PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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From Pokemon of the Year 2020:


  1. Charizard
  2. Gengar
  3. Bulbasaur
  4. Pikachu
  5. Eevee
  6. Dragonite
  7. Mew
  8. Mewtwo
  9. Arcanine
  10. Lapras


  1. Umbreon
  2. Tyranitar
  3. Lugia
  4. Typhlosion
  5. Scizor
  6. Ampharos
  7. Espeon
  8. Cyndaquil
  9. Suicune
  10. Totodile


  1. Rayquaza
  2. Gardevoir
  3. Flygon
  4. Sceptile
  5. Blaziken
  6. Mudkip
  7. Metagross
  8. Jirachi
  9. Milotic
  10. Absol


  1. Lucario
  2. Garchomp
  3. Luxray
  4. Piplup
  5. Infernape
  6. Darkrai
  7. Glaceon
  8. Arceus
  9. Empoleon
  10. Giratina


  1. Chandelure
  2. Zoroark
  3. Hydreigon
  4. Volcarona
  5. Haxorus
  6. Serperior
  7. Oshawott
  8. Zekrom
  9. Victini
  10. Reshiram


  1. Greninja
  2. Sylveon
  3. Aegislash
  4. Noivern
  5. Goodra
  6. Talonflame
  7. Dedenne
  8. Yveltal
  9. Goomy
  10. Tyrantrum


  1. Mimikyu
  2. Rowlet
  3. Decidueye
  4. Lycanroc
  5. Zeraora
  6. Incineroar
  7. Golisopod
  8. Primarina
  9. Bewear
  10. Solgaleo


  1. Dragapult
  2. Toxtricity
  3. Corviknight
  4. Snom
  5. Alcremie
  6. Cinderace
  7. Zacian
  8. Yamper
  9. Wooloo
  10. Inteleon


This was probably the most reliable one for the most popular Pokemon. There's also another poll (Pokemon Asia My Favorite Award) but it is only for Asia though, at least worth mentioning.

If you have any other sources which you think should be added, then sure comment. Please don't suggest "x is popular because it's my favorite" type of comments.

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I think if the poll hasn't been conducted globally then the answer still stands?

The question is which is more wrong - Global 2020 or Japanese 2021?
Can you link the Japanese site? @Cristal Myabach
I couldn't find it in Google.

E: Do you mean this one? https://sg.portal-pokemon.com/special/award_asia_2021_result/
The Japanese 2021 list is newer and it'd count, in my opinion, and more than a million people voted for it anyways.
The voting in Pokemon of the Year 2020 was more than that of the 2021 (source: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Day#Pok.C3.A9mon_of_the_Year_2) and because the 2020 one was worlwide unlike the 2021 one being held in Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam only, which is why I think it should count instead.
Where does it say that the amount of votes was more in 2020 than 2021? While that is possible because the latter was held worldwide in a much more accessible manner, a newer, fresher list would be obviously better. Users from *across the world* could participate through Twitter. And I'm not talking about the Asia event, the 2021 voting was exclusive to Japan (and Twitter.)