PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
5 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You can use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

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51 Answers

10 votes

I'll write one for Treecko.


Sceptile @ Sceptilite
Ability: Overgrow > Lightning Rod
- Giga Drain / Leaf Storm
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Rock Slide

Mudkip will be better for your Water HM user, and Blaziken has better type advantage, but guess what? I have a soft spot for Treecko.

Wait until L21 to evolve Treecko, because it can only get Giga Drain at that point. You can replace Giga Drain later for Leaf Storm or Leaf Blade if you want Sceptile to be fully physical, but Giga Drain is really useful early on. If you ever need Giga Drain again, you can reteach it; you don't have that option if you let Treecko evolve at L16.

Other moves are pretty standard. Sceptile has a nice physical movepool, so it's highly viable to have Leaf Storm as your sole special move and 3 other physical moves to allow Sceptile to stay in after using Leaf Storm. Other good moves you can consider are Brick Break, X-Scissor, Power-Up Punch and False Swipe (to catch Pokemon).

Ability: Pickup
- Cut
- Strength
- Rock Smash
- Headbutt

Hoenn = Linoone
Linoone = Pick Up
Pick Up = free crap

Lets be honest, what Hoenn team is complete without Linoone. Aside from giving you free stuff, Linoone also doubles as a pretty good HM user, and a decent battle Pokemon with only Headbutt. Of course Ghost is a problem, but if your entire team is wiped and Linoone is your only surviving Pokemon, you're in serious trouble anyway. If you really want to, you can replace Headbutt with Surf for another HM move, or Shadow Claw for better coverage. You can delete all HM moves once at the E4 and Linoone is good to deal with Phoebe.

Tentacruel @ Black Sludge
Ability: Clear Body / Liquid Ooze
- Surf
- Sludge Wave
- Waterfall / Dazzling Gleam
- Dive / Ice Beam

You can get Tentacruel pretty easily and early on, and it'll serve as good HM slave for all the water you need to deal with in Hoenn. While it has mediocre attacking stats (70/80 respectively), it does have access to 3 HM moves and nice typing to cover both Sceptile and Linoone's weaknesses. After you get to the E4, you can delete your HM moves and give Tentacruel more useful moves in Dazzling Gleam/ Ice Beam.

If you want, you can replace Tentacruel with Sharpedo, but it does have shoddy defences and it's rather lack luster without Speed Boost. Milotic is also another option, but evolving Feebas is a hassle.

Magnezone @ Magnet
Ability: Sturdy
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Canon
- Tri Attack
- (filler move)

Not the most brilliant move pool in the world, but the Electric/Steel typing really helps. Magnezone will be great help against Norman and Winona, but watch out for Earthquake on Altaria. I'm pretty sure Slaking doesn't pack Earthquake, but just bear that in mind as well. If you're worried about Earthquake, you can use Magnet Rise as your final move, or either Reflect or Light Screen if you're not too fussed about it.

Swellow @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Guts
- Fly
- Roost
- Return / Facade
- Steel Wing

Swellow is probably the best Fly user in Hoenn, except for Crobat; the others are a bit lacking in attack to make use of Fly in battle. Return is probably the better option, since it'll do 102 STAB consistently instead of the regular 70 STAB from Facade. Steel Wing is the most viable move for the last slot, since Swellow has a pretty shallow movepool. U-turn is an option, but in-game you can switch when you need to.

As said, Crobat is another option, but on this team it shares a Psychic weakness with Tentacruel, who you can always replace with Sharpedo.

Froslass @ Expert Belt / Wise Glasses
Ability: Snow Cloak
- Ice Beam / Frost Breath
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Confuse Ray

Froslass is a pretty good BoltBeam user, with passable Special Attack and good Speed. A bit of a hassle to get, but I do really like Froslass, so I've included her. Frost Breath is better in most cases, because it'll be 120 STAB rather than 90, bar random Shell Armour Pokemon. Shadow Ball for other STAB, and Confuse Ray just to be annoying.

If you're playing during the special shiny Beldum event, I would say replace Froslass with Metagross.

Metagross @ Expert Belt
Ability: Clear Body
- Meteor Mash / Power-Up Punch
- Zen Headbutt / Psychic
- Bullet Punch
- Earthquake

So while Meteor Mash is really great STAB, it lacks reliability and accuracy. Power-Up Punch is better just because it will always raise Attack and is 100% accurate. The other moves are pretty self explanatory, although you can use a mixed set with Psychic > Zen Headbutt for accuracy.

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I hear Froslass is bad because it requires babying a weak Snorunt for a long time. Banette is probably better.
Hey sumwun. U only have to use dusk stone on a random Snount you have. U don;t have to lug it arround, just have it sit in that PC box of yours until you need it.
But then it will have a very low level and need a lot of experience before it becomes useful.
Where can you get the Magnet for Magnezone? Is it in New Mauville?
please provide an alternative for froslass and metagross
9 votes

Well here's mine:


Ability: Blaze
- Flare Blitz / Blaze Kick
- Brave Bird
- High Jump Kick / Sky Uppercut
- Earthquake (TM) / Stone Edge (TM)

You can teach Blaziken Flare Blitz and High Jump Kick by going to the Move Reminder and exchanging one Heart Scale per move. Otherwise use Blaze Kick and Sky Uppercut, which you learn by levelling up.

TM26 Earthquake can be found in the Sea Floor Cavern.
TM71 Stone Edge can be purchased from the Lilycove Department Store for 30,000 Pokémon Dollars.


Ability: Pickup
- Cut (HM)
- Strength (HM)
- Rock Smash (HM)
- Surf (HM) / Dig (TM)*

Linoone is basically a HM Slave with Cut, Strength and Rock Smash. Dig can be used in the same way as an Escape Rope to escape caves and Surf can be used to surf at a normal speed (since we also have Sharpedo in the party). When navigating around tight bends, where if you go too fast you'll end up on the shore, that is when having a normal speed surfer pays off. Surf should be used until you catch a Carvanha on Route 118 and teach it Surf, then you can delete Surf if you so wish by going to the Move Deleter in Lilycove City.

I won't list the locations of the HM's since they're needed to complete the game anyway.

*TM28 Dig can be obtained on Route 114.


Ability: Synchronize
- Psychic
- Calm Mind
- Magical Leaf
- Moonblast / Dazzling Gleam

Ralts can be obtained in a horde encounter on Route 104.

Magical Leaf comes in handy against Water/Ground types that Manectric can't touch, as well as Rock/Ground types. Moonblast can be learnt at level 62, however it can be learnt sooner by going to the Move Reminder and getting him to teach it, it in exchange for a Heart Scale. Dazzling Gleam is an alternative, not as powerful but strikes multiple enemies which is useful for hordes.


Ability: Guts
- Fly
- Facade (TM)
- Steel Wing (TM)

- Roost (sneaking up/TM)*

TM19 Roost is awarded to the player as a Prize for defeating Winona, the Fortree Gym Leader.
TM42 Façade can be purchased in Mauville City for 10,000 Pokémon Dollars.
*TM51 Steel Wing can be found in Granite Cave.


Ability: Static / Lightning Rod
- Discharge
- Overheat (TM)
- Volt Switch (TM)

- Hidden Power (TM) / Flash (TM) / Thunder Wave (TM)*

If Manectric has a good Hidden Power type such as Ice, Grass or Water, keep Hidden Power as your main move, otherwise discard it. Flash improves your visibility in dark caves, although it isn't really needed. I taught Manectric Flash when I needed it. After it was of no use to me, I taught it Hidden Power again. Thunder Wave can be used in the same way, since it learns Thunder Wave through levelling up and you get Thunder Wave as a TM quite early in game. You can teach Manectric Thunder Wave if you don't get the Hidden Power type you want, or for when you are about to catch a Legendary Pokémon.

TM10 Hidden Power can be obtained in Fortree City.
TM50 Overheat is awarded to the player as a prize for defeating Flannery.
TM70 Flash can be obtained in Granite Cave.
TM72 Volt Switch is awarded to the player as a prize for defeating Wattson.
*TM73 Thunder Wave can be purchased in Slateport City for 5000 Pokémon Dollars.


Ability: Rough Skin
- Crunch
- Surf (HM)
- Dive (HM)
- Waterfall (HM)

I won't bother listing the locations of these HM's, since their necessary to complete the game anyway.

You can get a Carvanha with a Good Rod on Route 118, however they aren't very common so you'll have to keep trying until you get one. Route 118 is also the location you get the Good Rod.

Waterfall is Sharpedo's main attacking Water move and allows you to climb waterfalls. Surf is excellent on Sharpedo, as it moves twice as fast when surfing and Dive allows you to dive underwater and explore beneath the sea.

I sometimes rotate my Pokemon around, so these might not be the six I always use. Linoone is always in the party, as he is my HM Slave, however he is never used in battle. Swellow and Sharpedo are also constantly in the party, while Blaziken, Gardevoir and Manectric are constantly rotated, that way by the time I get to the Pokémon League I'll have a full party of six that are battle ready. I also used a Metagross, but you can't get that easily anymore.

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Woah. That's a lot of TMs. Especially Stone Edge. People may not like spending money on TMs, and Stone Edge isn't too reliable either. I guess you could use Eathquake. Another thing, there are quite a few recoil moves on Blaziken..
Yeah it is a lot of TM's, but all the TM's I've put you can obtain quite early in game, some of which you can even learn through levelling up. I don't understand why people wouldn't want to spend money on TM's, if they want to use them, they're going to have to buy them eventually, whether that be during the game, or once they've completed it. I understand what you're saying for Blaziken however you don't need to use Flare Blitz and High Jump Kick, I said you can otherwise use Blaze Kick and Sky Uppercut, I only taught my Blaziken Flare Blitz and HJK for when I was battling the Elite 4.
-Note for self when I come back swap sharpedo for swampert and ninetails for blaziken
5 votes

- Swords Dance
- Leaf Blade
- Dragon Claw
- Rock Slide

Swords Dance- Most of the useful moves Sceptile can learn are physical. Swords Dance boosts its already decent attack and makes it a good physical sweeper, especially when Mega Evolved.
Leaf Blade- Good power, STAB
Dragon Claw- Good power, STAB when Sceptile is Mega Evolved
Rock Slide- Coverage against many of Sceptile's weaknesses

- Fly
- Steel Wing
- Endeavor
- U-turn

Fly- Good power, STAB, useful in-game
Steel Wing- Covers Rock and Ice weaknesses
Endeavor- Swellow has bad defenses and will have low health often. This move will be handy then.
U-turn- Good power, allows you to switch Pokemon without wasting a turn.

- Close Combat / Brick Break
- Psycho Cut
- Hypnosis
- Night Slash

Close Combat / Brick Break- Your call. Close Combat does more damage but has lower PP and lowers your defenses. Both have STAB and good power.
Psycho Cut- Decent power, STAB
Hypnosis- Puts enemy to sleep.
Night Slash- Decent power, covers Ghost weakness.

- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Sludge Bomb
- Toxic / Toxic Spikes

Surf- Good power, STAB, useful in-game
Ice Beam- Good power, covers Grass weakness
Sludge Bomb- Good power, STAB
Toxic / Toxic Spikes - Again, your call. Toxic only affects one Pokemon, but badly poisons it. Toxic Spikes has to be used twice to badly poison, but it affects the whole team.

- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Thunder Wave
- Metal Sound

Thunderbolt- Good power, STAB
Flash Cannon- Good power, STAB
Thunder Wave- Paralyzes target
Metal Sound- Harshly lowers opponent's Special Defense and pretty much makes Magnezone unstoppable.

- Overheat
- Flamethrower
- Earth Power
- Stone Edge / Sunny Day / Amnesia

Overheat- Great power, STAB
Flamethrower- Has lower power than Overheat, but covers for Overheat's low PP.
Earth Power- Good power, STAB
Stone Edge- Great power. There are others moves you could use here, like Sunny Day or Amnesia. Your call.

dude change earth power to earthquake camerupt has higher attack than special
Actually camperupt has 5 more SpAttack than Attack.
This team is actually god tier.

10/10 would train again.
Bro sub out Gardevoir for Gallade as it takes forever to get dawn stone if you have one system like me
You can only get a Dawn Stone from Wally after you beat him at the Victory Road, which let's you evolve your Kirlia into a Gallade.
2 votes

I'm going to post a team for Swampert here, as I beat the whole story mode in two days and never died once. (I know right lol)

Swampert @ Swamperite
Ability: Torrent
- Hammer Arm
- Ice Beam
- Earthquake
- Waterfall

Swampert is my personal favorite of the three starters. Who needs an Uber starter and the only Grass/Dragon type? But anyways, Swampert is a great pick because he fills the spot for the Water HM user and he has a great movepool. He has high defenses and Attack so make sure you have physical hits if you swap any moves out.

Aggron@ Leftovers
Ability: Rock Head
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Stone Edge
- Double-Edge

Every team needs that tank that makes everyone mad when it endures everything you throw at it. Aggron has high Defense that can help it serve as an effective tank.

Gardevoir @ Life Orb / Gardevoirite / Leftovers
Ability: Trace
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt

Gardevoir is a great special attacker with an amazing movepool. Every team needs a Psychic type and Gardevoir is a great pick. You could also go with Alakazam but I just love Gardevoir.

Raichu @ Air Balloon
Ability: Static
- Volt Tackle / Discharge
- Iron Tail
- Brick Break
- Fake Out / Focus Blast

Jolteon @ Air Balloon
Ability: Volt Absorb
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Signal Beam
- Discharge

You're going to need an Electric type. It has great coverage and usually very fast. Jolteon and Raichu are both amazing, but it can be a little hard to find a Thunder Stone, so another option is Manectric.

Heracross@ Expert Belt
Ability: Guts
- Megahorn
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- Swords Dance

Heragross is a very good physical sweeper with an interesting typing that cancels out some weaknesses.

Latios/Latias @ Latiosite / Latiasite / Soul Dew
Ability: Levitate
- Psychic
- Recover
- Shadow Ball
- Surf / Dive as it is needed for the story mode

Every team needs a Dragon type and Lati@s are great. Steven gives you one early on and it's a great partner. They have a really good movepool and who wouldn't want to fly around the huge Hoenn region on a dragon?!

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Here are some changes for these teams.
1. Replace Hammer Arm with Rain Dance because Swampert will need all the speed it can get & if you want an almost all physical you  could replace Ice Beam with either Ice Punch or Rock Slide.
1. This is a in-game team, it doesn't need to set up. 2. Ice Punch is a move tutor move, and the move tutors are only at the end of the game.
Will HA Gardevoir work?
Yay, swampert! Also raichu is one of my favorite pokemon. Good team.
Great team! I have one question though. Which is better? Raichu or a Pikachu with light ball?
2 votes

Swampert @ Swampertite
Ability: Torrent --> Swift Swim
- Earthquake
- Ice Beam
- Waterfall / Surf / Dive
- Rain Dance / Rock Slide / Hammer Arm

Swampert is a great starter becuase its only weakness is Grass. For its moves, Earthquake is its main STAB. Waterfall, Surf, and Dive can be alternated depending on what part of the game you're going through. Swampert can't get Ice Punch for Grass coverage, but it can get Ice Beam. For the last move, you can use Rain Dance to work with Swift Swim, or you can use Rock Slide or Hammer Arm for coverage.
With these moves, Swampert can beat Roxanne, Wattson, Flannery, Tate and Liza, and most of Team Magma's grunts and admins.

Ability: Thick Fat
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- Bulk Up
- Earthquake / Knock Off / Heavy Slam / Poison Jab

Hariyama is a very strong Pokemon with high HP and Attack stats, and has a large variety of moves to choose from. For this Hariyama, Thick Fat is preferred so it can tank more Ice and Fire moves. For its moves, Close Combat is its strongest Fighting type move, but if you don't want the stat drops you can choose Brick Break instead. Stone Edge comes in handy for dealing with Flying types and countering Fire and Ice types, so it synergizes with Thick Fat. Bulk Up is to further boost Hariyama's high Attack and maybe counter the Defence drop from Close Combat. The last move is a variety of coverage moves. Earthquake is there because it's strong, Knock Off is to counter Psychic types, and Heavy Slam and Poison Jab are to take out Fairy types. Hariyama will be able to take on Roxanne, Wattson (with Bulldoze), Norman, Sidney, and Flannery and Glacia with Thick Fat. You can also take on Winona with Stone Edge, but it is not recommended.

Manectric @ Manectite
Ability: Static / Lightning Rod --> Intimidate
- Thunderbolt
- Flamethrower
- Volt Switch / Thunder Wave
- Strength

Manectric is a great Pokemon with high Speed and Special Attack, which is further boosted with its Mega Evolution. Manectric's moveset is very simple, consisting of only one STAB and coverage. Thunderbolt is Manectric's main STAB, and Flamethrower is its main coverage. Volt Switch and Thunder Wave are there if you ever need it, and HM Strength is there because Manectric is the perfect Pokemon to hold it.
Manectric is only able to deal with Winona and Wallace with Thunderbolt, and Glacia with Flamethrower.
There is also a lot of water in Hoenn, so you'll probably battle a lot of trainers with Water Pokemon in the game as well.

Absol @ Absolite
Ability: Pressure / Super Luck --> Magic Bounce
- Night Slash
- Psycho Cut
- Flamethrower
- Swords Dance / X-Scissor

Absol has a super high Attack stat and good Speed. With access to Swords Dance, it could be a potential sweeper. For its moves, Night Slash is STAB, and Psycho Cut is coverage on Fighting types. If Absol has Super Luck, your Night Slashes and Psycho Cuts will most likely crit. X-Scissor and Flamethrower are also coverage, and Swords Dance is to set up. This Pokemon is used for Tate & Liza and Phoebe, but if it sets up a few Swords Dances, you can sweep most teams.

Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite
Ability: Synchronize / Trace --> Pixilate
- Moonblast
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast / Thunderbolt

Gardevoir is a great Pokemon in Gen 6 becuase of its new Fairy typing. It has a high Special Attack stat, and good Special Defense and Speed. Moonblast and Psychic are its main STAB, and Shadow Ball is Ghost coverage. Focus Blast is Steel coverage and Thunderbolt is extra coverage for other types. Make sure to use the Move Relearner on Gardevoir to get Moonbast. Gardevoir will be able to take on Brawley, Sidney, and Drake with it's moves. Gardevoir can also take on most of Team Aqua/Magma as the teams use a lot of Poison and Dark type Pokemon.

Crobat @ nothing if you want Acrobatics
Ability: Inner Focus
- Fly
- Cross Poison
- X-Scissor
- Steel Wing / Acrobatics

Crobat is probably the best flier in the game due to its high Speed and large variety of moves.
Fly is Crobat's main STAB, but if you don't want to wait 2 turns you can use Acrobatics. Cross Poison is also STAB, and Steel Wing and X-Scissor are coverage against Rock, Ice and Psychic types.
Crobat doesn't really get to participate in a lot of important battles, and the only battle its good in is the battle against Brawly, which Gardevoir (Ralts) does better in. That said, you can take advantage of Crobat's high Speed and good Attack to end most Pokemon quickly with STAB Acrobatics and Cross Poison.

Thanks! I use the exact same team as yours except Absol.
1 vote

I'm making my Swampert team that I used to beat the game.

Swampert @ Swampertite
Ability: Torrent > Swift Swim
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Power-Up Punch
- Rock Slide / Stone Edge / Facade / Dive

Nothing is greater than a Swampert. Nothing. Except for its Mega Evolution which really just makes it kinda OP. Because his Attack was already pretty good compared to his Special Attack, there's no doubt about whether or not it would be a physical set. Waterfall is a good STAB move and with his huge Attack it just gets better. Earthquake is Earthquake, no explanation needed. Power-Up Punch is just there to make his Attack even more OP, and the rest are coverage or fillers.

Exploud @ Leftovers
Ability: Soundproof
- Boomburst
- Surf
- Flamethrower
- Extrasensory / Shadow Ball

Exploud is a decent Pokémon with stats that tend to lean towards the Special Attack. So we have our first special attacker! Boomburst is a fantastic move with a base power of 140, and 210 with STAB. Surf is a good move and is your means of water transportation. Flamethrower is a good move that provides coverage and takes out the pesky Grass types. The last slot is a coverage holder. You can have Extrasensory to annihilate your Fighting type weakness (which you get through sneaking), or Shadow Ball which you can use to take out Phoebe the second of the Elite 4.

Magnezone @ Magnet
Ability: Sturdy
- Thunderbolt / Thunder
- Flash Cannon
- Tri Attack
- Mirror Coat / Rain Dance

Magnezone is a beast. His defenses aren't that bad so he can hold in there longer than most and he has a really good Special Attack. Tri Attack is a decent move and is really just a filler and Flash Cannon is your Steel type STAB. Thunderbolt is a great move and fits better with the Mirror Coat set. Thunder becomes totally OP when you add Rain Dance to it and if you send out a Mega Swampert (Swolepert) his Speed will double making him just that much more over-powered.
P.S. If you choose not to evolve your Magneton and just give him the Eviolite from Route 123, he has less HP and less in both Attacks than Magnezone, but every other stat gets better.

Altaria @ Altarianite
Ability: Natural Cure > Pixilate
- Dragon Pulse
- Moonblast
- Echoed Voice
- Fire Blast / Flamethrower

Altaria is my favorite Dragon type you can obtain in Hoenn (Besides Flygon). This Pokémon is a beast in battle and in the Contests. Dragon Pulse is your main Dragon type move and is coverage against other Dragons. Moonblast is a great move as is, and just gets better when you Mega Evolve. Echoed Voice was my Swablu's best buddy till it evolved and I just couldn't part with it, not to mention how much better it gets with Pixilate. Fire Blast and Flamethrower are great moves, but I prefer Fire Blast because of Contests.

I know, I know, no Pokémon has Fly, Dive, Strength or Rock Smash and that's because I just waited to get the Eon Flute before doing any Flying and the rest was just me switching out random HM Slaves and other Pokémon to do what was necessary.

I hope this helped,


I have been experimenting with other Pokémon in my Alpha Sapphire, and Gallade has been phenomenal. I kinda cheated a little and brought a Dawn Stone over from my Pokémon Y version so I could have a powerhouse early on and he just rocks it. Here's his set-up:

Gallade @ Galladite
Ability: Steadfast > Inner Focus
- Psycho Cut
- Power-Up Punch
- Stone Edge / Rock Slide
- Brick Break / Reflect

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1 vote

Note: Many Pokemon in this team can Mega Evolve, it's up to you who gets to do so.

  • Energy Ball
  • Dragon Claw
  • Earthquake
  • Rock Slide

I just love Mega Sceptile, he was my favorite starter from Hoenn and still is. So Energy Ball is STAB, Dragon Claw is STAB as a mega and Earthquake and Rock Slide cover all other weaknesses.


  • Aqua Tail
  • Ice Fang
  • Crunch
  • Earthquake

Another awesome Pokemon that can be Mega Evolved, but remember that only one Pokemon can Mega Evolve per fight. Aqua Tail is STAB and the rest is coverage (Crunch is STAB if Mega).


  • Thunderbolt
  • Flamethrower
  • Volt Switch
  • Quick Attack / Thunder Wave

Thunderbolt is STAB, Flamethower is coverage, Volt Switch is a free switch and STAB, Quick Attack is priority or Thunder Wave for paralysis.


  • Fly
  • Steel Wing
  • Night Slash
  • Spikes / Toxic

An awesome tank that can take physical hits very well. Fly and Steel Wing are STAB, Night Slash is coverage and Spikes or Toxic are great status moves.


  • Flamethrower
  • Earth Power
  • Solar Beam
  • Sunny Day / Yawn

A great Pokemon that can set up Sunny Day to boost STAB Flamethrower and make Solar Beam hit in one turn. Earth Power is coverage and Yawn is also an option.


  • Psychic
  • Moonblast
  • Shadow Ball / Energy Ball
  • Thunderbolt / Calm Mind

A great Pokemon that adds to this teams diversity, Psychic and Moonblast are STAB. Shadow Ball and Thunderbolt or Energy Ball are coverage, or you can use Calm Mind to set up.

Hope you liked it :D

First off I love all of your Good In-Game team suggestions. Second of all I have some changes you can make.
1. Replace Energy Ball with either Leaf Blade or Giga Drain as Leaf Blade has the same power and has a High Crit Ratio and Giga Drain can heal 50% of your HP.
2. Replace Aqua Tail with Waterfall as it is more accurate and it can flinch.
and that's it.
Well since Sceptile is more specially offensive leaf blade isnt an option, of course you could have Giga drain instead but energy ball has more power which is better with an offensive pokemon like sceptile. Waterfall is also a great move but in my opinion Aqua Tail is better, thanks for the suggestions though :)
Any good alternatives to moonblast? Don't know how to get it easily?
This is a good team but could I use swampert instead Of skeptile and replace gyrados with breloom.
1 vote

I have finished the game twice and now I'm doing it again. I was just looking through for some ideas for my team and I think a Sceptile team is pretty good like this:

Sceptile @ Sceptilite
Ability: Overgrow
- Grass Pledge / Giga Drain
- Dragon Claw / Dual Chop
- Rock Slide
- Focus Blast / False Swipe

Grass Pledge / Giga Drain: The former can be learnt from a Move Tutor in Mauville City if Sceptile has high Happiness. Base 80 power and 100 accuracy make great use of its high Special Attack. Giga Drain is learnt by the prior evolution, I think.
Dragon Claw / Dual Chop: Since Dragon Pulse isn't easily available, Dual Chop or Dragon Claw will do.
Rock Slide: It's a great coverage move for two of Mega Sceptile's weaknesses.
Focus Blast / False Swipe: False Swipe to help catch stuff, but Focus Blast is a great power move. With Mega Sceptile's high Special Attack, it's a great filler move, plus it seems to come in handy a lot (other than its bad accuracy).

Hariyama @ Expert Belt
Ability: Thick Fat
- Close Combat
- Brick Break / Strength
- Knock Off
- Fake Out / Rock Slide / Power-Up Punch

Close Combat: Powerful STAB move
Brick Break / Strength: Brick Break is a good STAB move that has more PP than Close Combat, and it doesn't get the Defense drops that Close Combat has. Strength because you need a Strength user and it's a decent move.
Knock Off: Covers Hariyama's Psychic weakness and removes items.
Fake Out / Rock Slide / Power-Up Punch: Fake Out for some damage, Rock Slide helps against Flying types and Power-Up Punch is STAB that raises Attack. Only use it if you didn't choose Brick Break.

Manectric @ Magnet / Life Orb
Ability: Lightning Rod / Static
- Thunderbolt / Discharge
- Flamethrower
- Thunder Wave / Hidden Power [Ice]
- Volt Switch

Thunderbolt / Discharge: Thunderbolt is the better move but Discharge is amazing if used in a Double Battle with Mega Sceptile, giving the latter a Special Attack boost and damaging the other enemies.
Flamethrower: A great coverage move.
Thunder Wave / Hidden Power [Ice]: Always try for Hidden Power [Ice] for coverage, but otherwise Thunder Wave to catch stuff and paralyse an enemy.
Volt Switch: is great STAB and lets you pivot.

Walrein and Milotic are both good Water type Pokemon. If you want to surf faster, use Sharpedo instead.

Walrein @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Yawn / Earthquake
- Waterfall

Ice Beam: Powerful STAB.
Surf: STAB and an HM.
Yawn / Earthquake: Yawn if you can be bothered breeding it. If not, Earthquake for Electric types (although its attack isn't that great).
Waterfall: It's an HM.

Milotic @ Mystic Water
Ability: Marvel Scale / Oblivious
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Waterfall
- Dragon Pulse / Dive

Surf: STAB and an HM.
Ice Beam: Good against Grass types.
Waterfall: STAB and an HM.
Dragon Pulse / Dive: Dragon Pulse for coverage or Dive for another HM.

Banette @ Banettite
Ability: Frisk
- Shadow Sneak
- Shadow Claw
- Knock Off
- Dazzling Gleam / Will-O-Wisp

Shadow Sneak: Priority STAB.
Shadow Claw: Sometimes Shadow Sneak isn't enough.
Knock Off: Good coverage move, removes items.
Dazzling Gleam / Will-O-Wisp: Dark types will walk all over Banette without Dazzling Gleam, but Will-O-Wisp is good for burns.

Linoone @ anything
Ability: Pickup
- Cut
- Strength
- Surf
- Rock Smash

Cut: HM
Strength: HM if not on Hariyama.
Surf: Until a Water type is obtained.
Rock Smash: HM

Linoone can be subbed out for Zangoose or Seviper, which are both really good in-game.

Zangoose @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Immunity
- Return / Facade
- Close Combat
- Swords Dance
- Rock Slide / Aerial Ace / Shadow Claw

Return / Facade: STAB move.
Close Combat: Great coverage move.
Swords Dance: Good for setting up.
Rock Slide / Aerial Ace / Shadow Claw: Rock Slide to help with the Flying weakness early on in the game. Aerial Ace for Fighting types. Shadow Claw to help against Ghost types is another option.

Seviper @ anything
Ability: Shed Skin
- Coil
- Poison Jab
- Night Slash
- Earthquake

Coil: Boost Attack to sweep.
Poison Jab: Main STAB move.
Night Slash: Helps against Psychic types.
Earthquake: Good coverage move.

Hariyama destroys the Elite 4, being good against Sidney, Phoebe and Steven. Banette helps against Phoebe and Sceptile, Walrein or Milotic can all handle Drake.

Hope you like my team :)

Any good water type alternatives for Walrein or Milotic? before Flannery
1 vote

This is for a standard team, so just pick Mudkip.
(Each Pokémon (except for Froslass) will have an HM, including Dig. Just have a Pokémon in your PC knowing Dive.)


Item: Swampertite
- Waterfall / Surf
- Brick Break / Hammer Arm
- Earthquake
- Sludge Wave

This guy has very good Attack and has a good movepool. Plus, he has a Mega Evolution and an Electric type immunity. Just don't use against a Grass type.


Item: Black Glasses
- Fire Fang
- Crunch
- Strength
- Iron Tail

Every move on this guy is very helpful, just make sure to get that Poochyena sticking out of the tall grass at the beginning of the game.


Item: Cameruptite or Charcoal
- Flamethrower
- Rock Smash
- Solar Beam
- Iron Head

For all the people who just love Magcargo or Torkoal, I choose Camerupt due to type advantages.


Item: Silk Scarf
- Rain Dance
- Water Pulse / Thunder
- Dig
- Zen Headbutt / Play Rough

This little guy is really good, and try to send out before Swampert so it can use Mega Swampert's Ability (Swift Swim). Just make sure your Delcatty has Cute Charm or Wonder Skin for its Ability.


Item: Miracle Seed
- Dragon Pulse
- Leaf Storm (Move Reminder)
- Air Slash / Fly
- Steel Wing



Item: anything
- Wake-Up Slap
- Ice Beam
- Water Pulse
- Shadow Ball

Creepy Pokedex entries aside, this Pokémon has great Speed.

reshown by
not enough coverage, id replace delcatty with a linnone hm slave and mightyana with garnavor with movesets of
surf hm
rock smash hm
strengh hm
cut hm

physic stab
moon blast stab (heart scale move relearner)
thunderbolt coverage
shadow ball coverage
1 vote

Here's the team I played through Omega Ruby with! I'm about to challenge the E4 while writing this:

Cuddles (Swampert) @ Swampertite
Ability: Torrent --> Swift Swim
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Surf
- Dive

I had to make him into a HM slave since I didn't have any other team members that could learn the Water HM's and I didn't wanna get rid of a team member to have an HM slave. At least all the moves are STAB :/

Aki (Breloom) @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Poison Heal
- Drain Punch
- Seed Bomb
- Mach Punch
- Strength

After spending a while hunting, I found a Shroomish on DexNav and it had Drain Punch so that was cool :0 I gave her the Silk Scarf because I didn't have any other items.

Kiwi (Dodrio) @ King's Rock
Ability: Early Bird
- Pursuit
- Drill Peck
- Double Hit
- Fly

Kiwi is my flyer. He's probably one of my best team members due to his high Speed and Attack. He destroys everything.

Dollface (Banette) @ Banettite
Ability: Frisk --> Prankster
- Calm Mind
- Shadow Ball
- Psychic
- Will-O-Wisp

I've always loved Banette so I decided to use one on this team!

Lucy (Ninetales) @ Pecha Berry
Ability: Flash Fire
- Calm Mind
- Flamethrower
- Extrasensory
- Hex

I didn't have any items left so I just gave her a Pecha Berry. It was a pain to train her up as a Vulpix but it was totally worth it.

Vivi (Aggron) @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Rock Head
- Hone Claws
- Stone Edge
- Iron Tail
- Earthquake

This is the newest addition to the team. I just got her in Victory Road and after a little bit of training, she evolved. I gave her Hone Claws so she could land Iron Tail/Stone Edge more often.

I'm too lazy to put all the locations for the Pokémon, items and TM moves, so you can just go and look it up on the DB or something...idk.

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Finally, someone who included Breloom! Toph (my Breloom) has been carrying my whole team for most of this game, I don't understand why nobody else has her.

- someone who probably doesn't understand how Pokemon games work, but who's enjoying them very much.
1 vote

Team Preview:

(Pre-E4 - no items, moves or Pokémon only available in the Post-Game)
(This team is also based on a no-Exp. Share Playthrough)

Sceptile @ Sceptilite (I SR'd for a Shiny - it was worth it lol)
Ability: Overgrow -> Lightning Rod

  • Giga Drain (Level 21 as Treecko)
  • Leaf Blade (Level 23)
  • Dragon Claw (TM02 - Meteor Falls)
  • Earthquake (TM26 - Seafloor Cavern) / Rock Slide (TM80 - Route 134)

While Treecko might not be the best starter available, it certainly can still hold his own against Hoenn, especially because there is loads of water (insert IGN joke here). Treecko overall has pretty good stats, including great Special Attack and Speed and solid Attack, which are great combined with Sceptile's large movepool. They also have a Mega Evolution that makes that Dragon-type, which is pretty handy. Giga Drain is STAB and allows them to recover HP, Leaf Blade is a great STAB move with a high critical hit chance, Dragon Claw is STAB if you decide to Mega Evolve, and Earthquake allows him to cover his Fire and Poison weaknesses. Rock Slide is another option and covers most of his weaknesses, but Earthquake is just overall better due to its higher power and accuracy.

Medicham @ Medichamite
Ability: Pure Power

  • Zen Headbutt (Move Reminder)
  • High Jump Kick (Level 28)
  • Ice Punch (Move Reminder)
  • Bulk Up (TM08 - Gift from Brawly) / Poison Jab (TM84 - Mirage Mountain)

I didn't really think of Medicham as something that was very worthwhile, but I tried it out as I wanted to use Azumarill. I couldn't have Gardevoir as they are both Psychic-type, and the road to Gallade is pretty tough on Kirlia, so I decided on Meditite, and I was pretty happy with my decision. Zen Headbutt is a decent STAB move with a decent flinch chance, High Jump Kick is a very powerful STAB move (but you will want to be careful using it), Ice Punch covers her Flying weakness, Bulk Up allows it to set up a possible sweep, and Poison Jab covers her Fairy weakness. I decided to use Bulk Up as Poison Jab is pretty hard to get, and I simply didn't have the patience. But if you do, I would certainly recommend it. I would also recommend Mega Evolving Medicham more often than Sceptile, because Medicham is normally in bigger need of a buff to its stats.

Azumarill @ Quick Claw
Ability: Huge Power

  • Waterfall (HM05 - Gift from Wallace)
  • Play Rough (Level 25)
  • Bulldoze (TM78 - Mauville City Pokémart)
  • Surf (HM03 - Petalburg City after beating Norman) / Superpower (Level 46)

Ah, the evolution to the infamous Pikablu. I remember looking for one desperately for a Marill in HGSS when I was a kid, because I thought it was really cool, and when I finally got one, I hated it because I didn't understand how abilities work. But now I do, and this Pokémon takes great advantage of its great ability: Huge Power. Waterfall is your Water STAB and gets you to Ever Grande City, Play Rough is your Fairy STAB move, and Bulldoze covers its weaknesses to Electric and Poison. Surf is because I was too lazy keep switching Pokémon so I had a different Surf-er, whereas, if you are patient enough, Superpower just gives him a little more coverage.

Magnezone @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Sturdy

  • Thunderbolt (TM24 - From Wattson after completing the New Mauville sidequest)
  • Flash Cannon (Level 33)
  • Thunder Wave (Level 13)
  • Charge Beam (TM57 - Mauville City Pokémart)

Magnezone is easily one of the best, if not the best, Electric-types in the game, only contested by Manectric. The Magnemite line has great stats, including a monstrous Special Attack stat and a great Defence stat. Steel-typing gives it good resistances and pretty good STAB moves throughout the game. Thunderbolt is your Electric STAB move, Flash Cannon is your Steel STAB move, Thunder Wave cripples opponents and can help with Magnezone's bad Speed, and Charge Beam can buff up their Special Attack so they can tear through teams.

Weezing @ Metronome
Ability: Levitate

  • Sludge Bomb (Level 34)
  • Flamethrower (TM35 - Victory Road)
  • Dark Pulse (TM97 - Team Magma/Aqua Hideout) / Shadow Ball (TM30 - Mt. Pyre)
  • Will-O-Wisp (TM61 - Mt. Pyre) / Infestation (TM83 - Sootopolis City) / Toxic (TM06 - Fiery Path)

Since I decided to play through the game with the Exp. Share turned off, I decided having bulky Pokémon would be a good idea. While Weezing might not be as good as Aggron or Skarmory, I already had a Steel-type, so I decided Weezing would be a good addition to the team. Weezing has pretty good moves, pretty good stats, and a good defensive typing, which paired with Levitate, makes it a great physical wall. Sludge Bomb is STAB, Flamethrower is just for some coverage, Dark Pulse/Shadow Ball covers his only weakness in Psychic, and Will-O-Wisp/Infestation/Toxic is for chip damage, adding to his walling role.

Kecleon @ Expert Belt
Ability: Colour Change / Protean (H)

  • Slash (Level 25)
  • Shadow Sneak (Level 7 - May require Move Reminder)
  • Brick Break (TM31 - Sootopolis City)
  • Aerial Ace (TM40 - Mauville City Pokémart)

When I first got into Pokémon a while ago, Kecleon was my favourite Pokémon, because chameleons were and still are my animals, so no doubt I loved Kecleon. Anyway, Kecleon may seem like an odd choice, but it is surprisingly solid. He has amazing Special Defence and good Attack, and a pretty great movepool. The moveset listed above was just the one I went with, but you have plenty of options for experimentation. Slash is STAB and has a high critical rate, Shadow Sneak gives him priority (and turns him into a Ghost-type with Protean, covering his Fighting weakness), and Brick Break and Aerial Ace are just for further coverage (or type-transformation with Protean). If you want Protean, catch the required Kecleon so you can DexNav for a Protean Kecleon. However if you don't have the time to get Protean, just catch the first one, and SR for a good Nature. I would recommend Protean as it gives him STAB on every attack, but Colour Change is still useful in a lot of cases. Getting Protean was one of the things I was actually patient enough for.

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I like how you added altaria to the team, altaria is one of my favorites.
The first team on this list that wasn't just Hoenn all over I like this team.
Good job on the shiny, man!
Replace bulldoze with belly drum and get aqua jet on it somehow. Then give it the power bracer and you have the most OP azumarill in existence
Weezing is underrated, Im glad you added it onto the team.
1 vote

I'll make one for Blaziken because... who doesn't love the fire chicken?

The team

Blazer (Blaziken) @ Blazikenite
Ability: Blaze > Speed Boost
- Blaze Kick / Flare Blitz
- Sky Uppercut / High Jump Kick
- Shadow Claw / Brave Bird
- Earthquake

Blaziken is my personal favorite of the Hoenn starters, and his Mega is amazing, so why not? The first options are for a safer playstyle, while the second set hits harder, but might kill you in the process. Blaze Kick was Blaziken's signature move and it's an all-around great Fire STAB. Sky Uppercut is a pretty good Fighting STAB if you don't want the 10% chance to lose half your HP. Shadow Claw is for Psychic types, and Earthquake is Earthquake. Why not?

Lenny (Linoone) @ Nothing
Ability: Pickup
- Strength
- Surf > Cut
- Rock Smash
- Shadow Claw

Linoone is synonymous with Hoenn, why wouldn't you use him? Pickup gives you free stuff, he learns a good chunk of the HMs, and he evolves early! Strength and Cut are half-STAB, half-HM (more on Surf later), Rock Smash is an HM and is also great for Heart Scale farming, and Shadow Claw does good damage to the Ghosts that Linoone doesn't like.

Greta (Gardevoir) @ Gardevoirite
Ability: Trace / Synchronize > Pixilate
- Psychic
- Dazzling Gleam / Moonblast
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt

Moving on to Route 102, we catch a Ralts, who eventually becomes... Gardevoir! Before you ask why I have two Megas on this team, I Mega Evolve a different one depending on the situation. The Diantha look-alike set would be ideal considering Hyper Voice is useless if I Mega Evolve Blaziken, but if you want to invest fully in Gardevoir, go ahead. The dual STAB moves mow down anything that's weak to them, Shadow Ball covers Ghosts, and Thunderbolt is great overall.

Skyler (Flygon) @ anything
Ability: Levitate
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Fly
- Rock Slide / Stone Edge

After clearing four Gyms in a row with no new members, we head to 111 and catch a Trapinch! Flygon is one of my favorite mons of all time, plus we need a flyer, so I picked it. Earthquake, Fly, and Dragon Claw are self-explanatory, and from there, pick an item and your choice of Ice coverage, and you're set!

Spike (Cacturne) @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Sand Veil
- Needle Arm
- Feint Attack
- Poison Jab
- Return / Brick Break

Also on Route 111, we encounter one of the most underrated Gen 3 mons IMO. Cacturne is a great mon, and its Needle Arms do a surprising amount of damage. Feint Attack and Needle Arm are STAB, Poison Jab is for Fairies, and the last move slot is more filler than anything. Once you get to the Battle Resort, there are a lot of good moves he can learn, including two great STAB moves!

Wally (Walrein) @ Never-Melt Ice
Ability: Thick Fat
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Crunch
- Earthquake

And finally, in the depths on the Shoal Cave (and by the depths I mean the first room), we meet our final permanent team member, the thicc walrus. With this set, you can cover all of his weaknesses other than Fighting, but then again, Gardevoir handles them easily. Surf is Walrein's go-to STAB and takes the responsibility off of Linoone, Ice Beam is STAB and kills Grass-types, Crunch is filler, and Earthquake covers Electric and Rock types.

As for Waterfall and Dive, I'd suggest grabbing the Good Rod, fishing up a Carvanha, and shoving it into your box until you need it.

TM locations:

Shadow Claw: Dewford Cave, requires Mach Bike
Earthquake: Seafloor Cave, right before the final evil team leader battle, you can't miss it
Shadow Ball: Mt Pyre, the giant casket room with the Medichamite
Thunderbolt: Given by Wattson after calming the box legendary and investigating New Mauville
Dragon Claw: Meteor Falls, in the WAY WAY back (requires Surf and Waterfall)
Rock Slide: On a small island on Route 134
Stone Edge: Lilycove Department Store
Dazzling Gleam: Route 123 near the Berry Master's house, given by a Fairy Girl
Poison Jab: Mirage Mountain, requires Acro Bike
Brick Break: Sootopolis City
Return: Pacifidlog Town
Ice Beam: Sea Mauville, in the storage room after completing all of the key puzzles

Thanks for reading! I hope this team works for you!

1 vote

This team performed very well in a Nuzlocke I just completed, and it makes a very strong team for a casual playthrough as well. Very little grinding is needed, there are no version exclusives, Mega Evolutions or legendaries, and the coverage is superb. There are some strategies used in a Nuzlocke that aren’t necessarily helpful in a casual run, like equipping specific berries. In these cases, the more generally helpful item will be noted instead.

Swampert @ Soft Sand
Ability: Torrent
- Water Gun (starting move) > Surf (HM obtained after defeating Norman)
- Mud-Slap (Level 9) > Dig (TM28 - Route 114) > Earthquake (TM26 - Seafloor Cavern)
- Tackle (starting move) > Rock Slide (Level 28)
- Growl (starting move) > Mud Shot (Level 16) > Brick Break (TM31 - Sootopolis City)

Swampert does well in Hoenn because there are very few required battles against Grass Pokémon. Surf is preferred over Waterfall because of its higher base power, and Waterfall works better on Gyarados anyways. It’s better to replace Growl with Mud Shot instead of Mud-Slap in case you need the accuracy drops the latter provides, but Marshtomp should start reliably KOing things by the time it gets Dig to no longer need Mud-Slap. Earthquake is the best STAB move available to it, but Dig and Mud Shot both work well before then. Brick Break’s primary use is to break the screens that Glacia’s Glalie #1 and Steven’s Claydol set up, should it be necessary. Rock Slide is a powerful coverage option that works as a good backup against Winona, should Manectric fall.

Gardevoir @ Miracle Seed / Rocky Helmet
Ability: Trace
- Confusion (Level 4) > Psychic (Level 30)
- Growl (starting move) > Disarming Voice (Level 11) > Draining Kiss (Level 23) > Dazzling Gleam (TM99 - Route 123)
- Double Team (Level 6) > Calm Mind (Level 24)
- Teleport (Level 9) > Magical Leaf (Level 17) > Shadow Ball (TM30 - Mt. Pyre)

With DexNav, walking outside the strip of grass on Route 102 closest to Petalburg City will eventually force a Ralts encounter. This is much more reliable than gambling on random encounters, and it’s often a large timesaver. Switch training Ralts may be necessary for a while, as it’s too weak to deal with Poochyena and Zigzagoon (even with Confusion). Once you get the EXP Share, however, levelling it up becomes trivial. Confusion works well until you get Psychic, which is able to OHKO or 2HKO most neutral targets. Dazzling Gleam is the strongest Fairy STAB move Gardevoir gets before the postgame, and its extra BP is typically more helpful than Draining Kiss’ HP recovery. Calm Mind was chiefly used to sweep Wallace for free, but because it’s also a TM, it can be swapped for things like Flash as the need arises. Magical Leaf was primarily used against Wallace’s Whiscash and Milotic, but it was also very helpful for dealing with Team Aqua’s Carvanha and Sharpedo, so Gardevoir wouldn’t take extra damage from Rough Skin. It was replaced with Shadow Ball once Wallace was defeated. The Ability doesn’t matter much, but it was fun to block Drake’s Flygons from using Ground moves after Levitate was Traced.

Hariyama @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Guts
- Fake Out (Level 10)
- Arm Thrust (starting move) > Force Palm (Level 13) > Wake-Up Slap (Level 38)
- Sand-Attack (starting move) > Knock Off (Level 19)
- Tackle (starting move) > Bulk Up (TM08 - Obtained after defeating Brawly) > Close Combat (Level 46)

Hariyama was a lot better than expected in this playthrough. Silk Scarf-boosted Fake Out does quite a lot of damage to neutral opponents, and free damage is excellent. Arm Thrust is fairly subpar, but Force Palm is quite a solid move that will last until the midgame. Wake-Up Slap’s extra 10 BP is better than Force Palm’s chance to paralyse, so it’s a good STAB upgrade. Knock Off is helpful so Hariyama doesn’t get completely walled by Ghosts types, but it should still be kept away from Psychic types. Bulk Up wasn’t particularly useful at any point during the game, so the extra power Close Combat provided is generally the better idea. It was more helpful in the Elite 4 than Wake-Up Slap was, as a PP Max gave it enough PP to reliably take out a few opponents. Pre-poisoning Hariyama with Guts makes it nigh unstoppable, especially if you’re playing on switch mode.

Gyarados @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Intimidate
- Tackle (starting move) > Strength (HM04 - Route 112) > Dragon Dance (Level 47)
- Splash (starting move) > Leer (Level 26) > Aqua Tail (Level 35) > Waterfall (HM05 - Sootopolis Gym)
- Bite (Level 20) > Crunch (Level 41)
- Dragon Rage (Level 23) > Ice Fang (Level 32)

Gyarados is an exceptionally useful Pokémon ingame. Strength will be the main move used until Aqua Tail is learned. Crunch is very helpful against Ghost types, as the team doesn’t have any Pokémon with STAB Dark or Ghost moves. Ice Fang is a good defense against Winona and Drake. To get Dragon Dance, first reach the Pokémon League. Fly to the Move Deleter in Lilycove City to remove Strength, as it’s no longer useful. Fly to the Move Relearner in Fallarbor Town, and use a Heart Scale to relearn Dragon Dance, which will be crucial in setting up sweeps against Phoebe, Drake, and Steven. Rocky Helmet is a good generic item, but it needs a few specific berries against the Elite 4.

Crobat @ Soothe Bell > nothing
Ability: Inner Focus
- Leech Life (starting move) > Wing Attack (Level 13) > Acrobatics (Level 35)
- Supersonic (starting move) > Confuse Ray (Level 17) > Fly (HM02 - Route 119)
- Bite (starting move) > X-Scissor (TM80 - Victory Road)
- Astonish (starting move) > Poison Fang (Level 27)

Crobat doesn’t excel in any major battles, but it’s very good at picking off minor Trainers all over the region. Acrobatics is by far the strongest STAB move, with 110 BP per turn (provided Crobat isn’t holding anything). Fly is more for convenience than damage, but it could work well in combination with Swampert’s Surf in a Double Battle. Both Bite and X-Scissor are fairly useless for when they’re used, but there’s not much Crobat needs other than Acrobatics. Poison Fang is STAB, but Acrobatics will typically be more useful. The Soothe Bell should be used until Golbat evolves, after which point Acrobatics is more effective with no item.

Manectric @ Magnet / nothing
Ability: Static
- Howl (starting move) > Spark (Level 13) > Discharge (Level 30)
- Leer (starting move) > Volt Switch (TM72 - Obtained after defeating Wattson)
- Thunder Wave (starting move) > Bite (Level 24) > Flamethrower (TM35 - Victory Road)
- Quick Attack (starting move)

Manectric was not brought onto the team until the 6th Gym, where it started to shine the most. It’s easily able to be incorporated earlier, however, and does well against the multitude of Water and Flying types in the game. Discharge is the best STAB move it gets (The sidequest for TM24 Thunderbolt comes too late and is a waste of time). Volt Switch is good for pivoting, but it’s less helpful if playing on switch mode. Flamethrower is helpful against Steven’s Steel types. Quick Attack is primarily used to conserve PP on more powerful moves, and to break Sturdy on specific Pokemon.

This is a list of major battles the team will have to contend with. Some other Pokemon were used for some of these battles, and those instances will be noted with alternatives.

Roxanne: Mudkip easily sweeps with Water Gun. Equip an Oran Berry or use Potions during the battle to survive Nosepass’ Rock Tombs.

Brawly: I used a Taillow with Wing Attack to sweep Brawly, with Beautifly as backup. If you don’t have either of these Pokemon, Disarming Voice Ralts and Wing Attack Zubat can easily take down the Gym.

Route 110 Rival: Slugma and Wailmer both fall to Marshtomp, but Grovyle is more of an issue. I used an Air Cutter Beautifly to cleanly KO it, but if you didn’t pick one up, Wing Attack Zubat should also make quick work of it.

Wattson: Marshtomp with Mud Shot easily solos this Gym. You can give it a Persim Berry to block Magneton’s confusion, but it should be a clean sweep.

Mt. Chimney Archie: I used a Beautifly with Silver Wind to safely take out Mightyena and Sharpedo, and Rock Slide Marshtomp for Golbat, but Manectric also works well. If you don’t have a Beautifly, Hariyama is good for Mightyena and Sharpedo.

Flannery: Marshtomp easily solos this Gym with Mud Shot as well. No backup should be needed, but Gyarados is a good fallback.

Norman: Marshtomp with Dig is very good for freely damaging the Slakings thanks to Truant. Hariyama is a good answer to Vigoroth and can work well against the Slakings too.

Route 119 Rival: Like before, Wailmer and Slugma should fall easily to Manectric and Marshtomp respectively. Grovyle is easily dealt with by Golbat/Crobat.

Winona: Manectric is a good answer to most of her team, but Gyarados may be necessary to Ice Fang her Altaria.

Lilycove City Rival: Swellow and Wailord fall to Manectric, and Magcargo goes down to Swampert. Sceptile is easily taken care of with Crobat’s Acrobatics.

Tate & Liza: Send out Swampert and Gyarados. Spam Surf on Swampert, which Gyarados resists, and use Crunch with Gyarados on either Pokemon. The battle should be over in one or two turns.

Seafloor Cavern Archie: Gardevoir handily deals with Archie’s entire team, but if you’re scared of Crobat outspeeding, switch to Manectric for Discharge.

Wallace: Set up a Calm Mind or two on Luvdisc with Gardevoir, then use Magical Leaf to cleave through it and Whiscash. Psychic is stronger on the remaining Pokemon, and the Special Defense boosts from Calm Mind will allow Gardevoir to live Milotic’s Hydro Pump and take down Wallace’s entire team.

Victory Road Wally: Gyarados’ Ice Fang takes care of Altaria. Hariyama easily removes Magneton and Delcatty, and Gardevoir can come in to clean up Roselia and Gallade.

Sidney: Give Gardevoir a Persim Berry and send it in against Mightyena to block Swagger and safely KO with Dazzling Gleam. It or Hariyama can deal with Sharpedo, and Gardevoir cleanly OHKOes the rest of Sidney’s team.

Phoebe: Give Gyarados a Persim Berry to block Dusclops’ Confuse Ray, and set up a Dragon Dance for free. This should be enough to OHKO every Pokemon with Crunch, but if it isn’t, the only threat is Dusknoir, who still can’t usually kill with Thunder Punch.

Glacia: Hariyama OHKOes both Glalie (and Walrein with Close Combat after a Fake Out), so the only annoyances are the Froslass. Gyarados can typically outspeed and OHKO both with Crunch, but Persim Berries might be a good idea anyways.

Drake: Gyarados can set up two Dragon Dances on Altaria and proceed to sweep Drake’s entire team. It can be given a Wacan Berry in case Salamence connects with a Thunder Punch, but it’s very difficult to lose this battle.

Steven: Lead Manectric into Skarmory, and Quick Attack to break Sturdy before KOing with Discharge. Break Aggron’s Sturdy with Quick Attack, and switch to Gyarados on an Earthquake to OHKO with Waterfall. Set up 3 Dragon Dances on either the Claydol or Cradily, healing as needed, and freely sweep the rest of Steven’s team.

This was probably longer than it needed to be, but this team worked very well for me, so I hope it helps someone. :)

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Good team but I would replace Gyarados with Aggron as you have 2 members weak to electric types and Aggron walls most of the E4 combined with its broken mega evolution with solid defence and great offensive power, other than that, good team :)
I think Aggron is worse than Gyarados because it's unable to sweep the Elite 4 like Gyarados can. In addition, Electric moves are very easy to see coming on most Pokemon, and Swampert hard walls most Pokemon with an Electric move. Conversely, Aggron's 4x weaknesses to Fighting and Ground are much more problematic, plus you obtain Aggron far later than Gyarados.

Thank you though, glad you like it! :)
Your not wrong but Aggron is good against the Ice E4 member and Dragon E4 combined with its OP defence stat when you mega evolve it and its Steel/Rock typing is removed when it mega so it become a pure Steel type so its quite a defensive tank but I also see why you put Gyarados on your team.
1 vote

This team features not one, but two HM slaves, to allow the rest of the team to fire on all cylinders. We all know how constricting HMs can be otherwise (especially before getting to Lilycove), so let's get started.

Swampert @Swampertite/Whatever else you'd like
Ice Beam
Rock Slide

Swampert is a great Poke in its own right, with a solid movepool, great Attack, and only one weakness. Waterfall is its strongest physical Water STAB while doubling as an HM, while Earthquake is here for obvious reasons. Ice Beam is coverage against Grass types until you get to the Battle Resort, at which point you should swap it for Ice Punch. Finally, Rock Slide is nice coverage against Flying-types that may annoy Swampert (and is basically your only hope for Winona).

Gallade/Gardevoir@Respective Mega Stone/Filler
(Left set of moves is Gallade, right set is Gardevoir)
Psycho Cut/Psychic
Brick Break/Dazzling Gleam
Night Slash/Shadow Ball
Leaf Blade/Thunderbolt

Your choice of Ralts evolution. Personally, I just catch the first Ralts I come across. If it's male, I use Gallade, and if it's female, I use Gardevoir. Anyway, both evolutions are fantastic. While everyone thinks Dawn Stones are a pain to obtain... just use Super Training! You make a Pokemon stronger and get Gallade much earlier at the same time! Both evolutions' respective STABs are accounted for, and they both have coverage against Ghosts. Finally, Leaf Blade and Thunderbolt are for smacking the myriad of Water-types in Hoenn.

Roserade @Miracle Seed/Black Sludge/Filler
Giga Drain
Sludge Bomb
Shadow Ball/Dazzling Gleam/Grass Whistle
Shadow Ball/Dazzling Gleam/Grass Whistle

the myriad of Water-types in Hoenn

Hey, gotta deal with 'em somehow! Roserade is here to deal with Water types when the Ralts evo of the team can't. Stopping the new Fairies in their tracks doesn't hurt either. Giga Drain is powerful, reliable healing, and Sludge Bomb is nice STAB with a nasty 30% poison rate. As for the last two slots, it's up to preference. Shadow Ball handles Psychic types, Dazzling Gleam smacks Dragon- and Dark-types hard, and Grass Whistle, despite its coin-flip accuracy, is still good. You can really slap whatever item you want on Roserade; it just depends on what you find around Hoenn.

Dragon Claw
Zen Headbutt

Yep. The Dragon that only becomes available after the 8th gym and is horribly underleveled when you get it. The other three main team members should be plenty up to that point, though, and with how fantastic Salamence is, it's arguably worth the effort. Dragon STAB is surprisingly rare in Hoenn and hits a lot of things for fantastic neutral damage. Flamethrower is to compensate for this team's distinct lack of a fire type, and gets rid of Ice-types Salamence usually falters against. Zen Headbutt is solid filler coverage, and Earthquake... is Earthquake! I would suggest adding a Mega Stone to it, so it can actually use good Flying STAB, but that isn't available until after the postgame, to it's in the same boat as Swampert's Ice Punch, i.e. "use it when you get it." Until then, use whatever item you think works. (Did I ever mention that Intimidate is a fantastic ability? Because it is.)

Linoone@No Item
Rock Smash

Oh, goody. Time for the HM Slaves. There isn't really much to say about them; they free up slots in the rest of the team's movesets and allow you to play the game. That's really it. Make sure to get a Pickup Linoone specifically; the prospect of free items is simply too good to pass up.

Lati@s @Mega Stone/Filler
Dragon Breath
Mist Ball/Luster Purge

The other HM Slave of the team, your game's respective Lati Twin. Which one you get doesn't really matter, as you'll hardly ever use it in battle and they learn the same HMs. The Latis both get Surf and Waterfall in addition to the moves on this set, but those are both covered by other party members already. On the rare occasion you do use it in battle, Dragon Breath paralyzes everything without the Fairy typing and your respective Lati's signature move... exists. Swap it for Psychic or something if you wish, but the signature moves have coin-flip odds to lower one of the target's Special stats (Attack for Latias, Defence for Latios). Despite having usable STABs, Lati@s is obselete on the team type-wise and is generally used as an HM Slave (mostly for Dive, but Fly is also handy before getting the Eon Flute).

Swampert: Starter (Mudkip)
Gardevoir/Gallade: Route 103 (Ralts), Super Training (Dawn Stone)
Roserade: Route 117 (Roselia), Super Training (Shiny Stone)
Salamence: Meteor Falls Interior, requires Waterfall (Bagon)
Linoone: Route 101 (Zigzagoon)
Lati@s: Southern Island (Gift)
TM Shadow Ball: Mt. Pyre
TM Thunderbolt: Mauville City (help Wattson clean up New Mauville)
TM Ice Beam: Sea Mauville
TM Dazzling Gleam: Route 123
TM Earthquake: Seafloor Cavern (on the main path, can't miss it)
Various HMs: Given throughout the main story (Gift)
Heart Scales: Repeatedly use Rock Smash on Route 111 (right outside Mauville City)

sumwun's gonna love your answer
0 votes

Sceptile @ Wide Lens / Sceptilite
Ability: Overgrow -> Lightning Rod
- Focus Blast: TM52 from Lilycove Department Store for 30k Pokedollars
- Frenzy Plant: from Mauville Move Tutor
- Dragon Pulse: from Battle Resort Move Tutor for 12BP
- Earthquake: TM26 from Seafloor Cavern beneath Route 128

The first three are to utilize Sceptile's very high Special Attack. If you want to Mega Evolve him for even more power instead of the Wide Lens accuracy boost, that works too. Earthquake is a strong filler move. I prefer Frenzy Plant to Leaf Storm because it has a higher base power, and so a higher chance to OHKO the opponent. Focus Blast and Dragon Pulse are coverage moves, with Dragon Pulse getting STAB from Mega-Sceptile.

Gyarados @ anything
Ability: Intimidate
- Waterfall: HM05, you need it to complete the game
- Crunch: Level 41
- Ice Fang: Level 32
- Stone Edge: TM71 from Lilycove Department Store for 30k Pokedollars

Waterfall and Crunch are physical STAB. You can use Aqua Tail instead of Waterfall if you'd like, but I like the flinch Waterfall can give you. Ice Fang is coverage against Grass, and Stone Edge against Flying types. You can Mega Evolve it if you'd like, but personally I think other Mega Evolutions are much better choices than Gyarados'.

Aggron @ Assault Vest
Ability: Rock Head
- Iron Tail: Level 35
- Stone Edge: see above
- Double Edge: Level 45
- Brick Break: TM31 in Sootopolis City

Iron Tail is STAB anti-Fairy, Stone Edge is also STAB. Double Edge is general coverage as a very strong move, especially given the Rock Head Ability. Brick Break is a filler, taking advantage of the Fighting type's usefulness. The Assault Vest makes Aggron more of a tank, and I don't use status moves anyway. They're pointless in-game. Mega Aggron is a less balanced tank, which is more applicable in some situations.

Gardevoir @ anything
Ability: Trace
- Shadow Ball: TM30 at Mt. Pyre
- Moonblast: Level 62 or Move Reminder in Fallarbor Town
- Thunderbolt: TM24 after New Mauville quest
- Psychic: Level 31

Psychic is STAB. Moonblast is STAB and anti-Dragon. Shadow Ball covers against Ghost and other Psychics. Thunderbolt is a strong electric move that is helped by Gardevoir's high Special Attack, especially helpful against Wallace and Steven's Skarmory. Gardevoir doesn't have any great abilities, but on a rare occasion Trace can help in some cool ways.

Heracross @ Heracronite
Ability: Guts -> Skill Link
- Earthquake: see above
- Megahorn: Level 37
- Close Combat: Level 43
- Bullet Seed: Move Reminder in Fallarbor Town

You have to Mega Evolve Heracross. You just have to. I mean, just look at that 185 base Attack. As good as any other Pokemon are, Mega Heracross is a flat out boss. Megahorn and Close Combat are really strong STAB. With Skill Link, Bullet Seed becomes one of the best Grass-type moves out there, and Earthquake is a standard. Remember: Mega Evolve Heracross at all times!!

Ninetales @ anything
Ability: Flash Fire
- Fire Blast: TM38 at Lilycove Department Store for 30k Pokedollars
- Solar Beam: TM22 at the Safari Zone
- Dark Pulse: TM97 at the Team Magma/Aqua Hideout
- Psyshock: TM03 at Pacifidlog Town

Is a TM slave a thing? Ninetales is the butt of my team, but still fills a key role. I call it a SpA Sweeper Specialist. When theres a particularly annoying Pokemon that I don't want to waste one of my key troops on, I roll out Ninetales to hand out some super-effective mojo. Of course this doesn't always work, but the moveset I run on Ninetales highlights its strengths and covers my team pretty well. The Flash Fire ability is underrated, but if you can pick up Drought do so. Really helps with Fire Blast and Solar Beam.

You might be wondering why so few HMs. I don't like putting HMs on my main party Pokemon, so when I need an HM I'll switch someone (usually Ninetales) out for an HM slave like Linoone or Sharpedo. Otherwise, this team will straight up scrape anyone who tries to beat you. (Assuming you don't throw out Mega Sceptile in front of Glacia or something)

I know that this is old, but replace Moonblast with Hyper Voice for the Pixilate boost.
replace Iron Tail for Iron Head, accuracy over power is better than power over accuracy as Iron Head is strong enough STAB for Aggron to use and its does not have that 25% chance of missing.
0 votes

Sceptile @ Sceptilite
- Giga Drain
- Dual Chop
- Leaf Storm / Leaf Blade
- Focus Blast / Brick Break

Alright, so this will be your starter obviously. You could go mixed or choose Leaf Blade in place of Giga Drain and run Brick Break in place of Leaf Storm and go physical, although his base Attack isn't great compared to his Special Attack. Overall, a great Pokemon and a big help at the last gym.

Exploud @ Leftovers / Shell Bell
- Boomburst / Hyper Voice
- Flamethrower
- Ice Beam
- anything

So this comes very early on in the game. For Boomburst, use a Heart Scale or just level up to level 58. If you can't get it, Hyper Voice is the next best bet. Ice Beam and Flamethrower are fairly late in the game, but you could wait or substitute with another move of your choice.

Linoone @ any item
- Strength
- Surf
- Cut
- Rock Smash

The HM slave. Need I say more?

Swellow @ anything
- Return
- Fly
- Steel Wing
- Roost

Found at the route after Rustboro and Petalburg Woods, Swellow can be quite useful in battle and as a flyer. Great speed, but sadly only great thing about it. Sub-par Attack at base 85 and very bad defenses. A Mega Evolution is what it needs ;~;

Sharpedo @ Sharpedonite
- Waterfall
- Crunch
- Ice Beam
- anything

Really, just here for raw power and Waterfall. Also useful against Steven's Metagross.

Flygon @ anything
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Stone Edge
- U-turn / Roost

Best part? Earthquake is through Heart Scale as well! Finally an early Earthquaker! Great Pokemon who also gets Fly and Strength.

Hope this team helps!

edited by
> Give sharpedo surf. Seriously thats the best thing running for it (btw sharpedonite is not available until post game)
> Give linoone covet over surf. You can steal lucky eggs with it then
o3o 2 laZ 2 edit
Don't give Linoone an item as pickup gives random stuff like Revives and Repels, for Flygon don't give Yache berry as many people are just too lazy to find where they planted berries (or even plant them in the first place).and it's one time use, some random wild Pokémon's  Ice-type move would waste the berry. Also try for moves with decent base power and more PP as not everyone carries lots of Leppa Berries and will save trips to the Pokémon centre
this team is merely a suggestion so people can use whatever they feel like so it doesn't matter what I post as long as it is related and appropriate (am I right?)
Exploud can't learn Thunderbolt and you can only get Shockwave from Transfer or from the move Tutor.
0 votes

I'll write one for Treecko.

Sceptile @ Sceptilite
- Giga Drain
- Dragon Pulse
- Focus Blast
- Rock Slide / Hidden Power [Water]

Very fast, with high Special Attack but low defenses.

- Surf
- Sludge Bomb
- Ice Beam
- Dive

Good Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed, but low HP and Defense.

- Flamethrower
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Strength / Yawn

A very good wall, with good attacking stats but low Speed.

- Fly
- Steel Wing
- Toxic
- Spikes

Like Camerupt, but it has good Speed.

- Zap Cannon
- Flash Cannon
- Magic Coat
- Signal Beam

Good Defense and high Special Attack, but its other stats are low.


- False Swipe / Swords Dance
- Zen Headbutt
- Drain Punch
- Shadow Sneak

High Attack and Speed but low Special Attack and defenses.

- Psychic
- Moonblast
- Shadow Sneak
- Hyper Voice

Opposite of Gallade

Thank you!!!

0 votes

I went with a team I tried to balance with as many types as I could get, along with some high base stats. Moves are after getting rid of most HMs for the E4 and Champ.

Sceptile - Grass (Mega Sceptile - Grass/Dragon)
Ability: Overgrow (Mega Sceptile: Lightning Rod)
- Leaf Storm
- Leaf Blade
- X-Scissor / Earthquake
- Dragon Claw

Overall, just my favorite of the starters. Type disadvantage is an issue with Fire types but you can change one move to Earthquake or use Aggron with Surf.

Gardevoir - Psychic/Fairy
Ability: Synchronize
- Moonblast
- Draining Kiss
- Magical Leaf
- Shadow Ball

Nice dual type Pokemon. Deadly against Dragon types and can use Shadow Ball on fellow Psychics. Magical Leaf is good for Rock types and Water types.

Aggron - Steel/Rock
Ability: Rock Head
- Double-Edge
- Iron Head
- Earthquake
- Surf

Rock Head is a must for Double-Edge. Really useful to be able to use that powerful attack and have no recoil. Surf is good for dealing with pesky Fire types. Same with Earthquake.

Crobat - Poison/Flying
Ability: Inner Focus
- Acrobatics
- Cross Poison
- X-Scissor
- Dark Pulse

Can deal with Psychics with Dark Pulse and X-Scissor. Acrobatics is deadly when not holding an item.

Crawdaunt - Water/Dark
Ability: Shell Armor
- Crabhammer
- Dark Pulse
- Sludge Wave
- Ice Beam

Fairies are no problem with Sludge Wave. Sludge Wave is also good for the Grass types, along with Ice Beam. Crabhammer is just powerful STAB.

Flygon - Ground/Dragon
Ability: Levitate
- Boomburst
- Flamethrower
- Steel Wing
- Dragon Claw

Don't evolve Vibrava until Level 47, so it can learn Boomburst. Flamethrower is good for Ice types and Steel Wing for the Fairies.

Crawdaunt can learn Crunch, which pairs better with his high attack after STAB than Dark Pulse. Also, I must respectfully disagree with you on Aggron and Surf. I must say, I would prefer Rock Slide, if I needed coverage on fire types.
I'd keep x-scissor on MSceptile and swap EQ with Leaf storm
0 votes

This is a very balanced team around Mudkip.

Swampert @ Swampertite
Ability: Torrent
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Hammer Arm
- Ice Punch

Waterfall and Earthquake are accurate STAB. Hammer Arm for coverage and Ice Punch takes care of the 4x Grass weakness.

Linoone @ None
Ability: Pickup
- Cut
- Surf
- Strength
- Rock Smash

While it is an HM slave, I do recommend you use it in battle as well. When you're at the Elite Four, though, you should forget its HMs and replace them with more useful coverage moves like Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball and Return. Pickup is super useful as well, hence why it has no item.

Roserade @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Natural Cure
- Leech Seed
- Toxic
- Shadow Ball
- Giga Drain

Leech Seed and Toxic wears the opponent down. It can restore health with Leech Seed and Giga Drain as well. Giga Drain is also STAB and Shadow Ball is for type coverage.

Ninetales @ Charcoal
Ability: Flash Fire
- Nasty Plot
- Will-O-Wisp
- Energy Ball
- Flamethrower

Nasty Plot to sharply raise Special Attack and Will-O-Wisp to inflict burns (and take less physical damage). Energy Ball covers all weaknesses and Flamethrower is solid STAB.

Raichu @ Magnet
Ability: Static
- Nuzzle
- Quick Attack
- Thunderbolt
- Grass Knot

Nuzzle is simply a better version of Thunder Wave, dealing damage as well. Quick Attack for priority and Thunderbolt is STAB. Grass Knot covers Ground types.

Skarmory @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
- Fly
- Iron Head
- Toxic
- Protect

Skarmory is a very defensive Pokemon. Fly and Iron Head are STAB. Toxic and Protect wear the opponent down effectively.

Items are only examples and Abilities are only recommended.

I respectfully must disagree with you on Raichu. Raichu is fast enough to not need Quick Attack. I would replace it with Brick Break instead for more coverage...
You can do that too, however I enjoy to have at least 1 priority move in my team, just in case.
0 votes

- Surf
- Dive
- Waterfall
- Earthquake

Swampert is the best starter because it is only weak to Grass, but there are no Grass Gyms or Elite Four. However, Sidney has two Grass types on his team, so be cautious. Swmapert can also be an HM slave.

- Steel Wing
- Fly
- Dragon Claw
- Crunch / Earthquake

Flygon is the powerhouse of the team (it's worth training up Trapinch).

- Psychic
- High Jump Kick
- Recover
- Acupressure

Medicham is a great Pokemon with good stats and a good movepool. With Recover and Acupressure (which sharply raises a random stat), it will be alive for a while.

- Crunch
- Charge
- Thunderbolt
- Strength

Manectric is the best Electric type available in my opinion.

- Giga Drain
- Acid (idk why I chose this but its what mine had)
- Moonlight
- Cut

- Foul Play
- Rock Smash
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
