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Wall for Talos (page 8)

"Nor is your "friends" teasing you."
Heh. "Friends". I do that when writing, use the quotations, because I can not call these people "friends."

And no, I'm not a simp.
Jan 16, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Problem is, all that was months ago, and the fact that they still continue, despite does traits clearly not being present in me currently and the fact that I've asked them more than several times to stop. It's not even funny anymore, because "I'm not liking Pogo rn" definitely translates to "OHEMGEE I WANT T0 D8 U AND MARRY U AND I LOVE U SOO0O MUCH!!!1!1!!1!!1?1!" Really, the whole fact that some people get humor from teasing and belittling others has been bothering me. Maybe I hold too high expectations for them. And society...
Jan 16, 2023 by Mr. Fish
"Well, whatever was associated with that name is in the past, and doesn't really matter now does it?"

BM and Pogokira even though all the stuff was months ago:
CSimp x 1000000000000000
Jan 16, 2023 by Mr. Fish
True, bit of a catch-22 we're in right now. Can't get good players to post until they get good advice... but they can't get good advice if they're not posting, Best we can do for now is to just manage the idiocy I guess.
Jan 15, 2023 by Amethyst
It's not that it's a bad name. It's what's associated with that name.

I write too. I started writing since the loss of an important person to me (not death loss), and it's definitely helped. I've grown to get used to it, but there are times when it's definitely not easy.

And yeah, I do agree, getting some players that actually know what they're doing would be nice.
Jan 15, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Also, I saw this.

"The RMT isn't really gonna improve until good players actually start posting their teams there, which won't happen until they believe that they can get good advice by posting it there."

Another problem is that people might have good teams and post them, but not enough people play that format to give a proper rating.
Jan 15, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Whitefire, Da Viper, and (ugh) Celestial Shadows are notable past names.

Sometimes, I want to have conversations, and I can have some pretty good conversations too. Problem is, I have no friends, so all of the conversations are scenarios in my mind that would never happen in real life.
I'm... a thinker. I can formulate thoughts on specific subjects and expand on various ideas in my mind, but when they come out verbally, it's all in a jumbled mess, I forget half of what I want to say, and half of what I wanted to say doesn't get out.
Jan 15, 2023 by Mr. Fish
"This is a bit ironic coming from me, seeing as how I usually don't really care about random people dying, but children?"

I just want to pull a bit from my notebook.

"I understand that death is necessary, but it is still scary. I feel like the plane crash didn't have as big an impact on me as it should've. Our neighbors could've died. We could've lost our house. Had the plane been a few inches over, it could've been us. Yet, none of those phase me for some reason. When someone dies, it doesn't really make me sad. Yeah, I can sympathize (empathize?) with one's loss, but that's pretty much it. Yet when I feel death, it affects me on a greater scale? Maybe I haven't experienced enough significant loss to truly be affected by it..."

This sums up some of my feelings about death. As stated, I understand it's necessary, but it's scary to think about, since death could be around any corner. But for some reason, when someone dies, I don't really get sad. Once I heard that a teacher's grandmother(?) died, and being the extraordinary thinker that I am, I was able to empathize(?) with that loss. But did I shed a tear? No. Not really.
Or when I'm watching TV and there's a funeral, I don't get sad. It's strange how I work. It's not often I'm scared by death, and even less often I empathize with it, but I just feel like death doesn't have as big of an impact on me as it should.

Now contrary to what Pogo said, it doesn't really matter the age of the person who's dying for me. I believe that all lives are important to at least someone else, and of course, some people will have more significant deaths than others, but I do think most, if not all deaths are worth noting. Even if children (mainly teens, I'm assuming, since my definition of children is different than Pogo's) have a lot going on that can contribute to their death, other people are important too, even if they aren't as recognized or going through tough times like others.
Jan 15, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Damn not you and Giru actually having interesting conversations.
Jan 15, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Yeah, I get the frustration -- the RMT is pretty much a dumpster fire right now. We already hide around 70% of submissions for breaking the rules, and the rest usually don't get answers. The question you're talking about is pushing it for me, but I think it's barely within the realm of acceptability. It's annoying that it's gotten to this, but unless people start reading the rules, there's just not much else we can do.

In terms of actually doing something, we've established new rules to hopefully make things clearer to the few new users that actually read them. I've also been editing questions to standardize tags and remove rule-breaking ones that slipped through the cracks. Just want you to know that yeah we're doing something, but no there's not much else we *can* do :/
Jan 15, 2023 by Amethyst