Emboar @ Life Orb / Charcoal / Choice Band / Choice Scarf / Leftovers
Ability: Blaze
- Flare Blitz
- Wild Charge
- Hammer Arm / Brick Break / Superpower
- Rock Slide / Flame Charge (only on non choice sets)
This set uses Emboar's excellent base 123 Attack to tear apart the opposition. Emboar also has the HP to handle the recoil from these attacks just fine. Flame Charge may seem like an odd choice, but it lets Emboar boost his Speed while still being able to switch moves. Just remember that you'll be wanting the weaker Brick Break if you use this move, as Hammer Arm cancels the Speed gains, while Superpower tends to force you to switch.
Emboar @ Choice Specs / Charcoal / Leftovers / Wide Lens / Zoom Lens
Ability: Blaze
- Flamethrower / Fire Blast
- Scald
- Focus Blast
- Grass Knot
Explanation: Emboar's Special Attack and Special movepool are also quite useable. Take your pick of Fire STAB between Flamethrower and Fire Blast. Flamethrower has perfect accuracy and good PP, but Fire Blast has even more kick, and its 85% accuracy is actually quite reliable. Focus Blast is a powerful special Fighting type move, but its accuracy is pretty bad, at only 70%. Scald and Grass Knot both provide coverage, with Scald providing a way to inflict burn status as well.

Lucario @ Life Orb / Expert Belt / Leftovers
Ability: Steadfast / Inner Focus
- Close Combat / Aura Sphere
- Shadow Claw / Shadow Ball
- Swords Dance / Dragon Pulse
- Thunder Punch / Ice Punch / Extreme Speed / Nasty Plot
Explanation: You can really pick and choose between the moves listed here, though Nasty Plot is only available as Riolu at level 47. Fighting/Ghost scores perfect neutral coverage, so you can even throw an HM in the last slot for utility, and not miss out on any neutral hits.

Espeon @ Leftovers / Life Orb / Twisted Spoon
Ability: Synchronize
- Psychic / Psyshock
- Signal Beam
- Shadow Ball / Work Up
- Morning Sun / Hyper Voice / Hyper Beam
Explanation: Espeon has an amazing base 130 Special Attack, so an offensive role is a natural fit. The choice of STAB is a matter of preference: higher Base power or the ability to hit Specially bulky Pokemon? Signal Beam gets excellent neutral coverage with Psychic STAB, and Shadow Ball can hit Ghosts hard. Work Up is the best boosting option available before the post game, Morning Sun is healing, Hyper Voice is another special option, and Hyper Beam can be a last resort panic move.
Espeon @ Leftovers / Heat Rock / Twisted Spoon / Light Clay
Ability: Synchronize
- Psychic / Psyshock
- Morning Sun
- Sunny Day / Reflect / Light Screen / Baton Pass
- Signal Beam / Reflect / Light Screen / Work Up / Substitute
Explanation: The screens allow Espeon to boost the whole team's defenses, and Sunny Day is there to support Emboar and increase recovery from Morning Sun. Baton Pass can be used to give another Pokemon stat boosts or a substitute, but it is less useful than it would be with access to Calm Mind.

Braviary @ Life Orb / Leftovers / Silk Scarf / Sharp Beak / Choice Band / Choice Scarf
Ability: Keen Eye / Sheer Force / Defiant
- Brave Bird
- Return
- Shadow Claw / Superpower
- U-turn / Roost / Rock Slide
Explanation: An amazing physical Attacker. Brave Bird and Return for STAB, and then just pick some coverage moves. The ability Defiant is the icing on the cake, giving you +2 Attack whenever someone tries to lower your stats.

Roserade @ Black Sludge / Life Orb / Heat Rock
Ability: Natural Cure / Poison Point
- Sunny Day
- Giga Drain
- Weather Ball
- Shadow Ball / Sludge Bomb
Explanation: Powerful Special Attacker, and another Pokemon to use Sunny Day. Giga Drain is STAB and recovery, Weather Ball becomes a base 100 power Fire move in Sun, and the choice between Shadow Ball and Sludge Bomb is between more coverage or secondary STAB.

Lapras @ anything
Ability: Water Absorb / Shell Armor
- Waterfall
- Ice Shard
- Body Slam
- Drill Run
Lapras @ anything
Ability: Water Absorb / Shell Armor
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Brine / Psychic
Lapras @ Leftovers / Rocky Helmet
Ability: Water Absorb / Shell Armor
- Confuse Ray
- Body Slam
- Waterfall
- Sing / Rest / some Ice attack / Attract
Explanation: Not only does Lapras provide the third part of our Fire/Water/Grass core (so you can swap out for your starter with minimal changes), it also gives some much needed bulk to the team. It learns a variety of useful attacks and status moves, allowing quite a bit of free range in how you use it. The physical set focuses on the excellent neutral coverage of Ice/Ground combined with the equally good Normal/Water. The Special Set focuses more on hitting super effectively, with Brine being an option for the last slot as a finisher for opponents under 50% HP, which doubles the power of Brine. The third set is for those who prefer debilitating the opponent to outright KOing them, with a combination of Paralysis, Confusion, Flinching, and even Attract if you wish, to leave the foe utterly helpless.