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User Dr Dude

Member for: 11 years (since Nov 2, 2013)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
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Posting on user walls
Gender: dude
Country: sweden
Favorite Pokémon: meygikarp
Friend Codes: 4828-4969-4181
About me: and yah, if you havent noticed yet,my activity has drastically decreased. pokemon is no longer my nr. 1 hobby, and I have to care more about my characters this year to get on the high school I want to. Im also starting to get more in depth into music production which takes alot of time too :I. I'll probably come back later when I'm not that busy, but for now I'll just "shuffle in" sometimes in the weekends :)

- Amund
best ladder rating: #8 in gen 5 NU with 1436 points.
when i try to post screenshots it just comes up "Error: you must use spaces in here." wasn't sure what that meant, soooo….
blitz' mega meganium sprite :3
me in a nutshell:
"You are an Snorlax, You Eat and sleep nothing more no exersise just eat-sleep, eat-sleep day after day, no wonder you get so fat you hardly burn away everything you eat!."
 ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

%Sempiternus: dr dude is already really good

For RMTs:

Hi, Its a cool team you have there! That said, you are absurdly (type) weak. (Threat) and (threat) completely 6-0 you, as you have zero switch-ins to (move). (Type) is also very threatening, with (threat) and (threat) easily denting your entire team with (move). Your team also lacks a (role), meaning you have nothing to (task), and (miscellaneous) simply steamrolls you. Overall, this is an ok team, but it needs a lot of work.
Indigo just spam upvoted CWegz! Not lying!
commented 52 minutes ago by !-<~Quagmire~>-!

commented 41 minutes ago by Ninja

Ninja, don't bother. CW was on something like 8990, Indigo upvoted once to get him to 9000 as a celebration.
commented 17 minutes ago by Graveyard Shift

yeah, thats a real crime in opposite of ca 600 spam votes
commented 15 minutes ago by dOkTorR (ツ) d00D?   

I have decided to ban Cwegz for getting upvoted.
You may now hide this question, as the problem has been resolved.
commented 9 minutes ago by trachy

laughed harder than i have ever done

so you think you're lonely? imagine how big room snares must feel being so long apart from their friends.

in this post i defend hummus and celery sticks, as a healthy after school snack

friend list: everyone that can properly spell dOkTorR (ツ) d00D? the only one I remember is hotcakes

Activity by Dr Dude

Score: 436 points (ranked #101)
Questions: 6 (5 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 13 (2 chosen as best)
Comments: 174
Voted on: 63 questions, 100 answers
Gave out: 151 up votes, 12 down votes
Received: 40 up votes, 1 down vote

Wall for Dr Dude

Please log in or register to post on this wall.
Feb 4, 2024 by Zyla™️
Dec 16, 2022 by Mr. Fish
Rest in pieces
Mar 8, 2022 by BM™
and ya most other legends dont use the site anymore but the showdown server is always a thing and theres a discord channel u can join, just search discord in meta
Dec 9, 2020 by melcakes
Dec 9, 2020 by melcakes
I thinnk i’m late replying to this, i’ve tried ASOUE  I own all 13 but I’ve only read up to number four it was well @ unfortunate “ and sad so i stopped.

Anyway i’ll stop bugging ya XD good puck with your studies! XD
Dec 8, 2020 by Dyla N
“Of some (early enter)


I’ce only read Dragon, egypt, wizzard and pirate as i own em they all hace noceltys like flaps fold-outs and sampkes (dufferent kinda of dragon skin in f   In flight in wizzard eyc) i really wanna read the bewest one Ghostology

Okay i’ll stop geeking out XD, a phonix feather to aud in , a playable gane i
Dec 7, 2020 by Dyla N
I stand by my saying your seemingly smart. I’d rather wite then ve kn-stage i dunno why but in high school i wasn’t as good at  memorizing my lines. So reading huh? I LOVE reading well kinda reading i listen to audiobooks. One of my fave non audio series is the Oligy series, they’re written like  Encyclopedias but are on fantassy subjects. Heres a list of
Dec 7, 2020 by Dyla N
yeah he is
Dec 7, 2020 by themodernage
Dec 7, 2020 by themodernage