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Wall for Talos (page 5)

Nowadays I’ve been into books about social issues such as racism, idk why but I’ve been reading them nonstop (even procrastinating homework to read them!). Some recent ones are Angie Thomas (The Hate U Give) and Nic Stone (Dear Martin). Never thought I would be procrastinating homework cause I wanted to read a book :)
Feb 2, 2023 by MangoBrick
Eh, it might. ANinetales is one hell of a lot better than Abomasnow.

Not bad, you? My school district just passed some legislature for more environmentally-conscious schools, so that's nice.
Feb 1, 2023 by Amethyst
Oh, good luck on your exams. And yeah, having little to no free time sucks. One of the perks of being young...

Which shinies? I'd say refer to my shiny gallery, but that's in desperate need of an update...
Feb 1, 2023 by Mr. Fish
No. Not yet. As for life, it's pretty good, actually. Having someone to talk to is really nice. And I've been getting shinies, so yeah.
Feb 1, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Here's hoping ANinetales comes back. I need my halfway decent snow lol
Feb 1, 2023 by Amethyst
Same, the feeling of a book will never match the eye-bleeding light of a tablet.
I am honestly a much bigger fan of the sequels, especially Revenge of the Sith, but definitely not Phantom Menace lol.
I feel like the MCU is going downhill too, but this new Ant-Man movie I think will change all of that (my favorite character).
Feb 1, 2023 by MangoBrick
Damn I had no idea Dark got so good this gen. Might have to give it a play. I'll die on my Ice Mono hill, though :P
Feb 1, 2023 by Amethyst
Rick Riordan got me through middle school lol, now in high school and realizing that he doesn’t change much in the mythology area (omg Zeus). The MCU and Star Wars are my two most favorite movie series ever, but I feel like after the first six Star Wars has started to fall off (in terms of movies, not series like the Mandalorian).
Feb 1, 2023 by MangoBrick
Eeeeh, I haven't touched competitive in a while. When I did, I would mostly play Gen 8 AG, but just my level of sheer unluck when playing (misses. A looooot of misses) was getting too annoying for me. I tried Gen 9, but it was just a bit too diverse for me, and the unpredictability of Tera Types was too much to handle. I considered trying competitive again just yesterday, probably gonna check it out today.
Jan 31, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Hm yes I love the ending of Journeys where Ash proposes to one of his former travelling companions.

Jokes aside, I'm not exactly sure why Bee Pen posted "happy birthfay" on my wall, but I suppose the reason is because he's Bee Pen.
Jan 30, 2023 by Gau