Meta-PokéBase Q&A
17 votes

Since there have been so many 'Yays' for this, here you go ~

Basically, we need ideas for Mega Pokemon to add to a tier called the "Mo' Megas" tier. What I need you to do is leave the Pokemon to Mega evolve as an answer with stats, moves and abilities so that if they become popular we can add them to the Mo' Megas tier.

Pokemon that have been confirmed (8 or more votes): Megas: 20/20. We are only starting out with a few, then we may add more.

  • Mega Starmie 60 | 85 | 95 | 140 | 95 | 135 | 620
  • New Ability: Storm Drain
  • Mega Golem 80 | 130 | 170 | 65 | 95 | 55 | 595
  • New Ability: Solid Rock
  • Mega Metagross X 80 | 135 | 130 | 145 | 140 | 70 | 700
  • New Ability: Filter | New Type: Fighting / Steel
  • Mega Metagross Y 80 | 185 | 120 | 115 | 80 | 120 | 700
  • New Ability: Bulletproof
  • Mega Farfetch'd 52 | 95 | 75 | 53 | 72 | 105 | 452
  • New Ability: Huge Power | New Type: Fighting/Flying | New Move(s): Close Combat
  • Mega Mienshao 65 | 160 | 65 | 125 | 65 | 120 | 610
  • New Ability: Sheer Force | New Type: Fighting/Fairy | New Move(s): Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam
  • Mega Meganium 80 | 92 | 135 | 103 | 145 | 70 | 625
  • New Ability: Spring Breath | New Move(s): Sleep Powder
  • Mega Parasect 60 | 125 | 115 | 40 | 115 | 45 | 500
  • New Ability: Poison Heal/Natural Cure | New Type: Bug/Fairy | New Move(s): Wood Hammer, Moonlight, Recover, U-turn, Play Rough, Sucker Punch, Shadow Sneak, Reflect
  • Mega Kingler 55 | 150 | 145 | 35 | 100 | 90 | 575
  • New Ability: Tough Claws | New Type: Water/Steel | New Move(s): Bullet Punch, Iron Head, Aqua Jet
  • Mega Golurk 89 | 159 | 110 | 65 | 110 | 60 | 583
  • New Ability: Iron Fist | New Type: Steel/Ghost
  • Mega Luxray 80 | 140 | 99 | 95 | 99 | 110 | 623
  • New Ability: Strong Jaw | New type: Dark/Electric
  • Mega Solrock|70 | 130 | 106 | 55 | 105 | 85 | 540
  • New Ability: Drought | New Type: Fire/Steel or Fire/Rock | New Move(s): Flare Blitz
  • Mega Beedrill 65 | 110 | 90 | 45 | 90 | 110 | 515
  • New Ability: Huge Power | New Type: Poison/Bug | New Move(s): Sacred Sword, Sky Uppercut, Night Slash, Bulldoze, Megahorn, Forest's Curse
  • Mega Mismagius 60 | 60 | 80 | 150 | 135 | 110 |595
  • New Typing: Ghost/Fire | New Move(s): Searing Shot
  • Mega Machamp 90 | 130 | 90 | 105 | 95 | 95 |605
  • New Ability: Iron Fist/Weak Armor | New Type: Fighting/Ghost | New Move(s): Shadow Punch, Shadow Sneak, Mach Punch, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb
  • Mega Milotic 95 | 70 | 109 | 130 | 155 | 81 |640
  • New Ability: Multiscale | New Type: Water/Fairy | New Move(s): Dazzling Gleam
  • Mega Flygon X 80 | 115 | 85 | 115 | 85 | 140 | 620
  • New Move(s): Bug Buzz
  • Mega Flygon Y 80 | 105 | 100 | 135 | 100 | 100 | 620
  • New Ability: Compoundeyes | New Type: Bug/Dragon | New Move(s): Bug Buzz
  • Mega Muk 105 | 135 | 120 | 65 | 120 | 55 | 600
  • New Ability: Gaseous Aura | New Type: Poison/Dark | New Move(s): Sucker Punch, Parting Shot, Earthquake, Foul Play, Recover, Pursuit, Magic Stench, Toxic Spikes
  • Mega Electrode 60 | 50 | 110 | 85 | 125 | 150 | 580
  • Ability: Volt Absorb | New Move(s): Nuzzle, Magic Coat, Recover, Overheat


  • Sceptile
  • Starmie
  • Swampert

I will be doing the spriting. I can't do models because I have no clue how so deal with it :v.
You can post sprites for ones you have suggested but if people don't think they're up to scratch we will use mine. (Not trying to sound superior here :/ )

You can see the current sprites that I have done here.


  • Megas must gain 100 BST, no more, no less without permission. Also No HP Boosts while making the stats.

Note: Please make one mega per answer, so people can upvote what they like. If the image is massive please resize it. Having large images slows down the page.

Note: I'm holding back this project until after Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire as not all Mega's for the new games have been decided so I don't want to be adding codes that Zarel will add later on when PS updates.

Enjoy ~

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Aw jeez, my Gallade never got a chance :/
There won't be mega Swampert or Sceptile until a later date.
personally, i think we should do the ones with most votes first *ahem*
mega metagross then?
Bhamp? Was just wondering when this is going to happen

74 Answers

1 vote

+0 10 50 10 50 -20
Ability (name not came up with): any pokemon that makes contact except immunity pokemon, steels, and poison types will get poisoned 100% of the time
enter image description here

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1 vote

Mega Volcarona

Typing: Fire/Bug
Ability: Regenerator
HP: 85
Atk: 100
Def: 75
SAtk: 160
SDef: 115
Spe: 115
Total: 650

New Egg Moves: Defog, Energy Ball

Suggested Spreads:
Volcarona @ Volcaronite
248 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 Def
Trait: Regenerator
Modest Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Giga Drain
- Fiery Dance
- Bug Buzz

Niche: Bulky Quiver Dance set. Although it can't really use Regenerator (because it's not going to be switching out) but if it can set up some QDances, it's game unless you have a phazer.

Volcarona @ Volcaronite
24 HP / 252 SAtk / 224 Spd
Trait: Regenerator
Modest Nature
- Fiery Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Energy Ball/Giga Drain/Roost
- Defog

Niche: While Mega Volcarona may not seem like a good Defog user, it does get Regenerator to heal off the Hazard Damage. It gets decent bulk, so you can Fiery Dance until you get a bunch of boosts, then do whatever.

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Ever so slightly op. I know it's weak to rocks but that is one bulky thing without a QD. The defense needs to be the same if not slightly higher than the original. 75 would probably be tops.
Yeah, changed that.
Can't use this image. It is copyrighted.
Come on..... Fix this Please.
1 vote

enter image description here

Mega Braviary


HP 100
Atk 123-->153 (+30)
Def: 75-->85(+10)
Sp Atk: 57-->71(+15)
Sp Def: 75-->90 (+20)
Spd: 80-->105 (+25)

Ability: Freedom: All pokemon on your team are freed of status conditions when this pokemon enters the field.

Suggested Spread:

Braviary @ Braviarite
Trait: Defiant-->Freedom
EVs: Max Attack, max speed, maybe if you want a little bulk on the side. Do what you want cause freedom
Nature: Adamant/Jolly
- Bulk Up
- Brave Bird
- Superpower
- Roost

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Freedom seems OP, and the 'this pokemon is unaffected by entry hazards' doesn't really make sense with the ability name.
Yeah, Freedom right now seems OP, but the hazards thing makes sense because free switch ins.
Braviary frees itself and it's team from the oppression that is status and entry hazards in hopes of creating a world where all pokemon are free
Either one or the other, I don't think having two abilities in one is very good, since both affects are powerful
Freedom sounds like some kind of magic card from Yu-Gi-Oh. It doesn't make much sense how it works tbh either. Also I'm not sure I agree with your adding up.
Freedom isn't that overpowered, as it's simply a nerfed Magic Guard.
Magic guard stops the pokemon from being hit by non-damaging moves. It doesn't basically use heal bell every time it switches in
1 vote

Mega Evolution for Dragonite


Mega Dragonite X

The idea of Mega Dragonite X is to have a faster, bulkier and more physical offensive version of Dragonite.

Type: Dragon

Ability: TBD (Multiscale is too op)



Mega Dragonite Y

The idea of Mega Dragonite Y is too have it as the opposite of Mega Dragonite X. It has outstanding Special Attack and Drizzle as it's Ability which complements Thunder and STAB Hurricane. It also has a new move in Dragon Spiral.

Type: Dragon/Flying

Ability: Drizzle



(Same as Mega Dragonite X apart from the Attack and Special Attack Stats have swapped.)

New Move: Dragon Spiral (Similar to Dragon Dance but increases the user Special Attack and Speed by 1 Stage).


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I honestly think you should have more suiting abilities, not just ones that make it powerful.
With the "on" sounding more like the lightbulb variation. Sounds cool, right? :D
Crap....  Mega Dragonite Y sounds like a new Kyogre
What do you mean? Do you mean it is "crap", or do you mean "as in crap fear for your lives" kind of crap?
Lol, I mean the "fear for your lives" kind of crap.  Sorry for that confusion.
Oh, it's no problem at all I just wasn't sure what you meant lol :) Some people probably do think it's "crap" but their entitled to their own opinions :P
Mega Dragonite with Multiscale is OP
What do you suggest I changed it to?
1 vote

Mega Mew. (image too big)

Type: Psychic

Ability: Adaption- every move gets STAB (not sure if OP or not)

Stats: HP- 100  AT-100 DF-100 SP.A-125  SP.D-150 SPE-125
        {+0}     {+0}   {+0}    {+25}    {+50}    {+25}
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oh wow thanks scarf, that was so stupid of me
I recommend that you change the spelling of the ability to Adaptation, which is better understood.
  EDIT:  Also, maybe the mega sprite should resemble Mega Mewtwo Y less to make it more original.  This does seem really OP to me, though-- not a single base stat below 100, with that movepool, with STAB from every move.  I think that's too much.
I think the eyes are a little too far apart. And it looks like 'Mini-Mega Mewtwo Y'
1 vote

Mega Probopassenter image description here



Base Stats

Special Attack-75-->105(+30)
Special Defence-155-->190(+35)

1 vote

Mega Feraligatr
Base Stat Total :550

New Egg Moves : Aquatic Flare Power-up punch

Suggested spread

Trait Torrent/Sheer Force>>>Guts
Adamant Nature
Evs 252 Attack/252 SpE/4 Sp.Def
Aquatic Flare
Power-up Punch
Aqua Tail

Aquatic Flare:Base Power and Accuracy : 80 (Users heat its body temperature then blasts like a surge of water at the target 50%chance of burn on the user)

Niche:Aquatic Flare to activate Guts then proceed from there

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Dont hide this Mike >.>
i see where u got aquatic flare from Movie 16 when feraligatr uses a fire typeish move
1 vote

Mega... wait for it................ wait for it..

Regular stats:
HP: 20
Attack: 10
Defense: 230
Sp.Atk: 10
Sp.Def: 230
Speed: 5

Abilities: Gluttony, Sturdy, Contrary.


Mega stats:
HP: 50
Attack: 110
Defense: 150
Sp.Atk: 110
Sp.Def: 150
Speed: 35

HP + 30
Attack + 100
Defense - 80
Sp.Atk + 100
Sp.Def - 80
Speed + 30

Ability: Moody

New move: X-Scissor

My apologies for the HP boost. But if Shuckle gets mega then it is needed. And if the HP boost isn't accepted then 65 Speed stat.

So give this thing Accupressure and X-Scissor and it's pretty nice in my opinion.

by a sprite i made
Moody is banned, so...
it is? I must have overlooked the post.
But where does it say Moody is banned? .-. or is it banned on showdown
1 vote

Mega Hanging Ceiling Lights
enter image description here

HP: 60
Atk: 55
Def: 90
SpA: 145
SpD: 90
Spe: 80
BST: 520
Flash Fire, Flame Body, Infiltrator.

Mega Chandelure:
HP: 60
Atk: 60
Def: 110
SpA: 160
SpD: 110
Spd: 100

HP + 0
Atk + 5
Def + 30
SpA + 15
SpD + 30
Spd + 20

Ability: Bulletproof

Give this thing Flamethrower and Shadow Ball and you've got yourself a powerful Chandy, and Fire Blast would make this thing even more powerful. It's also protected from Shadow Ball.

Suggested spread:
EVs: 252 SpAtk, 252 SpDef, 4 Def
Ability: Flame Body (not like it matters)
Modest Nature
- Flamethrower
- Shadow Ball
- Overheat
- Hidden Power Bug

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This art is banned. Bulletproof makes no sense.

Mega not needed for this guy. Or wanted.
I can understand that.. but you don't have to be so harsh ;-;
0 votes

Mega Magmortar

Typing: Fire/Poison
Ability: Drought
HP: 75
Atk: 114
Def: 80
SAtk: 140
SDef: 100
Spd: 120
Total: 640

NEW EGG MOVE: Sludge Bomb

Suggested Spread:
Magmortar @ Magmortrite
252 SAtk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Trait: Drought
Timid Nature
- Sludge Bomb
- Flamethrower/Fire Blast
- SolarBeam
- Taunt/Sub

Niche: I'll do later, feel free to edit.

0 votes

OK, that's my fave done. Let's do a serious Pokemon now.


enter image description here

Typing: Ice | Ground

Ability: Moxie


HP 110 ---> 140 (+30)

Attack 130-->`170(+40)

Defense 80 ---> 90(+10)

SpAttack 70

SpDef 60--->72 (+12)

Speed 80

Desc: Oh my...170 attack. This thing is just unreal. Well, it would be if all it's other stats followed suit. It has capability of being an absolute psychical attack, demolishing everything it can with Ice shard. Then even after it gets a kill, it gets stronger, boosting it's attack to Ruler-Of-the-Heavens like power. This is my set:

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake 
- Stone Edge
- Icicle Crash / Ice Shard
- Superpower / Knock Off / Stealth Rock

EQ + SE is a great coverage option, hitting almost everything for Neutral or SupE damage. Ice Shard is almost a must. Hitting extremely hard, and taking anything without a resist out. 4th move slot is just whatever you want, you can either Continue the coverage or set up Rocks to ease getting the moxie boosts.

reshown by
"Ice Shard is almost a must" >Slashes it second :P
Mamoswine is basically the mega of Piloswine.
Why was this downvoted? It seems fine to me
HP cannot be boost. Fix that.
Yea, I agree that with that kind of Attack boost, you should leave HP alone.  Maybe Speed instead.
0 votes

Mega Archeops

Mega Archeops

It's not fair that Aerodactyl get's a Mega Evolution but Archeops doesn't, especially when it has a terrible Ability in Defeatist.

Type: Rock/Flying

Ability: TBD- An Ability that isn't Defeatist but isn't too OP



New Moves: TBD

Hyper Cutter.
Lol no Sand Stream.
What does this thing have to do with sand?
@Le Scraf- Hyper Cutter would be an okay Ability to have at least it wouldn't make it too op
@ Kronos- Mega Archeops's Ability is still under consideration so nothing is to say it won't have Sand Stream. Just thinking about it though Sand Stream would be a good Ability for Mega Archeops, since it boosts Rock type Pokémon's Special Defense by 50% and it doesn't take damage in a Sandstorm but wouldn't it be too op?
0 votes

Mega Vanilluxe

Come on, admit it, the ice cream isn't the WORST Pokemon idea.

Mega Ice Cream

Regular stats:
HP: 71
Atk: 95
Def: 85
SpA: 110
SpD: 95
Spe: 79
BST: 535
Abilities : Ice Body, Weak Armor.

Mega Vanilluxe:
HP: 71
Atk: 115
Def: 100
SpA: 140 (is it just me or do most of my Mega ideas have either Special or Physical attack power as 140?)
SpD: 110
Spd: 99
BST: 635

HP + 0
Atk + 20
Def + 15
SpA + 30
SpD + 15
Spd + 20

Type change: Ice/Ghost
Ability: Cursed Body
Gained move(s): Shadow Ball, Scald, Ice Burn

Two-turn moves aren't exactly commonly used on competitive teams, but think about the power that Mega Vanilluxe would do. Also, the two-turn effect would make up for the overpowerness
Getting a critical hit with that Ice Burn could do some nice damage. Cursed Body because wynaut? I can easily imagine Vanilluxe being Ghost and having Cursed Body.

except it's my sprite... so I woud prefer to put my own sprite on my own pokemon
0 votes

Lol this post is like, no use because everything is almost done but I just made Mega-Druddigon.
What? Tired of using the annoying and ugly Dragon Dancers like Salemance and Gyrados. Want something else? Well? What are you waiting for. Try your new Mega-Druddigon now! Before supplies run out! Have the satisfication of sweeping your enemies with Dragon Dance!
Hp 77=77
Atk 120+20=140
Def 90+30=120
Sp.atk 60+40=100
Sp.def 90=90
Speed 48+10=58
Regular Stats: 77/120 /90 / 60/90/48
Improved Stats: 0 /20 /30 / 40 /0 /20
Mega Stats: 77/140/120/100/90/58
New Typing: Dragon-Ground

New Ability: Hustle/Moxie

New Egg move: Dragon Dance
All this work for nothing.

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