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What Pokémon can’t use or learn special attacking moves?

- Caterpie
 - Metapof
 - Weedle and Kakuna.
Off the top of my head Magikarp, feebas, cosmog, and Cosmoem also belong on this list, as well as silcoon and cascoon. This is incomplete.

Also most Pokemon can learn Hidden Power through TM, so nearly every Pokemon can at least learn one special move
Now u mention "Hidden Power" i'v realized hahaa. Anyway im pretty sure those 4 i named above plus your silcoon and cascoon r by far upon the list for sure as besides some poor Physical àn Status moves such as : Poison Sting, Tackle, Bug Bite iron Defense and Harden i aint think they r capable of learning anything else.
--- Fun Fact : Weedle is the Only out of 1000+ Pokemon that is unable of learning any "Normal-Type" Move
Caterpie and Metapod get Electroweb in Gen 8 and Magikarp gets hydro Pump in gen 8 so none of them
Are you looking for an answer that lists each game and what Pokémon can’t learn a special move in each game, or a list of every Pokémon that has never been able to learn a special move?

1 Answer

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In gen 7, the "near-universal" special moves are hidden power and round.

/ds7 !hidden power,!round,!struggle bug,!electroweb,!mirror coat,!gust,!charge beam:
Beldum, Cosmoem, Cosmog, Ditto, Magikarp, Pyukumuku, Scatterbug

None of these Pokemon learn any other special moves without events, but there was an event Magikarp with hydro pump.

In SwSh, the "near-universal" special moves are round and snore.

/ds8 !round,!snore,!draco meteor,!steel beam,!struggle bug,!hydro pump,!mirror coat:
Cosmoem, Cosmog, Ditto

None of these Pokemon learn any other special moves.

In BDSP, there are no "near-universal" special moves.

/ds mod=gen8bdsp,!ice beam,!psychic,!thunderbolt,!water pulse,!hyper beam,!flamethrower,!giga drain,!sludge bomb,!uproar,!air slash,!focus blast,!mud-slap,!mirror coat,!hidden power,!vacuum wave,!dragon breath,!snore,!air cutter,!struggle bug:
Beldum, Bonsly, Burmy, Cascoon, Caterpie, Ditto, Kakuna, Magikarp, Metapod, Silcoon, Sudowoodo, Weedle, Wurmple

None of these Pokemon learn any other special moves.

In gen 9, the only "near-universal" special move is tera blast.

/ds !tera blast:
Ditto, Magikarp

None of these Pokemon learn any other special moves.

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