitter

The berry a Pokémon likes is the corresponding flavour of its raised stat, while the berry it dislikes is the flavour of its lowered stat.

For example, a Pokémon of Sassy nature will like Bitter berries (Special Defense is raised) and dislike Sweet berries (Speed is lowered).

Natures by stat

Find which nature corresponds to your preferred stat boosts/drops.

- Attack - Defense - Sp. Atk - Sp. Def - Speed
+ Attack Hardy Lonely Adamant Naughty Brave
+ Defense Bold Docile Impish Lax Relaxed
+ Sp. Atk Modest Mild Bashful Rash Quiet
+ Sp. Def Calm Gentle Careful Quirky Sassy
+ Speed Timid Hasty Jolly Naive Serious

Natures alphabetically

Check which stats are raised/lowered by your Pokémon's nature.

Nature Increases Decreases
Adamant Attack Sp. Atk
Bashful Sp. Atk Sp. Atk
Bold Defense Attack
Brave Attack Speed
Calm Sp. Def Attack
Careful Sp. Def Sp. Atk
Docile Defense Defense
Gentle Sp. Def Defense
Hardy Attack Attack
Hasty Speed Defense
Impish Defense Sp. Atk
Jolly Speed Sp. Atk
Lax Defense Sp. Def
Lonely Attack Defense
Mild Sp. Atk Defense
Modest Sp. Atk Attack
Naive Speed Sp. Def
Naughty Attack Sp. Def
Quiet Sp. Atk Speed
Quirky Sp. Def Sp. Def
Rash Sp. Atk Sp. Def
Relaxed Defense Speed
Sassy Sp. Def Speed
Serious Speed Speed
Timid Speed Attack