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Wall for Talos (page 10)

Don't worry mate, my exams have also started. That's why I take so long to reply, cause most of the time I don't have the time or energy or both to write a reply.

Damn really? I didn't know all award organisers were like that.
May 21, 2022 by xPsydxck
Well, my life's pretty much the same. I started playing Lufia 2 recently (hooray for emulators), which is a pretty fun old RPG. I'm terrible at most of the puzzles though. Also, it seems I've played Yu-Gi-Oh for "485 hours or more". Which is... really something. And I'm still whining about having to wait two months so I can play Live A Live. Because apparently I wanna be a green-haired caveman much more than any sane person would.

So yeah, the usual.
May 18, 2022 by Gau
Yeah lol, the stigma that anime is for kids has been around for a long time cause its animated (hence, its like cartoons and for kids). There's also speculation that people at Oscars are racist towards Japanese but that's just a theory.

Anyway, I can battle you in about an hour and a half. Are you free then?
May 17, 2022 by xPsydxck
That chaos may make us human, but is that really a good thing? No species that exists to cause chaos survives for very long.

Also congrats, that's quite an accomplishment :P
May 16, 2022 by Amethyst
Oof, that sucks. I remember having an old emulator that froze at the weirdest times. Like at a certain point in Yoshi's Island and Super Mario RPG. Because of this, I couldn't complete either game, and it drove me crazy. Anyway, congrats!
May 15, 2022 by Gau
Politics are fascinating if you know how to discuss them tactfully. There's a lot of insanity on all sides though, so that minefield can be a little hard to navigate. Truly interesting in theory, but humanity's inherent discordant chaos makes it much more difficult to study without bias.
May 14, 2022 by Amethyst
Good luck!

Yep. I especially go crazy playing games on my emulators because there's such a wide variety of games that I never knew existed. The issue is that I don't seem very attached to my save files and delete old ones a lot, which has made things plain inconvenient at times. Wanna fight that bloody giant eyeball on Kirby's Dream Land 3? Too bad, deleted your file. Wanna tiddlywink around with some glitch on a Yoshi's Island ROM hack? Too bad, deleted your file. It's a mess. I think I'm less delete-happy with games that I have physical copies of, though.

Oof. What a way to go. XD
May 13, 2022 by Gau
Oof, that sucks. On one end, that's extremely lucky. On the other... well, yeah. It's one thing to accidentally knock out a Shiny or something, but just not having any Poke Balls? Then you know there's nothing you could've done in-battle to avoid failing it.

As for life, it's going good. Mixed it up a bit recently and got Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon. I wanna play a new Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game, but since there aren't any, and since I'm getting back into Final Fantasy, Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon is my substitute. It's a real cute (and pretty difficult) game, and it has co-op, so that's pretty awesome. And I'm still (mentally) crying about wanting Live A Live. Also I have to wait two years to try a new Cattails game, since a sequel or something comes out on Switch in 2024. So I'm excited for that. In short, basically the same as ever, except with a new game.

How's life on your end?
May 12, 2022 by Gau
I wouldn't call myself particularly affiliated with any politics lol, I just have an interest in philosophy :P

And ah, I'm sorry. Hope whatever problems you're having get resolved soon!
May 12, 2022 by Amethyst
*anime as being for kids
May 12, 2022 by xPsydxck