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User fondant

Member for: 12 years (since Sep 13, 2012)
Type: Editor
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Gender: ロボット
Country: GMT +8
Favorite Pokémon: EMONGA (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
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About me: I'm busy! I got a job tutoring. I'm still around to approve stuff.

Also crying over Brexit ahahahahahahaaaa


I just really like Pokemon.
And Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
And Fantasy Life.

Sunkern can SUCK EGGS. First shiny of ORAS and I got a random Sunkern.

Basically all the wuss games.
I got about 2 hours into LoZ: Link Between Worlds and went "YUERGH" at all the monsters so that's how much of a wuss I am.

Yes, Gen V is my favourite gen. I really liked B2W2 even though the plot was crap. I really liked BW even though end-game had next to nothing. I really miss Dream World. The only reason I played Gen VI is so I can pet my shiny Emolga in 3D.


My favourite anime is Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. Relatively little fan service with good writing and scathing satire.

I also like Kill la Kill. A lot of fan service BUT has a very important message and well written storyline with incredible villains. The production team also know how to spend their limited budget wisely with their animation quality, and write very good characters. It's also able to self-parody; who makes a character eat a lemon in the opening scene?

Free! is a good anime I don't care what anyone says. "It's just fanserivce!"/ "Shirtless boys!"/ "Heavy overtone of homosexual romance!" then explain to me why am I crying over a boy with shark teeth??

And of course, all Ghibli films are gold.

The worst anime ever made was SAO. I'm sorry. I just can't.


I plan to start a petition for Mega-Emolga.


By the way, if you post something here and I don't reply, it just means idk what to say in reply, so it's best I keep my mouth shut.

Activity by fondant

Score: 32,962 points (ranked #10)
Questions: 122 (107 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 1,357 (724 chosen as best)
Comments: 1,661
Voted on: 64 questions, 504 answers
Gave out: 477 up votes, 91 down votes
Received: 1,894 up votes, 42 down votes

Wall for fondant

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You alive Great Editor fondant?
Sep 22, 2023 by Mahathirio
Tfw you're a make-up product.
Feb 5, 2022 by xPsydxck
Jun 5, 2021 by BM™
Sup. If you are receiving this generic message, you are either an Expert, a Mod, or an Editor that is either Lurking, Inactive, not always here, etc. I come here to humbly ask if you saw and or wanted to be a part of this: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/meta/68283/a-super-staff-bros-for-pokemondb . It wouldn't be "Super Staff Bros" without you, and I'm sure if you ever see this, even if it is a while from now, I am sure you'd be added in a heartbeat, since you are technically why this was even made. I cannot add you without your consent because I don't know you or what you'd want to be in the form of a Pokémon, set, etc, and feel that I may misrepresent or even offend you.

Also, I am sending this message Christmas Day, so, Happy Holidays. :P

Thank you for being an amazing member of this community.
Dec 24, 2018 by Staka~
Animal Crossing: New Leaf was one of the only things that got me through over a year of crippling anxiety and panic attacks.
It makes me happy to hear that somebody else likes it too :)
Jul 9, 2018 by FlappersFlappers
so cute dat emolga
Apr 25, 2017 by steamcrusader
I found your dupe. Yer getting banned.

Feb 23, 2016 by PX
Hello there fondant
Nov 17, 2015 by a creepy stalker
Why was my question flagged? Sorry I haven't read the rules for about a year
Oct 11, 2015 by MightyMudkip
Do you still play Pokemon TCG?
Sep 16, 2015 by Sir_Mudkip