PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User Ætherborn Rogue

Member for: 13 years (since Jun 24, 2011)
Type: Expert
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Gender: I'm a snack
Country: Pennsylvania, in the grand ol' United States.
Favorite Pokémon: Lucario. Additional numerous favorites listed below. My favorites be type: https://bit.ly/3ww7RK1 (Grass type is outdated, it's Meowscarada now)
Friend Codes: PS: 1000HP
Switch: SW-2421-3131-6742.
Sword: Dan
Shining Pearl: Hikari
Violet: Isabel

Anyone remember the days when all the games had separate FC's and we would type them in individually? Yeah, that's how long I've been here.

Battle.net: YaBoiHorse#1960
Riot ID (Valorant/League of Legends): AmericanEquine#0001

About me: Last Update: September 15, 2023. Just posted for the first time in over a year. I pretty much don't use this site anymore, and play other games more than Pokémon. But I still play Pokémon at 24 years old, and I have played since the FR/LG/E era.

I like a lot of rock and heavy metal. I'm 24. I've been here for way too long. I like Pokemans and I used to (and sometimes still do) play competitively. I'm not great at it, but I do know a thing or two, so sometimes I can be of help. Also take great joy in shiny hunting. As of time of writing, I proudly lay claim to Kartana, Alolan Marowak, Palossand, Vikavolt, and Morpeko's most popular movesets, and I am top 4 or better for Serperior and Zeraora.

Other than Pokemon, I really like playing FPS games, especially Valorant and Overwatch, and Magic: the Gathering. I've forcibly grown myself to enjoy League of Legends, too. Ironically, no, I do not play the Pokemon TCG at all. My favorite characters in Valorant and Overwatch are Omen and a tie between Reaper and D.Va. I main Kai'sa in League, though I can play several champs in any position except jungle. I'm a commander player in Magic, and I enjoy almost any style (begone mono-blue players), though my first love was Simic as a whole.

I am a massive fan of Pittsburgh sports and the NHL in general so if you like hockey you'll like me. Go Penguins. The Steelers frustrate me on a level I cannot define with words.

According to one user, also known as Magiquaza.

In addition to Lucario I have numerous other favorite Pokemon: Aggron, Copperajah, Lopunny, Excadrill, Braviary, Yanmega, Obstagoon, Lycanroc, Alakazam, Salamence, Gengar, Absol, Lucario, Garchomp, Banette, Scizor, Heracross, Tyranitar, Pinsir, Ampharos, Abomasnow, Sharpedo, Camerupt, Aerodactyl, Houndoom, Manectric, Gyarados, Lucario, Luxray, Machamp, Pyroar, Decidueye, Incineroar, Infernape, Empoleon, Meowscarada, Altaria, Dragalge, Clawitzer, Electivire, Magmortar, Froslass, Glalie, Weavile, Rhyperior, Naganadel, Zeraora, Lucario, Toxicroak, Zangoose and Seviper, Drednaw, Gardevoir, Gallade, Cinccino, Kangaskhan, Bewear, Medicham, Mawile, Sableye, Chandelure, Boltund, Metagross, Frosmoth, Flygon, and finally all Galarian, Kantonian, Kalosian, and Hoenn starters.                                                                           
Yup, all the good ones. And don't forget Lucario.


Sapphire:† Crobat (Zubat), Bellossom (Oddish), Linoone (Zigzagoon)

Platinum:† Gyarados (Magikarp)

White:† Gigalith (Boldore)

Omega Ruby: Excadrill,† Luxray (Luxio), Machamp (Machop),† Spoink,† Altaria (Swablu),  Aggron (Aron), Exploud (Whismur),† Crobat (Zubat), Mawile

Sun: Salamence (Bagon), Pelipper, Arcanine (Growlithe), Vikavolt (Grubbin), Umbreon

Ultra Moon: Glalie,† Shiftry (Nuzleaf),‡ Heliolisk,‡ Lopunny (Buneary), Espeon (Eevee), Lucario (Riolu), Raichu (Pichu) [x2]

Sword:* Many, many shinies. Those I have found by semi-accident are Chandelure (Lampent), Druddigon,** Sirfetch'd, Gardevoir, Salazzle, Toxapex, Lycanroc-Dusk, Xatu, and Shedinja. Numerous others come from a discord group I'm a part of who distribute these shinies - if you'd like me to refer you please leave me a wall message!

† = random encounter
‡ = semi-accidental Ultra Wormhole shiny
* = these probably were cheesed in by streamers so they're not quite as cool but a shiny is a shiny
** = I traded this one for a shiny Croagunk that's now a Toxicroak.
*** anything with parentheses is what it was when it was caught

Activity by Ætherborn Rogue

Score: 7,532 points (ranked #68)
Questions: 224 (189 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 360 (142 chosen as best)
Comments: 2,045
Voted on: 183 questions, 1,214 answers
Gave out: 1,259 up votes, 138 down votes
Received: 504 up votes, 53 down votes

Wall for Ætherborn Rogue

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It's alright, it was kind of a personal question anyways, wasn't my business to ask. But yeah, interacting with people can be really hard at times, that's something I know a lot of people can relate to.
Oct 13, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Oh yeah, also sorry for asking
Oct 12, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Oh, ok.
Oct 12, 2023 by Mr. Fish
You have any bad experiences with females in life in general?
Oct 11, 2023 by Mr. Fish
"kinda funny" is an understatement
Oct 1, 2023 by MangoBrick
gotta respect the music taste
Oct 1, 2023 by MangoBrick
Welcome back legend
Sep 17, 2023 by MonkeyBusiness
I was just seeing if the more original users were still alive
Feb 11, 2023 by Mahathirio
Dec 8, 2022 by Mahathirio