PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Kookoonut TM (page 6)

And it's also a sad news...X(
User UncleEdison (0_0) will be leaving this site for a long time, because of something BAD HAPPENS--
He was been in a Car Crash...

-From Edison's younger brother
Oct 15, 2020 by Kookoonut TM
Is your ELO 1475 in gen 4 OU? I searched for pransker in Showdown! What's your name if I am wrong?
Oct 15, 2020 by Tensa Zangetsu
What surprised you!?
Oct 15, 2020 by Tensa Zangetsu
By a coincidence, you have exactly 1000 points more than me!
Oct 15, 2020 by Tensa Zangetsu
Do you play Nat Dex AG or any toher format like OU, Ubers, etc. I made it to 1600 ELO in Nat Dex AG!
Oct 15, 2020 by Tensa Zangetsu
Oct 15, 2020 by Tensa Zangetsu
The Glazio News
Nonsense is charming. What am I talking about? I dunno I have Gla-Gla whees lodged in my brain stem skull. Anyway, I did a bit more grinding on Ultra Moon and I've been trying to catch a Chinchao with Volt Absorb, because I thought it could have it. It probably can, I just have bad memory. But so far no luck. In Moon, uh... I don't think I did anything in Moon. Did I? Epic confusion. Anyways, onto fanfic news! In Sol and Luna, I edited Rotom into existence a bit. He took a picture of Mr. Luna when Sweetie Water Gunned him and scolded Pika for slipping down the ledge like a number one moron dummy idiot. Yes I love the phrase 'number one moron dummy idiot'. What happens when you read the past news. Anyways, Pika asks herself a million questions 'cause dreams are very weird. Then she realizes that Mr. Luna has vacated the premisies AKA he left at one point or another. Sweetie's still there, but Pika doesn't see Rotom anywhere. She calls his name and here he comes with a picture of Pika napping with her head on Mr. Luna's shoulder. God it looks so cute in my head. I mean, Mr. Boy Person Luna Whee is just like relaxed and stuffs. Massive cuteing implosion in progress. Pika smiles but then gets ticked off and yells at Rotom, asking why he took the picture and is embarrassed because Rotom took the picture. Sweetie wakes up and Rotom asked why Pika'd be embarrassed. Dun dun dun. But that's not all! I added like one line to Alola School, which is my placeholder name for that fanfic about Gladion going to school. Gla-Gla walks through the halls and looks at a clock. It's currently... something o' clock. I haven't decided on the time yet. But ya know what that means? I'm gonna work on it soon I hope! Yay! That's all for now! See ya!
Oct 14, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
I did some grinding on Ultra Moon and that's about it. On Moon, I tackled the Battle Tree with three Flying-types: Swoobat, Gliscor, and Dragonite. I've gotten six wins so far. Gliscor can be an effective staller with Toxic Orb and Poison Heal, as well as Roost. And Dragonite can get off some Dragon Dances and hit hard with Earthquake or Fly while having access to Extreme Speed. Fun! But here's some good news: I did some work on Sol and Luna! And I wrote a song! The song's unimportant, so onto fanfic news! Here comes the continuation of Pika's weird as heck dream. Mr. Boy Person Whee blushes and avoids eye contact with Pika, so she asks what's wrong while calling him Luna. Ya see? The name is Sol and Luna, and they called- oh whatever. He says he wants to tell her something. Guess what that is. A love confession is what. Sheesh Pika you weirdo and your wierd dreams. She tells him she loves him back and so the whee spree is number three in the pokey trees and their fleas. Then they hug and kiss and Pika wakes up to... nothing. She's confused and is like 'wait that was just a dream what what what what what what what' and her head implodes. Don't worry, her head didn't actually implode. But that's all for now! See ya!
Oct 13, 2020 by Gau
Oh, Absol Club is just a group of people who like absols.
Oct 13, 2020 by Stephwheel8
I'll catch up to you eventually! XD
Oct 13, 2020 by Iridacea