PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User Helix716

Member for: 7 years (since Jan 25, 2018)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
Voting posts down
Flagging posts
Posting on user walls
Gender: Surely Male, What you were thinking?
Country: The Sun. My life was a lie in Earth. Yes, I know the Sun isn't a country. So what?
Favorite Pokémon: Magikarp.
Friend Codes: I don't tell my friend code to strangers.
Unless we have met with each other.
Showdown!: Astronautic.
Discord: Unknown.

Friend Safari: Ground.
Friend Code:

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About me: What do you want to hear from me?
Favourite game: Ultra moon and Omega ruby
First shiny: Gastly
First Hidden ability pokemon: Serperior
Favourite Pokeball : Timer ball
Favourite Move and Z-Move : Geomancy  and Genesis Supernova.
Total shiny: 75

-------☻☻------PUT THIS ----☻☻-☻☻----RIBBON ---☻☻---☻☻---ON YOUR ---☻☻---☻☻---PAGE IF ----☻☻---☻☻---YOU'RE ----☻☻-☻☻----AGAINST -----☻☻☻------SMOKING ----☻☻-☻☻------THANK YOU

-------❖︎❖︎------PUT THIS ----❖︎❖︎-❖︎❖︎----RIBBON ---❖︎❖︎---❖︎❖︎---ON YOUR ---❖︎❖︎---❖︎❖︎---PAGE IF ----❖︎❖︎---❖︎❖︎---YOUR ----❖︎❖︎-❖︎❖︎----FAVORITE -----❖︎❖︎❖︎------BRICK WALL ----❖︎❖︎-❖︎❖︎------ IS THE ONE ----❖︎❖︎-❖︎❖︎------ THAT TRUMP IS ----❖︎❖︎-❖︎❖︎------ MAKING THE MEXICANS PAY FOR ----❖︎❖︎-❖︎❖︎------ THANK YOU

-------☻☻------PUT THIS ----☻☻-☻☻----RIBBON ---☻☻---☻☻---ON YOUR ---☻☻---☻☻---PAGE IF ----☻☻---☻☻---YOU'RE ----☻☻-☻☻----AGAINST -----☻☻☻------PUTTING RIBBONS ----☻☻-☻☻------ ON YOUR PAGE ----☻☻-☻☻------THANK YOU
(MADE BY OrangeWigMan)

My Ribbon !
-------☡☡------PUT THIS ----☡☡-☡☡----RIBBON ---☡☡---☡☡---ON YOUR ---☡☡---☡☡---PAGE IF ----☡☡---☡☡---YOU'RE ----☡☡-☡☡----AGAINST -----☡☡------LYING ----☡☡-☡☡------ BECAUSE TRUMP HATES ----☡☡-☡☡------ANY COMPETITION-----☡☡-☡☡------WITH HIM----☡☡☡------THANK YOU -----☡☡-☡☡
I don't like pokemon go. It is like ingress.
Once I have walked 1 hours and finally got a ekans.
I only get weak pokemon. It's very hard to find any pokestop and gyms in my area.

When a life meets with another, something will born.

Porygon-Z and Roserade are the only third evo pokemon those can be gotten at level 1.
Girafirag and Alomomola's name is a palindrome word.
In case you don't know what is Palindrome, try searching it on Google.

Most Favourite Type: Flying.
Least Favourite Type: Ice.

Least Favourite Pokemon:
1. Stakataka (Very low speed, can't raise Atk stats without lowering its Defense, 2 4× weaknesses, too weak to set up a Trick room without sash, looks weird and Stakatacool hates Vivilion (Main reason).
2. Unown.
3. Sunkern.
4. Gardobor.
5. Purguly.

Favourite Mega: Aerodactyl, Salamence, Diancie and Pinsir.

Favourite region:
1. Alola
2. Hoenn.
3. Kalos.
4. Unova.
5. Kanto.
6. Sinnoh.
7. Johto.

Some funny pokemon jokes for all.
Ash: Hey! Get outta there!
[Rattata runs away from his backpack]
Pokédex: The Forest Pokémon: Rattata. It likes cheese, nuts, fruits, and berries.
Ash: Yeah, but this isn't a forest. It's an open field.
Pokédex: It also comes out in open fields to steal food from stupid travelers.
Ash: So does that mean I'm stupid?

Ash: Use the strategy we planned, Pikachu! You can do it!
Surge: A strategy? So they've planned a new way to lose!

[Gary is digging for fossils and stumbles upon one]
Gary: Success! My first Pokémon fossil!
Fan Girls: Yay! Gary, Gary, he's the best! Found a fossil before the rest! Go, Gary!<
[an expert comes over, takes the fossil out of Gary&apos;s hands and examines it]<
Gary: Impressive, isn't it? Found it on my first try. Looks like a brain from an extinct Pokémon.
Expert: This is-
Gary: [hopeful] A brain?
Expert: Its fossilized Pokémon manure.
[Gary collapses in shock]
Fan Girls: Ewwwwww. Yuck! Gross!

Squirtle: Maybe they got eaten by wild Pokémon.<br>
[makes a scary face with razor-sharp teeth, making a chomping motion]
Pikachu: Don't say things like that!
Charmander: Yeah, cut it out!
Squirtle: Sorry!

[after a giant Venusaur is spotted]
Squirtle: [to Bulbasaur] You go and speak to it, you guys are like family!
Bulbasaur: No way. I have no family. Consider me an orphan.
Charmander: Good point.
Squirtle: Coward.

James: With a flick of this fishing net, we'll round up Pikachu.
Meowth: You mean that's your secret weapon?!
James: It takes a genius to realize a fishing net is the perfect weapon!
Jessie: Oh, James, it's the greatest discovery since Einstein invented the light bulb!
Jessie and James: [sing and dance] Even greater than the chicken who invented the egg![the egg falls on them]
James: All of us true geniuses know, of course, that it was actually the egg that preceded the chicken.
Jessie: Of course. I knew that. I had just forgotten.
Meowth: Now you got my brain scrambled! Let's cut the egg-splanations and capture Pikachu!

Birthday: 4th March.
Now I'm SOS Chaining for HA Abra and Shiny Chinchou.

I accidentally removed my about me, so I write them again.
300 Points=8/2/2018
500 Points=21/2/2018
800 Points=16/3/2018
1000 Points=30/3/2018
1400 Points=Can't remember.
Top 150=29/4/201?
Ability to post without Moderation in RMT=13/4/2018
Ability to post without Moderation in Meta= Can't remember.
2000 Points=4/5/2018
3000 Points= Can't member
4000 Points=24/7/2018
6000 points= Idk, guess?
Being Inactive= ^^^^&
Most timea I play Monotype and OU in Showdown!.
You can find me in PS! Trivia room sometimes.
Hey, why there is an exclamation mark?

Xearnes isn't Xearnes without Geonmacy. No idea why Yvetal is in Uber. It should be moved down to LC.

My favourite Uber pokemon is Xearnes.

- Au revoir.
Now I bet you're wondering why I switched 5 and 4, and there's no answer for that.
Possible name changes:
Gold Katana
GoId Katana
ScrubNuivo (no chance)
GoodUniBlunt-pointed-thing (this needs some work)
Verlisify Jr.

Favorite game quotes:

"When I grow up, I wanna be a Passimian!"
-Little boy on Route 12, USUM
About me:    Goals:
#1: Become an Expert so I can edit posts with bad grammar and other stuff.
#2: Figure out how to get SeeYaLater to shut up
#3: Not do #2
#4: End writing my list of goals (accomplished)
Mom ate my dinner.
I want to change my name, but I forgot what I wanted to change it to. Also, I can't change it.

1/2: Necrozma "Dusk Mane" (This was a transfer from Sun.)
1: Zygarde (4/17/18)
2: Virizion (4/29/18)
3: Azelf (4/29/18)
4: Raikou (5/8/18)
5: Tornadus (5/13/18)
This is only for USUM and stuff I caught.

Guess how many turns it took me to catch Kartana? Is it:
A: 1
B: 2-10
C: 11-20
D: >80

Answer: D

Ёṡṗëöṅäġë: noob x ∞ = Ёṡṗëöṅäġë
EvilTwinNeedle: >censored<
TheSmasher1386: the Kirby fan
Stakatacool: The long posts guy
NUIVO: mr meme. also he's >mildly censored<
SeeYaLater: da nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy nerdy  

Activity by Helix716

Score: 4,646 points (ranked #91)
Questions: 8 (8 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 238 (112 chosen as best)
Comments: 480
Voted on: 18 questions, 212 answers
Gave out: 220 up votes, 10 down votes
Received: 252 up votes, 13 down votes

Wall for Helix716

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Nov 7, 2021 by L'chonk
still dead. it brings a tearr to my eye
Jul 12, 2021 by SpillThePolteageist
I could've sworn I saw you with around 5k points before...
Feb 28, 2021 by themodernage
Probably not see this for a hot minute (or maybe not), but there is a person on DB Discord who has a similar name than you... Is it you? :P
Feb 26, 2021 by Staka~
Lord Helix
Jan 11, 2021 by BM™
Dec 30, 2020 by Gear 5th
could've speedrunned expert successfully
Dec 2, 2020 by themodernage
"Will answer later.
commented Aug 12, 2018 by Helix716"
Nov 7, 2020 by Syl ™
Nov 7, 2020 by Syl ™
you disrespect yveltal >:( and why am I posting on a dead person’s wall again?
Oct 15, 2020 by BottomlessSea