Meta-PokéBase Q&A
21 votes

Decided to make a new thread myself for this so I can get the responses via email. Here you can report any minor errors with the main site instead of starting a lot of new questions. Things you can report here include:

  • Spelling/grammar errors.
  • Incorrect data (e.g. Pokemon with the wrong abilities listed, moves with the wrong power/type and so on).
  • Missing pictures (sprites, icons and artwork).

As I fix the errors, the answers will be hidden. Try and keep comments to a minimum to avoid clogging up the page, stick to important things like additions/corrections to the corrections.

Remember, small corrections only! If you're reporting something more substantial than a missing picture or incorrect data, please make a new thread!

Please, post corrections as ANSWERS, not comments. Thanks :)

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219 Answers

1 vote

"Existing" Pokemon in base SV still does not have its move pool updated past TM171
For example:, the TM list only goes up to TM171, but Meowscarada can learn TM181, TM194 and TM199 in Teal Mask

1 vote

The description for Gale Wings should tell that the ability was nerfed in Gen 7 so that it only works if the user is at full health.

1 vote

Z-Tailwind raises the critical-hit ratio by two stages, not one

Source: Bulbapedia and using this in a Kartana-gimmick.

1 vote

In the effects of a steel type block in the page for steel types, it mentions salt cure, but only it dealing buffed damage to water types, not to steel types as well
idk link:

1 vote

This isn't really an error, but with the Unused Type Combinations page, there are 4 missing combinations, all of which are exclusive to Paradox 'mons.

Ground/Fighting (Exclusive to Great Tusk)

Rock/Electric (Exclusive to Iron Thorns)

Fairy/Fighting (Exclusive to Iron Valiant)

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Don't Alolan Geodude and Salandit also have those type combinations?
Oh, Salandit. Dang it. But Alolan Geodude doesn't count, due to being an alternate form.
1 vote

Tatsugiri's Droopy and Stretchy forms are missing data (e.g. abilities, egg groups) that are present for the Curly form.

1 vote

Rre Poké Ball used for event Pokémon.

Found in the Cherish Ball section. It needs to be rare, nor rre.

1 vote

It still says that Piplup, Prinplup, and Empoleon's hidden abilities are still shown to be Defiant, even though it was changed to Competitive with the Teal Mask DLC. Similarly, Shiftry's second ability is still shown to be Early Bird, even though it was changed to Wind Rider in the DLC. I forgot if there were any other DLC ability changes, but if there were any others, those probably haven't been updated either.

Also, It doesn't show the egg moves for evolved Pokemon added to SV in the DLCs for some reason. For example, on Piplup's page, I can scroll down and see all of its egg moves just fine, but on Empoleon's page, it says that it has no egg moves, when instead, it should have the same egg moves as Piplup. It's like this for every evolved DLC Pokemon.

1 vote

The description for the move Matcha Gotcha, introduced in the Teal Mask DLC, is still incomplete. However, we already know what it does.
It's a Grass type move,
80 power, 90 accuracy, 15 PP,
special, no contact, hits both Pokémon in a double battle,
heals the user for 50% of the damage dealt to the opponent(s),
has a 20% chance to Burn.
It also thaws out the user if it is frozen.
Sorry if I missed anything.

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1 vote

The moves Foresight and Odor Sleuth, and the ability Scrappy allow Normal and Fighting type moves to hit Ghost type Pokémon.

Mind's Eye, the ability of Bloodmoon Ursaluna, also allows Normal and Fighting type moves to hit Ghost type Pokémon.

1 vote

update dragon tail description to mention that it only ends wild pokemon battles if the level of the user is a higher or equal level to the opponent else there will be no effect

Do other force switching moves also have this error?
circle throw but not the non-damaging ones
1 vote

See the Teal Mask Pokédex for the first part of the DLC, or the Kitakami Pokédex for the main Scarlet/Violet game.

That comes from the Indigo Disk Pokedex page, and the part that says Kitakami Pokedex links to the Scarlet and Violet Pokedex.

Oops, fixed it thanks.
1 vote

In the All Pokemon master list the pictures for the Darmanitans are in the wrong order. Right now the pictures go Standard - Galarian Standard - Zen - Galarian Zen. When the stats and data show it should be Standard - Zen - Galarian Standard - Galarian Zen.

Thanks for reporting, I've fixed it now.
1 vote

The affected moves part of the Reckless page has the description from Iron Fist' page.

Moves affected
The attacks classed as punching moves are shown below with their normal and boosted power:

However, these are recoil moves, not Punching moves.

1 vote

There is nothing on Ivy Cudel's moveset

1 vote

Day 164 of Ivy Cudgel barely existing, I think this counts as incorrect data as Ivy Cudgel does have Power, Accuracy and PP, and a alternating type between Grass, Water, Rock and Fire.

This has bugged me ever since I joined 5 months ago so if you fix this and let people know what it does that would make my day.

Same with Syrup Bomb, Blood Moon and Matcha Gotcha. What makes it even weirder is that while the recent Indigo Disk moves have their data, the earlier Teal Mask moves don't.
I said that
1 vote

Arceus' "Moves Learned" missing:
- TM172 Roar
- TM178 Gravity
- TM203 Psych Up
- TM204 Double-Edge
- TM210 Supercell Slam
- TM215 Scorching Sands
- TM217 Future Sight
- TM220 Meteor Beam

*seems to be a wide-spread thing for later TMs to be missing from a lot of mons

1 vote
  • The effect description for the Cherish Ball, 'rare' is misspelled. (Maybe intentional?)
  • Sinistcha's page doesn't use the Ken Sugimori artwork.
  • Ogerpon's page; their other forms doesn't have the official art.
1 vote

Thunderclap description doesn't mention that the attack fails if the target doesn't intend to use a damaging move.

1 vote

If you click on G-Max Vine Lash in Venusaur’s page, it shows an error about the link and then the link it gives you for G-Max Vine Lash actually works
