Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

When someone posts on your wall? You get a notification from your browser.
When someone answers your question? You get a notification from your browser.
When someone edits/closes/hides one of your posts? You get a notification from your browser.
I think you get the picture.

I'm not sure but I'd think that would only work if this was an app...

Btw when's the app coming out?
I know Showdown! can do desktop notifications while running in a browser, but I don't know if it's possible when the browser is closed.
It's something you can do with JavaScript but I don't think it will be looked at. The view would be email notifications (which already exist) are more appropriate, since events on this platform are not time sensitive. By contrast, if you don't notice quickly that your Showdown queue popped, then you just lost elo.
You can set up your mail client to give you desktop notifications anyway. Also there isn't going to be an app, Pokemaster has said this before.
Wasn’t there an old app that was taken down by Nintendo a while back (years ago)? Don’t think it’ll happen again.
There was never anything on app stores, but there used to be a section of the site that cached Pokedex data in the browser so you could view it offline. Pokemaster stopped maintaining that probably ten years ago now.
Don’t see why, though.

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