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User themysteryman

Member for: 8 years (since Sep 5, 2016)
Type: Registered user
Gender: Read my name. If you don't see it, read it again. And again.
Country: Nobody knows... just kidding. The USA.
Favorite Pokémon: Charizard. 'CUZ ITS AWESOME!
Friend Codes: 3DS Code: 3368-3955-5258

I don't have any other codes. 'Cuz I only have the 3DS Pokemon Games (Plus Virtual Console Yellow).

I should really get some oldies (Well, again, I have Yellow on Virtual Console).

My Friend Code is kind of worthless right now, as I'm not currently doing any Pokemon stuff on my 3DS.
About me: Last Updated: 9/16/16

Guess what? It took me a hour to write all this. SO ENJOY IT!

My Computer Operating System:
Windows 8.1 (Upgrading to Windows 10 Soon!)

My Consoles:
Ordered: New 3DS XL (Coming in two days!)

My Pokemon Games (In order of first played):
X (Status: Complete)
Alpha Sapphire (Status: Complete)
Glazed (ROM Hack, Status: 7 Badges in Jhoto)
Omega Ruby (Status: Complete, I really only used it to get Omega Ruby exclusives)
Yellow (Status: 6 Badges, On Cinnabar Island)
Ash Grey (Status: 1 Badge, In Cerulean City)
Ordered: Diamond (Coming in 1 Week!)

Current Non-Pokemon Game: New Super Mario Bros. U (Status: World 2: Layer Cake Desert)

Current Anime Episode: Pokemon The Series: XYZ: Episode 926: A Diamond in the Rough!

(If you're bored by super long stories, skip this, 'cuz its super long. Its so long takes hours to read. Its just too long. Really, skip this now because this is a super long story of how I came to love Pokemon. I'm just going to get a move on and start typing it. Right now. Yep, right now. Yep. Well... I have some spare time. Do I? I don't know. I think I do. I'm pretty sure I do. By the way, did I mention that if you're bored by super long stories, you should skip this? Oh yeah, I did. Well anyway, I think its longer than all the stuff I just wrote. Or is it. I don't know. I'll just stop. Just so you know, this not only wastes your time, but also mine.)
 Hi, I'm themysteryman, and I LOVE POKEMON! I really wasn't interested until the XY anime started. I watched an episode and just loved it. Although I didn't know what the heck a Ten-Year-Old boy was doing murdering talking cats.
Before I liked Pokemon, I just loooooved Mario. And I still do. Although, I'm getting tired of the new games just copying the old ones.
After watching some XY and Indigo League, I found out there were Pokemon games. I had just bought a 3DS XL(my DSi XL had broken) so I started playing X. I was a noob at first, but playing X gave me experience with Pokemon, so I started playing more, and more, and more, and with help from the anime, I can name all 721 Pokemon (Plus the Sun and Moon ones) blindfolded, underwater, with one hand tied behind my back.

So long story short: I watched a XY Episode, I started liking Pokemon, then became a Pokemon Master. Does that work for you?

I await Sun and Moon because, well, THEIR SUPPOSED TO BE AWESOME! And they come out 3 DAYS BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY!

"You may think Snorlax is lazy, but Togepi's the one who got halfway out the egg and gave up." -A quote by Me, a Pokemon Master.

I. Have. A. Legit. Volcanion. Level. 100. For. Trade. Right. Now.
When I don't play Pokemon, I play Roblox, Minecraft, and Mario.


Go buy yourself some Pizza.


Okay, I was going to keep on typing, but I'm bored, so, I'm done here.

Good Bye!

For Real This Time.

OK. This is the actual, GOOD BYE!

Activity by themysteryman

Score: 20 points (ranked #1,000)
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Comments: 1
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hi. welcome.
Sep 5, 2016 by sumwun
Welcome to the DB :3
Sep 5, 2016 by Toucanadian