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Wall for Talos (page 7)

Yeah. It's a fact, life is like a sitcom with no crowd laughing. As much as I dislike my neighbors, it's funny when they do something stupid. One interaction with my neighbors was classic. It was the day after the fire, and me and my mom paid a visit to the firestarters, also known as the Dumpster Queen Clan (which is a reference to an earlier incident). We were going to the laundry room and saw them just lounging around as if their apartment hadn't burnt up the previous night. Eventually, my mom said that she was glad nobody was hurt when they set their house on fire. Obviously, that wasn't really a friendly remark, and the Dumpster Monitor (as we called her) was quite upset by my mom's attitude. Personally, I think she should've been upset that her boyfriend and kid were being dumb and ended up setting their apartment on fire, but that's just my opinion. Anyway, the Dumpster Monitor was talking to someone on her phone and claiming that my mom was harassing her and that she'd file a formal report or something. Yes. Harassing her. By standing a good distance away and uttering a few (deserved) snarky remarks in a raised voice. What a world we live in. But it didn't end there, as soon her son (at least I assume he was the son) got in on it. He was very upset by my mother's shameless harassment, and in a brave defense of his own vulnerable mother who had been relaxing in a lawn without a care in the world a moment ago as housing attempted to repair her partially-charred apartment, he threatened to "kick her old ass". Which would've potentially been more threatening if he wasn't around my age and clearly just a loudmouthed punk. As I'm sure you can expect, we cracked up, which didn't please our young friend, because he continued to yell at us. Wish I knew what he'd been saying so I could likely make fun of it, but it was hard to hear him. Anyway (I've said 'anyway' about five times haven't I?), I eventually decided to utter perhaps the greatest quote I've ever uttered. I turned and faced the brat (actually I didn't turn since I was already looking at them but whatever) and said "You're REAL tough when you're hidin' behind a fat woman!"

I'm not sure if they heard me. I hope they did. Oh yeah, at some point I think the Dumpster Monitor told me that I should "just walk away", but I forgot when that was. And so ends the showdown between the Dumpster Queen Clan and the... er... Giru Family. Shoot that's not catchy at all.

And thank you. Rosian, truly the OC of all time.
Jan 21, 2023 by Gau
What poem? You don't mean Hallucinations, do you? If so, there was inspiration, but the song and Allison aren't really connected.
Jan 20, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Yeah, it was. It even recommended a Choice Scarf Escavalier set with Swords Dance.
Jan 20, 2023 by -RisingManectric-
Yeah, not 100% sure where you're talking about so I didn't know if that was normal or not. Just wild to think humans are so tenacious, they can survive in that type of climate.
Jan 20, 2023 by Amethyst
Tbh the English heat wave was understandable, that's abnormally high for that region. Same when a location gets snow when it usually doesn't -- the entire place shuts down because no one knows what to do.
Doesn't sound very temperate lol. Global warming's a *****
Jan 20, 2023 by Amethyst
That's more than a little insane. Sounds like it would get unbearable.

Also, good lord on that team. People need to try learning the meta first.
Jan 20, 2023 by Amethyst
Haha, true.
About the new friend, yeah, they, or rather, she, is a very special person. You don't know everything that's happened between us, so it's a miracle we're even friends, and that makes the friendship even more special. And I guess I should explain that this isn't a new friend, this is a new old friend.
Her name is Allison.
Jan 20, 2023 by Mr. Fish
45C? How is that even livable?
Jan 20, 2023 by Amethyst
Nah, it was -12 degrees Fahrenheit. Or was it just 12? 12 would be more reasonable, but I swear it was -2 on that one walk I took, and 12 is quite a bit higher than -2. My memories are all mixed-up. Either way, it didn't seem like that much to me, but I always greatly underestimate that sort of thing. I took a walk in that aforementioned -2 weather and didn't get very far. Beautiful night though, so it was worth it.

Yeah, the people in my neighborhood dabble in such lovely activities such as:
- yelling and screaming
- stomping and banging
- door slamming
- wrecking/crashing their cars
- drinking and doing drugs
I'm sure not all of them are annoying idiots, but the fact that they're not means I don't really know they exist. I'm not particularly social. Heck, I haven't been outside in weeks. Kinda sucks.

Oh yeah. And a couple of neighbors I used to have set their apartment on fire with a firework accidentally. Nobody was hurt. Still horrifying to watch. Luckily those idiots moved out, though I doubt they had much choice.
Jan 20, 2023 by Gau
Edit: I think I have a new friend.
Jan 19, 2023 by Mr. Fish