In gen 7, the "near-universal" special moves are hidden power and round.
/ds7 !hidden power,!round,!struggle bug,!electroweb,!mirror coat,!gust,!charge beam:
Beldum, Cosmoem, Cosmog, Ditto, Magikarp, Pyukumuku, Scatterbug
None of these Pokemon learn any other special moves without events, but there was an event Magikarp with hydro pump.
In SwSh, the "near-universal" special moves are round and snore.
/ds8 !round,!snore,!draco meteor,!steel beam,!struggle bug,!hydro pump,!mirror coat:
Cosmoem, Cosmog, Ditto
None of these Pokemon learn any other special moves.
In BDSP, there are no "near-universal" special moves.
/ds mod=gen8bdsp,!ice beam,!psychic,!thunderbolt,!water pulse,!hyper beam,!flamethrower,!giga drain,!sludge bomb,!uproar,!air slash,!focus blast,!mud-slap,!mirror coat,!hidden power,!vacuum wave,!dragon breath,!snore,!air cutter,!struggle bug:
Beldum, Bonsly, Burmy, Cascoon, Caterpie, Ditto, Kakuna, Magikarp, Metapod, Silcoon, Sudowoodo, Weedle, Wurmple
None of these Pokemon learn any other special moves.
In gen 9, the only "near-universal" special move is tera blast.
/ds !tera blast:
Ditto, Magikarp
None of these Pokemon learn any other special moves.