The Team

>Wood-hammer:STAB Move
>Rock Slide/Stone Edge:Flying Type coverage
>Earthquake:STAB Move
>Crunch:Ghost and Psychic Type coverage
Move Locations:
>Wood-hammer can be learned via move re-learner. The Move Relearner is found in the house north-east of the Pokémart and will teach your Pokémon moves in its level-up that it could have learned at lower levels. He charges you one Heart Scale per move.
>Rock Slide can be found at Mt. Coronet. Upon entering the cave from the Eterna City side, proceed north and use the ladder to get on the first ledge you see, without using Rock Smash. Take the stairs to get off the ledge, proceed left, and move further up until you hit the wall. Use Surf on the patch of water in front of you. Follow the path and use Rock Climb. Take the stairs up and turn left as soon as you're able to. Use Strength and move the boulder in front of you until you can use the stairs. Head north and cross the bridge. Walk until you reach the TM for Rock Slide.
>Stone Edge can be found at Victory Road. The TM for Stone Edge is at the end of the third set of bike ramps in Victory Road.
>Earthquake can be learned at lvl.32 or can be found at Wayward Cave. In the hidden area of Wayward Cave that's under the Cycling Road, go through the puzzle to get to the hidden room. In that hidden room, you'll find the TM for Earthquake.
>Crunch can be learned at lvl.45

Ability:Water Veil(if you can get it)/Swift Swim
>Surf:STAB Move
>Waterfall:STAB Move
>Ice Beam:Grass and Dragon Type coverage
>Dig:Electric Type coverage
Location:Valley Windworks
Move Locations:
>Surf can be found at Celestic Town. Get the HM for Surf from Cynthia's grandmother inside the ruins after defeating the Galactic Grunt and giving her the Old Charm.
>Waterfall can be found at Sunnyshore City. The HM for Waterfall is given by Jasmine after defeating Gym Leader Volkner.(before getting waterfall just use aqua jet)
>Ice Beam can be found at Route 216 or Veilstone City. After getting the Icicle Badge, go to the area of Route 216 that requires Rock Climb. Go up the cliff with Rock Climb, and the TM for Ice Beam will be at the opposite end of that area. You can also buy the TM for Ice Beam at the Veilstone Game Corner for 10,000 coins.
>Dig can be found at Ruin Maniac Cave. Upon entry into the Ruin Maniac Cave, you'll see the TM for Dig behind some small rocks.

Ability:Flash Fire/Early Bird(both abilities are good)
>Flamethrower:STAB Move
>Crunch/Dark Pulse:STAB Move
>Solar Beam:Ground, Rock, and Water Type coverage
>Shadow Ball/Thunder Fang:Ghost and Psychic Type coverage coverage and Water Type coverage
Location:Route 214
Move Location:
>Flamethrower can be learned at lv.48 (lv.43 as a Houndour) or at Fuego Ironworks and Veilstone City. The TM for Flamethrower is inside the Fuego Ironworks building and can be found right next to the boiler. You can also get the TM for Flamethrower at the Veilstone Game Corner for 10,000 coins.
>Crunch can be learned at lvl.54(lvl.48 as a Houndour, or you can use feint attack)
>Dark Pulse can be found at Victory Road. The TM is in a room on the second floor. To get there, you must enter from the northwest door on the first floor. Upon entering the cave, use Rock Climb and then head left. Follow the path and use Rock Climb again. Make your way to the second floor and use Strength to get to the TM for Dark Pulse.
>Solar Beam can be found at Veilstone City. On the third floor in the Veilstone Department Store, the bottom cashier sells the TM for SolarBeam for 3,000 Poké Dollars.
>Shadow Ball can be found at Route 210. In the foggy area of Route 210, there are two logs that you can cross with your Bicycle. At the end of that path, you will find the TM for Shadow Ball; it requires Rock Smash.
>Thunder Fang can be learned via move re-learner

>Spark:STAB Move
>Thunderbolt:STAB Move
>Strength:Neutral coverage
>Iron Tail:Rock Type coverage(because most Ground Types trainer I met has Rock Type as a secondary type)
Location:Valley Windworks
Move Locations:
>Spark can be learned at lvl.13
>Thunderbolt can be found at Valley Windworks and Veilstone City. After getting the Relic Badge, head to Valley Windworks and go behind it with Surf. The TM for Thunderbolt will be on a small platform behind the Valley Windworks building. You can also get the TM for Thunderbolt at the Veilstone Game Corner for 10,000 coins.
>Strength can be found at Iron Island. The HM for Strength is obtained from Riley after you go through Iron Island with him.
>Iron Tail can be found at Iron Island. On the second basement floor of the right part of Iron Island, the TM for Iron Tail is in the western half of the pit that is just southeast of a Worker.

>Fly:STAB Move
>Close Combat:Rock and Ice Type coverage
>Return:STAB Move
>Steel Wing:Rock and Ice Type coverage
Location:Route 201
Move Locations:
>Fly can be found at Veilstone City. After beating Gym Leader Maylene, go to the area of Veilstone City where the two Galactic Grunts were standing earlier; battle them with Dawn/Lucas. After defeating the two Grunts, go into the warehouse. The HM for Fly will be to the right of the entrance.
>Close Combat can be learned at lvl.34
>Return can be found at Lost Tower, Veilstone City and Sandgem Town. Lost Tower, Veilstone City, Sandgem Town
Specific Location: On the fourth floor of the Lost Tower, you will find the TM for Return north of the middle southernmost gravestone. You can also get the TM for Return at the Veilstone Game Corner for 8,000 coins. Professor Rowan also gives you the TM for Return once you leave his Pokémon Research Lab in Sandgem Town after he gives you the Pokédex.
>Steel Wing can be found at Route 209. The TM for Steel Wing is between the trees located south of the Lost Tower. You need Cut to get it.

Ability:Poison Touch(if you can get it)/Anticipation
>Poison Jab:STAB Move
>Sludge Wave/Rock Climb/Ice Punch:STAB Move or Neutral coverage(can confuse) or Ground and Flying Type coverage
>Sucker Punch:Psychic Type coverage
>Revenge/Brick Break:STAB Move
Location:Route 212
Move Locations:
>Poison Jab can be learned at lvl.41 or at route 212. The TM for Poison Jab is behind a tree in the rainy area; this requires Surf.
>Sludge Wave can be learned at lvl.49 or at Team Galactic HQ. The TM for Sludge Bomb is southeast of the Galactic Key in the Galactic Warehouse in Veilstone City.
>Rock Climb can be found at Route 217. The HM for Rock Climb is northeast of the Hiker's house.
>Ice Punch can be learned at the Move Tutor at Route 212.
>Sucker Punch can be learned at lvl.31.
>Revenge can be learned at lvl.22.
>Brick Break can be found at Oreburgh Gate. On the lower floor of Oreburgh Gate, the TM for Brick Break is found on the left of the jump ramps on the floor; it requires Rock Smash and either a Bicycle or Surf.
Other Options
These are the others that you can choose if you don't want the ones shown above

Ability:Regenerator(if you can get it)/Chlorophyll
>Power Whip
>Giga Drain(if the ability is Regenerator)/Sunny Day(if the ability is Chlorophyll)
>Rock Slide
Location:Great Marsh(Tangela),lvl up with Ancient Power to evolve
Move Locations:
>Power Whip can be learned at lvl.54, until then use Vine Whip
>Giga Drain can be found at Route 209
>Sunny Day can be found at 212
>Earthquake can be found at Wayward Cave
>Rock Slide can be found at Mt.Coronet
Reason to choose:
This Pokemon does its job nicely as a tank while doing some damage to the foe
Reason why I don't choose:
I already chosen Turtwig as a starter

Ability:Storm Drain
>Mud Bomb/Earthquake:STAB Move
>Surf:STAB Move
>Ice Beam:Grass and Dragon Type coverage
>Sludge Wave:Grass Type coverage
Location:Route 205(Shellos)
Move Locations:
>Mud Bomb can be learned at lvl.11.
>Earthquake can be found at Wayward Cave.
>Surf can be found at Celestic Town.
Ice Beam can be found at Route 216.
>Sludge Wave can be found at Team Galactic HQ.
Reason to choose:
A Water Type that is immune to Electric Type attacks but weak to Grass Type, this can be handled with teaching it Poison or Ice Type moves
Reasons Why I don't Choose:
It has a low Speed stat making it risky to use it against Grass Type Pokemons that has Speed stat higher than it (e.g. Roserade and Leafeon)

Ability:Flame Body(if you can get it)/Flash Fire
>Flare Blitz:STAB Move
>Iron Tail:Rock Type coverage
>Solar Beam:Rock, Ground and Water Type coverage
>Sunny Day:Power boost for Flare Blitz and no cooldown for Solar Beam
Location:Route 206
Move Locations:
>Flare Blitz can be learned at lvl.56, until then use Flame Wheel.
>Iron Tail can be found at Iron Island.
>Solar Beam can be found at Veilstone City.
>Sunny Day can be found at Route 212.
Reason to choose:
This Pokemon is fast and has a good Attack stat suitable for a hit and run battle style
Reason why I dont choose:
This Pokemon has a somewhat decent Hp and Defense stats making it not last long in the battle, it also has only a few coverage move against the type it weak to

Ability:Volt Absorb
>Thunderbolt/Thunder:STAB Move
>Double Kick/Iron Tail:Rock Type coverage
>Pin Missile/Shadow Ball:Psychic Type coverage
>Sand Attack/Double Team:Makes it harder to be hit
Location:In the house beside the Pokemon Center (Eevee)
Move Locations:
>Thunderbolt can be found at Valley Windworks
>Thunder can be learned at lvl.71 or can be found at Lake Valor and bought at Veilstone City
>Double Kick can be learned at lvl.29
>Iron Tail can be found at Iron Island
>Pin Missile can be learned at lvl.36
>Shadow Ball can be found at Route 210
>Sand Attack can be learned at lvl.8
>Double Team can be found at Wayward Cave
Reason to choose:
Very high Speed and Sp.Atk stats it can take on foes that has high Sp.Def too when combined with Thunderbolt/Thunder (e.g. Cynthia's Milotic)
Reason why I don't choose:
Its movepool is kinda bad, learning a good STAB move very late (Thunder at lvl.71) and not having access to Thunderbolt or atleast Shock Wave, it also doesn't have a good coverage move