PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
21 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

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Some general optimization notes for anyone making a team:

- The Earthquake TM is locked behind the postgame. A Pokemon's best Ground options will usually be either Dig or Bulldoze.

- In the New Unova Pokedex, the Pokemon catchable before the postgame that get Earthquake by level-up are Sandshrew (46), Sandslash (46), Piloswine (46), Numel (40), Camerupt (46), Trapinch (55), Mamoswine (46), Drilbur (33), Excadrill (36), Sandile (43), Krokorok (48), Krookodile (54), and Golurk (50).

- The Stone Edge TM is locked behind the postgame. A Pokemon's best Rock option will usually be Rock Slide.

- In the New Unova Pokedex, the Pokemon catchable before the postgame that get Stone Edge by level-up are Onix (46), Steelix (46), Shuckle (49), Nosepass (46), Lunatone (41), Solrock (41), Probopass (46), Roggenrola (36), Boldore (48), Gigalith (48), Timburr (43), Gurdurr (49), Conkeldurr (49), and Terrakion (67).

- A myriad of other helpful TMs, like Poison Jab, Sludge Bomb, Flash Cannon, Focus Blast, Dragon Claw, and Bulk Up are all postgame exclusives. Please plan accordingly.

- Though many Move Tutor moves provide a Pokemon's best coverage options, they are often not worth the amount of grinding needed. A man in Nimbasa City gives the player 10 Red Shards for use with the Driftveil City Move Tutor, making these moves the exception. Any combination of Tutor moves that costs more than 10 Red Shards should have alternatives provided.

- Egg Moves are similarly strong for some Pokemon, such as Crobat, but breeding is a complete waste of time when the aim of the game is to beat Trainers. Level-up movesets and TMs will provide all the tools you need for the average playthrough.

- In the same vein, grinding for BP is often unnecessary. The PWT and Battle Subway are slow and the rewards are not usually worth it. It's courteous to provide alternatives to TMs unlocked via Battle Points.

- Moves with low PP and high power, such as Close Combat, are generally inferior to more consistent moves like Drain Punch and Force Palm. Remember that you're building a campaign team: PP conservation on routes is just as important as KOing important trainers.

- Don't be afraid to give a Pokemon HMs if they have nothing better. For example, one of Lilligant's best options is Cut, because its moveset is so shallow that extra overworld utility is better than a third STAB move. Moves like Strength, Surf, and Fly are convenient and powerful.

- Priority moves, primarily Aqua Jet and ExtremeSpeed, are consistent options for conserving PP or getting a kill on a faster opponent. ExtremeSpeed is probably one of the few exceptions to the "low PP = bad move in-game" rule.

- Sturdy Pokemon are everywhere. Burgh's Dwebble, Marlon's Carracosta, Colress' Magneton and Magnezone, wild Boldore, and plenty others are either annoying or outright dangerous. Mold Breaker Pokemon like Excadrill are great for completely negating the problem, while priority moves like Aqua Jet are great for picking up the KO.

- Remember that the storyline is a game of hyper offense! Four attack sets (or one boosting move and three attacks) are often the best way to get through the region. If you're playing with items, healing moves are unnecessary and will usually only serve to waste time.

- Above all, playtest your team. It's clear when someone didn't actually use the Pokemon in-game and just cobbled together a moveset they thought would work. Experience is the best way to craft an effective and synergistic party!

80 Answers

20 votes

Arcanine @ Expert Belt
Ability: Flash Fire
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Extreme Speed
- Crunch
- Wild Charge

A heavy hitter with great coverage and pretty awesome bulk too. Flare Blitz is your main STAB move, and does a lot of damage. Extreme Speed is useful priority to have in-game, and gets great neutral coverage. Crunch hits the many ghost & psychic types, including two members of the Elite 4. Wild Charge nails Water types. Flash Fire lets him switch into many Fire type moves that threaten your teammates.

Galvantula @ Wide Lens
Ability: Compoundeyes
Timid Nature
- Thunder
- Bug Buzz
- Energy Ball / Giga Drain
- Sucker Punch / Discharge

One of my personal favorites from Unova, it's so cool :3 what's great about this guy is that Compoundeyes bumps Thunder's accuracy up to a solid 91%, which is amazing when combined with his nice Special Attack and Speed. Bug Buzz is secondary STAB, with perfect accuracy and hits Grass types much harder. Energy Ball covers Ground types, but Giga Drain is available from the bw2 tutors, so that's an option too for recovery. The last move is pretty much filler - Sucker Punch is priority off his decent Attack stat, which can finish off weakened opponents, while Discharge is a 100% accurate Electric STAB move with a nice chance to paralyze, helping out the slower members of your team. Wide Lens means your Thunders will almost never miss.

Starmie @ Life Orb
Ability: Natural Cure
Timid / Modest Nature
- Surf
- Psychic / Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Recover

'Sexy Starmie!' This Pokemon has a huge movepool and great typing, probably the best Water type available in-game. Surf is high power STAB and lets you go on water :D Psychic is another STAB move, but I'm not sure you can get it pre-E4 so Thunderbolt is great in that slot. Ice Beam is amazing coverage, it kills Grass types as well as stops you getting steamrolled by all the powerful Dragon types. Recover heals you of Life Orb recoil, and damage in general thanks to Starmie's excellent natural bulk.

Lucario @ Shell Bell
Abiliyu: any
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Close Combat
- Ice Punch
- Extreme Speed

Your team's main physical sweeper, and counter to the many annoying Steel types. Swords Dance boosts his attack up to amazing levels. Close Combat is fantastic STAB with perfect accuracy and insignificant drawbacks. Ice Punch nets pretty good coverage along with Fighting STAB. Extreme Speed for priority, hits very hard at +2 and makes up for his average speed.

Flygon @ Muscle Band / Lum Berry
Ability: Levitate
Jolly Nature
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Fly

Another one of my favorite Pokemon <3 this one is great ingame, and synergizes well with the team with his Ground typing & Levitate. Outrage is powerful STAB, but confuses you at the end which is why Lum Berry is an option. Earthquake is more STAB and hits a lot of types super effectively. Stone Edge is dat EdgeQuake coverage, nailing Flying and Bug types when you don't want to be locked into Outrage. Fly is nice coverage and obviously super helpful for traveling around.

Tangrowth @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator (if you can get it)
Quiet / Brave Nature
- Sleep Powder
- Giga Drain
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide / Synthesis

This Pokemon is a freaking TANK. Takes Water moves for your team and is generally boss. Sleep Powder neutralises your opponent's Pokemon and with no sleep clause in-game you're free to spam it as much as you like ;) Giga Drain is STAB and heals you nicely. Earthquake because it's Earthquake - it hits Steel and Fire types who wall you. Rock Slide is nice to hit Flying and Bug types, but Synthesis is reliable recovery. Along with Regenerator, this poke will almost never die.

Note that if you want to keep your Starter, this team has a Fire / Water / Grass core, so you can easily replace one of them for the starter Pokemon of your choice. Try to keep them hitting from the same side of the attacking spectrum though, to keep the team balanced.

Thanks for reading! :)

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I would get outrage on arcanine beacuse i heard its really op
i would recommend not using a starter beacuse the gen 5 starters arent that great
Finally a kinda original team. I like the type coverage moves on your pokemon but to make this team more original/different I would change Flygon for Mandibuzz. Where can I find a staryu though?
r u joking me oshawott is amazing and adorable
I really like this one, although I would keep Tangrowth as either a physical or special attacker. Not a huge fan of mixed attackers; I guess it comes from "If you try to be more than one thing, you'll never be good at any of them." saying :)

Also, in the case of Sucker Punch / Discharge I'd rather use Thunderbolt. Just for those times when you don't need Thunderous damage (kek) but you need better accuracy.
9 votes

Snivy- This is for if you chose this guys as you starter Pokemon.

You might not like my items but you can change them to whatever you want it is just ingame :3 .

Well of course there's your starter. In this case its Snivy.

Serperior @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Overgrow
Nature: First set-Timid / Second set-Jolly
First Set: Leech Seed / Giga Drain / Dragon Pulse / Growth
Second Set: Coil / Leaf Blade / Aqua Tail / Return

Depending on which kind of Serperior you like better, Physical or Special. With the first set pair it with Timid Nature. Leech Seed provides constant damage and healing, Giga Drain is STAB and gives more healing, both are powered up by Miracle Seed. Dragon Pulse is Coverage (and it can learn Dragon Pulse through BW2 tutor don't worry I checked). Growth is the only move I could find of his that boost Special Attack but I guess you could turn the set into a mix sweeper if you wanted just replace the nature. The Physical set is my favorite. Coil boosts your Attack, Defense, and Accuracy. Leaf Blade is STAB, Aqua Tail and Return are coverage and all three get that boost from Coil, Aqua Tail getting the most out of it as its lowered accuracy is brought up.

All teams in game need a surfer and a flyer so why not have both in one Pokemon?

Swanna @ Leftovers
Ability: Big Pecks
Naive Nature
Moves: Surf / Fly / Roost / Filler

Like I said a Surfer and a Flyer in one. Surf and Fly are not only powerful but have their in-game uses. Roost is to heal off damage. I didn't know what to give it for its last move so just put anything you want there. Plus Swanna is just a boss all around.

With those two you have a little Ice weakness, but its easily fixed.

Mienshao @ Expert Belt
Ability: Regenerator
Jolly Nature
Moves: Brick Break / U-Turn / Swords Dance / Rock Slide

Well here is your counter to Ice types. Its pretty much a counter to everything though. Swords Dance is here for obvious reasons. U-turn is coverage and lets you switch out to activate Regenerator. Now Brick Break and Rock Slide might not be as powerful as Hi Jump Kick and Stone Edge, but this is in-game and hitting is more important than power. Plus Brick Break breaks the screens and Rock Slide can flinch.

Okay I have kind of doing mono-Unova ill stay away from Unova Pokemon for now on.
Flying types could be a problem, along some other things, so how about a Steel / Electric type?

Magnezone @ Iron Ball
Ability: Analytic (if you can get it) / Sturdy
Relaxed Nature
Moves: Thunderbolt / Gyro Ball / Thunder Wave / Protect

I love this guy. With its DW ability Analytic, if it moves last its attacks get a boost. Thunderbolt is a great STAB and Gyro Ball which already gets a boost based on the speed difference from Magnezone and its opponent its also gets that Analytic boost. Thunder Wave would ruin this guy but its only here as a way to catch legendaries easier, making all your moves weaker due to the loss of Analytic. Protect can be used as scouting in Challenge Mode if you ever decide to play that. The item also makes you slower. (It increases the AI of the NPCs making them just that much harder to beat, it also raises the Pokemon levels so good luck.)

We all know I love Eevee so I have to throw an Eeveelution in on this team.
Plus you could use a solid way to deal with Psychic types and have a special wall at the same time.

Umbreon @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
Sassy Nature
Moves: Payback / Wish (if you can get it, if not that's fine just use Moonlight) / Confuse Ray / Screech

Again one of my favorite Eeveelutions, it's actually my second after Eevee. Payback with the minus Speed makes for a great STAB. Wish / Moonlight is recovery. Confuse Ray lets you wear down your opponent if they hit themselves. Screech since Umbreon has that not so great base 65 Attack, and since you are a great wall its perfect.

After looking through the suggestion I gave I see no real weakness you cant handle,
so now you can throw in any Pokemon you want. I for one will throw in a Fire type, 

but you can change to whatever you want.

Camerupt @ I dont know Sitrus Berry?
Ability: Solid Rock
Modest Nature
Moves: Earth Power / Flamethrower / Yawn / Rock Polish

Earth Power and Flamethrower are great STAB moves. Yawn puts the opponent to sleep allowing you to set up your Rock Polishes and then mini-sweep.

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Nice, Kyron!
ill post Oshawott and Tepig just as soon as my sister stops calling me
for my next answer ill just put in the important stuff(Natures,Moves,Items,Pokemon)
out with the oshawott team!
your teams rock. I'm gonna try one when i get b2 w2.
ok fine ill write it up now
loving this one man, the only thing i would do is change the umbreon move set in my opinion, i love all the eeveelutions and umbreon being my favourite pokemon of all time!
i'd go:
item: leftovers/chesto berry (depends if you wanna use rest)
nature: (+spD-spA) not sure what it is
moves: curse, moonlight/rest, payback, toxic/return/last resort
- obviously curse spamming works amazingly well with umbreon because of his high D anyway, now use moonlight/rest to heal then payback for massive damage, the 4th move depends on your style, if you want huge damage after you set yourself up-last resort, consistantly good damage-return(will have high damage because you need happiness to evolve) and if you want to stall them to death while healing-toxic

overall great job ^^ that is just my moveset for him since you dont have a "tank" in that team :P
Really,magnezone without air baloon OR a berry that weakens ground type moves.wow.Serperior needs the naughty nature(+atk. ,-sp.def)Your serperior needs more power,he's your starter!You don't need miracle seed beacause you only have one physical move that's a grass type move.You need the power anclet.Do the PWT tournaments a lot and you'll get it.
Remember this is ingame those items are not really good
what`s your dragon coverage?
id replace umbreon with zoruark I like it better and its faster and cooler :)
8 votes

Starter - Oshawott

Ability: Torrent
Sassy Nature
- Surf
- Megahorn
- Ice Beam
- Retaliate

The Starter and Surfer of your team. I made him a mixed sweeper as that's how I use my both in-game and competitively though the moves are different. He's not the fastest in the world so taking away his speed doesn't matter much so you can be bulkier. Surf is STAB and for in-game use. Megahorn and Ice Beam are coverage, while Retaliate is good for revenge killing any of your Pokemon that faint.

Ability: Intimidate
Jolly Nature
- Flame Charge
- Crunch
- Thunder Fang
- Outrage

Flame Charge is pretty good in-game considering it's a decent STAB and raises your Speed at the same time. Thunder Fang and Crunch are nice coverage and I want to try Outrage on Arcanine so that's why that is there.

Ability: Inner Focus
Adamant Nature
- Rock Slide
- Metal Claw
- Force Palm
- Shadow Claw

A pure attacking Lucario. Metal Claw is STAB and has a chance to raise Attack which is nice, along with Force Palm being STAB and having that chance to paralyze. Shadow Claw and Rock Slide are coverage.

Crobat @ Black Sludge
Ability: Inner Focus
Jolly Nature
- Fly
- Poison Fang
- U-turn
- Return

Instead of walking around Unova you can Fly. Fly is STAB and you need it for flying around. Poison Fang is STAB and has a 30% chance to badly poison your opponent which makes them lose more health every turn. U-turn is for instead of hard switching you can cause some damage then retreat. Return is pretty much just filler since I didn't know what else to put, but since Crobat evolves off of happiness its pretty good.

Ability: Natural Cure
Modest Nature
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Shadow Ball
- Stun Spore

Giga Drain and Sludge Bomb are great STABs, with Giga Drain healing you and Sludge Bomb having the potential to poison. Shadow Ball is coverage, and Stun Spore is for a reliable status to catch Pokemon.

Ability: Snow Cloak
Timid Nature
- Frost Breath
- Shadow Ball
- Hail
- Charm
> The reason I have Frost Breath over Ice Beam is that it always crits, and if you get somebody in game that raises their Special Defense you can always bring in Glaceon and ignore the boost. Shadow Ball is coverage, Hail is to take advantage of its ability though you might not be using it, Charm lowers the opponent's attack.

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I love that Glaceon you got. I think it astoundingly deserves that spot. It makes great coverage for any type.
Wow a mixed set in competitive? Hell no
It's not advisable, but it works for Samurott. Aqua Jet is a huge incentive, as much as it is absent on that set.
A jolly arcaine is reaaly bad since it lacks power. If you witched it to a laz nature and slapped Flamethrower and maybe even Dragon Pulse on it, that would make it more useful in my eyes.
Retaliate is bad on Samurott due to it having very few PP points, and most of the time it's a worse Slash. Aqua Jet, Slash, and Revenge are all better choices.

Aura Sphere is better than Force Palm on Lucario for the Elite Four because it's better to OHKO than have a chance to paralyse. If you're willing to farm BP, Brick Break is excellent -- getting Drain Punch from the Move Tutor is also viable, if a bit tedious.

Glaceon is bad because it can't be obtained until the postgame. For an Ice type, try Mamoswine or Vanilluxe, which can be obtained around the same time as each other (albeit late-game). Beartic is also an option, but it's season-dependent.
6 votes

WARNING! This team is for W2

Team Overview



For a very reliable starter, go with Emboar.
- Flare Blitz / Fire Punch
- Flame Charge
- Head Smash / Rock Slide / Earthquake
- Arm Thrust / Hammer Arm / Brick Break


This may seem like a very strange choice, but it's not. I've used Electabuzz effectively in SS, Platinum and now White 2. He may not be as good as Electivire, but he still packs a huge punch.
- Thunderbolt / Electro Ball
- Volt Switch
- Focus Blast
- Signal Beam / Psychic


In my opinion, one of the best Grass types that is obtainable in W2. Quiver Dance will help you greatly, and with access to Petal Dance and a Sun Stone, before the 4th gym, Lilligant will be one of the best special attackers on your team.
- Petal Dance
- Giga Drain / Energy Ball
- Quiver Dance
- Grass Knot


A MUST on any in-game team.
- Focus Blast
- Night Daze / Dark Pulse
- U-turn
- Flamethrower


The flyer, plus a good physical attacker. This guy will help you take down Drayden with the help of our next team member, and also get you around Unova fast.
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Dragon Claw / Outrage
- Fly


WARNING. This Lapras may take you a while to catch, but it's worth the wait. It can be a physical and special attacker plus your surfer.
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Hydro Pump

However, if you can't catch him, I suggest Vaporeon as a substitute.
- Acid Armour
- Aqua Ring
- Ice Beam
- Surf

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One problem:Lilligant
Gym 6 is flying. Gym 5 is ground and ground takes neutral damage from fire. Only gyms flame charge would be resisted in are gyms 7 and 8, dragon and water
Late comment but here's a tip, you can get the eviolite in Castellia city after seeing 40 pokemon (I think) that will double the defence stats of any un evolved pokemon so give it to electabuzz.
Electro Ball is almost always inferior to Thunderbolt. Focus Blast isn't great because of the low PP and high chance to miss, so another move like Thunder Wave may be a better choice. Alternatively, don't choose between Signal Beam and Psychic -- you can have both of them if you replace Focus Blast.

Grass Knot is fairly useless on Lilligant when you have two other STAB moves. It has a shallow movepool, so Cut could be good as filler to access optional items.

Again, Focus Blast is not a good move in-game. Zoroark can benefit from Pursuit as a way to conserve PP on its stronger moves against weakened opponents. Shadow Ball/Claw are also options, but somewhat redundant due to Zoroark getting Dark STAB.

Hydro Pump is very bad when you have Surf for consistently strong damage. Ice Shard is a good chipping move, Psychic can provide you with at least some sort of answer to Fighting types, and Strength is filler because you don't have any Pokemon with Strength.

Aqua Ring is not great in-game. Use Shadow Ball, Strength, Scald... anything that can provide Vaporeon an actual reason to be on the team. Strength is probably the best option so you can pack several of your HMs onto one Pokemon.
anyway, I have a better moveset for your liligant: Petal Dance (Own Tempo)/ Solar Beam/ Energy Ball (Chlorophyll)
Sleep Powder/ Giga Drain /Quiver Dance
I still prefer the Own Tempo one
4 votes

Yes! I'm finally ready for this!
This is a team for White 2 only.

Samurott @ Leftovers
Ability: Torrent
Naughty Nature
- Dig
- Megahorn
- Superpower
- Surf

The Naughty Nature ups Attack witch he needs because he's the first Pokemon in my party. It decreases Special Defence because that stat is strong in every Samurott. Dig can beat annoying surprise Electric types or those Steels. Megahorn always works, beats Grass, and has a ton of power that makes almost every one a KO. Superpower or Fighting types has the most type coverage and this particular one has 100 accuracy and 140 power. Surf is its only Water move and is good for outside of battle, not to mention the beautiful STAB.

Aggron @ Lum Berry
Ability: Sturdy
Adamant Nature
- Iron Defense
- Thunder Punch
- Head Smash
- Iron Tail

You need at least 1 Rock type on any Pokemon team and this is it. Iron Defense is to already boost the unbelievable Defense it has. I was going to do Thunder to replace the fact that there is no Electric type on this team, but it's special. So I went with the obvious choice, Thunder Punch. Outrage I don't have to explain. It's that great. Head Smash covers Fire, Ice, Bug, and Flying types, plus there's STAB, and no recoil because it's part of the Aggron evolution chain. Iron Tail has a good amount of power for a 10 PP move. It's also my finisher move if I find a Pokemon Aggron's not good at beating like a Poison type.

Tangrowth @ Lum Berry
Ability: Leaf Guard
Rash Nature
- Rest
- Giga Drain
- Sunny Day
- Earthquake

It's nature is Rash because it focuses on Special Attack. It lowers Speed but it has great Special Defense. Sunny Day for his Ability Leaf Guard, which means he can't be infected with paralysis, sleep, or a burn. Giga Drain is for recovery and Water, Ground, or Rock types. Rest is for recovery. It has a Lum Berry so when it uses Rest it'll immediately wake up. Earthquake is my powerhouse finishing move.

Camerupt @ Fire Gem
Ability: Magma Armor
Modest Nature
- Sunny Day
- Solar Beam
- Rock Polish
- Eruption

Don't see many Camerupts in Pokemon teams, so here you go! Fire Gem for its Eruption, same for the Modest Nature. Solar Beam destroys every type disadvantage of Fire types. Rock Polish is for improving some of the weaknesses of Camerupt's basic stat. The other one, Eruption, is just type coverage. Also, with STAB, this move can really help. Eruption has unbelievable power with 150 power + 75 power (STAB) + 75 power (Fire Gem) + 75 (Sunny Day) = 375 power. I don't have any other Pokemon with Fire type moves. I also picked it because of its power. Sunny Day for Solar Beam and improving Eruption's power. You should give it a PP Max for Camerupt's Eruption.

Espeon @ EXP Share / Power Anklet
Ability: Synchronize
Gentle Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Psychic
- Reflect
- Signal Beam

Ultimate Espeon! Exp. Share because it won't get out much / A Power Anklet for the weakened Espeon stat of Attack. Synchronize due to it's usefulness. This covers all of the E4 too. Shadow Ball for Ghost and Psychic types. Reflect for Defence help. Psychic for Fighting. Signal Beam is very important for the coverage of it's main weakness, Dark. It's also for secondary Psychic type coverage.

Flygon @ Lum Berry
Ability: Levitate
Relaxed Nature
- Fly
- Dragon Claw
- Earth Power
- Sandstorm

FLYGONS! Love them. You need at least 1 Dragon type on your Pokemon team and this is it. Dragon Claw is strong and I need it because of Dragon coverage, not to mention STAB. Fly because of it's efficiency on getting you somewhere. Earth Power is STAB, and this is the only Ground move on the team, because I couldn't fit one on Aggron. Sandstorm will usually hurt the enemy because it only doesn't affect Ground, Steel, and Rock types, so it'll help. Think of it as a hazard, sorta.

Where everything is found:

Leftovers: Castelia Sewers. Dragon and Fire Gem: All caves. Lum Berry: Village Bridge (Daily).
Exp.Share: Castelia City. Power Anklet: PWT.
Oshawott: Starter.
Aron: Mistralton Cave.
Tangela: Route 13.
Numel: Reversal Mountain.
Eevee: Castelia City.
Trapinch: Desert Resort

Well, that's it. These Pokemon cover all 17 types. Hope everyone likes it!

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You wanna go? xD
No matter how many playthroughs I do, Aggron is in each one!
2 ground types?
Even tho Hydreigon is stronger it comes veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery lategame, besides Flygon gives the needed ground type to the team, while also helping out against dragons if used carefully, so if you choose Flygon: 1- Elesa won't give a hard time 2: Drayden won't be much problem (ok IK dragon is weak to dragon but trust me Flygon does a good job I tried it myself, I just kept wrecking Dray's team with DRAGON TAIL, yes, Dragon tail) but if you choose Hydreigon: 1- you're stuck with a deino until late game, when it will probably evolve into zweilous then you're stuck with ZWEILOUS both until endgame AND in most of the postgame 2-there are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better dark types instead of going through the trouble mentioned in 1. So yea Flygon rules ingame. ( This was supposed to be reply to SalemenceXD)
Iron Defense isn't good on Aggron, which already has very high Defense. Iron Head is generally better than Iron Tail, as it's more accurate and learned earlier. Head Smash is an Egg Move, and you can't breed until the postgame, so opt for Rock Slide instead.

Leaf Guard prevents the use of Rest. Besides, Rest isn't as valuable in-game when you have healing items at your disposal. Earthquake is postgame. Good substitutes for Rest and Earthquake would be Strength and AncientPower -- Strength is a decent HM, while AncientPower is the move you need to evolve Tangela. While it isn't great, it's mostly filler and won't be used often. A Berry is completely unsustainable as an item, and you'd be better off with something more long-term like a Miracle Seed.

It's not good when your only STAB move on Camerupt is a 5 PP move. Sunny Day + Solar Beam is a gimmick and Camerupt is more likely to be KOed before you pull it off, so get rid of that entirely. Rock Polish is also ridiculously bad on such a slow Pokemon, and that move slot is better spent on offense. Eruption is a very bad STAB move as well -- in essence, the entire set needs to be replaced. Try Lava Plume / Earth Power / Rock Slide / Yawn instead. Like with Berries, Gems aren't good items in-game, as they're one-time use only.

Sandstorm should be replaced with U-turn, Rock Slide, or really anything that can do meaningful damage. You're unlikely to get Dragon Claw until the Champion fight, so it should be noted that Dragon Breath is the only other decent Dragon move Flygon gets before then (unless you want to spend Shards at the Move Tutor for Dragon Pulse)


TL;DR This team has a decent foundation, but the choices made are questionable at best. I don't recommend using it, as it seems cobbled together with very little knowledge about the game.
4 votes

For this team, I didn't use any post-game TMs/Pokemon, egg moves, trade evolutions, version exclusives or legendaries. I tried not to use any moves over level 50 or any late-game TMs unless if it was necessary. Also I tried to get Pokemon which can be obtained fairly early. This way, the team can be used by anyone without too much difficulty. I hope you enjoy c:

Samurott (Starter)
Ability: Torrent
- Surf / Waterfall
- Ice Beam
- X-Scissor / Megahorn
- Dig / Aerial Ace

Samurott is really useful because it's a mixed attacker and it has a good movepool. Surf/Waterfall is its main Water STAB and is needed to progress through the game. Ice Beam is to cover its Grass weakness. X-Scissor is useful against a lot of Psychic and Dark types, especially Grimsley and Caitlin. If you want more power then use Megahorn. You can use Dig to cover Samurott's Electric weakness or you can use Aerial Ace for more coverage and to deal with Marshal.

Magnezone (Magnemite - Virbank Complex)
Ability: Sturdy
- Thunderbolt / Discharge
- Flash Cannon
- Tri Attack / Toxic
- Thunder Wave / Volt Switch

Magnezone is a really good defensive Pokemon as it has a lot of resistances and good defense. It resists Roxie, Burgh, Elesa, Skyla, Drayden, Marlon and Caitlin. Thunderbolt is a really powerful STAB move - it can easily take down Skyla and Marlon. You can use Discharge temporarily until you get access to Thunderbolt. Flash Cannon is a strong Steel move and is able to take down a lot of threats like Iris' Archeops and Lapras, Marlon's Carracosta etc. Tri-Attack does good damage and has (basically) a 30% chance of inflicting a status problem. You can use Toxic if you can stall and is great for taking out any bulky Pokemon. Thunder Wave is to slow down your opponent or you can use Volt Switch if you want more utility.

Arcanine (Growlithe - Virbank Complex) (Fire Stone - Desert Resort)
Ability: Intimidate
- Flamethrower / Flare Blitz
- Thunder Fang / Wild Charge
- Solar Beam / Dragon Pulse
- Extreme Speed

Arcanine hits like a truck, has amazing bulk and good coverage - there's a reason why it's called the Legendary Pokemon. Flamethrower is it's fire STAB , though if you want more power use Flare Blitz. Thunder Fang to deal with its Water weakness - if you want to deal more damage then use Wild Charge. Solar Beam to cover it's water/Rock/Ground weakness. If you need to deal with Dragon types, then Dragon Pulse is an option. Extreme Speed is very useful because it hits hard and has priority.

Scrafty (Scraggy - Route 4)
Ability: Moxie
- Brick Break / High Jump Kick
- Crunch
- Rock Slide
- Ice Punch / Hone Claws

Scrafty is an amazing physical attacker as not only can it hit hard but it can outspeed alot of Pokemon. It's Moxie ability can make it a potential sweeper. Brick Break does good damage and can take care of Grimsely and Team Plasma's Patrats/Watchogs. High Jump Kick is another good option. Crunch can easily take out Shauntal and Caitlin as well as other Ghost/Psychic types. Rock Slide deals with Flying/Bug types. Ice Punch is good against Drayden and Iris' dragons as well as taking care of it's flying weakness. Hone Claws takes advantage of that Moxie boost and can make Scrafty a strong sweeper.

Sigilyph (Desert Resort)
Ability: Magic Guard
- Air Slash / Fly
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Signal Beam / Charge Beam

Sigilyph is a pretty useful special attacker since it has an amazing movepool, not to forget that it has some good overall stats. It's going to be your flyer too so you can teach it Fly or if you have an HM Slave then you can give Sigilyph Air Slash. Psychic is its strong STAB, which will help against Marshal. Shadow Ball can take care of it's Ghost weakness and is great against other Psychic users. Signal Beam will deal with its Dark weakness and is useful against Team Plasma's Purrloins/Liepards. If you want more coverage use Charge Beam.

Flygon (Trapinch - Desert Resort)
Ability: Hyper Cutter/Arena Trap ----> Levitate
- Dragon Claw / Outrage
- Earth Power / Dig
- Rock Slide / Stone Edge
- Signal Beam / Aerial Ace

Flygon is a really strong Pokemon, almost as strong as a pseudo-legendary, I really wanted to take advantage of that amazing physical attack. For Dragon STAB, it gets Dragon Claw and Outrage which are both incredibly powerful - great moves when dealing with Dragon types or even in general. For Ground STAB , unfortunately the TM for Earthquake is post-game so you can teach it Earth Power or Dig instead. Rock Slide/Stone Edge can take care of its 4x weakness to Ice - it also has a chance to flinch, which is always nice to have. A lot of its TMs were post-game or they were weak special moves, so the best moves I could find were Signal Beam and Aerial Ace.

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Wow, you have 6 Pokemon before Elesa.....
4 votes

Here's a team I used recently that actually worked out really well!


This team revolves around the Snivy line. It also focuses on things that are obtainable during the main story, so no postgame moves/items will be listed here.
Shard Tutor moves are fair game, but no BP exclusive TMs.
Everything listed here is what I used personally, but alternatives are highlighted where I think they may be applicable. Items and such are up to preference, so do what you want with those as well.

Serperior @ Miracle Seed

Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Leaf Blade | Aerial Ace | Return | Coil
How to Obtain: Starter

This is personally my favorite starter out of the three available. It can be hard to build a team around it due to its odd stats and somewhat shallow movepool, but when you figure something out that works, it works well. It's fast and can tank a good amount of hits while still being able to dish out some good damage. I ran a physical set myself as you can see, but you can do whatever you want with its moves. Alternatives for people who want to run a more special-oriented Serperior include Giga Drain, Energy Ball, Dragon Pulse, and Growth. (It does get access to Calm Mind too, but not until the postgame.)

Electivire @ Expert Belt - [White 2 ONLY]

Ability: Motor Drive
Moves: Thunder Punch | Thunderbolt | Ice Punch | Fire Punch OR Low Kick
How to Obtain: Random Encounter in Virbank Complex (15%)

I was playing White 2 when I built this team, so I decided to use Electivire, which is exclusive to White 2 only. It's encountered as an Elekid early on, and has access to some pretty decent moves after being caught, like Shock Wave and Thunder Wave. Once it's fully evolved, you are rewarded with what is, in my opinion, one of the best mixed attackers in the game. If you're unable to trade to evolve it, Electabuzz is still entirely usable on its own, even with the moveset listed above. Though it may not have the strongest punches in the world. Up to you on how you want to approach this one, since there's a lot you can do here. :) (NOTE: Elemental Punches are taught via Shard Tutor in Driftveil for 10 Red Shards each)

-- OR --

Ampharos @ Magnet - [Alternative for Electivire]

Ability: Static
Moves: Thunderbolt | Power Gem | Signal Beam | Thunder Wave
How to Obtain: Random Encounter in Floccesy Ranch (10%)

If you're playing Black 2, or just don't want to use Electivire for whatever reason, then Ampharos is a great alternative for an electric type. It's a bit slower but comes with decent bulk and good special attacking capability. It also gets access to Thunder Wave, Light Screen, and Confuse Ray, which gives it some good utility as well. Just note that it only learns Thunderbolt through TM, which you don't get until basically the end of the main story. Though it should be fine with a move like Discharge, or maybe even Thunder with Rain Dance in the fourth slot. It's certainly got some options.

Flygon @ Soft Sand

Ability: Levitate
Moves: Dragon Claw | Earth Power | Rock Slide | Fly
How to Obtain: Random Encounter in Desert Resort (Desert - 5%) or Reversal Mountain (Exterior - 15%)

This will likely be your Fly user for this team. Again, there are some different ways to approach Flygon when it comes to building a moveset. You can take advantage of its higher physical attack, or maybe give it some special moves, or even do a mix of both like I did. I'd personally recommend going the mixed-attacking route, but you can do whatever you want. It can be surprisingly versatile and reliable no matter what you do with it. Unfortunately, you won't be able to access Earthquake during the main story since it's locked behind a TM which is only obtainable during the postgame. With all the options at your disposal though, that shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Volcarona @ SilverPowder

Ability: Flame Body
Moves: Heat Wave OR Fire Blast | Signal Beam | Psychic | Will-O-Wisp
How to Obtain: Overworld Encounter in Relic Castle (Accessible from the PWT area after defeating Clay)

This is one of the best special attackers in the game, full stop. While it starts off with some questionable moves once you catch it, you can teach it Signal Beam via the Shard Tutor in Driftveil pretty much instantly for 4 Red Shards. It does take a bit longer to get a decent fire type move though. You won't be able to access the Fire Blast TM until Lacunosa Town, or Heat Wave until Humilau City, where you can learn it for 10 Yellow Shards. It's a bit of a slow start, but when it gets going, it is near unstoppable. Just don't let it touch any rocks. (Fun fact: This is my all time favorite Pokemon. And yes, I did reset for a shiny one.)

Walrein @ NeverMeltIce

Ability: Thick Fat
Moves: Surf | Ice Beam | Waterfall | Strength
How to Obtain: Surfing in Undella Bay (Winter ONLY - 30%)

Here's the part where I get asked, "Why not Lapras?"
I personally chose Walrein over Lapras because it's so much simpler to find. While you still totally could use a Lapras in this spot, the only way to find it is a 5% encounter in rippling water at Village Bridge, while Spheal is easily found in Undella Bay during the winter. You may have to shift your calendar around a bit, but it's encountered earlier than Lapras normally would be, and it's less of a pain to track down. It has potential to be a very solid user of HMs, gaining STAB from 3 of them (counting Dive), along with the perk of STAB Ice type moves (though Ice Beam is locked behind a TM). It may not have the same level of bulk as Lapras, but it can certainly tank hits just fine on its own. It's definitely worth a try.

Bisharp @ Razor Claw

Ability: Defiant
Moves: Night Slash | Iron Head | Rock Slide | Poison Jab
How to Obtain: Random Encounter on Route 9 (15%)

A great physical attacker with some decent bulk and access to a good variety of moves to play around with. You can get Iron Head out of the gate by learning it at the Driftveil Shard Tutor for 4 Red Shards, which is much better than waiting until level 57. The combination of Rock Slide and Hone Claws is always welcome, and STAB Night Slash with a Razor Claw for increased crit chance is a lot of fun. The late evolution at level 52 is a bit of a slog, but once it finally evolves, it's an amazing closing addition to the team.

I hope this helps someone out! This team was a lot of fun for me personally :)

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Thanks! I’ve really wanted to run a snivy team but couldn’t find a good one until now.
Why Flygon has Earth Power?
I don't know but Earthquake is better
It's like Flygon has Dragon type move in gen 3
Flygon has Earth Power because Earthquake isn't obtainable until after you beat the champion.
Wouldn't Dig be better than Earth Power?
not a fan of giving something two multi-turn moves personally, but if you want to you could do that.
3 votes

- Surf - STAB and a great special attack
- Ice Beam - good power and coverage especially against Grass
- Aqua Tail / Waterfall - both are good physical STAB Water type moves. Aqua Tail is more powerful with less accuracy and Waterfall is less powerful with more accuracy (and the added bonus of being a HM, so you can climb waterfalls)
- Swords Dance - If you want to boost the Aqua Tail / Waterfall

- Aura Sphere / Close Combat - Aura Sphere never misses and has great power and STAB. Close Combat if you want a powerful physical attack with STAB
- Earthquake / Stone Edge - I personally like Earthquake because it covers more types and has more accuracy and more PP, but if you want to have Stone Edge that is pretty good too
- Dark Pulse - Die Psychics
- Extremespeed - For a grand finish

- Thunderbolt - great combination of power and accuracy, STAB
- Thunder - if you think you need some big firepower
- Signal Beam - just for coverage
- Light Screen - If the opponent's smart then he/she'll use a physical attack (which would make use of Static). If not, then you have higher Special Defense

- Flamethrower - STAB, good power and accuracy
- Extremespeed - good priority to finish off weakened Pokemon
- Thunder Fang - Water types are now taken care of
- Flare Blitz - a powerful physical fire type move if you want

- Outrage/Dragon Claw - both are powerful STAB. Dragon Claw is not as powerful as Outrage, but you won't have to worry about confusion and switching out mid-battle
- Dragon Dance - raising his powerful Attack and great Speed will devastate your opponents
- Earthquake - Great power, lots of type coverage, just an awesome move
- Brick Break - lots of coverage, especially on Ice

- Cross Poison - good power, STAB, and can poison the target
- Acrobatics / Air Slash - both are STAB. Air Slash can make your opponent flinch, while Acrobatics has great power but sacrifices a hold item
- Fly - you're going to need to Fly but it's an okay move in-battle
- U-turn - hit hard and retreat


Genesect @ Douse Drive
- Bug Buzz / Techno Blast - Techno Blast holding the Douse Drive covers its only weakness, while Bug Buzz is powerful STAB
- Flamethrower - best Fire type move
- Thunderbolt - best Electric move
- Ice Beam - best Ice move

Genesect is a great Pokemon for your team even if it's legendary. It has a great move pool. It can replace anyone on your team. Hope this helped.

You'd have 5 pokemon before the 3rd gym... wow.
And thats why i feel it is a good team
No, that actually makes it very bad. You would have to seriously train all of your Pokemon, because the more Pokemon you have, the more underleveled you get.
And before the 3rd gym is even worse. You should have 5 Pokemon after gym 6 or 7, not before the Desert Resort.
Very true, I fell behind back in Platinum because I fell for this. I didn't have my full team until I beat Clay. Samurott, Lucario, Crobat, Flygon, Zoroark and Volcarona was what I used.
That's still a little early, but that's quite a good team :) I finally caught a Weavile to finish off my first team after Marlon.
Oh yeah its usually i train a lot sorry
2 votes

Ability: Torrent
- Surf / Aqua Tail
- Waterfall / Cut / Iron Tail
- Megahorn / X-Scissor / Air Slash / Ice Beam
- Revenge / Superpower

A very good starter. Tepig is probably the best starter, but there are many Fire types in the game which are way better than it.

Ability: Inner Focus
- Bite / Dark Pulse
- Acrobatics / Aerial Ace / Fly
- U-turn / X - Scissor / Hidden Power Bug
- Cross Poison / Poison Fang / Sludge Bomb

Unique typing, fast and a powerhouse attacker. Zubat should be caught before the 3rd gym in the Castelia Sewers.
(NOTE: I'd probably stay away from the special moves that Crobat learns, but they're an option)

Ability: Mold Breaker
- Earthquake / Drill Run
- Swords Dance / Home Claws
- Rock Slide / Poison Jab / X-Scissor
- Iron Head / Metal Claw

Great typing, amazing sweeper and it's a freaking mole. What is NOT to like? Catch after the 3rd gym in the Relic Passage.

Ability: Compoundeyes
- Thunder / Thunderbolt
- Bug Buzz / Signal Beam
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Giga Drain / Energy Ball

Amazing ability, boosting Thunder to 91% accuracy, fast and has good Special Attack. Catch in Chargestone Cave after Gym 5. Galvantula and Excadrill make a great core against Skyla.

Ability: Flash Fire / Flame Body
- Flamethrower / Fire Blast / Heat Wave
- Dark Pulse
- Shadow Ball
- Psychic

Great typing, amazing Special Attack and it looks pretty cool. Litwick, its first pre-evolved form, is very easy to catch. Catch Litwick in the Stranger's House after Gym 6. 5 Pokemon before Gym 6 can be a handful.

Ability: Pressure
- Ice Punch / Ice Shard
- Night Slash / Shadow Claw / Foul Play / Beat Up
- X-Scissor / Poison Jab / Swords Dance
- Low Kick / Brick Break / Low Sweep

Sneasel isn't hard to catch and it has a good movepool and high Attack/Speed. Catch it before or after Gym 8 in the Giant Chasm.

A few things I'd like to say about this team:
This team was very successful against the Gyms, Team Plasma and the Elite Four. It also has perfect synergy and covers all types in Black/White 2, which is very handy when facing an opponent one Pokemon can't handle. The Pokemon are caught quite spaced out, so you won't be slipping levels anytime soon in the game.

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These aren't movesets, these are lists of every viable move the Pokemon can learn.
2 votes

- Surf (STAB, good power & accuracy and Surf is needed to complete the game)
- Ice Beam (Coverage)
- Megahorn (For Grass types AND Psychic & Dark Elite 4s)
- Superpower (Coverage)

- Close Combat/Aura Sphere (STAB)
- Flash Cannon (more STAB)
- Rock Slide (Coverage against fire and flying types)
- Extreme Speed (Neutral coverage)

- Flare Blitz (Powerful STAB)
- Crunch (Coverage, always handy to have a Dark type move around)
- Outrage (Powerful neutral coverage)
- Wild Charge (water types)

- Outrage (Powerful STAB)
- Earthquake (More powerful STAB)
- Fly (Needed to travel, good power)
- Fire Punch (those pesky ice types)

- Thunder (STAB, 91% accuracy with ability)
- Bug Buzz (STAB)
- Giga Drain (healing)
- Volt Switch (i know, another Electric move, but it makes Galvantula a good lead off Pokemon for the PWT and other mixed battles (i.e. Ghetsis or Colress))

Reniculus (White 2 only, Gothitelle is a solid alternative)
- Psychic (STAB)
- Shadow Ball (Used for other psychics and ghosts)
- Energy Ball (Coverage)
- Thunder Wave (main tool for catching Pokemon)

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2 votes

This is old, but I can't sleep so I'll answer it anyway

Emboar team

Ability: Blaze
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz (lvl 62) STAB
- Head Smash (lvl 50) Coverage
- Hammer Arm (Relearn) STAB
- Scald (TM 55) Coverage

Alternative: Wild Charge (TM93)

Ability: Sturdy
Modest Nature
- Discharge (lvl 51) STAB
- Flash Cannon (lvl 39) STAB
- Tri Attack (relearn as a Magneton) / Thunder Wave (lvl 15)
- Signal Beam (Tutor)

Ability: Water Absorb / Shell Armor
Nature: Modest / Calm
- Surf (HM) reliable STAB
- Ice Beam (lvl 32) STAB
- Drill Run (tutor) coverage for Electric and Steel types
- Thunderbolt (TM24) or Thunder (TM25)
Other options: Body Slam (lvl 18)

Ability: Moxie
Nature: Jolly / Adamant
- Crunch (lvl 28) STAB
- Earthquake (lvl 54) STAB
- Outrage (lvl 60)
- Superpower (tutor) / Brick Break (TM31) / Stone Edge (TM71) / Rock Slide (TM80)

Ability: Magic Guard
Modest Nature
- Air Slash (lvl 41) STAB
- Psychic (lvl 44) STAB
Take your pick: Ice Beam (TM13), Shadow Ball (TM30), Charge Beam (TM57), Energy Ball (TM53)

Ability: Mold Breaker
Nature: Adamant / Jolly
- Outrage (lvl 66) STAB
- Swords Dance (lvl 53) / Dragon Dance (lvl 33)
- Brick Break (TM31)
- Rock Slide (TM80) / X-Scissor (TM81)
Earthquake (TM26) after the Elite 4

Samurott team

Ability: Torrent
Neutral Nature
- Surf (HM)
- Megahorn (relearn)
- Ice Beam (TM13)
- Superpower (tutor)

Ability: Moxie
Nature: Jolly / Adamant
- Crunch (lvl 28) STAB
- Earthquake (lvl 54) STAB
- Outrage (lvl 60)
- Superpower (tutor) / Brick Break (TM31) / Stone Edge (TM71) / Rock Slide (TM80)

Ability: Sturdy
Modest Nature
- Discharge (lvl 51) STAB
- Flash Cannon (lvl 39) STAB
- Tri Attack (relearn as a Magneton) or Thunder Wave (lvl 15)
- Signal Beam (Tutor)

Ability: Flash Fire / Flame Body
Nature: Modest / Timid
- Shadow Ball (TM30) STAB
- Flamethrower (TM35) STAB
- Energy Ball (TM53) Coverage against Water, Ground, and Rock
- Psychic (TM29) / Calm Mind (TM04)

Heracross @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Guts
Nature: Adamant / Jolly
- Close Combat (lvl 34) STAB
- Megahorn (lvl 46) STAB
- Rock Slide (TM80) Coverage against Flying / Swords Dance (TM75)
- Facade (TM42) Massive power with Guts boost

Ability: Inner Focus
Adamant Nature
- Fly (HM) STAB
- U-turn (TM 89)
- Cross Poison (relearn) or Poison Fang (lvl 42) STAB
- Confuse Ray
Other options are X-Scissor (TM 81) and Zen Headbutt (Tutor)

Serperior team

Ability: Overgrow
Adamant Nature
- Coil (lvl 38)
- Leaf Blade (Lvl 32)
- Outrage (tutor)
- Swords Dance (TM75)
Other Options: Has access to both Reflect (TM33) and Light Screen (TM16), also Aqua Tail (Tutor)

Ability: Moxie
Nature: Jolly / Adamant
- Crunch (lvl 28) STAB
- Earthquake (lvl 54) STAB
- Outrage (lvl 60)
- Superpower (tutor) / Brick Break (TM31) / or Stone Edge (TM71) / Rock Slide (TM80)

Ability: Sturdy
Modest Nature
- Discharge (lvl 51) STAB
- Flash Cannon (lvl 39) STAB
- Tri Attack (relearn as a Magneton) or Thunder Wave (lvl 15)
- Signal Beam (Tutor)

Ability: Inner Focus
Adamant Nature
- Fly (HM) STAB
- U-turn (TM 89)
- Cross Poison (relearn) / Poison Fang (lvl 42) STAB
- Confuse Ray
Other options are X-Scissor (TM 81) and Zen Headbutt (Tutor)

Ability: Natural Cure
Modest Nature
- Ice Beam (TM13)
- Surf (HM) STAB
- Psychic ((TM29) STAB
- Thunderbolt (TM24) / Thunder (TM25)

Ability: Sheer Force
Adamant Nature
- Fire Punch (Lvl 22) STAB and boosted by Sheer Force
- Rock Slide (TM80) Coverage (boosted with Sheer Force)
- Superpower (level 47) Power and this team lacks a Fighting type
- U-turn (TM89) Easy getaway / Bulldoze (boosted by Sheer Force)

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2 votes

This is for White 2 only!!

Samurott @ Never-Melt Ice
Ability: Torrent
- Ice Beam: TM13 in Giant Chasm
- Hydro Pump: Level 62
- Megahorn: Move Reminder
- Superpower: Move Tutor in Lentimas Town for 10 Blue Shards

Your everyday mixed sweeper, which Samurott was built for. Yawn. This set has STAB, coverage, and a strong Ice move (great for Iris, Cynthia and Benga).

Lucario @ Focus Sash
Ability: Steadfast / Inner Focus doesn't matter
- Aura Sphere : Level 51
- Extreme Speed : Level 65
- Earthquake : TM26 from Route 15
- Stone Edge : TM71 from Twist Mountain

This set takes a while to get, especially Stone Edge, but it maximizes Lucario's ability as a physical sweeper. Then why do I have Aura Sphere? Because Steel types have much higher Def than SpDef, making Aura Sphere a much more helpful move especially because it never misses.

Magnezone @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
- Thunderbolt : TM24 from Victory Road
- Flash Cannon : TM91 from Twist Mountain
- Hyper Beam : TM15 from Shopping Mall 9 for 90k pokedollars
- Toxic : TM06 from Seaside Cave

Lots of TMs, I know. But honestly Magnezone just doesn't learn a whole lot of great moves for late in the game. The first two are STAB, and Hyper Beam is strong neutral coverage. Toxic is a bit of a filler, Magnet Rise is another good move to use. Leftovers is to maximize his use as a special tank.

Braviary @ Life Orb
Ability: Defiant
- Superpower : Level 51
- Brave Bird : Level 63
- Giga Impact : TM68 from Shopping Mall 9 for 90k pokedollars
- Shadow Claw : TM65 from Celestial Tower

Did someone ask for a physical sweeper? Cuz I did. With the ability Defiant, your opponents help you beat them even more quickly. It can be really, really helpful. Brave Bird and Giga Impact are STAB, while Superpower and Shadow Claw allow you to take out a wide variety of annoying opponents.

Zoroark @ Black Glasses / Wide Lens
Ability: Illusion
- Night Daze : Level 64
- Flamethrower : TM35 from Route 23
- Dig : TM28 from Route 4
- Focus Blast : TM52 from Wellspring Cave

This guy is a baller in-game. Great Spd and SpAtk, with pretty good Att to boot, makes Zoroark the perfect play. Illusion isn't a great ability, but used correctly can work as damage control for a move or two. Night Daze is fantastic STAB, which I prefer over Foul Play both for the accuracy drop and that many Psychic/Ghost types don't have big Atk stats. Flamethrower and Focus Blast hit lots of things for lots of damage. Dig is a bit of a filler, but its always nice to have another Ground move on the squad. Also, if you didn't know, Zoroark will get boosted EXP points because you trade him from N. How great is that?

Volcarona @ Expert Belt
Ability: Flame Body
- Heat Wave : Level 60
- Bug Buzz : Level 70
- Giga Drain : Move Tutor in Humilau City for 10 Yellow Shards
- Psychic : TM29 from Route 13

The special sweeper of all special sweepers, at least in game. Not only does Volcarona boast fantastic Spd and SpAtk, but its movepool is so large and varied it can hit almost everything super effectively (hence the Expert Belt). If you can get there, which I haven't yet, Volcarona learns Hurricane (Level 90) and Fiery Dance (Level 100), two OP moves that you should totally have. The set I currently run has two STABs, the ever-useful Giga Drain and Marshal's-worst-nightmare Psychic. There's honestly dozens of amazing sets you can run on Volcarona, this is just the one I chose.

Just as a warning, only use this team if you want to destroy every trainer you can find. Have fun!

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Is this team supposed to be pre-elite 4, because TM26, TM71, and TM91 are only available post-game.
A very good team
2 votes

Emboar @ Life Orb / Charcoal / Choice Band / Choice Scarf / Leftovers
Ability: Blaze
- Flare Blitz
- Wild Charge
- Hammer Arm / Brick Break / Superpower
- Rock Slide / Flame Charge (only on non choice sets)

This set uses Emboar's excellent base 123 Attack to tear apart the opposition. Emboar also has the HP to handle the recoil from these attacks just fine. Flame Charge may seem like an odd choice, but it lets Emboar boost his Speed while still being able to switch moves. Just remember that you'll be wanting the weaker Brick Break if you use this move, as Hammer Arm cancels the Speed gains, while Superpower tends to force you to switch.

Emboar @ Choice Specs / Charcoal / Leftovers / Wide Lens / Zoom Lens
Ability: Blaze
- Flamethrower / Fire Blast
- Scald
- Focus Blast
- Grass Knot

Explanation: Emboar's Special Attack and Special movepool are also quite useable. Take your pick of Fire STAB between Flamethrower and Fire Blast. Flamethrower has perfect accuracy and good PP, but Fire Blast has even more kick, and its 85% accuracy is actually quite reliable. Focus Blast is a powerful special Fighting type move, but its accuracy is pretty bad, at only 70%. Scald and Grass Knot both provide coverage, with Scald providing a way to inflict burn status as well.

Lucario @ Life Orb / Expert Belt / Leftovers
Ability: Steadfast / Inner Focus
- Close Combat / Aura Sphere
- Shadow Claw / Shadow Ball
- Swords Dance / Dragon Pulse
- Thunder Punch / Ice Punch / Extreme Speed / Nasty Plot

Explanation: You can really pick and choose between the moves listed here, though Nasty Plot is only available as Riolu at level 47. Fighting/Ghost scores perfect neutral coverage, so you can even throw an HM in the last slot for utility, and not miss out on any neutral hits.

Espeon @ Leftovers / Life Orb / Twisted Spoon
Ability: Synchronize
- Psychic / Psyshock
- Signal Beam
- Shadow Ball / Work Up
- Morning Sun / Hyper Voice / Hyper Beam

Explanation: Espeon has an amazing base 130 Special Attack, so an offensive role is a natural fit. The choice of STAB is a matter of preference: higher Base power or the ability to hit Specially bulky Pokemon? Signal Beam gets excellent neutral coverage with Psychic STAB, and Shadow Ball can hit Ghosts hard. Work Up is the best boosting option available before the post game, Morning Sun is healing, Hyper Voice is another special option, and Hyper Beam can be a last resort panic move.

Espeon @ Leftovers / Heat Rock / Twisted Spoon / Light Clay
Ability: Synchronize
- Psychic / Psyshock
- Morning Sun
- Sunny Day / Reflect / Light Screen / Baton Pass
- Signal Beam / Reflect / Light Screen / Work Up / Substitute

Explanation: The screens allow Espeon to boost the whole team's defenses, and Sunny Day is there to support Emboar and increase recovery from Morning Sun. Baton Pass can be used to give another Pokemon stat boosts or a substitute, but it is less useful than it would be with access to Calm Mind.

Braviary @ Life Orb / Leftovers / Silk Scarf / Sharp Beak / Choice Band / Choice Scarf
Ability: Keen Eye / Sheer Force / Defiant
- Brave Bird
- Return
- Shadow Claw / Superpower
- U-turn / Roost / Rock Slide

Explanation: An amazing physical Attacker. Brave Bird and Return for STAB, and then just pick some coverage moves. The ability Defiant is the icing on the cake, giving you +2 Attack whenever someone tries to lower your stats.

Roserade @ Black Sludge / Life Orb / Heat Rock
Ability: Natural Cure / Poison Point
- Sunny Day
- Giga Drain
- Weather Ball
- Shadow Ball / Sludge Bomb

Explanation: Powerful Special Attacker, and another Pokemon to use Sunny Day. Giga Drain is STAB and recovery, Weather Ball becomes a base 100 power Fire move in Sun, and the choice between Shadow Ball and Sludge Bomb is between more coverage or secondary STAB.

Lapras @ anything
Ability: Water Absorb / Shell Armor
- Waterfall
- Ice Shard
- Body Slam
- Drill Run

Lapras @ anything
Ability: Water Absorb / Shell Armor
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Brine / Psychic

Lapras @ Leftovers / Rocky Helmet
Ability: Water Absorb / Shell Armor
- Confuse Ray
- Body Slam
- Waterfall
- Sing / Rest / some Ice attack / Attract

Explanation: Not only does Lapras provide the third part of our Fire/Water/Grass core (so you can swap out for your starter with minimal changes), it also gives some much needed bulk to the team. It learns a variety of useful attacks and status moves, allowing quite a bit of free range in how you use it. The physical set focuses on the excellent neutral coverage of Ice/Ground combined with the equally good Normal/Water. The Special Set focuses more on hitting super effectively, with Brine being an option for the last slot as a finisher for opponents under 50% HP, which doubles the power of Brine. The third set is for those who prefer debilitating the opponent to outright KOing them, with a combination of Paralysis, Confusion, Flinching, and even Attract if you wish, to leave the foe utterly helpless.

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Hold up Spindash64. I have a problem with the team. Why did you use BOTH Emboar and Lucario? You should sub one out for this an Ampharos at least and use this set:
Ampharos @Magnet
Modest Nature
Static Ability
Signal Beam
Power Gem
Thunder Wave

I say this because with thunderwave crippling speed and a magnet boosting t-bolt's power, your opponent will never move. *insert evil laugh of smugness*
2 votes

A Snivy based team, made for Black 2 with movesets specified for the Elite Four.

Serperior @ Big Root
Ability: Overgrow

  • Leech Seed (Lv. 20)
  • Giga Drain (Lv. 44)
  • Leaf Blade (Lv. 32)
  • Dragon Pulse (Move Tutor, Lentimas Town)

Leech Seed is to stall your opponent out and get free HP. Giga Drain is special STAB and also gives free HP. Leaf Blade is powerful Physical STAB and Dragon Pulse is special coverage and great against the champion.

Azumarill @ Quick Claw
Ability: Huge Power

  • Waterfall (HM08, Victory Road)
  • Ice Punch (Move Tutor, Driftveil City)
  • Superpower (Lv. 42)
  • Rain Dance (Lv. 35)

Waterfall is Physical STAB, Ice Punch is good Grass and Dragon coverage and Superpower is powerful coverage as well. Rain Dance is nice to set up and powers up Water moves.

Arcanine @ Charcoal
Ability: Intimidate

  • Flamethrower (Growlithe, Lv. 34)
  • Outrage (Growlithe, Lv. 43)
  • Crunch (Growlithe, Lv. 39)
  • Extremespeed (Heart Scale)

While this moveset is very difficult to get, it is so worth it in the end and you end up with one of the best Fire-types in the game. Flamethrower is powerful special STAB. Outrage and Crunch are both great coverage and Extremespeed is very powerful +2 priority.

Magnezone @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy

  • Thunderbolt (TM24, Victory Road)
  • Flash Cannon (Lv. 39)
  • Reflect (TM33, Nimbasa City)
  • Thunder Wave (Lv. 15)

Thunderbolt and Flash Cannon are powerful STAB. Reflect raises defense and Thunder Wave is a helpful move that really cripples the opponents.

Crobat @ Black Sludge
Ability: Inner Focus

  • Fly (HM02, Route 5)
  • Shadow Ball (TM30, Reversal Mountain)
  • Toxic (TM06, Seaside Cave)
  • Confuse Ray (Lv. 19)

Fly is physical STAB. Shadow Ball is coverage and for Psychic-types. Toxic can stall out the opponent and Confuse Ray makes him hit way less.

Espeon @ TwistedSpoon
Ability: Synchronize

  • Psychic (Lv.37)
  • Shadow Ball (TM30, Reversal Mountain)
  • Signal Beam (Move Tutor, Driftveil City)
  • Light Screen (TM16, Nimbasa City)

Psychic is STAB, Shadow Ball and Signal Beam both cover a weakness each. Light Screen raises Special Defense for the entire team.

Another great thing about this team is that all Pokemon are catchable before the 3rd gym, so you have a complete team by then.

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I’m not saying your team is bad or anything, but 6 Pokémon before the third team is way too much. Unless you grind a lot, you’d get really underlevled.
2 votes

I went through the game and am at the E4 currently, this team has done really well after a bit of grinding on Audino.

Serperior @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Overgrow
Naughty Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Coil
- Giga Drain
- Leech seed

This is the sweeper of the team. You'll only ever really need Leaf Blade because of its fantastic Attack and Speed, but the other options are nice to have for HP and set up. Leaf Blade and Giga Drain are STAB, Leech Seed is if you need a bit of extra health or whittle down an enemy, and Coil is for setting up. Tangrowth is a good substitute for this if you want to ditch your starter.

Lucario @ Life Orb
Ability: Inner Focus
Naive Nature
- Close Combat
- Aura Sphere
- Ice Punch
- Swords Dance / Dragon Pulse

Lucario is a fan favorite and for good reason. It's great! Aura Sphere is a STAB special move that can save you if in need of hitting an accuracy spammer. Close Combat is STAB and can hit something really hard. Ice Punch is for those damn dragons you'll see often thrown around in the game and the Ground types that'll hit you with that nasty Earthquake. Swords Dance is for set up, but if you chose Dragon Pulse then it's essentially a combination of Ice Punch and Aura Sphere. Mienshao is a good substitute if you're willing to try and find it.

Arcanine @ Expert Belt
Ability: Intimidate
Adamant Nature
- Outrage
- Crunch
- Flamethrower
- Strength/Dig

The second sweeper of our team, and also the VERY reliable Fire type. I didn't use this little guy too much, but he's very useful. Flamethrower is STAB and hits very hard, especially on a special EV Arcanine. Crunch is for good power and some coverage, Dig is used for coverage, Strength is for utility and is decently powered, and Outrage is for those pesky dragons. Magmortar and Volcarona are good substitutes if you want more coverage or a dual type.

Flygon @ Dragon Plate / Dragon Fang
Ability: Levitate
Quiet Nature
- Rock Slide
- Earthpower
- Dragon Claw
- Fly

The slow, bulky, and powerful as hell flyer and Dragon/Ground type. This is one of my favorite Pokemon. It's got great power, gets good typing, a great Ability, and some good moves. Dragon Claw and Earth Power are STAB and hit REALLY hard. Rock Slide is coverage, and Fly is for utility. Haxorus is a good substitute if you want to use it as well, just make sure you have a Flying type.

Reuniclus @ TwistedSpoon
Ability: Magic Guard
Bashful Nature
- Psychic
- Recover
- Hidden Power [Electric]
- Shadow Ball

This thing takes ASS loads of abuse and chucks it right back at you like the Heavy from TF2. Psychic is great STAB, Shadow Ball gives you decent coverage, Recover is for stalling and recovering HP, and Hidden Power is for coverage. Electric came very handy for me. Espeon is a good substitute if you want something with better Speed.

Jellicent (M)
Ability: Cursed Body
Quirky Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Surf
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam

I love Jellicent. Not just because when I first saw it I thought it was literally the guy from Monopoly, but because it's so great. Ghost/Water is a fantastic type giving it great coverage power. Hydro Pump and Shadow Ball are for STAB, and Surf is for utility and also STAB. Ice Beam is for coverage and those god damn dragons. This is one powerful little Pokemon. Vaporeon and Lapras are also good substitutes for this if you aren't willing to use it for whatever reasons.

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2 votes

Providing teams for all starters.

Emboar team: [Emboar / Magnezone / Crobat / Krookodile / Sawsbuck/ Starmie]
Samurott team: [Samurott / Magnezone / Crobat / Krookodile / Sawsbuck / Arcanine]
Serperior team: [Serperior / Magnezone / Crobat / Krookodile / Arcanine / Starmie]

Fire types:

Emboar Arcanine

Ability: Blaze
- Hammer Arm
- Flamethrower / Heat Crash / Flare Blitz
- Rock Slide [TM]/ Head Smash
- Flame Charge / Wild Charge [TM]

This guy hits pretty heavy hard (doesn't sound nice I guess). Hammer Arm is an awesome STAB. Choose your fire stab, preferably Flare Blitz if you don't mind recoil. Rock Slide or Head Smash for Flying coverage, latter one is preferred if you don't mind recoil. Flame Charge to raise speed, or Wild Charge for Water coverage if you don't mind recoil.

Ability: Flash Fire / Intimidate (latter is preferred)
- Flare Blitz / Flamethrower / Heat Wave
- Extremespeed
- Crunch / Strength
- Wild Charge / Outrage

A great fire type if you didn't choose Emboar. If you don't have patience to get Flare Blitz until lvl 45, you can evolve it right away at lvl 34 to get both Flamethrower and Extremespeed w/o Heart Scale. Extremespeed is priority needed for in-game. Wild Charge is for Water coverage. The rest is for neutral coverage. Outrage is needed for Iris and Drayden, while Crunch is for supporting Krookodile to defeat Caitlin and Grimsley.

Water types:

Samurott Starmie

Ability: Torrent
- Megahorn
- Surf
- Dive -> Waterfall / Aqua Jet
- Ice Beam / Swords Dance

Surf is great stab. Megahorn is neutral coverage. Aqua Jet for pre game, HMs for post game. Ice beam for grass coverage and Swords Dance to boost Waterfall or Megahorn.

Ability: Illuminate / Nature Cure (latter is preferred, it is the matter of luck)
- Surf
- Recover
- Ice Beam
- Psychic

Have an HM slave (ducklet) until you catch it near Undella Town (bubbles). Starmie is a great asset to your team to beat E4, sweeping Marshal and half of Iris' team. Surf and Psychic are STAB. Ice Beam is coverage. Recover to heal yourself.

Grass types:

Serperior Sawsbuck

Ability: Overgrow
- Coil / Swords Dance / Growth
- Leaf Blade
- Return
- Dragon Tail / Aqua Tail / Dragon Pulse

An excellent 'mon competitvely, since it gets Contrary as its Hidden Ability and learns leaf storm. But you don't have the patience to get its HA. But still it will be excellent with Boosts by Coil or Swords Dance. Leaf Blade is Stab. Return has High power with high friendship. Dragon Tail and Dragon Pulse is neutral coverage, the latter available in Lentimas Town Move Tutor in the cost of 10 Blue Shards (difficult to obtain I guess), but is useful to sweep Drayden and Iris. Aqua Tail is Fire coverage (8 Blue Shards, same location).

Ability: Chlorophyll / Sap Sipper
- Horn Leech
- Jump Kick
- Megahorn
- Giga Impact

Swasbuck is Jack of all trades, but not master of none. It has very wide movepool. Jump Kick and Megahorn are just neutral coverage. Horn Leech is Stab + Recovery and Giga Impact to end battles decicively.



Crobat @ Nothing
Ability: Inner Focus
- Fly
- Acrobatics
- Cross Poison / Venoshock
- Heat Wave / Toxic

Crobat is an interesting choice. You can't miss stab aCROBATics learnt very early right? Fly is useful HM. Cross Poison is also good Stab. Heat Wave so that you wouldn't be walled by a steel type, though you require 10 yellow shards. Toxic + Venoshock is also a good Combo.

Dark type:


Ability: Intimidate / Moxie (Latter is must, I'll say the reason later)
- Foul Play
- Crunch
- Dig -> Earthquake
- Brick Break / Outrage / Strength

Though it is of "Intimidation species", I wouldn't advice you to have its ability as Intimidate because of Foul Plsy, which Drayden's and Iris' Haxorus is weak to. Mainly for them only. Crunch and Earthquake are STAB. The rest are neutral coverage.

Electric type:


Ability: Magnet Pull / Sturdy (latter is preferred)
- Discharge --> Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Tri Attack / Flash Cannon
- Mirror Coat / Magnet Rise

You can ask why an electric type when you already have a grass type? Why not galvantula? Obviously, Galvantula is better than magnezone, but Magnezone (Magnemite) is a STEEL type and mainly useful for Roxie, and is obtained earlier. Thunder Wave makes up for its low speed. Discharge is a decent stab with solid chance of paralysis. Thunder Wave in case you can't wait for Paralysis chance of Discharge. Mirror Coat is good against Special attackers. Magnet Rise to avoid the ground type moves, though there are very few Ground types after it learns Magnet Rise. Tri Attack is neutral coverage, and Flash Cannon is decent stab and obtained post game.

Hope this helps :)

Excuse me you can have a better Flyer than Crobat, both Flygon and Unfezant is good choice, Braviary or Mandibuzz is very nice event pokemon, and sigilyph is a great special flyer, crobat is not bad, but it's typing is not good at all.
Stab acrobatics was the main focus here. Archeops is the only other flyer who gets this move. I agree with your statement though.
1 vote

So far I'm doing a playthrough of B&W2 atm, and this is my endgame team. The Pokemon I'm using are as below:

Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Ability: Hydration
Modest Nature
- Rain Dance
- Surf
- Rest
- Shadow Ball / Ice Beam

Shadow Ball for coverage and Ice Beam to get rid of those pesky dragons. it is also your surfer and does well at it!

Scrafty @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Moxie
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Rest
- Crunch
- Brick Break / Close Combat

Capable of taking down anyone as a physical sweeper, my personal favourite :)

Chandelure @ Quick Claw
Ability: Flame Body
Modest Nature
- Pain Split
- Shadow Ball
- Energy Ball
- Minimize

Tanky special sweeper that makes it hard to survive a long battle against.

Eelektross @ Expert Belt
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Doesn't matter
- Thunder
- Drain Punch
- Facade
- Aqua Tail

There is a reason that I have this moveset. If I use Vaporeon before I send out this beast, Thunder has STAB + 100% accuracy because of the rain, and Aqua Tail now has boosted power as well. Drain Punch is to gain HP back (which is why the +Attack nature helps) and Facade is because 9/10 times the only way to take this machine down is with poison, or burn or paralysis, this makes the status condition backfire on them bigtime ;) There is a method to my madness! Even without the rain it's still a very powerful Pokemon that will rely on luck with the Thunder, so worth it.

Roserade @ Big Root / Miracle Seed
Ability: Natural Cure
Nature: Modest / Timid
- Toxic
- Venoshock
- Giga Drain
- Leech Seed / Grass Whistle

This ismy shredder! if I come across a Pokemon with high HP or defense, this is what I turn to. Toxic to Venoshock is always a powerful combo + STAB makes it stronger, and then Giga Drain for HP and STAB, all around great move, and finally Leech Seed / Grass Whistle, Leech Seed + Toxic= massive damage per turn plus your attack, and you get more HP back with the Big Root. Or you can use Grass Whistle to save yourself from fainting and giving yourself some HP for a couple of turns. cheeky hey :P

Flygon @ Lum Berry
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Jolly / Adamant
- Outrage
- Stone Edge
- Fly
- Roost

Flygon has been a favourite since it came out in Gen 3. Outrage is ridiculously strong with the Lum Berry (no consequence of confusion! >.<). Stone Edge has high crit chance and takes care of the other weakness, Ice! (4x super effective) Fly purely because you cant have Flygon without Fly ;) and it gives good coverage. and stalls out a battle. Roost because who doesn't like a good heal on a Pokemon!? :P

Now those that have read this may be wondering why I don't have a starter in this team?
Thats because I find the starters to scale out late into the game and don't have the play style that I enjoy, although if I was to use a starter in this team, I would swap out Roserade for this:

Serperior @ Scope Lens
Ability: Overgrow
Nature: Adamant
- Coil
- Aqua Tail
- Iron Tail / Synthesis
- Leaf Blade

I have fiddled around with all the starters in Black and White, and found Serperior to be the most successful. I have tried a Special Attack based one and it didn't even compare to the power of this one. Aqua Tail and Iron Tail both get benefits from Coil in the accuracy department, (and take out 2 of your weaknesses Fire and Ice) and Leaf Blade for STAB. With the Scope Lens, if that thing crits, it will hurt! Finally Synthesis is to help out with the Coil, if the opponent is hitting you hard, and its another heal, I like heals :)

This is my personal favourite team and all of my Pokemon have great survivability which makes versing "glass cannon" Pokemon like Mienshao and Lucario fun! Very fun, and if you use Marriland's Black and White 2 Team Builder, you will find that this team has great coverage (can hit every type super effectively) and has good defensive stats.
Thanks! I hope this helped a lot to anyone reading <3

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Why does serperior have five moves?
GarchompFTW, I think it has five moves because you can choose to put either Aqua Tail or Iron Tail.
better trade aqua tail with aerial ace, aqual tail will only cover fire, and most of the times you will use another pokemon to deal with fire types, an flying move can make it more versatile and also cover against bug pokemon. With coil improving his defense and ofense, aerial ace even become stronger easy,
1 vote

This team is for all those who chose Serperior like I did.
This is a team for Black 2 only.

Serperior @ Leftovers

Ability: Overgrow
Brave Nature
- Coil
- Leaf Blade
- Aqua Tail
- Return

The best Serprior moveset on this post. Coil to up stats that Serperiors aren't that high in, like Defence or Attack. Leaf Blade for STAB,it'll probably be the only Grass type move on the team, and it's like Flamethrower and Surf because of power and PP. Aqua Tail because of Emboar and other Fire types. Return because she'll like you because she's your starter, which means she'll have max happiness, boosting this move's power.

Excadrill @ Lum Berry

Ability: Sturdy
Impish Nature
- Swords Dance
- Stealth Rock
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake

Steel is a sub for a Rock Pokemon, but can get all of the moves I would've wanted on a Rock Pokemon. Swords Dance is for improving some of Excadrill's stats that aren't that strong. Stealth Rock is to set up my only hazard and with Excadrill being 2nd in my party, this hazard will hurt a lot of the other team's Pokemon. Rock Slide I need for type coverage, and it's probably the only Rock move I'll get out of this team. Earthquake is STAB, and has a very good range of type coverage.

Lapras @ Water Gem

Ability: Shell Armor
Rash Nature
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Body Slam
- Psychic

I know it takes a while to get to Undella Bay, but until then, you can replace Lapras with Vaporeon. Ice Beam is STAB and is good when you wan a move with high PP. Surf is also STAB and you need to surf outside of battle! I was thinking of putting Outrage in this spot but Ice Beam covers Dragon. Body Slam I put in here because it's strong and has a nice chance of paralysis. Psychic I put here for Fighting types who think they can defeat my Lapras with Close Combat. Plus this is the only Psychic move on the team.

Flareon @ Quick Claw

Ability: Flash Fire
Calm Nature
- Flamethrower
- Iron Tail
- Superpower
- Double Team

This will be my Fire type on this team. Flamethrower I prefer over Fire Blast, Lava Plume, or Overheat because of it's total PP, 15 PP for a 90 power move, I'll take it any day, but you can't forget the STAB. It'll also probably be the only Fire type move. Iron Tail because Excadrill's moveset was filled up with other moves it didn't have space for. Superpower because this team doesn't have many Fighting types and I'm certainly not picking Rock Smash. Double Team can be very useful and believe it or not, it can annoy the heck out of your opponent.

Mandibuzz @ Dark Gem

Ability: Overcoat
Adamant Nature
- Payback
- U-turn
- Fly
- Roost

Mandibuzz with a Dark Gem! Powerful! This guy is mostly for the E4. Payback to cover Psychic and Ghost types, plus STAB, and an extra bonus because somebody probably fainted already. U-turn for secondary Psychic coverage, and coverage of one of it's own types, dark. Fly is STAB, beats Fighting types in the E4 like Mienshao, and with one of Mandibuzz's types being Flying, Fighting is only regularly effective. Roost for the recovery.

Galvantula @ Light Clay

Ability: Compound Eyes
Nature: Doesn't matter
- X-Scissor
- Thunder
- Light Screen
- Substitute

Galvantula. I took this guy because of his second type, Bug. X-Scissor is STAB, and the only Bug type move on this team other than Mandibuzz's U-turn. Thunder is STAB, and I admire it for it's 10 PP on a 120 power move . Light Screen because of it's helpfulness in Special Defence and with the Light Clay, the turn total of this lasting is 8. I use this move because Galvantula will usually be my last hope Pokemon, meaning my last in a battle. Substitute is good for a final Pokemon and Light Screen helps make it last.

Well, that's it! Hope it's a great team!

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Flareon is a bad option...
Flareon is the worst of the eeveelutions and mandibuzz without weak armour you have to wait until level 54 or somthing
I hate that flareon sucks.... its sooo cute! this set is meh.
Yes! Someone else uses Aqua Tail on Serperior too!!!
well, flareon...suck and an overcoat mandibuzz?
you can use arcanine instead and your mandibuzz should be weak armor (or you want to train it to lv 54 to evolve)
1 vote

I went through many Pokemon in BW2, avoiding the use of legendaries and more frequently used Pokemon, and these six proved themselves worthy. Ive noticed a lot of people used Emboar. You know what I call those people? Smart.

Emboar @ Expert Belt
Ability: Blaze
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Hammer Arm
- Stone Edge / Earthquake
- Wild Charge

This guy is one destructive Lucha libre. He works best as a pure attacker, as he has a good move pool and the stats to back it. He can also run special attacks, but mine had an Adamant Nature so yeah the attacks above were the way to go. The first two are obvious STAB, while Stone Edge and Wild Charge provide coverage.


Magnezone @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
Calm Nature
- Magnet Rise
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Tri Attack / Thunder Wave

Literally every one of my friends chose Oshawott as their starter and had Lucario on their team, so I made it my mission to use another early game Steel type. I got through many battles using it alone with those thirteen awesome resistances. Magnet Rise removes that awful weakness to Ground while Thunderbolt and Flash Cannon are STAB. The last slot goes to either Tri Attack for Electric types or Thunder Wave for status.


Reuniclus @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
Bold Nature
- Psychic
- Focus Blast
- Calm Mind
- Recover

Everyone's favorite fetus proved to be one heck of a bulky sweeper. She's (yes it's a female) pretty simple. Calm Mind to boost, Recover when you're, hurt and break things.


Jellicent @ Leftovers / Splash Plate
Ability: Water Absorb
Modest Nature
- Surf
- Shadow Ball
- Will-O-Wisp
- Recover / Ice Beam

With all the sea routes, you need a surfer in your main team, and Jellicent was mine. She was mainly bulky support but every once in a while she helped offensively. Surf and Shadow Ball are the STABs, with Will-O-Wisp adding status and either Recover or Ice Beam rounding out the set with bulk or coverage respectively.


Haxorus: Draco Plate / Choice Scarf (PWT)
Ability: Mold Breaker
Jolly Nature
- Outrage
- Brick Break / Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance / Dragon Claw (PWT)

This guy is so OP it's not even funny. He and Magnezone are the typical stars. Normally I run a Dragon Dance set but in PWT I give him a Choice Scarf to defeat faster threats, specifically opposing Dragons, without setup. Outrage and Dragon Claw are STAB while Earthquake and Brick Break deal with Steel types. Dragon Dance boosts.

And last but certainly not least:

Ability: Hyper Cutter
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Acrobatics
- Toxic
- Roost

The bulky bat scorpion brought an appreciated Ground immunity to the team. He and Magnezone have good synergy. He serves as a physical bulky attacker as well as a physical hit taker. Sometimes I throw Leftovers on him and replace Acrobatics with Stone Edge. Flying and Ground get good coverage anyway and Toxic is always handy. Roost is for healing (obviously).

Well that's what I did, and it made the game a breeze. Hope it helped.

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Note: If you did not choose tepig, darmanitan should be a suitable sub. As for you white two players, try to trade for reuniclus or use gothitelle
Or you can have Arcanine in place of Emboar. It learns Outrage as a Growlithe at level 43 and you can find it in Virbank Complex. It can also learn quite a bit of coverage moves as well, but that's just my opinion though.
* Magnet Rise is usually a waste of time on Magnezone, especially when it requires you to farm Shards to teach it. Signal Beam is better coverage (and you can get free Red Shards from a man in Nimbasa City), so it's typically better than Magnet Rise. In addition, a Calm Nature is inferior to Modest, though it doesn't matter much in-game.

* For Reuniclus, Focus Blast is a terrible move in-game. It should be replaced with Signal Beam or Shadow Ball for Psychic and Ghost if going with Shadow Ball, and Dark if going with Signal Beam. Recover is also pretty useless in a game where you have access to healing items, so it could be replaced with Hidden Power or Psyshock to save on Psychic PP -- though this change is less important than removing Focus Blast.

* You can consider replacing Will-O-Wisp with Energy Ball on Jellicent, but it depends on your interactions with physical attackers and Water types. The TMs can be swapped as needed, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue to change what works.

* Earthquake is postgame in Black/White 2. Bulldoze is your best option for a Ground type move until you beat the game, but moves like Shadow Claw and Rock Slide are also options.

* Toxic is a waste of time and should be replaced with an attacking move like Sky Uppercut or Brick Break to help against Ice types. Roost is also questionable when healing items are available, and it can easily be replaced with something like U-turn or Quick Attack.
1 vote

Okay then, I'm doing an Oshawott based team this time. Pre Elite Four only. Let's begin!

Samurott @ Mystic Water
- Surf
- Aqua Jet
- Megahorn
- Ice Beam

Okay, here is Samurott, your starter. Samurott is a mixed attacker able to use HMs like Surf and Waterfall. But when you're preparing for the Elite Four, I suggest you to use a Heart Scale to remember Aqua Jet instead of Waterfall. So Surf is STAB, Aqua jet is priority, Megahorn for Grimsley and Caitlin and Ice Beam for Iris and Grass types.

Magnezone @ Magnet
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Thunder Wave
- Reflect / Light Screen

Next up is Magnezone. You obtain it early on and it's possibly the best Electric type in the game. So Thunderbolt and Flash Cannon are STAB, Thunder Wave to paralyze things and Reflect or Light Screen are great supporting moves and you can switch between them depending on the battle.

Crobat @ Leftovers
Moveset 1
- Air Slash
- Dark Pulse
- Giga Drain
- Heat Wave

Moveset 2
- Fly
- X-Scissor
- Zen Headbutt
- Return

All right here is Crobat, this team's flier. This Crobat has two sets: one special and one physical. So I made two sets for you to choose because Crobat's movepool is bigger specially but it has higher physical attack. So the two sets contain Fying STAB and just some other fitting moves. Oh, and I don't need any Poison STAB because Flying already covers Grass types.

Krookodile @ Expert Belt
- Earthquake
- Crunch
- Rock Slide
- Brick Break

Ladies and Gentlemen! Krookodile. This thing is powerful. So, Earthquake and Crunch are powerful STABs, Rock Slide and Brick break are coverage. Not much else to say. He will destroy Shauntal and Caitlin!

Chandelure @ Charcoal
- Flamethrower
- Shadow Ball
- Energy Ball
- Psychic

It's Chandelure, with its beastly Special Attack it is possibly the best Ghost type and best Fire type in the game. So just as Krookodile it has two STAB moves and two coverage moves.

Mienshao @ Flying Gem / Normal Gem
- Hi Jump Kick
- Drain Punch
- Fake Out
- Acrobatics

Lastly we have Mienshao. This Pokemon has a lot of variety which is why he's on this team. So first we have its risky STAB Hi Jump Kick and its more reliable STAB Drain Punch. Then it has Fake Out for some free damage and Acrobatics for coverage.

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* X-Scissor is a viable alternative to Megahorn if you don't like inaccurate moves.

* I don't think Reflect/Light Screen are justifiable in-game. If you want Magnezone to have a more offensive presence, consider Signal Beam (if you want to spend the Shards) or Tri Attack instead.

* It would be a remarkably inefficient use of time to grind for 30 Shards for Crobat's special moveset. Consider Shadow Ball over Dark Pulse. Other than that, Venoshock, U-turn, and Fly are the only other vaguely helpful moves that a Crobat might want.

* 8 Blue Shards for Zen Headbutt isn't a good use of time, especially when Crobat already has Fly for Marshal. You could replace it with itemless Acrobatics for stronger Flying STAB.

* Brick Break is not worth the time taken to grind BP. I prefer Strength for its neutral damage and overworld utility.

* At this point I'm just being nitpicky, but U-turn is also quite good on Mienshao. If you're finding that two STAB moves is inefficient, consider replacing whichever one you use less.