PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User Sythrus

Member for: 5 years (since Nov 18, 2019)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
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Gender: Edgelord
Country: Canada
Favorite Pokémon: Volcorona, Frosmoth, Buzzwole, Blaziken, Rayquaza, Metagross, Torterra, Decidueye, Mr. Vish
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Activity by Sythrus

Score: 154 points (ranked #889)
Questions: 15 (13 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 7 (1 chosen as best)
Comments: 63
Voted on: 2 questions, 17 answers
Gave out: 18 up votes, 1 down vote
Received: 9 up votes, 1 down vote

Wall for Sythrus

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Sorry. I've accidentally converted your answer into a comment. If you end up seeing this in the near future, feel free to copy and paste your old answer into a new answer.
Once again, sorry about that. This was completely my fault for not paying attention.
Dec 1, 2019 by Hellfire Taco
Welcome to the Database :)
Nov 18, 2019 by KRLW890