PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Kookoonut TM (page 8)

The Glazio News
Well, I beat precious little Gla-Gla in a battle and we got ready to head off towards Aether Paradise! Oh, and I beat Nanu as well, so that's another Grand Trial finished! Look at me, I'm super fancy! Oh, and Glazio the Absol is a crit machine. He just is. I beat Faba the Traitor Dude and we headed down to the secret labs! Also, Hau and Gladion ran ahead of me... didn't get challenged by the three nerds that battled me... Hau disappeared from sight... then when I went into the lab, Hau came in... but he didn't seem to be anywhere before, since Gladion was blocking off the other lab... but I thought he was ahead of me... did I miss something here? So now Hau has magical teleportation abilities or what? Sheesh. Anyway, that's it for now. And in Sol and Luna, I did a tiny bit of work! Leamhead Lima Lime Bean tells Pika, Flare, and Hau that they're ready to take on their first trial! Woo-hoo! That's it. Ha ha, sorry to be lazy. Funny, I'm actually really energetic right now. That's all for now, see ya!
Sep 25, 2020 by Gau
Sep 25, 2020 by BottomlessSea
The Glazio News
Oh joy! I made it to Po Town! I trained up my Pokemon by battling all the Team Skull nerds and took on Guzma! I barely won, but I did! So yay! Then I went to Aether House to discover that Lillie had been taken by the nerdfaces! Hauhead is sad. Sad Hauhead. Then here comes cutie Gla-Gla, who is very ticked off! He brought his music with him too! Yaaaaaay! So I'll battle him soon. Also, I haven't worked on my fanfics lately. I plan to though! I just need a bit more planning for Alola School so Gladion can do some epic stuffs and things! I guess! Whee! That's it for now! See ya!
Sep 24, 2020 by Gau
i love the gravatar
Sep 24, 2020 by themodernage
Thank you! And uh, I don't know when the tournament will be started, I thought mods had to approve them. It was just an idea I had. But yeah, we CAN do the tourney, if you want. It'd just have to figure out the details
Sep 24, 2020 by Iridacea
The Glazio News
I'm on the way to Po Town! Or whatever it's called in Japanese! Not much has happened. I didn't do any fanfic work, but I'll try to soon. Gotta plan my new one a lot. It gonna be fun. That's it for now, sadly. See ya!
Sep 23, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I beat the Ghost-type trial! Yay! Gladie and Silver helped out a lot because I switched between them a few times to lower Mimikyu's attack with their Imtimidate. Woo-hoo, the ol' Intimidate switch! I eventually got through the battle. But when I go to Aether House, that little girl's Yungoos is revealed to have been stolened! So I gotta rescue it. But I can do that later! Oh, and one of my Silvally reached level 100. Yaaaaaay! Now onto Sol and Luna. Pyxis is startled and asks Ilima if he's one of the trial captains. Pika forgot what a trial captain was because she smol brain. So Rotom says that they're in charge of trials. Except for the Poni Island trial, but that's not being spoiled in Sol and Luna yet. Leamhead Lima Lime Bean confirms this and asks if Pika, Hau, and Flare are trial-goers. Flare says yes. Then he remarks that he Flare and Pika must be new, and Pika says that they came to Alola from Kanto a few days ago. Lima Bean says that he saw Pika's battle a minute ago and that it was fancy. Well, technically he said 'quite spectacular', but no frocks are given here. This is not a frock-given place. And Aloha-Landia is also the place of no frocks given. Now someone please inform me what I'm talking about. Anyway, Pika goes whee in brain because she fancy on batteeee-eeell no. 2 and Pyxie Butt is ree and Pika shrugs off ree and goes yay because she did a fancy like a purple grape master. See ya in the epic Gla-Gla whees machines! AKA see ya!
Sep 22, 2020 by Gau
You run a youtube channel? Can you give your name? I sure want to subscribe :)
Sep 22, 2020 by Tensa Zangetsu
What's the name of yer channel?
Sep 22, 2020 by user74534
(chesnaught is one my my favorites and rowlet is a pre evo of my second favorite Pokémon)
Sep 22, 2020 by BottomlessSea