PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Okay, I found there is rather interesting and unique event move called Celebrate. This move effect is to celebrating/congratulating someone for their special day like birthday, graduation day, etc. Is this move worth to keep? I mean it's at least can comfort, example me if peoples forgotting my birthday. But still it was having no damage or another effect much more to Splash. Pokemon who can learn this is Pikachu and Eeveelution (Eevee to Sylveon). Pokemon from event 2013 Birthday (Pokemon's Name) It was Normal-type.

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3 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

I view this as kind of a retorical question. Would you keep Splash on a Gyrados? Since the move had absolutely no effect, it's not really worth keeping.

The Pokemon DOES dissapear after use:

When a Pokémon uses this move, it will disappear and a present will drop down from above and unfold to reveal the Pokémon that used it inside.

Hope this helps

edited by
Well I like about how you answer my question. It simple and to the point. But, as I already told it at least can use to comfort. But it is really single-used move?
I edited to answer your question
So, even though this is four years old, I need to correct this. The MOVE doesn't disappear, the pokemon does. The move involves the Pokemon that used it disappearing, a box dropping, and then the Pokemon being inside the box. I have a Smeargle that uses it for contests and I use it in battle occasionally for laughs. excadrill444 was going off an assumption but was wrong. The move is still around after use. Why else would it have 40 pp?
1 vote

If you read the Bulbapedia page, you should already have the answers to your question.

It'll disappear after you use it, and has absolutely no use in battle, so it's basically just a one use move that's like a pat on the shoulder. If you're not using the Pokemon for any competitive battling, then sure keep it for a 'special' occasion. If you are going to battle with the Pokemon, just use the move in battle ASAP.

Instead of drowning your misfortunes in a hand held game console, perhaps it would be wiser to either find new friends or tell people something important is coming up; one has to realise that no one remembers everything.

The least they could do was make it raise a stat or two...
Well it's help me a bit, you know I don't really get with you speech. Seriously I'm not English-user, rather I had my own language. However I am still grateful with it.
I didn't realise English wasn't your first language; but my point was, instead of getting your Pokemon to comfort you, surely you should do something better with your time? Like remind your friends/ family that they forgot your special occasion.
Well, it will be good, but in sad occusasion what if like our parents is went to other country or in worst, gone for good?
God... The move doesn't disappear, the Pokemon does!!!
1 vote


When you give your Pokemon a normalium-z and use z-celebrate, it raises all the user's stats by one stage.

THAT is very useful (don't ask why).

I should probably mention that the most common Z-celebrate user in Generation 7 OU is Victini.
Ya, bcz it has stored power
But kommo-o's clangorous soulblaze is better.
Dragon moves only do super effective to 1 type, don't effect fairy types, and it uses special attack, which kommo-o is lacking. Kommo-o also has a x4 fairy weakness, making any fairy move kill it. Kommo-o is also slow. It also wastes a moveslot because it uses Clanging Scales, which lowers your def if you use it again. Honesty, if it were on a fast special attacker, then yes; but it is not used by one, and therefor isn't great. One of the lesser species-specific Z-moves. At least Kommo-o is in UU(?). Vicini is in OU (or UUBL, IDR), so it seems Z-celebrate can work better..
Wow. You analysed it very well. Then you have nothing to say for z-geomancy, other than the one turn you don't get to attack but get a good stat boost.
I have something to say about Z-geomancy. All the Pokemon that can learn it are either banned from OU or have such low defenses that they get one-shot after the geomancy boost.