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Well I know Birds Regional Pokemon are Pidgy, Sparrow, Hootoot, tailow, pidove, and Fletching.

what are the regional rodents, snakes, bugs, and others


1 Answer

6 votes
Best answer

Regional birds
Kanto: Pidgey / Spearow
Johto: Hoothoot
Hoenn: Taillow / Wingull
Sinnoh: Starly
Unova: Pidove
Kalos: Fletchling
Alola: Pikipek
Galar: Rookidee
Paldea: Wattrell

Regional rodents (or early Normal-types)
Kanto: Rattata
Johto: Sentret
Hoenn: Zigzagoon
Sinnoh: Bidoof
Unova: Patrat
Kalos: Bunnelby
Alola: Yungoos
Galar: Skwovet
Paldea: Lechonk

Regional bugs
Kanto: Caterpie / Weedle
Johto: Ledyba / Spinarak
Hoenn: Wurmple
Sinnoh: Kricketot
Unova: Sewaddle / Venipede
Kalos: Scatterbug
Alola: Grubbin
Galar: Blipbug
Paldea: Tarountula / Nymble

Regional Pikachu clone
Kanto: Pikachu
Johto: Pichu
Hoenn: Plusle / Minun
Sinnoh: Pachirisu
Unova: Emolga
Kalos: Dedenne
Alola: Togedemaru
Galar: Morpeko
Paldea: Pawmi

Regional pseudo-legendary
Kanto: Dragonite
Johto: Tyranitar
Hoenn: Salamence / Metagross
Sinnoh: Garchomp
Unova: Hydreigon
Kalos: Goodra
Alola: Kommo-o
Galar: Dragapult
Paldea: Baxcalibur

edited by
Hey I was wondering

I thought sparrow was regional bird in Kanto as well besides Pidgey. I saw picture showing Sparrow as well
thank u so munch

why is tyranitar is in Johto unless u mean Agrron

what about snakes
You're welcome!
I accidentally added Tyranitar instead of Metagross on the Hoenn Pseudo, sorry about that. XD

There isn't a Snake introduced in each Region, so I didn't think it'd fit in.
The ones I found were Ekans for Kanto, Seviper for Hoenn, Steelix for Johto, and Serperior for Unova.
Regional pikachu clone haha lol
im thought Sprraow was regional bird as well
Sentret and Zigzagoon are based on carnivores, not rodents. Spinarak is just as much of a regional bug as Ledyba is, as they have the same base stat totals, almost the same locations, and Ledyba isn't available in Gold.
are you going to do one for alola?
I'll edit the answer with that detail. We don't know the pseudo legendary yet, though my money's on Kommo-o for that one.
Kommo-o is the pseudo legendary for alola
I thought that Heracross was one too
Heracross is quite different from the other bugs. It has no evolution family and is kind of rare.
I think Spinarak definitely should be on that list.
What are the regional dogs?
I don't think every region has a regional dog.
Kanto: Growlithe
Johto: Snubbull
Hoenn: Poochyena/Electrike
Sinnoh: Riolu?
Unova: Lillipup
Kalos: Furfrou
Alola: Rockruff
Those Pokemon have no similarities, other than the fact that they're dogs and they're in the field egg group. They don't form any sort of pattern, like how every generation introduced a pseudo-legendary whose BST was exactly 600 and had exactly 3 evolution stages.
Just because another answer contains a speculation doesn't mean this answer has to contain the same one.
Why is the regional legendary for Hoenn Rayquaza and not Groudon/Kyogre?
Groudon's and Kyogre's bast stat total is a bit low.
The same argument goes for birds and rodents, lack of similarity or patterns etc. You're too focused on differences rather than similarities.
I just wanted to point out that this entire thread hasn't mentioned starters yet, but that might be too obvious to be worth mentioning.
Gen 8
Bird: Rookidee
Rodent: Skwovet/Zigzagoon
Bug: Blipbug
Pika-clone: Morpeko
Pseudo: Dragapult
Legendary: Zacian/Zamazenta

Gen 9
Bird: Wattrel
Rodent: Tandemaus?
Bug: Tarountula / Nymble
Pika-clone: Pawmi
Pseudo: Frigibax
Legendary: Koraidon / Miraidon
i thought venipede and sewaddle are both the bugs for unova
i saw someone posted regional dogs. someone also posted gen 8 but not the dog. gen 8 dog i bet is yamper
regional fish:
Kanto: Magikarp
Johto: Remoraid
Hoenn: Feebas
Sinnoh: Finneon
Unova: Frillish?
Kalos: Skrelp?
Alola: Wishiwashi
Galar: Arrokuda
Okay I updated the answer. Some of these categories do not have consistent rules. I have tried to make common-sense choices:
* Fletchling is as much Paldea's regional bird as Wattrell, but I think it's close enough.
* Lechonk is very obviously the intended addition here. Zigzagoon and Yungoos aren't rodents either.
* I added dogs because the trend has continued for another two generations. Gen 6 is just an outlier. I personally think dogs/cats is what the developers have intended due to Shinx and Litleo, but then you also have to add Meowth, Purrloin, etc.
* I didn't include starters because that's obvious, and I took out legendaries for the same reason (and also because Mewtwo for Gen 1 stretches the definition).
* I didn't include fish because I don't think the trend is strong enough. Magikarp and Feebas are clearly connected, but the others can be chalked up to coincidence.
What about Mabostiff and Greavard?
Since when is Lechonk a RODENT? I thought Tandemaus was the Regional Rodent in Paldea....
"Lechonk is very obviously the intended addition here. Zigzagoon and Yungoos aren't rodents either."
I don't think dogs should be a category here. All the other categories share either a type or a base stat total, so the dogs pattern looks a lot weaker and is more likely to be a coincidence.
OK I'll remove the dogs.
According to this Appendix on Bulbapedia, it states that Tandemaus is recognized as a Regional Rodent.
I think Tandemaus should be excluded because:
1. Its BST is considerably higher than the others.
2. It is substantially less abundant in its region compared to the others.
3. Lechonk fits the brief without either of the aforementioned problems.
4. I don't think it's a match design-wise either.

I think the Bulbapedia page casts a very wide net considering it includes Lillipup and Wooloo. I call these coincidences, but if somebody else with editing powers feels strongly about this then go right ahead.