Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I was going through the generation 1 pokemon until i noticed that on rattata's and porygon's evoloution. the smogon instead of being black and white sprite instead its oras+xy. is this a bug? because read the tags. i think its a bug

I cannot find the page you are referring to. Could you provide a link to it?
Wait since when has the pokedex pages used the oras/xy sprites for the evolution charts? I could've sworn it used to use 2d sprites, even with the xy pokemon.
It did change.

1 Answer

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No it's not a bug, I just updated it the other day to use the more recent sprites. Been meaning to change them for ages but I only remembered a few days ago that I hadn't got around to it yet.

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oh ok. next thing i knew was every pokemon had xy sprites.