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User Ralphieb2t

Member for: 7 years (since Mar 11, 2017)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Gender: Male
Country: Usa
Favorite Pokémon: Raichu
Friend Codes: 5301-3504-0264
About me: Been playing Pokémon since the 90's. An avid shiny-hunter and Pokémon breeder. I collect cards, even have some of my old 1st editions, but was never really that into the TCG. Took me long enough to join one of theese things. I don't have any friends that play, so it's always been difficult getting that hard- to find-information. I have a cat named Luna who I love with all my heart. working to get nidorina out of the undiscovered egg group one post at a time... and I'd really just like the chance to help out the new guy, ya know!?
The first game I played was Red when I was a little kid, on my translucent purple Game Boy Color. I got the game just a few days after it came out.
...then at summer camp I stole someone's blue vs. -- it was love at first sight
My favorite game is soul silver. I loved how it was like 2 games in one. That's how I felt anyways. And maddd people give you free pokémon in-game. So awesome.

Current Games:  Replaying HGSS and just finished a replay of BW2.  Ultra Sun- Taking advantage of the free online while its still supported. If I’m battling competitively, it’s in usum where I have 800+mons +megas+z-crystals.
Shield- just trying to enjoy the story right now, but It really seems like the real deal main series is dead and gone. I can see why ppl like it but it’s just not the game that us hardcore trainers, breeders and competitive battlers envisioned.  
My game goals: I'd like to create my own "living-shiny" Dex(I guess it will just have to be in gen7 for now) CurrentTotal✨: 141ish
Also, id like to get better with doubles battles  — I can breed, Ev train and setup some gnarly Pokémon considering items and abilities, but I have trouble when I’m considering them as a doubles team.

Activity by Ralphieb2t

Score: 148 points (ranked #920)
Questions: 14 (8 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 5
Comments: 63
Voted on: 6 questions, 18 answers
Gave out: 20 up votes, 4 down votes
Received: 13 up votes, 1 down vote

Wall for Ralphieb2t

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Oh yes! As a matter of fact, there's a couple links in a META thread, but I'll post them here.
Link to Official Thread and invite link: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/meta/68341/pokebase-discord-server-official-thread?show=68341#q68341

And a link to the username thread, where you post your Discord name and tag: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/meta/68342/what-is-your-discord-username-and-tag?show=68342#q68342

Also if you joined already just ignore the first link. And if you already posted your tag, ignore all theses messages. Good day to you!
Jan 28, 2020 by Clobboot
My dude, I'm doing alright. To be honest though, I haven't used this site much either lol. Probably because the DB has a Discord server now. Pretty easy to organize trades there. You should join, if you haven't already :)
Sep 1, 2019 by Clobboot
Hi Ralphie. It's been awhile. Would you like a Latias/Latios event code? Or a Lugia/Ho-Oh code? Or even a Zeraora code? I can give you those.
Nov 8, 2018 by Clobboot
lol I was afk. Just how badly do you want my Palkia? I feel like giving it to you in exchange for a mythical isn’t a fair trade, but I’m certainly not complaining. My fc is in the friend code area of my profile.
Aug 13, 2018 by cranpper
I think I'm online the most at 3:00 PM
Aug 1, 2018 by ♥~Morpekochu~♥
Alright. Will do!
Aug 1, 2018 by Clobboot
Yes. That is exactly what I was thinking of doing!
Aug 1, 2018 by Clobboot
Okay, in order, you have Mawile, Metang, & Klefki.
Aug 1, 2018 by Clobboot
Oh yay! You're very welcome! It's Steel btw, just like me!
I'll tell you the Pokemon soon.
Aug 1, 2018 by Clobboot
Jul 30, 2018 by ♥~Morpekochu~♥