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User DavidVileplume

Member for: 1 year (since Oct 25, 2023)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
Voting posts down
Flagging posts
Posting on user walls
Gender: Male
Country: The one that France shares it's longest border with
Favorite Pokémon: It starts with V and ends with ileplume.
Friend Codes: Potato

You can battle me in Showdown! in one of my 2 accounts: Emolgemaru or learning guy alt (the latter one being the most used). I play Monotype, AG, Balanced Hackmons, NU, AAA, NatDex, NatDex Ubers, 1v1 and sometimes OU and Doubles OU. My main formats are AG (both accounts), NatDex Ubers (learning guy alt), Balanced Hackmons (both accounts) and Nat Dex (learning guy alt).

Main feats in Showdown!: 1600's on Gen 9 AG; 1500's on Nat Dex Ubers with Scolipede; 1400's on Gen 9 1v1 (sadly I suck now); 1400's on Gen 9 Monotype.
Currently Emolgemaru is top 300 on the Gen 9 AG Ladder :)

UPDATE: I have a new account called FunStratFarms but its honestly just for testing stuff so, if you want to battle me, learning guy alt is your best bet.

I play UNITE. My mains are Scyther (not Scizor), Umbreon, Blaziken, Leafeon, Eldegoss and Venusaur. My main-mains are Scyther (again, not Scizor), Leafeon and Venusaur. Tell me your username if you want to friend me I guess.

Where did my points that came from closed questions come from in PokéBase:
- 30 in a Swords Dance TM location

Yooo 500 points! Thanks to everyone!

100 Points Pokébase: 30/01/24 (i'm not american)
200 Points Pokébase: 29/02/24 (cool leap day!)
300 Points Pokébase: 26/03/24 (answer number 31)
400 Points Pokébase: 01/08/24 (big jump in time)
100 Points META: 29/10/24 (might've been earlier idk)
500 Points Pokébase: 29/01/25 (half of a thousand)
(why do I care so much about this useless score system bruh)

My awesome team:
About me: Im just a random guy that loves Pokémon. I'm also kind of a geography nerd.
Here are some of my Pokémon hot takes (try not to cringe):

- Salamence is the worst pseudo-legend and it isnt even close.
- I like the ultra beasts.
- I hate Wooloo. My second least favorite mon ever (1st is Phione).
- All Johto starters are good.
- Popplio is the best Alola starter, and Quaxly is best in Paldea
- Shaymin > Darkrai and Zamazenta > Zacian.
- Shiny Espeon is nice, shiny Glaceon is trash.
- Corviknight isn't annoying in battle.
- The move Boomburst shoudn't exist.
- Klinklang is cool.

And now, the one that will make everyone hate me:

Here is the order of the pokemon regions from worst to best:

Kalos < Hoenn < Johto < Unova <  Hisui < Galar < Kanto < Paldea < Sinnoh < Alola.

~Time for other random Pokémon facts about me:

-My fav shiny is either Minior or Naganadel, but the list is honestly pretty long.
-Gen 7 best gen. It has a lot of cutscenes and that's it for cons. Beautiful gen.
-The best Unown is either F or ?, and the worst one is V because it barely looks like a V.
-GameFreak should add a Green Florges.
-My favorite type is Grass, followed by Normal and Fairy.
-My favorite Mythical is Shaymin-Sky, and second place is Manaphy.

Most amount of people seen on Chat Room at once: 10

Favorite Pokémon of every type (no repeats):
Normal: Maushold / Porygon2
Fire: Victini / Blacephalon
Water: Manaphy
Grass: Vileplume
Electric: Miraidon
Ice: Ninetales-Alola
Fighting: Zamazenta-Crowned / Kommo-o
Poison: Slowbro-Galar / Salazzle
Ground: Swampert / Iron Treads
Flying: Shaymin-Sky
Psychic: Hatterene / Iron Crown
Bug: Ribombee / Vivillon-Moonson
Rock: Diancie
Ghost: Dragapult
Dragon: Kingdra / Garchomp
Dark: Crawdaunt / Kingambit
Steel: Jirachi / Magearna
Fairy: Azumarill

Now for some non-pokemon related stuff:

I love the Paper Mario games, they are so cool and underrated (except Super Paper Mario, that one is complete GARBAGE). I'm even thinking of changing my username to something that references it  when it becomes allowed again. Tier list of paper mario games:

1- Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year-Door (awesome game in pretty much every single way).
2- Paper Mario: The Origami King (only behind by like 0.00004 or something).
3- Paper Mario 64 (the original, makes sense it isn't the best since it was the first, but still awesome).
4- Paper Mario: Color Splash (the underdog, honestly still a low A-Tier).
5- Paper Mario: Sticker Star (Color Splash but crap).
(6)Dumpster - Super Paper Mario (what even is this abomination).

I am trying to see if we can get people from 50 different countries in this website, and here are the countries I managed to find (I hope these people aren't lying lol):
- United States of America (duh)
- Canada (quite a lot of these)
- Australia (also quite a lot)
- Singapore (that rich dot)
- Vietnam (yay)
- India (would eventually happen)
- Indonesia (same as above)
- Brazil (it's a-me!)
- Slovakia (sure)
- United Kingdom (1/5 done!)
- New Zealand (kiwi)
- Cyprus (least populated in the list!)
- Mozambique (is this even true?)
- Norway (oil)
- Philippines (same as India)
- Israel (first in middle east)
- Japan (finally)
- Egypt (okay)
- Sweden (ikea)
- Greece (2/5 done!)
- China (or Hong Kong in this case I guess)
- Italy (pizza)
- Ireland (the republic one)
- South Korea (the opposite isn't happening)
- Slovenia (HALFWAY DONE!)
- Germany (took a while)
- Denmark (lego)
- Malaysia (borneo sharer)
- Netherlands (watch out for water!)
- Belgium (3/5 done!)
- Iceland (Cyprus's fact is now false)
- Chile (snek)
- Costa Rica (dude, where's Mexico?)
- Portugal (big boats)
- Croatia (eat the Bosnian coast)
- Hungary (no I'm not)
- Kazakhstan (USSR for 4 days lol)
- United Arab Emirates (yippe more oil)

Also don't look at this:

Activity by DavidVileplume

Score: 102 points (ranked #275)
Questions: 1 (1 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 6
Comments: 8
Voted on: 9 questions, 2 answers
Gave out: 11 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 8 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for DavidVileplume

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bro that blindfolded idea is hype I might steal that for my youtube videos lol
one question, how did you do the ev spreads blindfolded? (or did you just use the suggested spreads)
Feb 26 by BananaBroSHSID
Just as I decided to attempt again I did it:
Galarica Wreath Gallade carried
(and yes I have another account called BlandSalamence)
Feb 12 by DavidVileplume
If anyone cares I did this NatDex team blindfolded and I'm currently trying to win at least one game with it (it's not going well lol)
Feb 12 by DavidVileplume
yeah that's true I went ahead and added him to mine
Feb 9 by FieryHalmar
because brothers are on a higher level then friends
Feb 8 by FieryHalmar
you're either perfect or you're not me
Dec 17, 2024 by BM™
Bros discombobulated
Sep 24, 2024 by Ferarri
Bro I must have waffled about something else you got no questions asked
Sep 21, 2024 by Ferarri
Razor Ace
Sep 19, 2024 by Ferarri