Gen 9 NU Choice Band

Emboar @ Choice Band
Ability: Reckless
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Sucker Punch
Emboar has been getting usage in NU recently, so here is a Choice Band set it can use in Gen 9 NU. Choice Band Emboar has quite a few new toys it can use on a Choice Band set. Flare Blitz is used for Emboar's Fire STAB since it gets boosted by Reckless, and Choice Band + Reckless + Adamant Nature = really powerful move not a lot of Pokemon want to switch into. Emboar gets Close Combat in Gen 9, meaning it no longer has to use Superpower. Close Combat is a nice Fighting STAB move to hit Pokemon such as Diancie, Flygon, Umbreon, Tauros-Paldea-Aqua really hard, and can be useful for a STAB move to lock into if you don't want to take recoil damage yet. Knock Off is also a move Emboar gets in Gen 9. Knock Off allows Emboar to hit Flash Fire Chandelure and Delphox super effectively. Knock Off is also useful for removing items such as Rocky Helmet from its checks. Removing Rocky Helmet from Pokemon such as Galarian Slowbro, Palossand, and Qwilfish is useful so Emboar doesn't have to worry about taking recoil damage + Rocky Helmet chip later in a game. Sucker Punch is used for a priority move to pick off faster Pokemon since Emboar isn't a fast Pokemon. Tera Dark allows Emboar to have a Psychic immunity and Knock Off and Sucker Punch as STAB moves. Adamant Nature is used over Jolly nature since Max Speed Adamant Nature already lets it outspeed the walls Emboar can wallbreak. You'll want pivot support to bring Emboar in safely, so Pokemon such as Dragalge, Flygon, Thundurus, and Tsareena work as teammates for Emboar. Tsareena can also use Rapid Spin to clear away hazards, as Emboar really doesn't want to take chip from entry hazards. You can also use Wishpassers such as Umbreon, Florges, and Sylveon to keep Emboar healthy so it can spam Flare Blitz more often.