Meta-PokéBase Q&A
17 votes

Since there have been so many 'Yays' for this, here you go ~

Basically, we need ideas for Mega Pokemon to add to a tier called the "Mo' Megas" tier. What I need you to do is leave the Pokemon to Mega evolve as an answer with stats, moves and abilities so that if they become popular we can add them to the Mo' Megas tier.

Pokemon that have been confirmed (8 or more votes): Megas: 20/20. We are only starting out with a few, then we may add more.

  • Mega Starmie 60 | 85 | 95 | 140 | 95 | 135 | 620
  • New Ability: Storm Drain
  • Mega Golem 80 | 130 | 170 | 65 | 95 | 55 | 595
  • New Ability: Solid Rock
  • Mega Metagross X 80 | 135 | 130 | 145 | 140 | 70 | 700
  • New Ability: Filter | New Type: Fighting / Steel
  • Mega Metagross Y 80 | 185 | 120 | 115 | 80 | 120 | 700
  • New Ability: Bulletproof
  • Mega Farfetch'd 52 | 95 | 75 | 53 | 72 | 105 | 452
  • New Ability: Huge Power | New Type: Fighting/Flying | New Move(s): Close Combat
  • Mega Mienshao 65 | 160 | 65 | 125 | 65 | 120 | 610
  • New Ability: Sheer Force | New Type: Fighting/Fairy | New Move(s): Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam
  • Mega Meganium 80 | 92 | 135 | 103 | 145 | 70 | 625
  • New Ability: Spring Breath | New Move(s): Sleep Powder
  • Mega Parasect 60 | 125 | 115 | 40 | 115 | 45 | 500
  • New Ability: Poison Heal/Natural Cure | New Type: Bug/Fairy | New Move(s): Wood Hammer, Moonlight, Recover, U-turn, Play Rough, Sucker Punch, Shadow Sneak, Reflect
  • Mega Kingler 55 | 150 | 145 | 35 | 100 | 90 | 575
  • New Ability: Tough Claws | New Type: Water/Steel | New Move(s): Bullet Punch, Iron Head, Aqua Jet
  • Mega Golurk 89 | 159 | 110 | 65 | 110 | 60 | 583
  • New Ability: Iron Fist | New Type: Steel/Ghost
  • Mega Luxray 80 | 140 | 99 | 95 | 99 | 110 | 623
  • New Ability: Strong Jaw | New type: Dark/Electric
  • Mega Solrock|70 | 130 | 106 | 55 | 105 | 85 | 540
  • New Ability: Drought | New Type: Fire/Steel or Fire/Rock | New Move(s): Flare Blitz
  • Mega Beedrill 65 | 110 | 90 | 45 | 90 | 110 | 515
  • New Ability: Huge Power | New Type: Poison/Bug | New Move(s): Sacred Sword, Sky Uppercut, Night Slash, Bulldoze, Megahorn, Forest's Curse
  • Mega Mismagius 60 | 60 | 80 | 150 | 135 | 110 |595
  • New Typing: Ghost/Fire | New Move(s): Searing Shot
  • Mega Machamp 90 | 130 | 90 | 105 | 95 | 95 |605
  • New Ability: Iron Fist/Weak Armor | New Type: Fighting/Ghost | New Move(s): Shadow Punch, Shadow Sneak, Mach Punch, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb
  • Mega Milotic 95 | 70 | 109 | 130 | 155 | 81 |640
  • New Ability: Multiscale | New Type: Water/Fairy | New Move(s): Dazzling Gleam
  • Mega Flygon X 80 | 115 | 85 | 115 | 85 | 140 | 620
  • New Move(s): Bug Buzz
  • Mega Flygon Y 80 | 105 | 100 | 135 | 100 | 100 | 620
  • New Ability: Compoundeyes | New Type: Bug/Dragon | New Move(s): Bug Buzz
  • Mega Muk 105 | 135 | 120 | 65 | 120 | 55 | 600
  • New Ability: Gaseous Aura | New Type: Poison/Dark | New Move(s): Sucker Punch, Parting Shot, Earthquake, Foul Play, Recover, Pursuit, Magic Stench, Toxic Spikes
  • Mega Electrode 60 | 50 | 110 | 85 | 125 | 150 | 580
  • Ability: Volt Absorb | New Move(s): Nuzzle, Magic Coat, Recover, Overheat


  • Sceptile
  • Starmie
  • Swampert

I will be doing the spriting. I can't do models because I have no clue how so deal with it :v.
You can post sprites for ones you have suggested but if people don't think they're up to scratch we will use mine. (Not trying to sound superior here :/ )

You can see the current sprites that I have done here.


  • Megas must gain 100 BST, no more, no less without permission. Also No HP Boosts while making the stats.

Note: Please make one mega per answer, so people can upvote what they like. If the image is massive please resize it. Having large images slows down the page.

Note: I'm holding back this project until after Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire as not all Mega's for the new games have been decided so I don't want to be adding codes that Zarel will add later on when PS updates.

Enjoy ~

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Aw jeez, my Gallade never got a chance :/
There won't be mega Swampert or Sceptile until a later date.
personally, i think we should do the ones with most votes first *ahem*
mega metagross then?
Bhamp? Was just wondering when this is going to happen

74 Answers

3 votes

Like I said yay doggies :P One of my few favs in Gen V

Mega Stone name: Stoutlandite

Mega Ability: Fur Coat

New move(s): Recover

HP: 85 --> 85 (-)
Attack: 110 --> 120 (+10)
Defense: 90 --> 110 (+20)
Special Attack: 45 --> 75 (+30)
Special Defense: 90 --> 90 (-)
Speed: 80 --> 120 (+40)

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doesn't even need def boost IMO
3 votes

I thought someone posted Mega Snorlax but I guess not. That's k because Snorlax is mine <3!!!

Mega Snorlax
160 HP | 110 Atk | 65 Def | 65 SAtk | 110 SDef | 30 Spd | 540 BST
160 HP | 140 Atk | 85 Def | 75 SAtk | 120 SDef | 60 Spd | 640 BST

So this is the draft for Mega Snorlax's stats juxtaposed with his regular, I made it able to hit pretty hard and be able to tank hits easily. I decided to invest into Special Attack and in Speed for two reasons, the first being that it would be hard to invest into other stats without making this thing OP as hell and so that it can't abuse Trick Room like Mega Abomasnow.

But this is where I was torn. I wanted to make a Pokemon with a very interesting and unique niche, but I wasn't so sure how the community would lean toward the niche I came up with. This is where the abilities and new moves split up so you guys can give me some feedback on what we should do.

Mega Snorlax 1

Ability: Scrappy - Normal moves hit Ghost types.
New Move(s) - Slack Off

This is just Snorlax who tanks hits and throws out strong Body Slams / Frustrations on Pokemon and can then heal itself with Slack Off. Its basically a Chansey who can actually hit stuff hard instead of using Seismic Toss and Toxic.

Mega Snorlax 2

Ability: Roll Over - While the Pokemon is asleep, the opposing Pokemon cannot escape.
New Move(s) - Sleep Walk

This Snorlax is just supposed to abuse Sleep using its Ability Roll Over to catch the opponent and throw out it's new move Sleep Walk which works pretty much exactly like Snore, but its hits twice as hard, but with much less PP and no side effects. Aside from stat and ability buffs, Snorlax should be gaining weight and Heavy Slam will be hitting much harder than it already does.

Sleep Walk: 80 Power / 100 Accuracy - Move hits while Pokemon is sleeping, but fails if it is awake.

Personally, I like the idea of a Pokemon who would be sleep based, but I really wanna know what you guys think. Thanks!

Just to clarify as I can see how it might be confusing, these are not X and Y, I just want a general consensus on what Mega Snorlax should be.

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I love the sleep based idea.
Scraf, this is not X and Y its options for a Mega Snorlax.
But thanks, hunny <3
3 votes

Mega Delibird


Mega stone: Delibirdite
Ability: Huge power
Type: Ice/Fighting

Original stats: 45 HP/55 Atk/45 Def/65 Sp.Atk/45 Sp.Def/75 Spe
Improved stats: 45 HP/65 Atk/80 Def/65 Sp.Atk/65 Sp.Def/120 Spe

Stat changes: 0 HP/10 Atk/35 Def/0 Sp.Atk/20 Sp.Def/35 Spe

New moves: Superpower, U-turn, Brave bird

Hopfully this old fellow will get some more love now :D

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If the typing is the same, than it's still not a great Pokemon. It' gets revenge killed way to easy and losing 50% health of switch ins inst a plus. But I like your bravado and willingness to help the old bird out :P
Fixed, and thank you.
At least you're not giving it a 120 BST boost. Does it get Brave Bird?
It does now. Forgot about that for a bit.
2 votes

Mega Swampert
Type: Water/Ground
Ability: Mold Breaker
HP: 100
Atk: 140
Def: 110
SAtk: 105
SDef: 110
Spe: 70
Total: 635

Suggested spreads:
Swampert @ Swampite
248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SDef
Trait: Mold Breaker
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Waterfall
- Stealth Rock
- Ice Punch/Stone Edge / Roar / Yawn

Here's the Mega Swampert me and a few others decided on, basically just a buffer Swampert.

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I'd be cool with that but maybe decrease the speed to 60.
The Speed buff was only so that the bulk wouldn't be to great.
should have drizzle imo
2 votes

Mega Sceptile has been kinked out.

Niche: Grass and Dark become offensively viable.

Ability: Tinted Lens
Typing: Grass - Dark

R: HP: 70 | Atk: 85 | Def: 65 | SAtk: 105 | 85: SDef | Spd: 120
M: HP: 70 | Atk: 105 | Def: 80 | SAtk: 140 | SDef: 90 | Spd: 140

New Egg Move(s): Dark Pulse

Sprites by Sciz.

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I feel the defense is not needed. You could keep the small defense and increase the attack. Also Tinted Lens is a weird ability, maybe op considering it has 140 sp and satk
The defense and attack were added to emulate how GF would alter Pokemon's stats upon mega evolving and Tinted Lens is there to make poor offensive attack types in Grass and Dark have better use.
Let it have 140ATK and 105SPatk                                                                        Let Sceptile use Leaf Blade!
2 votes

Mega Furret
Tier Prediction: UU, viable in OU.
85 HP/115(+39) Atk/105(+41) Def/25(-20) SpA/55 SpD/135(+45) Speed
Total: 520
252 Atk/252 Speed/4 HP
Bullet Punch
Brick Break
Aqua Tail

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The Defense sucks, so does Sp.def, so priority moves will kill it so how will it sweep?
It's base defense is 105
My concept for Mega Furret:

Type: Normal

Ability: Hyperer Cutter
-Raises the base power of Cut by 190. Also allows Cut to always OHKO Ho-oh.
OH nvm I saw wrong.
Fix that stats please..
2 votes

+0 20 20 0 20 40
Ability: Guts
Type: normal/fighting
![enter image description here][1]


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Me <3 that mega zangoose sprite btw Mega Zangoose is just waiting to happen
2 votes

Already got a sprite for you ;)

Mega Tentacruel AKA Doc Ock

Typing: Water/Steel
Trait: Rough Skin
HP: 80
Atk: 70
Def: 115
SAtk: 100
SDef: 140
Spe: 100
Total: 615

New Egg Moves: Spikes, Mean Look, Recover
Suggested Spread:
Doc Ock (Tentacruel) @ Tentacruelite
248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SDef
Trait: Rough Skin
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Recover
- Toxic
- Protect

Niche: Toxic Stall set. Unfortunately, it doesn't get Black Sludge. It does however, get a large boost in defenses and access to recover. Basically, Toxic or Burn and stall until death.

Steel typing does make Charizard a problem though, either firering of Sun boosts all over the place. Or x with the water neutrality
Those spikes tho
2 votes

Mega Arbok, the Evil Drunk Snake

enter image description here
Typing: Poison/Dark
Ability: Intoxicate (Poison-type Pixilate)
HP: 60
Atk: 115
Def: 99
SpAtk: 75
SpDef: 109
Spe: 80
Total:538 total

New Egg moves: Quick Attack? (Given Poisons bad coverage, maybe even E-Speed, but then OP ;~;)

Suggested Spread:
Arbok @ Arbokite
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Trait: Intoxicate
Adamant Nature
- Coil
- Quick Attack/Return
- Sucker Punch
- Earthquake

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2 votes

Mega Gyarados Z

Type: Water/Dragon
Ability: Unnerve
HP: 95 (+0)
Atk: 90 (-35)
Def: 120 (+41)
SAtk: 145 (+85)
SDef: 109 (+9)
Spe: 81 (+0)
Total: (+100)
No new moves learned.
We all love good ol Gyarados, but we all hate its useless Flying typing. Dark is good and all, but the official Mega Gyarados just left us disappointed, with both concept and design. Enter the second one. This beast cans easily utilize Gyarados amazing special movepool, whils also being pretty darn powerful. Ability and lackluster Speed hold it down somewhat, but this will be the Gyarados we’ve wanted since we got our first Magikarp.

Flaf, ilu
I am very fond of you as well.
Kek. Why was this downvoted ;~;
Wow, I really like this.  You know, I saw Dan suggest the new move Dragon Spiral for a special Mega Dragonite, which boosts Speed and SAtk instead of Atk, so you could add this as an egg move.
2 votes

[insert mega staraptor here]
ily2 lenub

Mega Staraptor

Typing: Fighting/Flying
Ability: Reckless
HP: 85
Atk: 140
Def: 85
SAtk: 57
SDef: 80
Spe: 118
Total: 585

New Egg Move(s): Wild Charge, Bulk Up

Suggested Spread:
Staraptor @ Staraptite
252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spe
Trait: Reckless
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- Close Combat
- Bulk Up/U-Turn
- Roost/Wild Charge

Niche: With a high attack stat and 2 powerful STABs, this guy is a force to be reckoned with. If you set up even a single Bulk Up, MegaRaptor becomes a huge problem. U-Turn for scouting, and Wild Charge as a reckless abusing coverage move to be able to do something to Aegislash.

bad typing, not the good boosting move, and bad egg move

0/10 would bang
Mebbe give it Jump Kick, but not HJK?
2 votes

Mega Infernape enter image description here

Ability-Flash Fire


Base Stats

Special Attack-139
Special Defence-71

2 votes

Mega Empoleonenter image description here


Type-Water/Steel or Water/Flying(please vote for your favorite in the comments box by the 20th of March)


Base Stats

Special Attack-151
Special Defence-141

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Looks like a Water-Steel more than anything.
Definitely Water-Steel, besides Flying adds an annoying SR weakness.
1. I love Empoleon so i can say this Mega looks too short and stubby. Middle horn also needs to be sharper 2. I vote Water/Steel. (It still looks like an amoured penguin to me, not like me old username GlidingEmpoleon
2 votes

Roseradeenter image description here

Ability- Flower Gift


Base Stats

Special Attack-125-->165(+40)
Special Defence-105-->145(+40)

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2 votes

If you show a non-Pokéfan a picture of Pikachu, they'll say ''oh that's a Pikachu''. But if you show them a picture of Raichu, they'll probably say ''what the hell is that thing!''. But this guy will make Raichus famous in all the Pokémon regions

Mega Raichuenter image description here

Ability- Due to many people wanting a Speed Boost ability and many people wanting a Volt Absorb, I have decided to cast a vote. If you want to vote please tell me in the Comments Box so I can add your vote to the count. Please submit your vote by the 22nd of March.

Volt Absorb-->0

Speed Boost-->0


Base Stats

Special Attack-90-->115(+25)
Special Defence-80-->105(+25)

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You beat me to the punch with this, however you got a down vote not sure why?
Why the heck was this downvoted?
No idea I posted a Mega Raichu myself then I realised that Torterra had posted it 6 minutes before me so I hid my post :P
Since I hid mine because Torterra had already posted his I'll up vote his up :D
Imo that Raichu looks so darn sick! And I Upvoted as well :)
Yeah I agree I think a Mega Evolution for Raichu is definitely needed :D
However I suggested it's Ability be either Volt Absorb, Speed Boost, Prankster or Pure Power. Speed Boost was my preferred choice but Volt Absorb was still one of my choices :)
Speed Boost would be soo cool! Mega Raichu is definitely top-tier with that! Volt Absorb is good too, i'd take it :o
Yeah I'm really happy that Torterra gave it an Ability I suggested in my post, but my only concern is that even with Volt Absorb and a Mega Evolution Raichu would still be overlooked by Jolteon which is a shame :/

Since these are Mega Raichu's and Jolteon's Stats:

Mega Raichu: 60/115/55/115/105/125
Jolteon: 65/65//60/110/95/130

And of course Jolteon will be holding an item generally a Choice Specs that's why I preferred Speed Boost. But Volt Absorb is still good just I don't think Mega Raichu would be used in the same tier as Jolteon, maybe UU?
Speed Boost Electro Ball...OW
It could be Mixed though, and can actually wreck some stuffs without being locked into Choice Specs. If It gets Speed Boost, Jolteon got nothing on this giant Rat!!
Yeah I agree Ion it would be painful lmao xD
I also agree with you Mike, Torterra should give Raichu Speed Boost! :D
2 votes

Dragonith, your art is sexy. Cookies for you.

Mega Banette Y: This idea sounds silly. I'm aware. But honestly, Mega Banette didn't satisfy me enough. Yeah Once, Banette deserves more love. I agree. The old is a physical based, so it is going to be X.

A doll that became a Pokémon over its grudge of being thrown away. It seeks the child who disowned it.

Mega Banette... doesn't really fit this. I always saw Banette as a shell of a ghost, Dragonith nailed that. The current one... looks too much like a toy. Needs to be scarier. But we can't just change Banette's design. No, we need a new one. A special attacker. Retyped to Ghost / Dark.

Ability: No Body
Immune to physical attacks.
> What?!?!?! OP!

The idea behind this is to encourage more special based Mons. In early Gen 5, the game was a huge special based meta. Nowadays, you have to carry Rotom-W to handle physical attackers. BanetteY may be immune to physical attacks, but is still easily checked by Fairy types and any fast special attacker. Don't think of it being weak, it still packs a mean Shadow Ball.

Original Stats: 64 | 115 | 65 | 83 | 63 | 65 | 455 |
Gained Stats: +0 | -50 | +25 | +50 | +25 | +50 | +100 |
Improved Stats: 64 | 75 | 90 | 133 | 88 | 115 | 555 |

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I love this, except I think speed should be a tiny bit slower (90 maybe) just so it isn't super powerful. Put that 5 into SpDef or SpAtk, idc
Like the art, but I think that ability is bull combined with incredible mixed attacking stats.
Edited for somewhat better bias to SAtk.
Ninja, this is way to OP. Your reason just isn't good enough. I'm gonna have to call thecops to take on this terrible beast. :DDD
this isn't really waaay to OP. sure it would be a top tier threat, but not ubers. however, i think this effect would be better and more fair for Your opponent: " No_Body: immune to  moves that makes CONTACT"
Also deserves more love ;~;
2 votes
2 votes


Mega Crawdaunt!

> Gets Shell Armor
> Doesn't get Shell Smash

The lobster army continues! With lots of pinchers, a nice offensive typing, this crab isn't in the mood for crap! Up for a bit of lobster? Maybe just a pinch of red to your team? A hint of cuddliness? or just need something cute to complete your team?
Such lobster, much scary

New stats:

HP: 63 > 63 (-)

Attack: 120 > 145 (+25)

Defense: 85 > 110 (+25)

Special Attack: 90 > 90 (-)

Special Defense 55 > 80 (+25)

Speed: 55 > 80 (+25)

Typing: Water/Dark still

New ability: Anger Point, such angry lobster

New moves: Pursuit, Shell Smash

don't downvote for shell smash pl0x, if too many people are against we could just not give it Shell Smash.
isn't' this already suggested?
those suggestions were hidden, but mega Crawdaunt needs to be a thing
oh! well, i like this tho. how does it's mega form look like?
Shell Smash regular Adaptability Crawdaunt = GG WP, though :< But Anger Point feels like a nerf. Anyway, Mega Crawdaunt is the future, mayn :S
2 votes

Mega Weezing

I've no picture for this one, but I like to imagine several huge purple spikey bombs causing everything to choke and cough..

Regular stats:
HP: 65
Atk: 90
Defense: 120
SpAtk: 85
SpDef: 70
Speed: 60
BST: 490
Ability: Levitate

Give it a Weezite and it gets-

HP: 65
Atk: 125
Def: 140
SpAtk: 100
SpDef: 55
Speed: 90

HP + 0
Atk + 35
Def + 20
SpAtk + 30
SpDef - 15
Speed + 30

Type change: Poison or Poison/Ghost, I'll leave it as optional.

Ability: Filter

The way I see it, if this thing is a Mega Weezing it would make all Pokemon within at least half a mile sick. So if the opponent is right in front of this thing.. it won't feel very healthy. So if you are majorly ill, your overall performance at things your good at would probably decrease. Filter makes Super Effective moves do less damage and I think it's nice and makes sense. But SpDef gets decreased a little, so it kind of makes up for it a little bit. I figure that ghost kind of makes sense because it's giant spikey balls of explosive gas polluting everything and it's kinda ghostly. But this is Pokemon, we only make half sense :P

I figure that this give Weezing a nice boost and some more attention.

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this aged well!
1 vote

![enter image description here][1]

Mega Zoroark

Typing: Dark/Ghost
Ability: Illusion
HP: 60
Atk: 105
Def: 70
SAtk: 160
SDef: 70
Spe: 125
Total: 610

Suggested Spread:
Zoroark @ Zoroarite
252 SAtk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Trait: Illusion
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Flamethrower

Niche: Have you wet yourself yet? Yes, some may argue that Life Orb Zoroark is better, but they're R-O-N-G wrong. With Life Orb, it's special attack is only 156 compared to 160, and it gets a good speed boost as well. If you don't have anything to outspeed this guy, you're probably screwed.
