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Not a full answer, but https://www.smogon.com/forums/forums/in-game-tier-lists.614/
RBY: NidoranM
GSC: Abra
RSE: Ralts
FRLG: Abra, Mr. Mime
DPPt: Starly
HGSS: Not early-game, but I think the level 50 Magikarp on Route 43 deserves a mention.
BW: Lilipup
B2W2: Drilbur
XY: Hawlucha
USUM: Hawlucha
SwSh: Growlithe
BDSP: Abra
What's your definition of good?
for clarification, are you requesting these pokemon only for RBY/GBC/RS, or more games too?

1 Answer

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I have only played FireRed and Emerald, so my answer will be very limited. However, I will do my best!

As a general rule, use the regional birds early-game, as they are easy to get and quite reliable if you keep it up in levels. Also do not abandon your starter. I will include the objectively best starter in my list, as they are technically early-game. I will not include remakes separate to the original game because a lot of it is the same. I may include a few things, though.

For Red/Blue/Yellow, your starter should be Bulbasaur. It is the best starter in this generation with a good supportive movepool(type wise, that is). Spearow is just better than Pidgey in early as well as late game, so it is a good option. Butterfree also has some good early-game stats as well. Definitely get Nidoran Male as your ground type(early-game Nidoking is a monster). For the gen 3 remakes, get Abra.

For Gold/Silver/Crystal, you should use Cyndaquil. Definately get the Machop for Whitney(or else you pretty much can't win). This time around, use Spearow instead of Hoothoot. Noctowl has one of the worst gen 2 movepools to exist with its stats, literally its only level-up special move that's not dream eater(too unreliable) is confusion.

For Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, your starter should be Mudkip. It has the best typing, as there is no grass gym(which its its only weakness). Get a Ralts ASAP as well, do not care about that 2% spawn chance, just get it. Dustox has a good movepool as well. Sableye for 2nd gym if you are playing Emerald, as Brawly cannot hit ghost types! In the remakes, nothing changes except for Gallade existing which is basically still Ralts.

For Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, get Chimchar as your starter for good typing and decent coverage. Starly is actually good this time around, so get it. Roselia to make the first gym easier I guess??? Never played gen 4 so don't really know.

For Black/White, get Drillbur I guess? The regional bird(Pidove) isn't THAT bad either. It's useable... Get Oshuwat as your starter because it has a good movepool as well as the ability to destroy the efour(elite four). Tepig is better for a more casual run, in my opinion.

For X/Y, Froakie and Fennekin is basically the same problem as Oshuwat and Tepig. Greninja crushes the efour, while Delphox has a better advantage against most gyms. Vivilon is a good support(powder moves), and the regional bird is a very good choice if you picked Froakie as your starter.

In Sun/Moon, get Poplio. You may not like it, but you asked for the list of good Pokemon... anyways, Poplio actually counters all four island Kahunas(fairy takes dark and fighting, water takes rock and ground). You may say that you can't get fairy type until Primarina, but Poplio is still the best option. The regional bird(Pikkipeck) has a good attack stat as well.

Lastly, get Scorebunny for Sword/Shield. Scorebunny is a bit better in Shield than in Sword, as it can easily sweep Melony's team(Lapras excluded). Rockedee is probably the best regional bird to exist, in my opinion. Corviknight is just too good. You get flying. steel, and numerous fighting moves as well. Lastly, Rolycoly's final evolution Coalossol can eat Leon's Charzaird's moves for breakfast, especially when dmaxed.

Hope I helped!
*Sorry for misspelled Pokemon!

In GSC, I think Feraligatr is the best starter. It learns both ice punch and surf pretty early, while Typhlosion is stuck with ember for a long time. Water normal coverage in gen 2 is better than fire normal coverage. Also Kadabra is better than both Noctowl and Fearow, and it's not too difficult to defeat Whitney without a fighting Pokemon.
In RSE, Dustox and Sableye have bad stats and won't be helpful after the second gym. I recommend not using them.
In DPPt, it's better to get a wild Roselia later in the game. Evolving a Budew takes a lot of time and experience and is usually not worth it.
I have heard that USUM Hawlucha and SwSh Growlithe are pretty overpowered, but I don't know much about those games.
I disagree that remake games can be addressed using the original games. Many changes such as the physical/special split, level-up movepools, and availability create different results. Maybe you didn't know because you've never played the games to compare.