Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Is there a way for me to turn off notifications for this site? I'm using my email a lot more now, and I would like it to not be cluttered constantly.

You have to not check the "email me" checkbox when you post but idkhow to uncheck them in bulk.
Yep. Just uncheck them every time you post something.
Just block the site on Gmail, I did the same with Quora. They send 'Quora Digest' emails like there's no tomorrow and I had hundreds of unread emails in my inbox from them. I blocked them a month ago and haven't received a single email since.

Note that you wont receive any kind of emails from the site then, but that doesnt really matter since My Updates is sufficient to keep track of things.
Lol Psyduck i experienced the same thing.

@Asocial Moth, thanks, I'm dumb to not think of that
Honestly I love the emails because it acts as like a notification so I don’t have to check my updates
On mobile, it's honestly easier to just check the updates
That’s just your opinion. I think the my updates thing is really bad tbh. Gets cluttered super easily and only shows a certain number of things. And the email tells me instantly when someone replies to my comments (like now)
And I believe that's just your opinion...

I shouldn't want to get a notification every single time someone responds, "thanks for the info" on an answer.

1 Answer

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Just gonna repeat what I've said in the comments, in order to not get email notifs, you have to not check the "Email Me" checkbox. I do not believe there is an option to mass uncheck older posts in bulk, but its not like people are going to post in older threads often anyways.

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