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Wall for Talos (page 11)

Nvm I can't battle today rip. ;
May 1, 2022 by xPsydxck
Though I don't use either Reddit or Discord so this was all based on what I've seen and heard.
Apr 30, 2022 by xPsydxck
Dude Discord is like the hub of predators and actually has the most amount of predatory behaviour lol. Reddit might have the same people but it certainly doesn't have any predatory behaviour cause the only females on Reddit are college students or married women. Like I've legit never heard a school girl say she regularly uses Reddit.

No problem!
I remember it too now. XD
The last time I decided not to battle cause I saw your whole team but now I don't remember much more about it than it was a HO. What's your PS! username? I'm free tomorrow from 12pm to 7pm GMT so I'll chall you if I see you on.
Apr 30, 2022 by xPsydxck
I'm fine wbu school's taking a lot of time
Apr 30, 2022 by vydestiny
Oof, sounds rough. I hate it when it gets hot out. Which is ironic considering summer is my second favorite season, but yeah, heat is a pain.

Completely unrelated, but I had a dream however many days ago that was so random that it was funny. Apparently, I had tapioca in my pocket that could bring people back to life, a lady who rode a motorcycle pointed a gun at me and chased me around so she could get it, I attempted to outrun her on a bicycle (wow great idea outrun a motorcycle on a BIKE), got caught, and was rescued by the Starfish Poker Midget (Yugi) and his Dark Magician before Evil Motorcycle Lady could kill me.

It'd probably be somewhat frightening to get chased around by a psycho lady with a gun, but apparently not anymore.
Apr 29, 2022 by Gau
I love that quote tbh
Apr 29, 2022 by Amethyst
Hey, would you mind selecting a BA to this question if you like the answers?

If you're not sure which one to select, just flip a coin lol.
Apr 27, 2022 by xPsydxck
"the app that claims to foster friendship and harmony but creates Discord"

You should replace "Discord" by "predators" lol.
Apr 25, 2022 by xPsydxck
rip good luck
Apr 21, 2022 by vydestiny

Not much. I got Kirby and the Forgotten Land recently, and beat it even more recently. Very fun, cute game. I'm also regaining a bit of interest in Warriors. I've been workin' on an OC. Also, I found out Live A Live exists and there's no going back. By that, I mean I wanna play it. Because there's a kid named Pogo. Well, that's not the only reason (it looks like a really cool game), but it's a pretty big one.

So yeah, pretty much the usual. Play this, want that, write the other. XD
Apr 20, 2022 by Gau