Damn, this is the first question I'm genuinely not sure about. I know in many ROM Hacks this would be the case, but I'm not sure if it also works like this in vanilla. Also, it obviously depends on the game and the trainer, as each one has a different level of AI. I'll give an answer based on what I've seen, but don't take my word for it, I'm not sure how it works in each specific game.
1) Type reducing berries is what I'm not completely sure about in vanilla, as I've seen and used this strategy many times before, specifically in Pokemon Vintage White, whose AI I am pretty confident is unchanged from vanilla. Though this was against the Elite Four, so they would have the highest/almost highest level of AI.
I also think this might be gen 5 specific, though again, I'm not sure
2) Here I can pretty confidently say no. No Pokemon AI is smart enough to do that.
3) Again, almost sure that's not the case for the same reason as before
4) Same thing
I also don't know how the AI levels work numerically, so I won't try to convert it to the post game facilities as you wanted, though it's not that hard. Every trainer has an AI level built in which can be accessed by certain ROM hacking tools.
This is unfortunately as close as I can get to giving you a "correct" answer, I'm sure there's an AI pro out there who can correct me.