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Wall for Kookoonut TM (page 9)

Sep 22, 2020 by BottomlessSea
Cute grav
Sep 22, 2020 by Iridacea
The Glazio News
Epic whee in my party of three screes! I caught myself a male Absol whom I named Glazio, after Gladion Glazio and not the me Glazio! My team is complete! Well, Gladie still needs to evolve, but other than that, complete! So, in my new fanfic with Gladion goin' to a school and whatnot, the midday Lycanroc bites Gladion's arm really hard and tears up the sleeve and stuff! And when he tries to get Silvally's Poke Ball, the Rockruff attack his other arm! Luckily, the midnight Lycanroc gets them to stop. So then Gladion runs away because the midday Lycanroc clearly wants him to leave. And he's late for school. Blood's spilling out of his right arm like there's no tomorrow as he runs. He finds the school and his sister, Lillie, who is waiting outside. She got there by riding a car with their mother. Why didn't Gladion do the same? Because their mom is embarrassing as frick. She loves to tell random people the story of how Gladion randomly walked into the living room with only his underwear on once. He'd taken off the rest of his clothes in his sleep somehow and now it's an Aether family moment for the ages. Whooptie-frick, eh, Gla-Gla? Lillie asks Gladion what happened to him, since he's bleeding his face off. Well, his arms are bleeding, not his face, but you get the point. He says it's fine, but then gets dizzy. He tries to stay conscious, as he knows that if he faints, it'll slip to the bullies of the school and they'll bully him more. And someone named Mariposa would be disgusted for some odd reason...?He tries very hard, but sadly faints. That's chapter one, so on to chapter two! He wakes up in the school infirmary or whatever, and apparently a Nurse Joy works there. She has a bratty kid who tried to hit Gladion with a book because he bumped into her, so he hit her with it and she cried to her mom that Gladion was being mean and lied that he called her names because she had been hitten with a little kiddie book. Wow. Anyway, the Nurse Joy asks how he feels, and he says that he's a little dizzy and dazed, but other than that he's fine. She asks if he could explain how he got injured, and he tells her the whole story. She's curious about the odd girl he described, so he describes her appearance. He says that she didn't tell him her name. In fact, she didn't speak at all. Nurse Joy therorizes that she could be deaf, since she didn't reply to him asking her name. Spoiler alert, she's not deaf. Nurse Joy tells him that he's free to go to class and stuff since his wounds have been bandaged and he's fine. Yay. That's it for now, see ya!
Sep 21, 2020 by Gau
Oh ok
Sep 21, 2020 by BottomlessSea
Ooooh! Can I see it?
Sep 21, 2020 by BottomlessSea
The Glazio News
I trained up my Pokemon, Bliss evolved into a Primarina, and I beat Guzma. Woo-hoo noodles! So then I felt smug and proceeded to go to a place and ran into cute little Glazio! That's it. I'm busy blasting his music, heh... anyway, I started writing another fanfic. Yes. I have four going at the same time. Frickity frock. Well, I'll tell you about its chapter one. Gladion is walking through Lush Jungle to get to school. Yes, there's a school I made up that's in Lush Jungle. It's not the Trainers' School. So anyway, he kind of hates school, since jerky bullies are in it and they're jerks to him. Then he hears bushes rustling and sends out his Silvally, thinking that it could be a dangerous Pokemon. He remembers hearing the story of a family that was attacked by a rampaging Garchomp. Their baby daughter died. He was only a couple years old when his mother told him about it, saying that the same could happen to him and Lillie. He wonders what would have happened if that baby hadn't been a baby and had Pokemon to protect herself with. She could've grown up to be anything, with Pokemon and friends who cared about her, but her life was taken away too soon for any of that to happen. The thoughts sadden him, because he almost died when he was young due to a fire in his family's house. He could've died when he was five if he wasn't able to escape with his family. However, he snaps out of his thoughts when Silvally attacks whatever was in the bush, which is revealed to be a girl who is quite terrified because she was attacked, not a Pokemon. Gladion apologizes and asks what her name was. He gets no reply at all, unless you count odd sounds as a reply. Then a Shiny Rockruff and two regular Rockruff appear and start trying to protect the girl despite her not being in any danger. The Shiny one howls, and a midday Lycanroc attacks Gladion. He guesses that it's the mother of the Rockruff. She howls, causing another Lycanroc to appear, a midnight one this time. Gladion returns Silvally to his Poke Ball, trying to avoid a fight. This seems to relax them a bit, and Gladion is weirded out because the girl is perfectly fine with having her face licked by a midday Lycanroc that looks wild. He kneels next to the girl and stretches out his hand, so she sniffs and nuzzles it. Confused? I thought so. There's a backstory and explanation that eventually will be revealed. So Gladion's even more weirded out and gets tackled by the overexcited girl who seems to be acting more like a happy Pokemon than a human. He's not all that pleased when she tries to pull his hair away from his face with her teeth so that she can see his second eye. So he slaps her out of anger and is pounced at by the midday Lycanroc! What's going on, you ask? Place your guesses! OK, I weirded myself out with this new fanfic, time for Sol and Luna. Pika makes a mental remark about how Ilima doesn't look like a sailor. Get it? 'Cause he said he's a captain? Ha ha major funny. That's it for now, sadly. See ya!
Sep 20, 2020 by Gau
Check Pokemon DB often. Try to use Bulbapedia to answer every unanswered question. Stop liking fairy Pokemon. If you do this for a few years, then you should get more points.
Sep 20, 2020 by sumwun
I don't believe I can say anything that wasn't already mentioned in the other answer. Maybe put Seismic Toss on Blissey, so it doesn't get completely crippled by Taunt?
Sep 20, 2020 by Amethyst
The Glazio News
I forgot to say 'see ya' last time. I big klutz. Anyway, I headed off to do my Water trial, and after some trial and error, pun intended, I beat it! Also, my Eevee evolved into Sylveon at one point after the trial, I think, I don't remember when. But he did! I headed back to Melemele Island and caught myself a male Mawile, whom I named Silver. Yay he has Intimidate! Then I beat the Fire and Grass trials and beat Olivia, then headed off to Aether and beat up a Nihilego. And wrote a song. Heh heh. With Akala Island outta the way, I headed to Ula'ula Island and my Rockruff evolved into Midnight Lycanroc after I lost to Hau! Jeez I lose to lots of people. But hey, Rei and his Counter was the whole reason I beat the Electric trial. Togedemaru used Iron Head or something, Rei held on with 1 HP due to affection, Skarmory used a move that was dodged, most likely Steel Wing, annnnnd... bam! Togedemaru was down! He had been weakened a little bit by an Inferno Overdrive, but Spiky Shield helped protect him and he barely took any damage. It was nearly a one-hit KO. I like Counter more than I thought! Rei's the new Casey! Whee! OK I got a bit hyper. Anyway, I proceeded to battle Guzma at that one garden place, but I lost. Oops. Gotta try that again. But I got some fanfic news! Yay! In Sol and Luna, we learn that the pink-haired nerd is Ilima Lime Lame Lima Head Bean. That's literally it. But remember my unnamed fanfic? Yeah, I started Chapter 1 of that! Bet ya didn't see that one comin'! Pika tells her new Type: Null to use Crush Claw, which beats up Hau's Incineroar, which faints. No, the battle wasn't one turn. We just only see the end. Pika's Pokemon trust her completely as she trusts them, but Type: Null is feeling more uncertain, since it's new. So Hau and Pika are happy about the battle and Hau remarks that Pika's Type: Null is stronger than Gladion's when it was a Type: Null. Pika remembers how strong Gladion's Type: Null was, and how she barely manages to beat Gladion in battle when she wins. She hopes her Type: Null will evolve into Silvally like Gladion's did, but she knows that it'll take time. And remarks like 'plenty of time' and 'it would take time' seem like common things so far... anyway, Pika's sure that her Type: Null will come to trust her eventually. That's all I got for now! See ya! I remembered to say it this time...
Sep 20, 2020 by Gau
Kecleon isn't normal type. I don't like Kangaskhan or Cinccino.
Sep 19, 2020 by sumwun