PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
0 votes

Once someone asked "How do you increase the chances of finding a shiny Pokemon?" and there was 2 answers, the best one said Shiny Charm, and the other said only Masuda. And I don't know how Masuda makes the chances higher. Please answer quick.


2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

The games coding recognizes that Pokémon of two different areas are breeding and therefore changes the shiny rate to become higher. The reason this coding was established was to encourage international trade.

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Aww, you beat me to the answer...
Hmm, that makes since.
1 vote

The masuda method is a method used to get shinies faster through breeding. In this method, it multiplies the shiny rates. The shiny charm also raises rates for all the ways to get a shiny (Breeding, wild encounter, shiny methods...)

Source- http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Masuda_method & Experience

I asked HOW it increases the chances. Not if it actually does. But the source helps. So I don't know which one to best answer...
My answer told how. I didn't say "yes it raises shiny chance" or "no, it doesn't"...
It says "The masuda method is a method used to get shinies faster through breeding. In this method, it multiplies the shiny rates." But I am asking HOW it does.
Y'know if you're so dissatisfied with my answer, then why did you upvote it in the first place?
I didn't upvote it. I didn't upvote that answer either.