Meta-PokéBase Q&A
17 votes

Since there have been so many 'Yays' for this, here you go ~

Basically, we need ideas for Mega Pokemon to add to a tier called the "Mo' Megas" tier. What I need you to do is leave the Pokemon to Mega evolve as an answer with stats, moves and abilities so that if they become popular we can add them to the Mo' Megas tier.

Pokemon that have been confirmed (8 or more votes): Megas: 20/20. We are only starting out with a few, then we may add more.

  • Mega Starmie 60 | 85 | 95 | 140 | 95 | 135 | 620
  • New Ability: Storm Drain
  • Mega Golem 80 | 130 | 170 | 65 | 95 | 55 | 595
  • New Ability: Solid Rock
  • Mega Metagross X 80 | 135 | 130 | 145 | 140 | 70 | 700
  • New Ability: Filter | New Type: Fighting / Steel
  • Mega Metagross Y 80 | 185 | 120 | 115 | 80 | 120 | 700
  • New Ability: Bulletproof
  • Mega Farfetch'd 52 | 95 | 75 | 53 | 72 | 105 | 452
  • New Ability: Huge Power | New Type: Fighting/Flying | New Move(s): Close Combat
  • Mega Mienshao 65 | 160 | 65 | 125 | 65 | 120 | 610
  • New Ability: Sheer Force | New Type: Fighting/Fairy | New Move(s): Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam
  • Mega Meganium 80 | 92 | 135 | 103 | 145 | 70 | 625
  • New Ability: Spring Breath | New Move(s): Sleep Powder
  • Mega Parasect 60 | 125 | 115 | 40 | 115 | 45 | 500
  • New Ability: Poison Heal/Natural Cure | New Type: Bug/Fairy | New Move(s): Wood Hammer, Moonlight, Recover, U-turn, Play Rough, Sucker Punch, Shadow Sneak, Reflect
  • Mega Kingler 55 | 150 | 145 | 35 | 100 | 90 | 575
  • New Ability: Tough Claws | New Type: Water/Steel | New Move(s): Bullet Punch, Iron Head, Aqua Jet
  • Mega Golurk 89 | 159 | 110 | 65 | 110 | 60 | 583
  • New Ability: Iron Fist | New Type: Steel/Ghost
  • Mega Luxray 80 | 140 | 99 | 95 | 99 | 110 | 623
  • New Ability: Strong Jaw | New type: Dark/Electric
  • Mega Solrock|70 | 130 | 106 | 55 | 105 | 85 | 540
  • New Ability: Drought | New Type: Fire/Steel or Fire/Rock | New Move(s): Flare Blitz
  • Mega Beedrill 65 | 110 | 90 | 45 | 90 | 110 | 515
  • New Ability: Huge Power | New Type: Poison/Bug | New Move(s): Sacred Sword, Sky Uppercut, Night Slash, Bulldoze, Megahorn, Forest's Curse
  • Mega Mismagius 60 | 60 | 80 | 150 | 135 | 110 |595
  • New Typing: Ghost/Fire | New Move(s): Searing Shot
  • Mega Machamp 90 | 130 | 90 | 105 | 95 | 95 |605
  • New Ability: Iron Fist/Weak Armor | New Type: Fighting/Ghost | New Move(s): Shadow Punch, Shadow Sneak, Mach Punch, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb
  • Mega Milotic 95 | 70 | 109 | 130 | 155 | 81 |640
  • New Ability: Multiscale | New Type: Water/Fairy | New Move(s): Dazzling Gleam
  • Mega Flygon X 80 | 115 | 85 | 115 | 85 | 140 | 620
  • New Move(s): Bug Buzz
  • Mega Flygon Y 80 | 105 | 100 | 135 | 100 | 100 | 620
  • New Ability: Compoundeyes | New Type: Bug/Dragon | New Move(s): Bug Buzz
  • Mega Muk 105 | 135 | 120 | 65 | 120 | 55 | 600
  • New Ability: Gaseous Aura | New Type: Poison/Dark | New Move(s): Sucker Punch, Parting Shot, Earthquake, Foul Play, Recover, Pursuit, Magic Stench, Toxic Spikes
  • Mega Electrode 60 | 50 | 110 | 85 | 125 | 150 | 580
  • Ability: Volt Absorb | New Move(s): Nuzzle, Magic Coat, Recover, Overheat


  • Sceptile
  • Starmie
  • Swampert

I will be doing the spriting. I can't do models because I have no clue how so deal with it :v.
You can post sprites for ones you have suggested but if people don't think they're up to scratch we will use mine. (Not trying to sound superior here :/ )

You can see the current sprites that I have done here.


  • Megas must gain 100 BST, no more, no less without permission. Also No HP Boosts while making the stats.

Note: Please make one mega per answer, so people can upvote what they like. If the image is massive please resize it. Having large images slows down the page.

Note: I'm holding back this project until after Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire as not all Mega's for the new games have been decided so I don't want to be adding codes that Zarel will add later on when PS updates.

Enjoy ~

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Aw jeez, my Gallade never got a chance :/
There won't be mega Swampert or Sceptile until a later date.
personally, i think we should do the ones with most votes first *ahem*
mega metagross then?
Bhamp? Was just wondering when this is going to happen

74 Answers

6 votes

Mega Torterra. This starter, while I am not a huge fan, has always been a big favorite. I gotta say, a mega evo would be good for this guy. He is out shined due to his Fire and Ice weakness, but that is going to change. Time for a Grass wall. This guy is finally going to see some use in OU. He retains his typing.

Ability: Thick Fat.

Weight and Height are now 1.5x the normal. Torterra gets Heavy Slam.

Original Stats: 95 | 109 | 105 | 75 | 85 | 56 | 525 |
Gain Stats: +0 | +30 | +60 | +10 | +10 | -10 | +100 |
Improved Stats: 95 | 139 | 169 | 115 | 95 | 46 | 625 |

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It could easily lose 30 speed haha.
You can't add HP.
Why not?
No Mega has gained HP because of some random math crap. You can't gain extraneous HP.
We can do what we want though.
Mega Torterra


Ability-(Not sure between these two so please vote for your favourite in the comments)


Sap Sipper-->0

Base Stats

Special Attack-75
Special Defence-85
I like the Hustle idea
We need Mega-Torterra! As you said Mega-Torterra has been a fan favorite. I am one of those fans!
6 votes

Yay for doggies. I'ma do Mega Mightyena :P

Mega stone name: Mightyenite

Mega ability: STRONG JAW.

New moves: Iron Head, U-Turn, Wild Charge, Close Combat


HP: 70 --> 70 (-)
Attack: 90 --> 120 (+30)
Defense: 70 --> 100 (+30)
Special Attack: 60 --> 60 (-)
Special Defense: 60 --> 60 (-)
Speed: 70 --> 110 ( +40)

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Strong Jaw pls <;
It shouldn't get iron head imo his head isn't iron
It's still a WIP so kk. Though I just wanted something take dem Faries :P
Arcanine's head isn't iron either, and it gets Iron Head. Just saying.
6 votes

Mega Carnivine! Brought to you by Gliscurr and Hex CO.


Yo! Looking for a few plants to add to your to your team? Tired of the typical bulky walls like Chesnaught? Just not in the mood for Trevenants? Want something a bit more plant-looking, that has a bit of a unique typing? Keep reading for the coolest Carnivine in town!

enter image description here
HP: 74 -> 74 (-)
Atk: 100 -> 130 (+30)
Def: 72 -> 112 (+40)
SAtk: 90 -> 70 (-20)
SDef: 72 -> 107 (+35)
Spd: 46 -> 71 (+20)
Total: 454 -> 554 (+100)

Typing: Grass/Ground
Ability: Regenerator/Arena Trap
New moves: Spore, Earthquake, Aromatherapy, Sucker Punch, Rapid Spin, Petal Blizzard, Stone Edge.

You got the math wrong. 30 + 40 - 20 + 35 + 20 = 105. The number is supposed to be exact 100.
6 votes

Mega Whiscash

Type: Water/Ground
Ability: Simple
HP: 110 (+0)
Atk: 110 (+32)
Def: 92 (+19)
SAtk: 100 (+24)
SDef: 96 (+25)
Spe: 55 (-5)
Total: (+100)
So this might seem a little underwhelming for a Mega, despite it being Whiscash. But the derpy look of this, and access to Amnesia and Dragon Dance would make this docile little fish to a downright menace with a little more power and Simple. Albeit still just a Whiscash, the Mega would be able to set up rapidly, gaining extreme stats at the cost of vulnerability to Intimidate and Sticky Web.

This seems a little OP with Dragon Dance Simple.
Not really, it's defenses are still subpar, and it's coverage is pretty bad, topped of with overall slowness and weakness to Burns and Intimidates, along with needing to set up, this is hardly overpowered.
Ok I see.
Deserves more love ;~;
6 votes

Mega Swanna

enter image description here
Typing: Water/Flying
Ability: Serene Grace

Like most Water/Flying types, Swanna is probably one of the most underrated gen 5 Pokemon as there is nearly no reason to even use it above other defoggers or other offensive flying types. It is one of the few gen 5 Pokemon with rather underwhelming stats and a very limited movepool. With a Mega evolution I still think it should keep it's original typing but gain a good boost in it's SAtk and speed while losing some attack stats in exchange as well as gaining some defensive buffs. I have honestly thought that Serene Grace is the most logic ability to have for a swan-like Pokemon such as Swanna because it's a swan. With Serene Grace it could be a potential Mega offensive Haxing Pokemon with a 60% Chance to confuse with a powerful STAB Hurricane, a 60% chance to flinch with a STAB Air Slash, a 60% chance to lower the SAtk stat with Moonblast, a 20% chance to freeze your opponent with ice Beam etc.
I see a bright future for Swanna with a mega.

Updated stats

HP: 75
Atk: 77
Def: 93
SAtk: 127
SDef: 93
Spe: 108

New Moves: Moonblast, Lunar Dance, Moonlight

Despite Swanna not being a fairy type, it obviously deserves to wield certain moon related moves as it is a Pokemon strictly related to the moon and who regularly performs a mystic dance at full moon.

oh yush c;
such grace
:') #gracefulwatertypes4life
Water Fairy imo
I crave this.
Lunar Dance...
that design . . . .
5 votes

Mega Bellosom
Ability: Storm Drain
Tier Prediction: UU, OU in Sun Teams.
75 HP/70(-10) Atk/105(+15) Def/115(+25) SpA/130(+30) SpD/100(+50) Speed
Total: 590
Sweeper Set
Bellossom @ Bellossomite
252 Speed/252SpA/4SpD
Sludge Bomb
Dazzling Gleam
Giga Drain/Synthesis
Infestation/Leaf Storm

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The final total should be 590, not 540, to keep the +100 BST rule of the Mega Evolutions.
5 votes

Why let Gardevoir receive the fame, huh?
Mega Gallade Sprite
Normal is on left, Shiny on right
Type: Psychic/Fighting

HP- 68
Attack- 160
Defense- 87
Special Attack- 65
Special Defense- 130
Speed- 108

Swift Blade: When the target is KO'ed by a slashing attack, the user's Speed is raised by one stage. Sacred Sword, Secret Sword, Cut, Psycho Cut, Leaf Blade, Slash, X-scissor, and Night Slash are affected.
New Moves: Force Palm, Icicle Spear, Bullet Punch, Sacred Sword

Suggested Spread:
Gallade @ Galladite
252 Atk, 4 SpDef, 252 Spe
Trait: Swift Blade
Adamant/Jolly Nature
- Psycho Cut
- Sacred Sword
- Leaf Blade/Night Slash/Bullet Punch
- Stone Edge/Icicle Spear

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I did the sprites, BTW
Speed Boost, 160 Attack, 130 SDef, kind of OP imo
Gallade was always the stronger of the two, wasn't it (Gardevoir vs. Gallade)?
Besides, this is supposed to rival Megacham.
Gardevoir was better.
Lol nice. +1
3 votes!!! :3
Anyone know if "Gallade" is pronounced "Gall-ayde" or Guh-llayde?"
5 votes

Mega Jynx

enter image description here
Since Jynx got the short end of the stick since gen 4 (ie, no cute and useless evo like Electabuzz and Magmar) and is considered related to those two, why not give it a Mega, eh? I mean, yeah, it's not the prettiest thing to look at, but... even Mr. Mime got a boost with Soundproof's boost, as well as fairy typing.

Retype to Fairy/Ice
Ability: Pixilate
HP: 65 ----> 65 (+0, lolHP)
Atk: 55 ----> 35 (-20, basically putting base Def into useless attack)
Def: 35 ----> 80 (+45)
SAtk: 115 ----> 165 (+50)
SDef: 95 ----> 95 (+0, evidently went over, couldn't basic math yesterday, I just went over it quickly for errorsQQ)
Spd: 95 ----> 120 (+25)
BST: 455 ----> 555

New moves: Hyper Voice (Egg), Dazzling Gleam (TM), Moonblast (Egg/Level)

Suggested spread:

Jynx @ Jynxite
Ability: Dry Skin -----> Pixilate
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 Def
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot / Calm Mind
- Hyper Voice
- Ice Beam / Focus Blast
- Focus Blast / Shadow Ball
Works as a more offensive Mega Gardevoir in Nasty Plot boosting and Pixilate Hyper Voice hits like a truck, as does Ice Beam. Focus Miss gives Steel types a run for their money while Shadow Ball wrecks Aegislash switch ins that otherwise wall this set.

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25 + 10 + 50 + 45 - 20 = 110

You went over the limit
it needs a mega, cos' of the you-probably-know-what-I-mean jokes about it.
Oops, let me edit the SDef out, then
5 votes

Mega Get Camerekt! (Camerupt)

From the mad professors Gliscurr and Hex


The search for a viable camel in OU has come to its end: with beastly new stats, a freshly redone typing, and simply all around more camel-ness, you are not in the mood to miss this! In the mood for a volcano on your team? maybe just a bossing fire type in general? now YOU can help us make Mega Camerekt happen! Call 1337 and order today! Offer is available as long as supplies last.

HP: 70 -> 70 (-)
Atk: 100 -> 108 (+8)
Def: 70 -> 95 (+25)
SAtk: 105 -> 130 (+25)
SDef: 75 -> 100 (+25)
Spd: 40 -> 47 (+7)
Total: 460 -> 560 (+100)

Typing: Fire/Steel
Ability: Filter
New moves: Head Smash, Meteor Mash, Recover, Flare Blitz

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If you're giving him Head Smash and Flare Blitz, Rock Head might be an idea.
yay, i love camerupt
5 votes


Mega Eelektross! Proudly presented by Hexman and Kronos

Tired of waking up every morning and moaning: "I want Eelektross to be better!"
Sick of every OU team being mono Rotom-Wash? Feeling a bit of Eel-crave on your team?
Waited long enough for an Electric/Water type eel? Tired of pulling out your Super Rod and not getting any eels? Had enough of Electivires and Raikous? Had enough of Quagsire ruining your day when your electric type is trying to sweep?
Don't worry, friend, as with your support we can make Eelektross a thing again.

Type: Electric/Water

New ability: Sheer Force

New moves: Fusion Bolt (maybe not if people don't like it), Volt Tackle,Waterfall, Hydro Pump, Freeze Dry, Ice Beam

HP: 85 > 85 (-)

Attack: 115 > 135 (+20)

Def: 80 > 90 (+10)

Sp. Atk: 105 > 125 (+20)

Sp. Def: 80 > 95 (+15)

Speed: 50 > 85 (+35)

Base stat Total: 515 > 615 (+100)

Normal Stats: 85/115/80/105/80/50
Improved Stats:0 /20/10/20/15/35
Mega Stats: 85/115/80/125/95/85

Eelektross @ Eelektrossite
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 Atk / 184 HP / 74 SAtk
Lonely Nature
- Fusion Bolt
- Flamethrower
- Waterfall
- Freeze Dry

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Fusion Bolt? Dafuq is this
Disagree with Fusion Bolt, but otherwise love it
Thanks Ninja, that's about the nicest comment you have given me? xD What about Volt Tackle instead of Fusion Bolt. Eelecktross looks like it gets Fusion Bolt and it's useful and better than Wild Charge because of the recoil which isn't needed that Eelecktross will usually be taking lots of hits due to low speed. And I love it too! :) xD
Lol though Eelecktross will have recoil with Volt Tackle, at least it hits hard and get the Sheer Force bonus. XDD
Needs more love. It would  be reallllly c00l to see this thing in action.
This pokemon is very strong it needs 3 more votes
No more megas are being accepted at this time
5 votes

Mega Arcanine


Mega stone: Arcanite
Ability: Tough claws

Original stats: 90 HP/110 Atk/80 Def/100 Sp.Atk/80 Sp.Def/95 Spe
Improved stats: 90 HP/135 Atk/100 Def/110 Sp.Atk/100 Sp.Def/120 Spe

Gained stats: 0 HP/25 Atk/20 Def/10 Sp.Atk/20 Sp.Def/25 Spe

4 votes

Mega Electivire

Typing: Electric/Fighting
Ability: Bulletproof
HP: 75
Atk: 150
Def: 100
SAtk: 104
SDef: 100
Spd: 100
Total: 640

Suggested Spread
Electivire @ Electivirite
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Trait: Bulletproof
Adamant Nature
- Cross Chop
- Wild Charge
- Ice Punch
- EQ / Bulk Up / Agility

Niche: This guy hits like a truck. With 150 Base Attack and powerful STAB moves, it's going to be hard to stop. It doesn't like taking Wild Charge recoil damage, and Cross Chop's 80% accuracy isn't helping either. Either way, if you don't have anything to take a hit, Mega Electivire can easily sweep your team!

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Glisc, please separate these into two answers so people can upvote their favorite.
4 votes

Let me just be honest here- I only wanted to do Mega Victreebel so I could spend time making a sprite that I myself will like and enjoy while sharing it with others and it possibly getting used on the server. :x

Mega Victreebel Y

This plant goo-shooter of terror gets pumps full of leafy, venomous soil and it fires at it's opponents fearlessly.
Mega Victreebel Y

So without further adieu, I give you this thing's stats:

Regular Victreebel's stats:-
HP: 80
Atk: 105
Def: 65
SpA: 100
SpD: 70
Spe: 70
BST: 490

Mega Victreebel stats-
HP: 80
Attack: 120
Defense: 85
Sp.Atk: 135
Sp.Def: 90
Speed: 80
BST: 590

HP + 0
Attack + 15
Defense + 20
Sp.Atk + 35
Sp.Def + 20
Speed + 10

Ability: Competitive

New move: Gunk Shot

I've decided to spice things up a little for myself.

Mega Victreebel X:
This thing gets a, intimidating Head upon Evolution.. but that's not it's ability.
It gets nice thick vines with leaf blades that have a sharp poison tip.

Mega Victreebel X

So the stats:
HP: 80
Atk: 130
Def: 85
SpA: 115
SpD: 95
Speed: 85
BST: 590

HP + 0
Atk + 25
Def + 20
SpA + 15
SpD + 25
Speed + 15

New move: Poison Jab

And the grand ability: Huge Power

I'm hoping that Mega Y with Gunk Shot and SpA boost and Mega X with Huge Power + Atk boost isn't too OP

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I'll probably add a backsprite soon.
a nice movespread for Y should obviously have Gunk Shot, nice move spread for X obviously Leaf Blade and Poison Jab
X IS WAY TOO OP. 130 atk plus HUge PoweR? No thank you.
I'm sorry, but those sprites are awful.
This thing + Gengar = Plants Versus Zombies
lol I know that the sprites are bad. But the stats were cool in my opinion. maybe it was because of huge power?
dam these sucked
hard disagree chief. this is a great concept
3 votes

Mega Ludicolo


Step 1: Look at my gravatar
Step 2: Look at Miror B
Step 3: Really look at him
Step 4: Make his skin yellow with brown stripes
Step 5: Make his clothing and hair light green
Step 6: Replace goggles with simple eyes, shoes with green ped feet, and keep that sexy scarf
Step 7: Give him a smiling beak


HP: 80
Atk: 70-->80 (+10)
Def: 70-->90 (+20)
Sp Atk: 90-->110 (+20)
Sp Def: 100-->115 (+15)
Spd: 70-->105 (+35)

Ability: Drizzle

Suggested Spread

Megazard-Why (Ludicolo) @ Ludicolite
Trait: Swift Swim --> Drizzle
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Sp Atk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump/Surf
- Giga Drain
- Ice Beam
- Focus Blast

3 votes

Mega Tropius

I feel like this Pokemon is useless, and basically gets no attention. So why don't we do what Game Freak did for Mawile and bring Tropius from a useless Pokemon to a threat that is viable in the higher tiers?

Click here for the picture, way too big (credit to Twime777 on Deviantart)


  • Typing: Grass/Flying to Grass/Dragon
  • Ability: Grass Coat (halves damage taken from Special moves)
  • Weight: 241 lbs (200 kg)
  • Height: 6'7" (2.01 m)


So the first stat spread isn't popular? I'll let you decide which you want out of that one and a new one I came up with. Honestly I think it'd work in OU, there are more OP Megas in OU than this one (Mega Venu and Mega Mawile).

Form      HP      Attack      Defence      Sp. Attack      Sp. Defence     Speed
Normal    99      68          83           72              87              51
Mega 1    99      68          143          122             97              31
Mega 2    99      118         103          72              87              81

Possible sets

Tropius @ Tropisite
Trait: Grass Coat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 Def
Modest Nature
- Leaf Storm
- Air Slash
- Defog
- Synthesis

This Mega is designed to tank hits and deliver a high amount of damage back to the opponent. It's increased Special Defence does not require any EVs, so you can use your EVs on HP to allow Tropius to take physical hits more easily as well as have good Special bulk. Leaf Storm is for those times where you need to remove whatever is in front of you, and it is your main STAB Attack. Air Slash is mostly for Mega Venusaur, who would likely compete with Mega Tropius for a place in a team. Defog is there for obvious reasons, and Synthesis is to allow it to extend its lifespan a bit.

A set for the second stat spread will come later.

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You feel like Tropius is useless? That thing is a god!
This thing seems a little much imo. Great offensive, OP Def, and a behemoth ability to boot. Id like to see the abilit or the defense toned down somewhat.
Yeah, this thing is way too tanky to go with 120 SAtk.
I messed around with some damage calcs and I don't think it's that bad. Jolly Infernape's Flare Blitz can halve its HP in one hit, most Fairies 2HKO with Play Rough, and Grass/Dragon really isn't that great of a type.
I think that if it is OP if it does go through, then I'll send its Special Attack down by 10 and put its useless Speed stat back to 51.
Halves damage taken from special moves...
143 Defense...
Just now realizing e.e
3 votes


Typing: Water/Fighting
Ability: Huge PowerDefiant
HP: 60
Atk: 175
Def: 105
SAtk: 65
SDef: 70
Spe: 110
Total: 585

New Egg Move: U-Turn

Suggested Spread:
Kabutops @ Kabutite
252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spe
Trait: Defiant
Jolly Nature
- U-Turn
- Waterfall
- Superpower
- Aqua Jet/Rapid Spin

Niche: With a perfect combo of speed and attack, Mega Kabutops would make a great lead. If you can't resist it's stabs, you're toast. It can scout with U-Turn, and revenge kill with Aqua Jet or even spin away hazards. If you switch into Defog, you get a Defiant boost as well. which is very deadly.

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Fix this as well. No Defiant.
3 votes

Mega Typhlosion

Typing: Fire / Psychic
Trait: Regenerator
HP: 78
Atk: 94
Def: 88
SAtk: 149
SDef: 95
Spe: 120
Total: 634

New Egg Moves: Psyshock, Psychic

Suggsted Spread:
Typhlosion @ Typhlosite
252 SAtk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Trait: Regenerator
Timid Nature
- Psyshock
- Fire Blast
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast

Regenerator is a bit OP, no?
Ikr, but now with Regenerator it can use Eruption better. Try Eruption over Fire Blast.
Fire Dark sounds better..
Flash Fire>Regenerator.
Yep, I think Flash Fire would be cool on this.  Also, Fire-Dark would be super cool (especially since we have our own DarkTyphlosion around, haha).  Problem is, then it would be another Mega Houndoom.
3 votes

Mega Scrafty. Everyone saw this coming, and to be frank, I don't care! :D

Typing: Dark-Fighting

Ability: Iron Fist/Moxie (Dev Notes: I'm kind of torn on this one. Iron Fist would make Scrafty great, but Moxie is nice as well. Fuah!)

Stat Spread (Scrafty): 65/90/115/45/115/58 | Total: 488
Stat Spread (Scrafty-M): 65/130/140/45/140/68 | Total: 588
Change: 0/+40/+25/0/+25/+10 | Total: +100
(Dev Notes: This Scrafty is a bulky beast. Capitalizing its best stats, it not only hits hard but tanks quite nicely on both ends. Drop in SpAtk because it doesn't need it, and considerable raises in every stat. It's still slow so it can't sweep.)

New Move: Sucker Punch

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I would go for Moxie
Iron Fist sounds cool to me...  Plus, it would be new, so a change would be fun!
3 votes
Oh my, Finally someone suggesting Mega donphan! Vote guys
3 votes

Mega Exploud

Type: Normal

Gets Recover and Psychic as Egg Moves

Base stats before Mega-Evolution:

104 | 91 | 63 | 91 | 63 | 68

Base stats after Mega-Evolution:

104 | 91 | 68 | 151 | 73 | 83

+0 / +0 / +5 / +60 / +10 / +15

Suggested spread:

Exploud @ Exploudite
Trait: Scrappy ~> Pressure
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature
• Boomburst
• Psychic
• Recover
• Surf / Flamethrower

If anyone has a suggestion feel free to tell me.

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holy sweet flying spahgetti monster