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I've heard in some places that so-and-so is good because it has scrappy, so it can hit ghosts with False Swipe, or it can learn Foresight and False Swipe, which makes it good. False Swipe is literally just an underpowered Scratch. Why is there the notion that it's good?

Guessing you’ve never sos chained before? also around 1hp should almost double the chance of a catch.
No, never. What's SOS chaining?
Utilizes the SOS/ calling mechanic in sun&moon/ usum to get Pokémon with better IV’s, HA’s and even shiny Pokémon. Check it out, a quick google should bring up a ton of stuff.

3 Answers

1 vote

False Swipe is useful for 1 thing, and 1 thing only -- making it stupidly easy to capture Wild Pokemon. False Swipe is guaranteed to always leave the target with 1 HP, no matter the circumstances. This is also why it pairs well with Scrappy and Foresight -- as a Normal type move, False Swipe cannot hit Ghost Pokemon... without the application of Scrappy or Foresight.

It can sometimes leave the target with more than 1 HP.
1 vote

False Swipe Only Is Useful in-game
False swipe has low power, except if the move were to KO the other Pokemon then it would leave it with one HP.
This is useful for catching a certain Pokemon or shiny hunting.
It has no competitive use whatsoever though, if you want a good normal type move, Use double edge
If you are hunting for a ghost type, use Pangoro with False Swipe so it can hit ghosts.
Hope this helped!

edited by
Mega lopunny gets False Swipe?
Disregard the last point made about hunting ghosts. The answerer is referring to the ability Scrappy, which allows Pokemon to hit ghosts with normal moves. Neither of the given Pokemon learn False Swipe. Only a hidden ability Pancham/Pangoro can learn this move.
i mean, technically it could have a MINOR compeditive use. something that is practically  useless but could work in a perfect world. it can set up a fell stinger kill... dats basically it, or making it easier for a different mon to get moxie or allowing for moody/speed boost mons to get one extra turn of boosts if they outspeed the thing in question
0 votes

It always leave the Pokemon with 1hp which makes wild Pokémon way easier to catch. It has no use in competitive play whatsoever

It can sometimes leave the target with more than 1 HP.