PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
1 vote
From the looks of it, all of the Generation 1-4 Pokemon show up, but not nearly all of the Generation 5 Pokemon. From this, I'm guessing that not all of the Pokemon on the spritesheet appeared in the overworld. The Gen 1-4 Pokemon may have been imported from HG/SS to save time, so they didn't have to either resprite the Pokemon they were going to use or take the time to pick and choose which Pokemon they were going to use out of the HG/SS spritesheets, and leave the others out. Because there weren't already sprites for the Gen 5 Pokemon, they had to create new ones, but there wasn't any point in spriting all of them because all of them wouldn't be used.
Do you want all possible locations for all the overworld sprites? Or just give one example? I can try to do the former first and edit later.
@Lucario, I want to know all the place where all your pokemon can become overworld sprites

1 Answer

4 votes
Best answer

The sprites from Gens 1-4 look exactly the same as those in HGSS. You can't see them all, just a few - from Gens 1-4, the only ones you'll see are in Hidden Grottos. They're programmed in and were mass imported without the intention of using them all.

Before I jump in, let me say Krokorok and Minccino are particularly popular, so I've seen.

  • Cilan, Chili, and Cress' Pansage, Pansear, and Panpour now live in the preschool with the kiddos.
  • There's a show of elemental monkeys at the triplets' restaurant and former Striaton Gym that is dependent on which day you visit in the week, and can be done weekly.
  • Pansear can be seen with a female Preschooler-class trainer in Nimbasa City.
  • Pansage can be seen with a Hiker-class trainer in a building's lobby in Castelia City. (Fun fact: this Pansage is supposedly nicknamed "Gesundheit".)
  • A Panpour lives in an apartment in Accumula Town and spends his time with a male trainer.
  • A Panpour lives with a couple in a Route 13 residence.
  • A Panpour and Stunfisk live with a female Ace Trainer in a luxury apartment in Driftveil City.
  • Stunfisk live in the Striaton City gardens and come out at night. Lots, and lots, and lots of Stunfisk.
  • A Stunfisk lives in a Humilau City residence.
  • I know of a Krokorok that lives with a male Ace Trainer in Nimbasa city, and it's implied that it's shiny if I recall correctly (although the overworld sprite doesn't show that).
  • A man in the Warehouse Cafe in Nacrene City is eating with his Krokorok.
  • An Ace Trainer in Driftveil City owns a Krokorok.
  • A woman in Lentimas Town has a Krokorok.
  • A Krokorok can be seen at the Pokemon Fan Club.
  • Zen Mode Darmanitan lives by the Relic Castle place in the Desert.
  • Volcarona lives deep within the ruins.
  • Jellicent can be found once a week in Undella Bay. These ones can't move, they're stuck in place and always look like they're in water (I mean, ofc).
  • Victini was just carried over from BW1 from the Liberty Island event.
  • In addition to the times where you see him just prior to capture on Route 13, Cobalion appears on Route 6.
  • Virizion, Cobalion, and Terrakion will also appear at Pledge Grove if you teach your Keldeo Secret Sword; incidentally, your Keldeo appears here too after forcing itself out of its Pokeball.
  • Audino can be spotted outside in the corner of Nimbasa City in the amusement park near the gym.
  • An Audino and a female trainer are seen outside in Accumula Town.
  • An Audino can be seen at the Pokemon Fan Club.
  • An Audino lives in a Route 23 residence just outside the exit to Giant Chasm.
  • An Audino can be seen playing with a woman in a Virbank City residence.
  • A woman with an Audino can be seen in the Castelia City Pokemon Center.
  • Professor Juniper's Cinccino, who is seen at the beginning of the game, is very energetic and likes to run in circles in her lab in Nuvema Town.
  • A Minccino can be seen standing outside Lacunosa town all by its lonesome.
  • A notably unsupervised Minccino can be seen running around Mistralton Airport.
  • A musician couple living in an Accumula Town residence have a pet Minccino.
  • A woman in the Nimbasa City Pokemon center can be seen with a Minccino.
  • A Hiker-class trainer can be seen with a Minccino in a Castelia City skyscraper.
  • On the second floor of this building, a man with a Herdier can be seen.
  • A Flocessy Ranch Pokemon Breeder owns two Herdier.
  • A woman in an Accumula Town apartment can be seen next to a Herdier.
  • A couple in a Striaton City apartment also have a Herdier.
  • A former Team Plasma Agent can be seen with a Herdier in Driftveil City's home for stolen Plasma Pokemon.
  • A former Team Plasma Agent can be seen with a Galvantula in Driftveil City's home for stolen Plasma Pokemon.
  • A Lass-class trainer and her Galvantula can be visited in their Anville Town residence.
  • Sage Rood can be seen with a Zorua that you eventually obtain in Driftveil City's home for stolen Plasma Pokemon.
  • A Hiker-class trainer can be seen with a Scraggy in Driftveil City's home for stolen Plasma Pokemon.
  • A Scraggy lives with a female Veteran-class trainer, I think, in a luxury apartment in Driftveil City.
  • An Axew lives with a woman in a luxury apartment in Driftveil City.
  • An Axew lives in a Route 23 residence just outside the exit to Giant Chasm. If you talk to this one, he sneezes. So cute.
  • We all know Drayden loves Dragons, but he has an Axew as a pet at his home in Opelucid City.
  • Drayden briefly sends out his Haxorus to attempt to break an iceberg created by Team Plasma.
  • A Haxorus lives with an old man in his Route 23 home.
  • A shiny Haxorus, overworld sprite included, can be found in the Nature Preserve.
  • A Lillipup is seen with a girl in an Aspertia City residence.
  • A Lillipup lives with a couple in a Flocessy Town residence.
  • I'm 100% certain that a Patrat lives in a Castelia City skyscraper, but I don't remember which building. It was in the lobby area.
  • A Patrat lives with a family in a Flocessy Town residence.
  • A Patrat lives with a woman in a luxury apartment in Driftveil City.
  • A former Team Plasma Agent can be seen with a Patrat in Driftveil City's home for stolen Plasma Pokemon.
  • A couple in a Striaton City apartment own a Patrat as well as a Petilil.
  • A woman and her pet Petilil live in a Nacrene City residence.
  • A Watchog can be seen with a Hiker-class trainer in the lobby of a Castelia City skyscraper. (This one is nicknamed "Detect". LOL.)
  • A woman outside Virbank City has a Watchog.
  • Professor Cedric has a Watchog that lives in the Nuvema Town lab with him.
  • A Watchog lives with a family in an Accumula Town apartment.
  • Two Watchog serve as kitchen employees in the Striaton City Gym-restaurant.
  • A Ducklett can be seen with a Pilot-class trainer in the Mistralton City Pokemon Center.
  • A Ducklett can be seen with a Lass-class trainer in a Mistralton City residence.
  • A Ducklett can be seen at the Pokemon Fan Club.
  • A Munna can be seen at the Pokemon Fan Club.
  • A Mienfoo lives in a Humilau City residence.
  • A Youngster-class trainer can be seen with a Roggenrola in Castelia City's Game Freak Studios.
  • A Roggenrola can be seen at the Pokemon Fan Club.
  • A Roggenrola lives with a family in an Accumula Town apartment.
  • A Cubchoo is seen standing with a Battle Girl in the Icirrus City Pokemon Center.
  • A Cubchoo lives inside an Icirrus City residence.
  • Numerous Mareep live in Floccesy Ranch.
  • Do you count the clear resemblance to Dragonite that the Nacrene Museum skeleton bears as a Dragonite overworld sprite? :P
  • Obviously all the legendaries that you have to interact with to fight them, plus Kyurem before you free it from the Plasma Frigate.

I think that's everything.

I want to know all the place where all your Pokemon can become overworld sprites

According to the way you've worded it, this is impossible, but I think I know what you're asking. You can't have your Pokemon, for the most part, be in the overworld. But this is the list of overworld Pokemon in all locations as far as I am aware.

I may well have forgotten one or two places to look, but I did my very best to give you a full answer. I tried as hard as I could without having the game in my possession currently, my source is a bunch of old Marriland videos dated back in 2012 when he did his English White 2 walkthrough (the Stunfisk video I linked is one of them).

It should also be noted that not even every sprite for overworld Pokemon that were programmed into the game are even listed on the source that you provided. The quality isn't great here, but it should be noted that many of them came from the Dream World. Those that are from generations past are HGSS sprites which for the most part you can only see there, the Hidden Grottos being the only exception for a select few Pokemon.

I hope I helped, I really tried and did my best to organize it by Pokemon, even if these Pokemon aren't in order otherwise.

edited by
That’s a hell of an answer lol you have my vote. Only other thing I’m thinking of, is back when Dreamworld was around, you would see the Pokémon YOU caught in the DW as an “overworld sprite” in the entree link Forrest.
turns out I missed a few in Castelia City, I'll add em later today