Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

For wall posts, chat room posts, questions, etc.


1 Answer

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The character limits for questions and answers is 8,000.
For wall posts, it seems to be 8,000. If you try to post 9,000 or over, you get an error and the wall post doesn't go through.
Similarly to wall posts, all sections of profiles can be 8,000 characters long, but you'll get an error if you try to save your profile and any of the sections are over 8,000 characters in length.
For chat posts, the limit is 800. Unlike the rest of the places you can type things, it simply doesn't allow you to type any more than 800 characters in the chat room text box.
Oddly enough, comments seems to be the highest at 12,000. Whacky.

What I like about Grape Nuts is that there are no gimmicks. There's no cartoon bird prancing
about on the box cover, there's no commercial with Barney and Fred getting in fist fights over 
a bowl of Grape Nuts, you get a box full of cereal and that's it. It's not even a big box filled
with air and prizes, it's just a pound of wheat and barley with a picture on the front.  What I
have here is living proof that Grape Nuts is truly life changing. A four pound box of Grape
Nuts, in all it's glory. Any other box of cereal this size would weigh half as much, which makes 
them half as good. There's something to be said about a cereal with the same density as sand. 
Just holding the box gives you a sense of power like holding a baseball bat or a meat
cleaver. There is some serious loft to this cerea
edited by
What’s the maximum for comments?
Jimmy actually read the answer.
EDIT: Oh wait I'm big dumb
I would just like to mention to all of you who can't see hidden comments: HT legitimately posted the grapenut paragraph to make a 12,000 character comment that actually takes a few seconds to scroll through.
I did not. He lies.