Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Talos (page 8)

"The chance of us meeting without DB existing was one in a million, so everything has a positive side."

Yeah, true, but everything has it's negatives too. I know there's mostly more pros than cons, but I've been seeing a lot of cons that are hard to ignore. But yeah, meeting you is one of those pros of the internet existing.

"Plus, making friends/connections is not that hard, you see. It just takes the effort to starting a conversation and making it work."

Woahohoaw, now making friends is more difficult for me than you think. Since the virtual year, I've made exactly 1 new friend and lost multiple, and now I have a grand total of 0. Part of it is just that my qualifications for who I consider friends have gone stricter, but overall, I've never really had a true "friend experience". I mean I suppose I had ONE, but that ended well, and even now, I look at friend groups and wonder how it works. I just haven't gone through most of my life with many friends, but rather people I know and sometimes interact with. And what I've discovered during my recent friend experience is that I don't want to be a minor character, I want to be a main character, feel like I actually belong. And to start interacting with others, that requires putting myself out there, which is something I can't do. Not only because I just don't want to interact with people sometimes, but because I actually can't. I've told you before, I'm a thinker, I live in a world inside my head. But with that, along with my many personalities, I can't properly present myself or my ideas. Everyone is given a different piece of a puzzle that is me, and only I have the full picture. "What are your hobbies?" "Well, I spend hours in a game looking for fictional creatures of a different color (if that counts)."  "Are you on Social Media?" "I'm on a Chat Room on a Database where I interact with the same 2 semi-toxic people, but I'm growing tired of them. Does that count?" You see? With most of my interesting traits being locked behind my mind, it's hard to properly present myself. That, and I suck at conversation most of the time. I can formulate conversations in my head, but when they come out, it's not what I intended to say. It's not like I practice conversation much outside of "Simp." "No u." And with my lack of Social Media and such doesn't help either, because hell knows what people are talking about these days, I certainly don't know. So yeah. It's certainly not an easy task for me.

"Don't be bothered by others though. Never works"

I mean, yeah... Maybe it's just the teacher in me. Uses technology, but gets annoyed when others use it. I dunno...
Jan 18, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Nice. Mine was good. I got some Warriors books, two games, some candy, and this real soft blanket. I also successfully predicted two of my gifts, one unintentionally (the blanket). It's the most wonderful time of the year, I tell ya. Shame it's passed, but I suppose it'll be back next year.
Jan 18, 2023 by Gau
Goddamn that's a lot. Good luck on all those, wow. What do you study that requires so many exams?
Jan 17, 2023 by Amethyst
True that. No sense in sitting around complaining about it, lol.

Holidays were pretty nice, how were yours? Didn't really do much, personally. School's similarly been pretty placid. Just trying to get through it right now.
Jan 17, 2023 by Amethyst
I figured that was the reason.

Oh, just someone I used to be friends with. Long story, we're not friends now. But in the dream, we were friends. And along with the dream, other factors, like other's use of technology made me realize that I don't really have any significant connections. And I know, it's ironic that I'd be bothered by people on their phones, since well... You know... But to see so many people indulged in the world inside their phones provokes a feeling in me. Yes, I use my phone, but barely at school, and I don't use it to connect with much people outside of DB, but even then, if anything, I feel like I'm losing what very few connections I have. My lack of friends doesn't really bother me, but recently, the lack of connections I have and the connections between other people has been bothering me recently.
Jan 17, 2023 by Mr. Fish
My Christmas was good, got candy and some games, as well as a Switch, although I find it peculiar you're asking about Christmas now.

As for how I've been, I had a dream about a certain someone.
Jan 17, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Eh, not much. I played through the Gunvolt games, Paper Mario: The Origami King, and some other stuff. Got some new Shinies and reformatted my Shinies section (it looks bad but it saves space). By the way, how was your Christmas?
Jan 17, 2023 by Gau
Being sarcastic in writing is fun.
Jan 17, 2023 by Mr. Fish
(me being too lazy to reply to the first wall post)

Jan 17, 2023 by Gau
Volt's still kind of active there, the other two less so. I was hoping Gen 9 would bring more competitive players, but it seems to have brought more incompetency instead
Jan 16, 2023 by Amethyst