Meta-PokéBase Q&A
21 votes

Decided to make a new thread myself for this so I can get the responses via email. Here you can report any minor errors with the main site instead of starting a lot of new questions. Things you can report here include:

  • Spelling/grammar errors.
  • Incorrect data (e.g. Pokemon with the wrong abilities listed, moves with the wrong power/type and so on).
  • Missing pictures (sprites, icons and artwork).

As I fix the errors, the answers will be hidden. Try and keep comments to a minimum to avoid clogging up the page, stick to important things like additions/corrections to the corrections.

Remember, small corrections only! If you're reporting something more substantial than a missing picture or incorrect data, please make a new thread!

Please, post corrections as ANSWERS, not comments. Thanks :)

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219 Answers

1 vote

Rotom’s page, on the type effectiveness chart, says Ground doesn’t affect Rotom. While this is true, since abilities aren’t in Legends Arceus, ground types now can hit Rotom.

Haunter and Gastly, the Chimecho line, the Mismagius line, Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit Carnivine, Cresselia, and Giratina origin form can now be hit by Ground moves in PLA too due to there being no abilities.
1 vote

When using the old type chart option for the "Pokémon attack type coverage tool" it doesn't change any Pokémon's types back to what they where prior to gen 6, just removing the fairy type from them, making most of those Pokémon have incorrect type match-ups. As well, I don't see any reason why it will still check against gen 6+ Pokémon when this mode is only applicable to Pokémon found in gens 2-5.

1 vote

In all of Basculin's locations in Legends: Arceus, it says that it's a Red-Striped Basculin. I'm pretty sure that all of the Basculins in Legends: Arceus are White-Striped. Also, Tranquility Cove is missing Starly and Staravia, and Heart's Crag is missing Rufflet. There is also a missing location call Crevasse Passage which as far as I can tell has at least Bergmites.

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1 vote

On the Reckless page, the text below Moves Affected is read as the following, despite none of the moves on the list being punching moves:

The attacks classed as punching moves are shown below with their normal and boosted power:

Additionally, the text below Effect lists High Jump Kick and Jump Kick as being unaffected by Reckless due to having fixed recoil damage, but I'm pretty sure they're not the only two, as I'm pretty sure Steel Beam and Mind Blow are unaffected by Reckless too.

Reckless increases the power of recoil moves by 20%. By extension this means the amount of recoil damage taken will increase as more more damage is dealt (except for High Jump Kick and Jump Kick which have fixed recoil).

Aside from the Game Descriptions, the Gale Wing's page doesn't mention that from Gen 7 onwards, Gale Wing's only works if the Pokemon is at full HP.

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The in-battle effects of Corrosion are vast -- what is given on the site is an overall concise definition of the ability. The Immunity point is not very necessary (in my opinion), because that would mean adding many other points to Corrosion and other abilities. It is worth reporting, though.
That's fair. We shouldn't be over-complicating things on the site, otherwise it'd be hard to use.
1 vote

I found a location of SudoWoodo that is not listed on the site. In Emerald, you can obtain one from the Battle Frontier. I am not aware if there is a reason for not listing this, such as the static exchange of Pokemon not being a "Location" per se.

If so, please let me know. Otherwise, I am going through up to White/Black 2 with a "Live Pokedex", and will keep an eye out for any other discrepancies.

Thank you for this site! It has been extremely helpful in my search, far and wide!

Most static encounters are not on PokemonDB. You will see many examples if you peruse this thread. This is not deliberate but simply something the site admin hasn't finished yet.
1 vote

On the Corsola page, it says that it is not obtainable in HGSS, but it is. Not sure if there are any more errors on this page, but that's what I found.

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1 vote

Some moves are inaccurate on some Pokemon's Legends: Arceus move pages
Overheat says it does 130 damage but it does 110
Leech Life says 80 but it does 75
Ice Ball says 30 but it does 40
Rollout says 30 but it does 40
Aqua Tail says 90 but it does 85
Earth Power says 90 but it does 80
Flamethrower says 90 but it does 80
Outrage says 120 but it does 90

1 vote

Fury cutter was introduced in Gen 2, but it says that in Gens 1-4 it has 10 BP

1 vote

For Lance’s Team in the HG/SS Gym leader and E4 Page, the level for Lance’s Gyarados is wrong. Instead of level 44, it should be level 46.
Source (if I need one): I was watching my friend fight Lance

1 vote

Cotton Down's effect is listed incorrectly. It lowers the speed of all other Pokemon, not just the attacker. This is what Bulbapedia says:

When a Pokémon with this Ability is hit by a damaging move, the Speed of all other Pokémon is decreased by one stage.


1 vote

It's says you have to trade/migrate from another game to obtain regigigas in sword and shield but you only need to trade regidrago/Regilieki to get it.

1 vote

The effect description of the ability Steam Engine seems to be wrong when compared to the information on other pokemon websites and the actual in-game effect.

Pokemon Database:

Steam Engine raises the user's Speed by three stages when it is hit by a Fire- or Water-type attack.

However, it should be:

Steam Engine raises the user's Speed by six stages when it is hit by a Fire- or Water-type attack.

1 vote

Suicune is slightly different in that it doesn't exactly roam, but when you walk nearby, it flees to another location. After a few times you will be able to battle it. See the PokéBase question, Where is Suicune? for the locations.

The 'Where is Suicune' links to this page, which is hidden.

Just in case you're wondering, the hidden question was a duplicate of this one:
I fixed it by swapping the questions around :D
Not sure why the older one was marked as a duplicate of the newer one.
I think it's because Amethyst prefers hiding questions with less views.
1 vote

In all generations after Gen 5, Dialga does not have Shock Wave under Transfer-Only moves, whilst still not learning it any way in those generations.

1 vote

On Nanu's section, the sprite is for Persian instead of Alolan Persian. Same thing with Kiawe, which has Marowak instead of it's Alolan form.

These errors are also present for their USUM sections.

Edit: Hau's page shows Raichu. It's supposed to be Alolan Raichu.

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1 vote

On the Thunder Stone page, it doesn't mention that Tadbulb evolves into Bellibolt with the Thunder Stone, nor does it have the description for the Thunder Stone in Scarlet and Violet, which is: A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It has a distinct thunderbolt pattern.
On the Water Stone's page, it doesn't have the description of the Water Stone for Scarlet and Violet which is: A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It is the clear blue of a deep pool.

Not all SV data has been entered in yet, the game is massive, and item descriptions are probably some of the last things on Pokemasters priority list
1 vote

Type: Null in the language part says that is called like that in Spanish, his Spanish name is "Código Cero" which means "Code Zero"

1 vote

For the flying egg group page, it says

All Pokémon in this group are part Flying type, except for Decidueye

Since generation 8, that has changed. Now, Galarian Sirfetch'd, Hisuian Decidueye, the Quaxly line, Flittle, and Espathra are all in the flying egg group yet not flying types.
I think this should be updated or just deleted.

Also, Maushold's "Moves Learned" section only has egg moves. It says it does not learn any level-up or TM moves, but other sites, like Bulbapedia say otherwise. It needs to be updated with all of Maushold's actual moves.

Maushold's page should also probably specify that it cannot evolve with EXP candies, it must level up in battle.

The breeding page should be updated. It currently says:

Pokémon are compatible for breeding if:
They are not legendary Pokémon, baby Pokémon, Unown, Nidorina or Nidoqueen

The Galar fossils and Paradox Pokemon are undiscovered, so they cannot be bred. I think it should just be updated to:

Pokémon are compatible for breeding if:
They are not in the undiscovered group (at the right).

Aura Sphere's page says it has 101 accuracy with a larger font instead of infinite accuracy.

Mirror Herb’s page doesn’t mention that if a Pokemon has three moves and is holding it and another Pokemon in your party has an egg move it learns, you can start a picnic so the Mirror Herb Pokemon will learn that move.

Some abilities are not ignored by Mold Breaker, Teravolt, or Terablaze but aren't stated on their pages, which it should to stay consistent with abilities like Aura Break. These abilities are Shadow Shield, Magic Guard, Comatose, Shields Down, or Full Metal Body.

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1 vote

Riolu is shown as available during both day and night in Pokemon Ultra Sun/Moon in Poni Grove. From my experience, it does not appear during the night, or at least has a much lower rate.


Bulbapedia agrees. In SM, it appears in both day and night, but in USUM it appears only in day