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since you can breed ditto with a genderless Pokemon will it work for legendary Pokemon and ditto?


2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

No. Simple as that.
Any Pokemon in the undiscovered egg group can not breed. This includes all legendary Pokemon with the exception of manaphy/phione (I can't remember which)

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It's Manaphy that is the only exception.
1 vote

In almost all cases, the answer is no. All legendary Pokemon, except for one, are in the undiscovered breeding group, which means, like all members of this group, they are unable to breed. The one legendary able to breed, manaphy, produces a phione egg when left at the day care with a ditto. So, no, no legendary but one,even with ditto, can produce little copies of themselves, and the one that can produces a different Pokemon.

Oh sorry answered this before the other answers came up on my screen