Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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After answering this question, I'd noticed that I came to the 8000 character limit. Since I had put so many duplicate hyperlinks, I started to delete those duplicate links, and apparently that didn't seem to be working, so I just shortened the text body altogether.

Either the hyperlinked web addresses listed below my answer just flat out didn't count, or I just typed a lot more than I realized.

So does any of the notation not seen publicly count towards the 8000 character limit?
Also, does using the enter key count towards the 8000 character limit?


1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

Everything put into the 'Your answer' counts towards the 8000.

That includes links, other characters ( £, %, ~ etc) all punctuation and decoration characters (like the pound used for for the title there)

This doesn't include Spaces or Enter keys. This don't create visible characters, so naturally wouldn't count.

Monospace isn't supported by the forums, so doesn't really count either way.

It's likely that you simply went far past the 8000 limit. It's often very hard to judge just how far you went over, so until you're sure what character your on, it's best to keep in mind with some basic common sense.

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you mean the raw text box thing, right?
Yes, the box where you actually type the anwer