Mamoswine@ choice scarf

Ability: thick fat
EV's: 252 speed/ 252 att/ 4 hp
nature: +att -sp att
icicle spear
stone edge
Mamo is a beast. He really suprises people that think they will outspeed him. There is also banded mamoswine:
Mamoswine@ choice band

ability: thick fat
EV's: 252 att/ 252 hp/ 4 speed
nature: +att -sp att
ice shard
stone edge
Scizor@ choice band

ability: technician
EV's: 252 att/ 252 hp/ 4 sp def
nature: +att -sp att
bullet punch
bug bite/ u-turn
I really like using this scizor. I usually use bug bite›u-turn. It hits hard, and is a good addition to most teams.
Kyurem black@ choice scarf

ability: pressure
EV's: 252 att/ 252 speed/ 4 hp
nature: +att -sp att
stone edge
fusion bolt
shadow claw(coverage)/ zen headbutt(fighting coverage)/ iron head( flinching and rock coverage)
With a scarf, Kyurem black becomes a monster with his huge attack stat. He can 2 hit ko almost anyone with outrage (save max def ferro, skarmory, and forretress)
Machamp@ choice scarf

ability: no-guard
EV's: 252 speed/ 252 att/ 4 hp
nature: +att -sp att
dynamic punch/ close combat
stone edge
ice punch
earthquake/ fire punch
In UU, scarfed Machamp is extremely hard to counter. He hits like a truck and doesn't miss. I have used dynamic punch most of the time. I love that it causes confusion every time. Close combat is for more power.
Haxorus@ choice band

ability: mold breaker
EV's: 252 att/ 252 speed/ 4 hp
nature: +speed -sp att
night slash
brick break
I have used and been pretty badly beat by this haxorus. Mold breaker is great for people who think that they will get a free switch in with rotom, gengar, or other levitate users.
Gengar@ choice specs

ability: levitate
EV's: 252 sp att/ 252 speed/ 4 hp
nature: +sp att -att
focus blast
shadow ball
hidden power ice
Gengar is quite fast already. With choice specs, he rips holes through teams. He has good coverage moves. You can always switch hp ice or thunderbolt for psychic or sludge bomb. But I prefer using this set.
Chandelure@ choice scarf

ability: shadow tag
EV's: 252 speed/ 252 sp att/ 4 hp
nature: +sp att -att
flamethrower/ fire blast
shadow ball
energy ball
hidden power fighting
I was looking to see which Pokemon has the highest special attack that wasn't in ubers. I found chandelure, who has a massive special attack stat. You can switch into a Pokemon, outspeed him, and crush him.
Thunderus therian@ choice specs

ability: volt absorb
EV's: 252 speed/ 252 sp att/ 4 hp
nature: +speed -att
thunderbolt (thunder, if it is on a rain team)
focus blast
hidden power ice
dark pulse
Thundurus-T has the same special attack as chandelure. He is much faster, though, so he can use choice specs.
Alakazam@ choice specs

ability: magic guard
EV's: 252 speed/ 252 sp att/ 4 hp
nature: +speed -att
shadow ball
focus blast/ hp fighting
hp fire/ hp ice/ energy ball
Alakazam has perfect coverage, hits hard, and has a wide movepool. He is a perfect specs user. You can also run this trick-scarf set:
Alakazam@ choice scarf

abilty: synchronize/ magic guard
EV's: 252 speed/ 252 sp att/ 4 hp
nature: +speed -att
shadow ball
focus blast
Togekiss@ choice scarf

ability: serene grace
EV's: 252 speed/ 200 sp att/ 56 hp
nature: +speed -att
air slash
aura sphere
shadow ball
I was once finished off by a scarfed serene-flinch togekiss, so I came up with this set. You can use him as a revenge killer, an ultra-fast flincher, and a scarf-tricker. Aura sphere and shadow ball are for perfect coverage.
Charizard@ choice specs

ability: solar power
EV's: 252 sp att/ 252 speed/ 4hp
nature: +speed -att
fire blast
focus blast
dragon pulse
solarbeam/ hp grass
For use in the sun only. His amount of power in the sun with stab, solar power, choice specs boosted fire blast is baffling. Look at this:
Keldeo@ choice specs

ability: justified
EV's: 252 speed / 252 sp att/ 4 hp
nature: timid (+speed -att)
surf/ hydro pump
secret sword
icy wind
hidden power ghost
Keldeo is quite fast and has a very high special attack. Choice specs makes him a monster! This set gives him perfect coverage. Surf for reliability or hydro pump for power.