PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Kookoonut TM (page 7)

Well, I used to have a Gladion wallpaper on my phone, though I changed it to the names of my news subscribers so that I'd remember who to send the news to. And I sadly can't use Gravatar, or else I'd have some kinda cute Gladion Grav. And yeah, it has been a while! You too! :3

The Glazio News
I'm so awesome and back in my element. That part about me being awesome isn't really true, but whatever. I worked on Sol and Luna a lot this time! Hauhead goes excited whees and runs off to do his trial, and Flare and Pika are ready to head on to Route 2 as well. Pika asks if Pyxis and Eclipse want to come along, but they politely decline. So then Pika and Flare exit the school and Rotom tells them how to get to Route 2. But on the way, they take a break to heal their Pokemon and discuss the trial and wonder what it'll be like. Rotom shows them a picture of Verdant Cavern, the first trial site. And I mean first as in the site for the first trial, not the first trial site ever made or something. Flare asks what the trial's like, but Nurse Joy tells them that their Pokemon are healed up. So then they leave the Pokemon Center and reach Route 2! They walk past some things, some other things, and some other other things and then find Ilima Beanhead. He asks if they're ready to begin their trial, and Pika brings up where the frick Hauhead is. Ilima Beanhead replies that he hasn't seem him yet. Then Flare and Pika say that they're ready to begin the trial, but Ilima Beanbrain tells them that they'll have to take turns. So Flare says that Pika can do it first, and she enters Verdant Cavern. Ilima Brainbean tells her what she has to do and the rules and all before leaving. Pika finds a hole in a rock that has a Pokemon living in it, a den, so she battles the Pokemon, which is identified by Rotom as an Alolan Rattata. Sweetie defeats it with one Disarming Voice. Then she finds another den and gets ready to battle. But the Rattata attacks first with Quick Attack before being promptly defeated by Sweetie's Disarming Voice. Then after ending up at a split path, with one path being for backtracking, Pika decides to jump off of the ledge for fun. She slips instead of jumping and lands badly. She ends up with an injured ankle. Because of fricking course why wouldn't she? She can't seem to walk, but she can't quit the trial, so she drags herself back. But then she tries to stand up so she can walk across the little bridge thingy. She eventually suceeds at standing up and begins to walk, Sweetie hanging onto her arm. But guess what? Her ankle acts up and she slips like a number one moron dummy idiot! She manages to grip the bridge thingy with a hand before she falls and is big terrified. She tries to pull herself up but can't seem to, so she tells Sweetie to get up onto the bridge. After all, she doesn't want to drag her Pokemon into death and pain or whatever. But Sweetie doesn't because why the frick would she? Then her hands slip, and she falls to her death... not! In fact, her hand is grabbed by someone, who pulls her up back onto land. It's revealed to be a boy and Pika is big confuse as to how he got there. She asks who he is because yeah no need to thank him for saving you or anything you jerk. But he's just perfectly silent. I think that's it for now. See ya!
Oct 6, 2020 by Gau
Ohhhhhh ok. It's not the best pivot because it can't actually pivot, but you could always switch.

Gyarados @ Gyaradosite  
Ability: Intimidate  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Crunch  
- Earthquake  
- Waterfall  
- Protect

try this and tell me how it works :3
Oct 6, 2020 by y-chai
The Glazio News
I found another random Shiny Pelipper, this time male with Naughty nature and the cursed ability Keen Eye. Frick. Not much happened that was noteworthy aside from that, so moving on to Sol and Luna. Yes, I worked on it. A tiny bit, at least. Yeah I suck. Pika, Flare, and Hau get super excited and high-five, then Ilima Bean says he'll be waiting for them at Route 2, which I think is where his trial site is, before walking away. So then Eclipse is excited because Pika, Flare, and Hau are gonna do their trial. That's it for fanfic news. But before I end this, I want your opinion. If you were writing Sol and Luna, how would you make Pika and Gladion first meet? I'm very curious and would love to hear your opinion. That's all for now! See ya!
Oct 5, 2020 by Gau
I'm not very good at VGC sets, just go with what Y said I guess, lol
Oct 5, 2020 by Amethyst
Can you gi mis a suggestion for a double Gyrados Moveset? It’s my first time play VGC and Grayson 10k points, Hope it wasn’t too late
 6 hours ago by UncleEdison (0_0)

Hehe, I can. I've familiarized myself with the format a bit, so I'll give you a set.

First, starting with the reason Gyarados is popular (or was), was because of its Dyanamaxing potential. Moxie + Max Airstream is an insanely good combo. However, Intimidate gets more usage than Moxie in VGC due to lowering the Attack of both opponents (in Series 6, Intimidate gets 68.237% usage on Gyarados while Moxie gets 31.763%). That being said, I still prefer Moxie over Intimidate due to Max Airstream making it an amazing sweeper with Moxie's Attack boosts.

So, what set should you run?

Gyarados @ Life Orb  
Ability: Moxie  
Level: 50  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Adamant Nature  
- Waterfall  
- Bounce  
- Power Whip  
- Dragon Dance

While some may argue that Dragon Dance should be replaced with Taunt/Protect....


Waterfall is STAB. Bounce is for a STAB Max Airstream, boosting its Speed and making it a very dangerous sweeper. Power Whip is very strong coverage. Dragon Dance is for when it's not Dynamaxed and it can boost both its Attack and Speed (making it very, very dangerous alongside Moxie and Max Airstream).

Hope this helps, lol
Oct 5, 2020 by y-chai
Grats me on reahing 15 points yay...not happy for no reason...:(
Oct 5, 2020 by Kookoonut TM
The Glazio News
Epic whee! I had some fun today! Or last night and today! Or whatever! I beat the Pokemon League with Casey, Nikki, Violet, Lillie, Brandon, and Poppy, my team of Shinies! Then I thought about doing a Shiny hunt. I hadn't Shiny hunted for a while, so I said, hey, why not? I was going to Shiny hunt Feebas but changed my mind and decided on Bounsweet instead. And I found the Shiny! Guess how long it took. It took probably around an hour and a half. I don't know how many Pokemon were called, since I wasn't keeping count, but not much! I named her Serena and found out she has a Jolly nature, I believe one of the best for a Tsareena! She wasn't a Tsareena yet, but still. So I decided to evolve her into one and took her to the Pokemon League with Casey, Nikki, Violet, Lillie, and Brandon. I beat the Pokemon League and prepared to face my next challenger! Guess who it was. I dare ya. Take the wildest of guesses. I nearly hacked up my heart in shock when I saw Gla-Gla comin' for a challenge! I did not see that coming! So I faced him, excited as frick. But I hadn't healed my Pokemon. I think one was fainted, Serena was low leveled and a Steenee, and the others were slightly beaten up. Lovely. My Pokemon fainted one by one, and I was down to Serena. I had decided not to use healing items during the match. Why? Uh... I was... trying to make it fair...? I don't know, but it was like my brain was saying 'no Revives or Full Restores' to me. So I was down to Serena, and... bam! Crunch straight to the face! I lost! So, uh... I lost to Gla-Gla. Again. This time at the Pokemon League. That really makes me wish that, if someone beat you, you'd have to reclaim your title, because I really want a rematch. But nothing I can do, I guess. Yet I feel happy inside, because I did all I could. I went all out without using healing items. I just feel warm and satisfied, as if it was a burden lifted off of my shoulders. That makes no sense? Yeah I didn't think so. And I evolved Serena into Tsareena after that. That's it for now! See ya!
Oct 4, 2020 by Gau
The Glazio News
There's no news today. Sorry about that. I'll try to do some work today.
Oct 3, 2020 by Gau
I know almost nothing about Pokemon Quest, but if the question concerns strategy then it's fine.
Oct 3, 2020 by Fizz