PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User ThatOneArcanine

Member for: 10 years (since Feb 20, 2015)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
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Posting on user walls
Gender: Male
Country: England
Favorite Pokémon: Arcanine (Duh)
Friend Codes: My friend code is 2122-7733-6662
About me:

Activity by ThatOneArcanine

Score: 770 points (ranked #321)
Questions: 35 (35 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 33 (14 chosen as best)
Comments: 82
Voted on: 1 question, 59 answers
Gave out: 50 up votes, 10 down votes
Received: 45 up votes, 3 down votes

Wall for ThatOneArcanine

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My name is Arc, too
Mar 6, 2022 by BM™
Jul 12, 2018 by Gear 5th
If it makes you feel any better I'm probably quitting VGC :|
Sep 4, 2015 by Toucanadian
Thanks. I take pride in my sense of humor.
Aug 4, 2015 by sumwun
I wanted to spice up my life XD
Aug 4, 2015 by Toucanadian
I was stalking someone's wall and saw your post XD
Jun 12, 2015 by Toucanadian
Hey I am willing to help you build a VGC team too! haha. If you want I could have it done in a couple hours. Just tell me which Mega you want.
Jun 12, 2015 by Unstoppable
Hello brother-in-'Mon. You're building a VGC team? I'm willing to offer any help you may need. Just contact me if you need advice ;D
Jun 9, 2015 by Toucanadian
I rejected your comment for being pointless and impatient. Rates have always taken days if not weeks, even when we had many of our best players answering - which no longer occurs. Additionally, VGC has never been a particular popular tier among DB users, with the only experienced players of note probably being Scilicet, Cerberus and Pina Coladas.

TL:DR Please be patient when asking for a rate. The easiest way to get a quick rate is to approach an experienced battler (Take a look at the Tutor thread on Meta, or go through the list of Competition Winners and look for active ones - those people will generally be some of the best players on the site.) directly and ask them on their wall.
Apr 21, 2015 by Sempi
We don't make you teams; you make your team and we rate them.
Mar 8, 2015 by fondant